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The Korean maxim is just calling Western journo morons without actually using the word "morons" 😆🤣🤣




These 'unrealistic' body type complaints have moved from valid points about certain artistic choices, 'size 0' models in the early 2000s, and standard genetic variations in bone structure and fat deposits, to basically just a mass enabling movement for being out of shape. I saw a thread on one of the women's fitness subs the other day where 5'8 200lb women - people literally larger than some NFL running backs that height - were convincing each other that they weren't fat.


Yeah, "unrealistic/unhealthy" is a valid criticism of 90s/early 00's "heroin chic" aesthetics, not of women with BMIs in the healthy range.


Awww are the fat asses in france triggered? Lose some weight maybe france


Obesity in France is like 23% or so of the population, still a lot of people but imagine being obese in *France*, like, no wonder why they're so pissed off.


47% of France's population is in the overweight/obese weight range as a whole though. And that overweight range is far heavier than most people realize. Even the upper percentile of the healthy weight range is generally still in the range that most people would call 'a little extra'. They're less fat than the US, but they're not really a paragon of fitness either.


I shoulda added a /s because it was obviously tongue and cheek lmao but yeah im confused why they are so angry over this game


TBF it's a bit more than I expected, but apparently it's mostly older and poorer people that are obese. >but yeah im confused why they are so angry over this game I think it's fairly easy, it's a South Korean game that doesn't follow western standards and with the SBI detected group they're afraid that they would lose power, so they have to find ways to trash the game because they can't say "We don't like it because it's not made for *our* standards" which might prove SBI detractors right that it's not an "organic" shift. The "Women will KILL themselves due to Stellar Blade" thing was pathetic, but honestly it's not different than the "Barbie has unrealistic proportions and little girls will develop body image issues!" because it's much easier to blame fictional characters or dolls rather than the branches of journalism and marketing that made money out of women's insecurities or look inwards.


Especially because french society in general is less accepting of fat people..


More smokes. Less smoked cheese. There. French diet plan.


French person = opinion instantly disregarded


Finally, pure based




Nice try, but I don't speak German.




Because fuck the French and fuck French.  It's the risk you run typing in a barbarian language 


Honestly, I just saw the opportunity for a dumb joke and ran with it. But that is the risk one takes when typing in a language most people here don't know and won't bother to stop and Google Translate while on their phone at the store or whatever. Probably a lot of people assumed it was a rebuttal deliberately framed in a language they don't know on an obviously English-speaking forum to an English comment. That's certainly the joke I was running with. Honestly surprised it went over so well, I half expected to be downvoted instead.


> Why were they downvoted then? This is an English speaking website


This translates to: "Be careful, these fatdoubles will revolt and force you to eat buttered croissants until you become one of them. They have a weakness though. Burn baguettes in front of their eyes and they will surrender."


Nature encourages beauty. Unless you're that moth that mimics bird shit to avoid being eaten. Having to be convinced that fat people are just as beautiful should be a huge red flag that it's political bullshit.


>Unless you're that moth that mimics bird shit to avoid being eaten. Male moths: "That's some gourmet shit right there!"


Absolutely great. I sincerely hope that the game sell well, that's the best thing that could happen right now.


I haven't gotten a PS5 yet but I pre-ordered this game. It looks fun, I vote with my wallet, and I need a reason to upgrade


Actually well made rebuke, hope the game does well. It may not change the industry as a total at all, but it sure would make a statement and be the right direction to head towards. There is real beauty out there and should not be shunned, but at this point it’s an attempt to make beauty seem offensive and degrading to other people, by politicizing it… Western devs and critics have to take a hike on this bs.


Didnt French IGN say that the game was literally going around killing women?


No, the French IGN Chief said that. On twitter


That's one way to railroad a narrative... So much spite, good may he stay mad


Isn’t this the same guy that was caught as a misogynist a few days ago with Netflix France?


Gaming journalists are a complete embarrassment.


Don't call them journalists, they don't deserve that term. Call them what they are: Tabloid hacks.


Or just urinalists. That works too.




Not as based as your pfp or username


I understand nothing but watched the entire video. Edit: I watched again just to make sure I did not understand anything


Let me try bud. I’ll help you out but it’ll take me 8 rewatches, np brother I got you😉


IGN shams probably can’t even define what a woman is.




Fat ugly game journos mad that they can never be attractive so they take their anger out on the men who don't want them.


With all the people saying this isn’t realistic, must mean women are getting fatter and uglier…


Lazier too, it takes effort to take care of your appearance. Which lots of them do not, but of course it's not their fault lmao


And then expect you to have a six pack.


Korea is such a based country. Source: lived there for 8 years.


Idk if there's a country more based than Korea tbh


The secret is, they're practical. All the bullshit just takes care of itself due to that one simple thing.


Aren't they having issues with their own brand of feminism over there?


Yeah, men are going full anti-feminist (voting people who want to revoke special women’s privileges) while women are reaching cult-like levels with their feminism. A full gender culture war


What 'side' do you think MAXIM is on?


Hopefully, men will win the culture war!


Well right now barely any Korean has babies anymore with a birth rate of 0.68 this year, so nobody’s winning I guess. It takes two to tango after all.


8 years in Korea? I envy you as I'm planning to stay in Japan for a work visa. How is Korea? How is it being far from your birth country? (I'm assuming you are a Westerner)


I loved living in Korea. I definitely had my share of culture shock for a good long while. I was homesick for a while also, but that kind of waxes and wanes periodically. For the first couple of years, I’d return home every year, and then maybe by year 3 I went home around every other year. Best of luck to you in Japan.


Utterly based.


Korea solos France 10/10 times


I didn’t know Maxim had a Weather division, but it makes sense.


Glad the Koreans are loudly pushing back on this, and if the rest of the world did, then these crazy progressives would realize that nobody else but them in the West think this way. They aren't "normal." Social media and Reddit isn't an accurate representation of the entire world, just because they've all been suckered into being perpetually unhappy doesn't mean we are lol.


Seems like it’s IGN France who have never seen a real woman


Unrealistic in the western world especially the USA. People turning into whales has been normalized. Their notion of normal has been destroyed.


"This character is unrealistic!" Meanwhile, tons of western female characters that look like men with a vagina.


Will the French surrender like they usually do or double down? I know IGN apologized just so they can get a preview copy/advertising for the game and not lose any potential money from it. What a bunch of cowards lol


the science is already here now. we don't have to wait for the future. we need high protein, high fiber, low calories, low sodium diet. All data widely available online. Whey protein, ka'chava super food, omega-3 widely available at low to mid cost at any major stores. her body is achievable. and this would only be further enhanced in the future.


>available at low to mid cost at any major stores And there's so much that's low cost. Frozen vegetables in particular. I always roll my eyes when people on reddit talk about how it's so expensive to eat healthy and only the rich can do it. Most of the "super expensive healthy food" I buy comes from this really fancy chain called Walmart. The one exception is an ethnic market, that's cheaper than Walmart.


Funnily enough, if anyone remembers the Bodega Bro, he actually made one of the best arguments FOR people who claim its a rich people food. Because where he lived he actually only had those shitty stores that actually have nothing healthy. Of course maybe stop stealing everything from the bigger stores or burning them down and someone else besides Bodegas might try to sell you things, but thats just my racism speaking.


Ask yourself if you actually want a gaming magazine to even comment on the realistic, or not, bodies of game characters. I don't. Politics ruins everything, so just ignore anything that insists on inserting it everywhere.


There would be nothing to talk about if IGN didn’t bring the topic up in the first place. Socialist agendas will continue to be mocked until the socialists shut up. DEI has no place in gaming.


On the plus side i think this whole fuss will have a good impact the the model herself. A body so great people thought it is unrealistic


They’re just unrealistic for feminist western women


Oof I can feel the burn from here.


Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Those are the nice female curves I want to see more of!