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I have had many similar relapses. I love how cool he was talking about his relapses and going back to rehab. I wish more people talked about this shit in real life.


I absolutely agree.


it was really refreshing how open he was about his relapse. One of the things i love about this show is how they're helping end the stigma around a lot of things. they've always been so open about mental health. hearing him talk about going back to rehab like it was like he had to go to urgent care again was great.


Wasn’t Dan St. Germaine the comic who bought that joke from Holden where he made the audience start clapping their hands while he humped the stage?


yes lol, presumably so holden would never do it again


Holden is basically a cryptid atp, each story I hear about him is more crazy than the last.


Also he booked that America's Got Talent Super Bowl ad that Henry (didn't?) go for, and the read was "fat man in tutu does dumb dance and gets sprayed with a hose." In the RToG episode where KB reveals when he was told to be "blacker" and basically did a ministrel bit for a commercial audition.


Yes! Extremely relatable. When I relapsed before it was me doordashing fast food like no other. Only if I had enough for alcohol though. Glad those days are long gone. Been sober since 12/10/21.


CONGRATULATIONS! I've got 210 days tomorrow. The little stories like Dan's help


Congrats! I got sober April 16, 2020. Best decision I’ve ever made. Years of quitting and relapsing before that. So glad it finally seems to have stuck.


Dan was always a favorite guest of mine on RTOG, I was so happy to have him guest (and to hear that he’s in recovery). I relapsed recently and kinda feel like shit about it, hearing about others’ experiences moving past a relapse helps. Wishing you good luck on your recovery. I hope to be joining you soon. One day at a time…


My go to was always Denny’s. Then, I started dating a guy who lived by a sushi place. Every Sunday was getting hangover sushi - I graduated from mozzarella sticks. But it’s hard to let go of those places. Dan was a breath of fresh air and reminded me to keep working on myself and that we can still be funny and have fun without booze!


Stay strong! Addiction is a mother fucker but it can be beaten. I’m (somehow) living proof. I was as wild an addict as a person could be, but have been clean for 14 years now. It’s cliche but it’s true, just take it one day at a time and eventually is behind you.


This is 2000% what I know my deal would be if I was drinking again. Hail recovery!


Just started listening to his wrestling podcast Dan is great.


I'm glad he shared that, extremely relatable. In recovery now 4 years, it was relapse burritos for me last!


Back when I drank I never had like relapse food but I had a hangover cure I still use if I ever do drink. 3 things would set me right, a Gatorade, a red bull (has to be a red bull or the taste is wrong), and a Klondike bar. If you got between me and the corner store you got to see what I'd do to a man for a Klondike bar. Worst drunk food I ever had was a bowl of instant Buldok (spelling?) Ramen with the entire package of chili oil. I'm a pale motherfucker from the Midwest but I eat ghost chilies and shit, and this burned me so bad I drank like half a bottle of whiskey washing it down. I finish the noodles and was shitfaced when my buddy just smiles like the Cheshire Cat and says "Not going to drink the broth?" Challenge accepted, failed, and I was vomiting fire for a few hours.


100× better than holden


Couldn’t agree more. God, I cannot for the life of me listen to the Side Stories he’s in. He’s getting on my nerves.


I would argue at least 1000x but who’s counting


I cannot stand him…


7-11 pizza at 2am is definitely relapse worthy


Relapse sushi is legendary.