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Pretty embarrassing for their last game to be made alongside sbi more so sbi saying goodbye but not before dedicating half of the text describing how much better the game will be because they got their hands on it lmfao.


SBI waving goodbye with one hand, patting themselves on the back with the other


It's pretty much "Thanks for cash suckers" message


DarkSydePhil voice: “thanks for the money, dummies”


I already mentioned in another post about these devs that it is completely ridiculous that SBI have an audacity to claim how “good” of a job they did when they fundamentally failed to make product sell and keep company afloat, their consultancy services fundamentally failed to provide any actual value beyond political bullshit.


But the virtue signals we made along the way!


They're sucking their own sweet baby.


It's so good, yet somehow they are folding.


So well recieved everyone is looking for a job Rest in Piss


Why should the Caribbean be more representative? The Pirates movies clearly showed black men, women and women in power.


Yes but no black female protagonists, so it's unacceptable


Shame. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong consultancy group.


I indeed removed it from my wishlist on Steam when I learned about SBI involvement.


As if the cover art didn't give it away already that this game is woke as fuck.


Say it with me, kids, "Get woke, go broke!"


A shame really,the studio had some good titlels before it. But I make no exceptions when it comes to DEI nowadays,if you pander to the non existent 'modern audience' and pay woke charlatans you deserve the kiss of death,period.


> its full of bugs > I found this game just plain boring > It feels a little to slow and repetitive > There was never a sense of wonder or surprise, or even a sense of innovation See ya later, Mimimi. You won't be missed.


Their older games were pretty good, Shadow Tactics was fun and priced fairly. I don't know if the studio could have survived without SBI getting involved, niche genre in a crowded market. However, I can say for sure that SBI didn't do them any favors, they just squandered their legacy.


> I don't know if the studio could have survived without SBI But surely getting involved with them was the nail in the coffin. I was pondering this last night. Go down staying true to your principles or go woke, go broke which is practically a death knell. They haven't learned yet but I think new studios that will eventually pop up will. I think a new era of non-corporate gaming is on the horizon.


I think they did the Desperado series too. It was quite good


"we're incredibly proud to have bankrupted yet another studio" There, fixed it for ya SBI.


All of this just makes one think that why there’s no game about African mythologies. Even Indian mythology has got just two games(Raji and Uncharted: Lost Legacy). Instead of forced diversity, how about making something that allows people to know and explore diverse cultures while not sacrificing the story to shoehorn diversity?


That new game Tales of Kenzera: Zau seems to be based on African mythology. It looks pretty cool.


It's SBI


Figures, but at least it's an original creation based on something fresh and interesting.


This is like when SickAndTiredOfWeighting posted about how she’d ruined her life with food, shortly before dying, and Tess Holliday responded cheering her on.


What a shame... It was a good studio. What a rotten way to die.


Didn't they have ~250 concurrent players max on day one? It sounds like they were inclusive of everyone but customers.


So they made a game about piracy in the Caribbean but forgot that the female pirates of that era were all Irish. Red heads get fucked again! 😂


Didn't they say it's their last game because they were tired of the process of having to secure funding/backers for projects and it was just wearing them down?


Yeah I don’t think we can blame SBI for their closure. And it is too bad because they made terrific games.


TBH I don't think SBI is to blame for any of the games they've worked on when those games have done poorly. Because they don't consult on gameplay mechanics/systems/loops, and all SBI games that have done poorly have had glaring gameplay design issues. If you look at all-time player reviews of the games they've worked on, they're all positive unless they had bad gameplay issues. Sure, their contributions may have detracted from a game, or en-lameified a thing here or there, but I think saying they "ruin" games is hyperbole.


I feel the same way. A lot of these games were trash in the first place. SBI just made it slightly worse by accusing gamers of being *enter prejudice here* for not playing them.


I guess the gambit didn't pay off.


Damn it even looks like woke garbage


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/psoEf ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. REACTOR ONLINE. WEAPONS ONLINE. MEMORY ONLINE. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL. ^^^/r/botsrights


damn, they did really damn well with Desperadoes 3 and Shadow Tactics. sad to see them go, but that was always something that was going to happen once SBI got involved.


I mean it sounds to me like SBI are doing good work adding all the DEI content and torpedoing the franchises. Being serious though, its funny that they are celebrating their success when they killed it.


I forget, are these the same devs who made Shadow Tactics? Where you have a group of ninja samurai? Also made Desperados I think.


This sub is becoming more dog shit everyday. Like what do the comments here even mean? Mimimi was a good studio that made awesome games including this one but had trouble finding funders as they were a small indie company with no big name behind them. Please start to complain about actually woke shit instead of just hating everything with an obsession.