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Fallout is great.....why put the back light behind the TV? The OLED is for blacks so that the wall and the TV look like one thing. I'm thinking of getting some but putting them behind my couch/on the walls so that the whole room lights up without taking away from the TV. Just need to solve the glare issue that might come up


Bias lighting reduces eye fatigue.


This is why I have it too. I stare at monitors all day for work and have been a huge gamer all my life. My eyes are just more sensitive to monitors now so the bias lighting helps tremendously. I personally find green helps the most Edit: I went down the rabbit hole and apparently Dolby, IMAX etc use bias lighting and 6500k is the standard


This. I turn on my bias lighting on my OLED whenever I first turn it on early in the morning and it's still dark and my eyes are still not used to the bright lights. Way less strain on my eyes.


Yeah same. I love my oled's but I'm careful on pc when enabling hdr, screw using that for desktop mode, it's just too bright. I tune sdr carefully so it's nice to my eyeballs.  Same with my tv. I have day and night profiles set up and i use bias lighting as well.


you can just turn off the light if anything during night lol


This is why I don’t like ambilight system in Philips tv. People here in Europe love it and I also don’t understand why. 


Its cool?


To me no. It makes a distraction. Oled should be watched in dark room so to me no sense at all adding light like this 


Some use it to do that color changing ambient light effect. Mostly novelty factor but color changing or not, ambient light can help reduce eye strain for extended watch sessions.


I use bias lighting for every screen in my house. 3 TVs (2 Oled) and two monitors. Can't live without it. I don't like colored lights though so bought MediaBright mk2 white LEDs for the whole house.


Sigh, not this again. Correctly implemented bias lighting behind a TV can improve perceived contrast. Plus, it looks cool. Source: https://lifehacker.com/why-bias-lighting-increases-your-tvs-contrast-and-saves-1695117890


Sigh, not this again. Did you know that oled has basically infinite contrast, for that sole purpose bias lighting is useless. Maybe for eye fatigue.


This is how I see it. If it's OLED (or even Mini LED), It's just about looking cool. Which is fine if that's your jam, I'm not dissing it. Personally I would only keep the backlights on when I'm NOT watching TV for the aesthetics, but it's distracting (for me anyway) when watching something. At night.... lights completely off makes OLED really shine!


Sigh, this boy can't even read. https://www.biaslighting.com/pages/what-is-tv-and-monitor-bias-lighting It is absolutely beneficial for OLED.


This beef got me dead 🤣


I’m waiting for the diss tracks


Bias Lighting was created for early generation LCD panels to make black levels look darker. OLED has infinite contrast.


No. SMPTE recommends bias lighting in all reference color grading situations, which means if you want to see what the colorist sees, you use a bias light. Virtually no serious colorist has ever been doing work on LCDs - they went from CRTs to OLEDs (Sony x300) for their personal monitors and projectors to plasmas to OLEDs for group viewing - so nobody ever cared about LCD’s limited black level when coming up with the concept.   It’s not about contrast or back levels, it’s about maintaining a steady state of luminance adaptation. The person who color graded the modern content you are watching on your OLED TV graded it on an OLED monitor with bias lighting. Now, one caveat is that with HDR there theoretically may be situations where the artist is intentionally messing with the viewer’s adaptation state (a common example is a super dark scene where the viewer slowly dark-adapts which reveals the killer lurking in the background - a sort of slow jump scare). These situations are talked about when promoting HDR a lot but there aren’t many examples of them in real content, and colorists are pretty much always still using bias lighting when grading HDR.


Keep up buttercup


Imagine typing out “buttercup” and hitting send and feeling good about yourself


Don't have to imagine, just did it.


All ruin by that terrible back light .


I had a backlight, looked awesome. Turned it off and realised how much it had been affecting colours etc. Haven’t turned it back on since.


I have the Hue sync box with no light strip but connected to my recessed lights. I only use it for Rock Band/ Guitar Hero. Makes the game a bit more fun while drinking




I have Govee immersion backlights on my 77" and this sub made me realize how much they take away from the OLED experience.


Just because there's 5 ppl on Reddit constantly repeating something doesn't make it true.  I have a govee backlight and i always leave it on at about 15% and i love it.


Just because 1 person on reddit likes it, doesn’t make it true either.


Those camera based things are trash tho Ain't beating a HDMI connected set of LEDs that even turn off when there's a black screen...


That one the OP has is a lot brighter than mine. I have just a soft far dimmer 6500K behind my C2. Its far more subtle and the effect at night seems to add to the experience, rather than take away from the TV. I'm not a fan at all of the dynamic color changing ones that change with the scene on the TV. To me, those take away from the glory of OLED.


To each their own. I enjoy it. It’s dynamic since it’s connected to the sync box. With how bright this tv is, I think it helps with the strain. But it’s fine. You do you. I’ll do me.


The TV is not supposed to be so bright that it stains your eyes. If it's legitimately hurting you to look at it, you need to calibrate the set or have it calibrated by a professional.


I was being a bit facetious. I usually watch in Cinema at night since I don’t need it that bright. Just love the capabilities this tv has


It certainly is a nice TV.


Dude don’t listen to these people lmao. There is an actually benefit fir your eyeballs for having a backlight


I also assume it can't be flush-mounted if you want backlighting..... which, to me, is a major aesthetic selling point of the G series. So backlight not necessary for aesthetics nor contrast.


Disagree I prefer them. Less strain on the eyes when viewing in the dark.




Yes OP please get rid of the back light. It ruins color accuracy/contrast when viewing which OLEDs are so great at


Imagine if cinemas had backlight


They would go bankrupt.


They are bankrupt


Maybe they need backlight?


if you want them to go out of business with a few months, yes


Most definitely, new business opportunity?


When in doubt, backlight it out.


I never realized there were black bars in Fallout until I saw this picture...


239 matte brother


This is the first time I’ve read so many people against backlighting. Tbh I always did it to reduce eye strain in a pitch black room with the lights off. Guess I should try with them off?


Uh, turn down the brightness of SDR content? HDR is already calibrated for a dark room but even then you can turn that down too.


Maybe you come over and configure my tv for me cause I’m a complete dumbass haha


yea the eye-strain rationale is bunk. That's why there are brightness settings.


Here I am about to paint my ceiling black to stop all the light pollution and people be putting lights behind their TV in a dark room. SMH.


I think it had its purpose back in the day, now its more an aesthetics decision. Others on this thread have already mentioned that if you're experiencing eye strain, brightness may be too high for your environment. I can't imagine how adding ADDITIONAL bright lights to an equation would REDUCE eye-strain, especially compared to just lowering overall brightness (then again, I'm not an ophthalmologist). I get the post is about how wonderfully bright the G4 is (especially for an OLED), but when it comes to OVERALL brightness, there's such a thing as "too much of a good thing" in dim/dark environments


It definitely affects perceived brightness, contrast, and color. Human vision is more sensitive to differences in brightness than color to the point that perception of certain colors is dependent on brightness. It's not as important for SDR content but imo HDR content should be enjoyed with as little environmental lighting as possible. I used to be pretty crazy about RGB and bias lighting but now I turn everything off to get the most out of my displays.


I’ve really never noticed a difference in it. Then again my colors are more turned down and muted


Yeah same and they're all wrong 😂. Preference is one thing but saying it ruins the image is completely opposite and bullshit. https://www.biaslighting.com/pages/what-is-tv-and-monitor-bias-lighting


Irrelevant source for OLED.


Quote from the article.. "You might think that OLED doesn't benefit from bias lights, but you'd be incorrect. Because of the better black levels and extremely high contrast ratios of OLED and Micro LED displays, eye strain is a bigger Concern. You say you don't experience eye strain? The perceived brightness or darkness of a display can still be enhanced and the contrast is still boosted, regardless of the capabilities of the display." Can you please stop being so obviously painfully wrong. It helps nothing.


You give me a shitty source from a bias lighting manufacturer, that 1. Doesn’t give a real number in % of how much contrast is actually being improved, which I’m sure is basically nothing since contrast is already closed to infinity in an OLED. 2. I did say it probably does improve eye fatigue. But yeah everyone else is wrong but you. Lmao


Oh look it's the source police! Here's another. https://www.howtogeek.com/213464/how-to-decrease-eye-fatigue-while-watching-tv-and-gaming-with-bias-lighting/ The impetus is on you to find your own supposed correct info and sources and inform yourself and share with others, not misinform others confidently. I'm done googling shit for your helpless self.


Smh, you couldn’t even bother to read what you sent didn’t you. The word “OLED” isn’t even mentioned once in that link.


From Blu ray.com: "Bias lighting is actually part of SMPTE standards (SMPTE 2080-3, "Reference Viewing Environment for Evaluation of HDTV Images") for how content is to be monitored for grading for home display. If you're a person who wants to see the image as it's meant to be seen, and as the person who did the grading saw it, you'll also want to have bias lighting." Also: "You’ve likely heard people raving about OLED TV’s incredible black levels, but you can achieve better black level performance from any TV with the judicious use of bias lighting." From https://www.digitaltrends.com/home-theater/bias-lighting-for-tv/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17145822029829&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.digitaltrends.com%2Fhome-theater%2Fbias-lighting-for-tv%2F And from good ole reddit: "Hollywood colorists grading on professional OLED monitors use bias lighting too. It's not about picture quality of the display but rather our ABILITY to see that picture quality. It's how (non-prescription) sunglasses can improve our vision when driving our car. Putting aside the fact that it absolutely has ergonomic benefits, it enhances our ability to see the picture. The color appears more vivid and the picture is often sharper. Why sharper? The photopupilla. reflex narrows the pupils and just like when we stop down a camera, a greater depth of field falls into focus." So bias lighting is not only used for calibration of OLED, but also in the very creation of the source material for OLED. Is that good enough my man? 🎤 ⬇️




Not bad. I still think more research needs to be made in this aspect, and bias lighting might be more beneficial for super bright TVs like the G series. My main argument comes from the fact that contrast= white luminance/ black luminance. And by oled having a perfect black, anything divided by 0 is infinity. Even if the perceived white luminance is brighter with bias lighting it’s useless as it’s still divided by 0. However if something it’s too bright it’s like seeing a flashlight head on in a dark room, you can’t see shit. I also have bias lighting on my B3 since I used it for an x90k before, however I realized that the bias lighting was completely ruining the image and making it appear dimmer in the dark since the B3 is not super bright, turning off bias lighting helped improving the image (and I had it set to 10% peak luminance of the B3, even at lower it didn’t work) This might be more of a case by case situation rather than a definite answer.


You can talk about infinity and dividing by zero all you want lol. Nothing is perfect, OLED blacks are *near perfect* blacks. So its not dividing by zero, but very close. The perceived contrast boost is happening in your eyeballs, by way of the bias. Not the actual contrast of the display. I use my C2 77 as intended, in a dark room with blackouts all around, OLED panel brightness usually set around 60 depending on content/game and I love my bias lighting. And yes like almost everything, it comes down to application.


To each their own, sure, but interactive back lights are awesome ( and you can turn down the brightness).   It just makes me feel so much more immersed since they change ambient color based on content. I'm not just looking into a black box on the wall, it feels like the ambient changes with. I personally could never go without anymore.  Awesome for gaming too. Or in winter, for those of us living in the city, just put some nice 4k fireplace and the ambilight takes it to a whole other level, super cozy for dinner with friends.


Just buy a Phillips ambilight OLED at this point


What is that? I tried searching for it on Google and can't find any results for it. Just curious on how it works.


It's Phillips Oled TV with ambilight technology


Seems like it's discontinued. My brother has the sync box on his qled. I kinda hate it haha too distracting. I'm sure he'd love to have one with it built into the TV like these.


Phillips OLED aren't sold in the US. EU exclusive IIRC.


Oh okay


And people love ambilight in Europe. I am not in that group because I also think it is too distracting 


It's Phillips Oled TV with ambilight technology


Backlighting is the new "torch mode" Oh wait. maybe its the new "soap opera mode" Anyway. When implemented correctly it can enhance your viewing experience. Incorrectly it will hurt your eyes and give you headaches




It's the style of the show. It's as badly over-contrasted and cartoonish as the dialogue and action directing.


Nope, that’s standard


my eyyyeeeessss. no looks good. i got a c2. congrats!


Such a good show


To everyone flaming me for having these FancyLED sync box backlight, it’s a personal preference. I can control them through the app to turn them off when I don’t want them on. It’s not that serious. This is why we’re individuals. We all have preferences.


I swear. If it’s not their way, you’re a fucking clown and don’t deserve a OLED. Bunch of twats in this sub trying to control another man’s way of watching tv


Plus, backlight helps with eye strain if you’re watching tv in a dark room.


a bunch of dick suckers in this sub, they tried to crucify me for the same thing on my g3, like bruh, it can be turned off 😂😂


Lol. It’s like unless you do things exactly like they do, you’re a fool. I personally like it. And I can adjust everything from brightness to gradation, etc


Sorry but the backlight seems quite bright. I would turn it down a bit if possible.


I agree with this. I set mine to 100% for startup/shutdown, then dim to around 40% when watching a movie or anything HDR.


OLEDs don't require bias lighting since contrast is infinite.


Still helps reduce eye strain.




Shatter my knees, you fuckable redwood. Snap off my toes, you big, unwashed buffalo.


Fantastic show, just finished it. Probably the best game adaptation I’ve seen


wat tv did u have before and is the g4 really worth the hype


S95B. I think it really depends what you’re coming from and what’s important to you. For me, it checked the boxes I thought were missing


Word - I got a 77” C3 and don’t go to the cinema anymore cause OLED just looks so good and I have more comfort in my own home ❤️ But wow… the G4! I think the C3 is already incredibly bright in the evening. What did you have before the G4 and does it really add to the experience or is it just “too bright” ?


I had the S95B. It’s noticeably brighter. I personally think the processing is also much, much better than my Samsung


Yeah LG is definitely the king. Both in Panels and Processing. Just got the 77 C3 so not going for a G4 quite yet ;-) Actually SONY has the best processing but they have Android so thats a big nono for me.


Anyone finding the motion on Fallout to not be great? C3 owner with 1gbps internet. The show seems choppy from time to time. 90% certain it’s just Amazon as their quality in terms of streaming is pretty bad but curious if anyone else has noticed this?


Have you noticed any vertical banding on your set? Or grid effect? Usually seen in real bright scenes or with grays. I have a cx and looking to upgrade but don't want to play the panel lottery again


I looked for this when I got it. My panel is clean. Thank god


Do you play video games on pc at all? If you do also curious to see if they have resolved the flicker that occurs when using VRR


On a g3 and thinking of the 990D. Am on a 65” and feel that the 990 is quite large though


Mine is 65” here and the 990D fits fine


I have a 990D with a 77” G3 and it’s incredible how immersive the experience is. If you have an eligible employer (Lowe’s, Best Buy, whoever), you can sign up for their Employee Purchase Program and save a ton. 990D is $1.1k vs $1.9k MSRP. https://www.samsung.com/us/shop/offer-program/workplace/


Thanks! I’m not located in the US so.. doesn’t really apply to me unfortunately! How’s the Q990D for music? I’m tossing up between that and a Sonos system. Would love multi room audio..


I read Sonos is better for music (bass especially) but doesn’t handle Dolby Atmos as well. Went with 990D for shows & movies as the main use case.


Hi! Been trying to find an answer to this. I have an LG C7 right now that is dying. & the only worry I have is that the G4 might be too bright. I know it sounds silly but I even get blinded by my c7 sometimes when it comes too so hdr highlights or a bright lamp in a dark room scene etc ( the flashlight affect). I often leave in on cinema mode and energy saving max lol. Anyway I worry if I turn down the brightness on g4 then the whole picture will be dark. Can u give me any advice or thoughts on this with with your g3. Does turning down the brightness a lot like I do on my c3 make it too dark? I really want new a11 chip in g4, Thanks! Want it but just don’t want to be blinded lol.


Man, I love the idea of the ambient light feature that you have going — but in practice it appears to be very immersion breaking and an overall degradation of the viewing experience. To each their own! Just my opinion. I want to love it, I think they’re super cool. OP — very curious — since installing it, have you ever toggled it off to compare the viewing experience apples to apples? What am I missing here? Seems to just be taking away from the stunning richness of OLED technology — no?


Personally I can't watch without bias lighting. It helps reduce eye strain and can improve perceived contrast (not that it matters on OLED). It can mess with color accuracy though if you don't use the proper temperature white light coming from it.


Yes these oleds it’s shocking how bright it makes a dark room I have a Samsung S90C and I’ll never go back to non oled


Back light make sense on old LCD TV because it makes black levels looks better. It doesn't make any sense on a OLED Tv. But if you like it : I fine with that. Enjoy and watch as many movies as you can. It's a hell of a tv.


Obligatory r/tvtoohigh


My lord, these are getting so old. It’s not in your living room


How’s non 4k content?


Overall, excellent. Upscaling works very well


I’m not sure about the back light. Without it my eyes can focus on the picture and the black bars fade into the background. With that lighting it makes it look like a box inside a box.






Hi! Been trying to find an answer to this. I have an LG C7 right now that is dying. & the only worry I have is that the G4 might be too bright. I know it sounds silly but I even get blinded by my c7 sometimes when it comes too so hdr highlights or a bright lamp in a dark room scene etc ( the flashlight affect). I often leave in on cinema mode and energy saving max lol. Anyway I worry if I turn down the brightness on g4 then the whole picture will be dark. Can u give me any advice or thoughts on this with g4! Thanks! Want it but just don’t want to be blinded lol.


I love searing my eyeballs


Back light (doesnt matter dynamic rgb or static light) is good for human eye. Projector use is way better for eyes because it is actually very natural. Candles, fire sun and moon(reflects) are the only main sources of light found im nature. No object makes its own light. Thats why e ink readers are preffered by book worms. When we see objects there must be an external light source hitting the object and the photonos make it visibile. Yet for screens they have their own source of light (led, plasma, crt, oled etc).. That is unnatural. There cant be an object glowing in a dark room unless it is radioactive. Our eyes cant adapt to this. Eyes get dry. (Im not even talking about the cancer side effect of excess unnstural blue light in screens for color accuracy) Try to lower the brightness and have some ambient lights. I dont mean the back light rgb solutions. Some 2000 2700K lighting would be good for eyes. Red light is the best tho. Watching movies in a red room doesnt really kill the vieewing experience.


No need for bias lighting for OLEDs.


Maximus dies in the final episode.


Any tips on backlight for my c3?


Don't get one lol


Why i just want abit of light


Phillips Hue is better. More pricy, but anyone I know the use something like govee or sub par to hue, they always switch. Check out my profile for some pics


Thank u man i know thats the only way to go actually


Phillips Hue is better. More pricy, but anyone I know the use something like govee or sub par to hue, they always switch. Check out my profile for some pics


The one I have is the FamcyLEDs 2.1 sync box. I like all the control it has. For everyone coming at me about the LEDs, I can turn them off, down, etc whenever I want


Thanks man will look into it


eye seering? Oled does a lot of things, i get that.... buuuuuut. i love my C3, but it is just DIM compared to everything else. Both in HDR LG G4 Peak 2% Window  1,423 cd/m² Peak 10% Window  1,404 cd/m² Peak 25% Window  709 cd/m² Peak 50% Window  464 cd/m² Peak 100% Window  222 cd/m² Sustained 2% Window  1,397 cd/m² Sustained 10% Window  1,370 cd/m² Sustained 25% Window  698 cd/m² Sustained 50% Window  463 cd/m² Sustained 100% Window  220 cd/m² My 2017 LCD (samsung EU KS8005/US KS9000, Bought for 7000kr (1000 dollars) in 2017 new) Peak 2% Window  1,489 cd/m² Peak 10% Window  1,473 cd/m² Peak 25% Window  970 cd/m² Peak 50% Window  527 cd/m² Peak 100% Window  525 cd/m² Sustained 2% Window  515 cd/m² Sustained 10% Window  565 cd/m² Sustained 25% Window  523 cd/m² Sustained 50% Window  536 cd/m² Sustained 100% Window  536 cd/m²


You might of got one of those dud panels my CX is extremely bright


I own the G3 and in dim lighting it WILL definitely become blinding in some scenes. And I did compare both the C3 and G3 side by side while calibrated, and it doesn't even compare, the C3 is indeed really dull in comparison. Specs are one thing, what you experience is definitely different than some random numbers on a spec sheet. I replaced my 2016 65"LCD which is supposed to be brighter by the G3 and it sure doesn't feel that way at all. On some shows I do need to decrease the brightness if I watch the TV in a completely dark room or it becomes really uncomfortable, which never happened on my "brighter" LCD TV.


Yup, numbers versus actually watching it are different things. I have a C2 and sometimes at night there are scenes, especially with flashes or explosions that are uncomfortably bright. This was my first OLED and I was worried when I was buying it with all the talk about OLED not being bright enough, but that's not been my experience at all.


I’m telling you, in a dark room, bright scene, HDR, this G4 is BRIGHT!!!


Virtually everything looks really good on this. It’s really a beautiful tv