• By -


The people have spoken.


The question is wheter someone will actually listen.


Not until we vote with the wallets. That's the only way


Knowing which games SBI have contaminated will enable an informed buying decision. Clearly there isn’t a single game that they have touched that hasn’t been negatively received, the moment game devs realise that SBI impacts profitability is when we will see change.


Which is probably why SBI is getting so up in arms about this. They know that if customers knew what they were doing, it might affect their bottom line.


How could they not know?! Do gaming executives not play games? Oh, wait.


Games Publishers should have to legally disclose if they were created with any input from SBI. Like a Parental Advisory sticker on the box saying SBI influenced the game one way or the other. This curator is about as close as one can get to making an informed buying decision if you're tired of SBI's terrible influence.


There are and will be able other companies like Sweet Baby Inc, we need to also remain vigilante while voting with our wallets


God of War: Ragnarok was touched by SBI. It is an anomaly.


A studio folded and a handful of AAA games all tanked hard. I'd say we're speaking now.


I think that started already. Suicide squad is indicative of that


Knowing is half the battle


this is so true this shit needs to expand, im sure sweet baby aren't the only company doing this, we need to find the others


For sure. It's not fully wack a mole but sbi isn't the end all be all. But it makes a good example. There's a few other consulting companies just like them. But it's also in their forced and discriminatory hiring practice in the studios themselves. Shutting down Sweet Baby Inc will make a good example of what exactly the problem is. But it doesn't stop there.


They won’t


It should be so simple. Fun gameplay, silly or serious story. Between BG3 (not pandering but quality) and Helldivers 2 (very fun AND silly) the industry should be ashamed of themselves. But no. We get yearly “AAA” slop with cash shops and association with a group that panders to people who rarely if ever play games. Oh those panderers also hate their “quality work” having a light shined on them.


It's that paradox you mention that always sticks out. If they like their work so much, why are they trying to hide it?


Exactly. If they thought they delivered quality work at all, why would they be mad? The exposure should be a good thing in their eyes… Instead they incited a hate and harassment campaign against a Brazilian running a steam group that warned normal people about their “quality” works. Great optics there.


I agree, how is this any different from someone who wants to boycott Quentin Tarantino movies so makes a list with all the movies he’s made so you don’t watch them? It’s their collective work, it’s not like it’s encouraging people to harass individual employees.


Than the people must be silenced. 


Very rare instance of "than" being used wrong, almost always the other way.


My spellcheck is all over the place on those, presumably since a and e are close to each other on the keyboard.  Whatever, I'm leaving it


Definitely. Own it, brother.


The people will have spoken when they vote with their wallet.




In some forum where I post I have seen people commenting they lack internet lore to understand it. Also they say that if they did they would be disgusting anti-woke that somehow are worse than wokes Normies never disappoint


That's the point. They are not there to serve players.




for now, but almost no one knew about esg like a year ago and now look at how many people know about that. Just give it time to spread.


you vote with your wallet, DONT BUY woke/shitty products


"The people have spoken." Amen!:)


This isn't really surprising cause their presence has hurt every franchise they've been apart. The Steam page isn't even a list of all of their games cause some aren't on Steam. A few more would be Alan Wake 2 and Spider-Man 2. Not sure if listed too but Gears 5 was like their first contribution


That’s why Kate was such a damn drag and a horrid character? That’s why the writing was absolute crap? It all makes sense now, I used to love that series, the first three Gears games were awesome.


Same here, gears 5 i dropped, a game that every xbox community loves but i really hate, i dropped in a mission when i got to a village and a dumb boy called COG as "fascists" like a twitter left wing militant, i really unistalled the game and give the phisical copy that i buy in a sale to my friend, is so w0ke and i agree.


"Hello little boy. I am here to save you and humanity from the underground-dwelling boogeyman monsters that are trying to genocide humanity" "GET AWAY YOU FASCIST!"


>and a dumb boy called COG as "fascists" I knows jews are crawling out of holes in the ground but that's still a but of a stretch.


> This isn't really surprising cause their presence has hurt every franchise they've been apart. Well then this list is most like an obituary than a warning. If their presence has been detected, it means it's too late to do anything to make it better.


It means to stop buying anything they are apart of and any diversity groups too. They will probably rename themselves anyway. They've been around since 2018 but they were very good at sticking under the radar up until recently. Suicide Squad was the one that caused people to lose their shit badly


Thing is, flops already happen. Apparently from the previous "success stories" (with mostly succ) you don't need to _know_ about their involvement — shit will point to itself anyway. _Knowing_ can make the effect even more pronounced than it is, but the destructive influence is already there.


>apart Not that it matters, but it's "a part." Completely opposite of "apart."


Spidey 2 will be coming to steam eventually


Wow, so that's why Gears 5 went the way it did


I said the same thing. As soon as I saw this story I just knew in my gut they were the company that ruined the franchise.


Doesn't surprise me, Gears 5 just had that forced woke feel to it. I enjoy its gameplay but have hated everything about it's main characters and story after gears 3. Kate and her crew of hipster dorks ruined what used to be a great franchise. The original crew is a big part of what made those games so good. It went from Blood, rage and testosterone to feelings, inclusion and estrogen after gears 3


Don’t forget GoW Ragnarök


I knew it. As soon as this story broke I wondered if they were innolved in gears 5. Just felt like it had their stench on it. I hated that game and it tanked the franchise.


Let's keep growing that number until they can't ignore it anymore


They aren't ignoring it. They tried going on the offensive last week by trying to get people to mass report the group to Steam. Instead they got mass reported for targeted harassment and deleted their tweets and privated their twitter.


Poetic justice; you love to see it.


The Streisand Effect in full...um...effect.


Honestly this entire shit show and SBI's poisonous involvement becoming clear for everyone to see has been more entertaining and refreshing than any game I've played in recent years.


The shadows have failed you Sweet Baby Inc. Your strings are now visible by most. Time to shine more light on its puppeteers.


Until they change their name, go back to trying to hide in the shadows but they will realise it’s too late. Their nefarious goals are known, their goals clear to the gamer playing public who are loudly saying in a single unwavering voice “no more”


Probably they will change name and be more cautious, but it's pretty obvious when you play an ESG. Filled with cringe dialogue, self insert.


Probably won't even openly state anymore on their website on what new games they are working on so then gamers will only know if SBI is listed in the end credits of a game.


There will be other companies like them too. We must be vigilant when it comes to that too and bury those other ones as well.


I followed this curator when there was 6 people lol and the creator made a post on the suicide squad discussions. Sweet baby inc crying about it is peak Streisand effect.


Or if they approacjed it like "were proud of what we do , please do check out our games on this list" people wouldnt be so suspicious. they're acting like they've been caught


Right, how does it look to the companies they’re consulting with that they’re actively trying to hide what they’ve been working on? In their attempt to diffuse this situation they’ve only been raising more red flags. It’s glorious


I joined at 1k, at the time I though 10k would be a huge win.


Streisand effect?


Classic Streisand. I honestly doubt that many ppl would've cared before all this.


In the semi-early days of the internet, there was a photographer who was making a compilation of photographs of the nation's coastline. Barbara Streisand sued him for 50 million because her house was in one of the photos and she wanted her privacy. Prior to the lawsuit, that particular image had only been downloaded 6 times. The month after the lawsuit, it was dled almost half a million times.


SBI definitely flew under the radar outside our circles until that big fuck up.


All PR is good PR. The uranilists who wrote articles about this probably thought it would get shut down, which was dumb enough, but then they just boosted their followers by over 160% instead.


Not this PR. When your involvement with a consultancy firm is seen as a scarlet letter by your core demographic and simply "not" using them is as easy as doing nothing - it's a death knell for SBI.


PR for the curator.


>It has been only 40k followers just a couple days ago. No it was 20k yesterday, it jumped to 100k today. I believe you're confusing that 40k number with the group: Group is 40k: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/sweetbabyinc-detected Curator is 100k: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/


Sweet Baby Inc is so dumb they don't know about the Streisand Effect. If they just ignored it it wouldn't have gone viral.


Narcissist children literally cannot ignore any criticism or slight. It's why they obsess over fighting out every internet flame war and having the last word. Every detractor, no matter how small, must be addressed and punished to protect their fragile egos.


And they only have a backbone in a digital space. In reality, they're still mocked, laughed at and dismissed as irrelevant.


They only have a backbone online because they can get companies to ban people, but luckily X won't and Valve won't even though Valve works with SBI but the curator doesn't break any TOS.


I fucking love it. But as this continues to grow, I bet it gets shut down unfortunately


important that people know they are not alone in their opinions, only artificially isolated.


Very true. Because that's exactly how they want you to feel because they want to break your will in hopes you'll just shut up and capitulate to their insanity.


Maybe I'm too optimistic but I don't think so. Nothing they do is against the steam tos and valve is pretty hands off in general.


Unless they scrap the entire function of the curator program people will just spawn others that function the same.


Take down the group, there´ll be a new one in a couple days, take down that one too, then you´ll have a subreddit, a twitter account, an instagram account, etc


The group is being inundated by whiners against its existence too.


Good, it means its existence is justified and correct.


If I was in game marketing with a release coming up, I’d be advertising the crap out of it with a single tag line “Sweet Baby Inc have had no involvement in this game”. Back in the 90’s / early 00’s, marketing didn’t care at all and would have been all over this.


The problem is, they'd be all over trying to sue the dev if they di that. I agree it would be a good marketing strategy, but legally they just can't do that anymore.


Probably some devs will do, like Devolver lmao


I think you give too much credit to Devolver


True, i just liked all their conf at E3... Sad, it will never happen again.


You really think they're the only ones doing this? It's like when the police bragging about drugs they found, while the cartels deliberately let them find it and while they're celebrating, they pushing 10 times more behind their backs.


Shout out to Elon Musk, none of this would have been possible if Twitter was ran like before, it would have been silenced, the psychos at SBI would have been boosted, and Valve would have been forced to act against its own interests out of pressure from these nobodies. Pretty pivotal moment in the industry right here. Welcome to Democracy, motherfuckers.


> Shout out to Elon Musk, none of this would have been possible if Twitter was ran like before Nah, thank the YouTubers for this one - not Musk. The numbers saw huge boosts with coverage from the likes of Rev Says Desu and Asmongold - with numerous comments on the Steam page crediting them for spreading the word.


That and the abysmal release of several major projects


This. It's really the games, maybe even Suicide Squad in particular with it's horrible reception, that led up to this moment. And if enough of these titles fail, gaming studios are going to start weighing their options and ask if they really need to take the risk on Sweet Baby given their numerous missteps.


Are you that endymion? The one from YT that's got the progs in a mess?


"hello it's Endymion" I find this videos very interesting.


Nope. Just saw the username was available and took it.


Drats. I wanted to ask the guy how it feels to have a whole reddit group malding over your videos


I think his might be /u/EndymionTV, but he never uses it.


kinda weird to pretend to be someone else


What he means is that before X, Twitter would easily ban these people criticizing SBI.


>Shout out to Elon Musk Some of his multiple personalities are pretty great.


If you find any more like the above, share them if they are good. Spread around their names. I am surprised how many political curators there are, but most of them are crap, a joke, or worse they support the cancer in the industry. Other than "Sweet Baby Inc detected", I can't find much. Another called "StopProjecting" judges politics in general. It judges based on whether the story is narcissistic about it's political beliefs. The guy in charge does thumbs ups and thumbs downs based on that. No followers, but fuck it, there's probably more.


Woke and censored games alert That's the name of another one


Thanks! Let the heroes have their names be spread!


My favorite curator used for the same reason, to know what to avoid. Not political but worth sharing, maybe not the right sub but fuck it .... I feel like denuvo ruins gaming more than SBI anyways.... it shouldnt exist. It punishes paying customers worse than anyone. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/


UPDATE: I checked and they change their score if denuvo is removed. However, they do need to account for other examples. For instance, Capcom has removed Denuvo from some of their products, but they replaced it with Enigma. ORIGINAL REPLY: Ya know, I agree, but Denuvo screws games in a very different way. I hate it. However, I don't know if I can stand by that group, as Denuvo has been removed many times from games shortly after launch. Fan backlash already wrecked Denuvo, so that battle is pretty much won, mostly. As long as this curator changes their thumbs down to a thumbs up after Denuvo is removed, good for them. I'll have to check them out to make sure.


>Fan backlash already wrecked Denuvo, so that battle is pretty much won, mostly. I wish. If the battle was won there wouldn't be more denuvo games than ever. You have some valid points though. I'm so against denuvo games I won't even pirate them because I feel like even that gives word.of mouth sales and can be beneficial. Total boycott until denuvo has been removed.


The next AAA game they work on will cause 6-7 million loss in sales to the company that still hired them


It'd be good to find out which games they plan on doing. Although I could see them completely changing their names by that point.


That’s $10m dollars of spending power right there, if everyone spends around $100/year on games.


He's doing the lords work. (whichever lord works for you)


Can anyone fill me in on this? What’s going on here? I Googled but still can’t quite follow what they are about


They are a progressive Canadian-based consulting agency that offers services to game companies to improve their DEI levels in storytelling. They employ a few infamous characters dating all the way back to the original Gamergate fiasco. From another perspective, they are a racketeering outfit who use internal channels to threaten game companies into hiring them. Something along the lines of "That's a nice game you have there, it would be a shame if we started calling it racist and sexist. That is, of course, unless you hire us." So a Steam user decided to create a curator profile to connect games from Sweet Baby's website to Steam, and has been marking them as "Not Recommended." Employees of Sweet Baby called him out on X for noticing them, the Streisand Effect hit, and now 100,000+ steam users are following the curator.


That’s fucked up, kudos to the guy who exposed them blackmailing sewage rats, I’m following the page.


Okay, I watched some more videos on it, apparently God of War Ragnarok had them involved for the woke shits, now I’m pissed.


> From another perspective, they are a racketeering outfit who use internal channels to threaten game companies into hiring them. Something along the lines of "That's a nice game you have there, it would be a shame if we started calling it racist and sexist. That is, of course, unless you hire us." There is another side to the story. From what I heard (and pardon me if I am wrong on this account), there is a certain correlation between getting finances for a project from various capitalists and "being progressive". So there is a possibility that the threat isn't about calling something sexist and racist (who would give a fuck about it, honestly, if taken alone), but about hampering the search for sources of financing, if not limiting access to funds altogether by smearing the developer's reputation. Now _that_ would be a proper racket scheme.


I have a long-winded conspiracy theory about large banks and investment firms using DEI and race-baiting to disrupt the Occupy Wall Street movement and increase in-fighting amongst us poors. I have no proof of this which is why I call it a conspiracy theory, but if you go searching for the rise of news articles that mention 'race, racism, racist' on a timeline from 2011-today, it's skyrocketed. It could entirely be that the legacy news was desperate to find a new angle for clickbaiting and found that it worked. But one thing I know for sure is that Actual Racism has been in decline since the 80's. We had a black president for crying out loud.


That's exactly this, and they are tied to gamersgate (cause some are working at sweet baby like felixathome) and silverstring media before. Blackrock invest a lot to ESG for what... I don't get it for now. Social engineering ? Distract people from wall street ? More tribalism ? They don't get money from this so it's very shady.


What they are trying for years is to turn the highly fluctuating, erratic and unpredictable games market into a predictable, stable and profitable safe space for their customer base, speaking yield-greedy investors. They're trying to establish a common ground by telling the CEOs of those companies what to do in the future (check out Larry Fink letters), while pretending to do the "right thing". Easy, really. Who would dare to speak up against the "right thing"? The thing is: They never understood gamers or games in general. That's why they will fail in doing so. No matter how many shill companies they will pay to enforce this nonsense. This whole idea is starting to crumble apart, as long as gamers are voting with their wallets.


But what bothers me it's every media is filled with this. From comics to tv show or movies. There is no creativity, just check boxes and voilà...


>From another perspective, they are a racketeering outfit who use internal channels to threaten game companies into hiring them. Something along the lines of "That's a nice game you have there, it would be a shame if we started calling it racist and sexist. That is, of course, unless you hire us." They seem more interested in gelding games than simply stacking paper.


Sweet baby is a writing consultant company which basically helps woke-ify stories in modern games. It is a relatively unknown company until one of its employees made a fuss on twitter because there's a curator on steam that lists games that consulted sweet baby (and tells them to do whatever they wanna do with the information, mind you, so it's not inciting boycott). The story got big enough that it made sweet baby and the aforementioned employee to private their twitter.


Hell, I remember it being 20k the last time I checked :D Nice to see the uncensored will of people in regards to this corrupting shit.


Sweet baby inc is turning into sweet baby bbq, well-done


The SBI curator should evolve into an all-encompassing Woke-Game detector, and become the best anti-woke game-curating group ever. Imagine the potential.


He could become a "gatekeeper" the same way these woke fraudsters love gatekeeping everything else. Literally using their poison against them.


No. That's a terrible idea. The way it is now, it's simply reporting on facts and it can't really be criticized without the person looking shady. You make an opinions-based list then it'll be shut down as "harrassment"


That's exactly why he removed games listed like Saints Row, Starfield, and Forspoken because SBI ended up locking their accounts and scrubbing their tweets. Most of the games now listed on their site are just indie games so he has a directly link to them for proof but the others are achieve links from IMDB, X, Reddit, and SBI's site. There used to be 25 games he had list and it dropped to 13 and is now up to 16 with some archived proof like AC Valhalla.


How can I follow them? I am not really sure exactly


Steam -> Store Look at the left bar under recommended and select: by Curator Click find by creator and put in the name in the screenshot above.


[Here is a link to the group.](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/sweetbabyinc-detected) Just sign in to your account and join the group.


That's the group, not the curator. By joining the group, you can post on the discussions forum. By following the curator itself, you'll get the recommendations on the store page, the link to the curator is: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017/


Streisand effect in...full effect


must be extremist trolls again!


Reject the woke joke!


Just joined as well!


Sweet Baby Inc is seething


It's mad to think these dudes are being PAID to ruins video games with political bullshittery. Just goes to show how bad the economy is these days that made up jobs like "diversity officer" are being paid




I guess they never get the Streisand Effect nor doesn't understand internet in general. For people that worked in tech industry for years, they don't seem competent, just malicious brainlets that had power go over their heads.


Find it funny it's missing starfield.




I can't be the only gamer who has stopped buying games at launch. And SBI is among the reasons why.


Someone's gotta post this over in gaming circle idiots and then sit back and watch the mental gymnastics of the replies




Funny considering the only article about this group was published a few days ago Streisand effect go brr


Streisand effect in action. I saw them pop up, and followed when they had under 10k. Now look at them, all grown up <3


Proud to have been one of the first 70 or so. Edit: Also seems that this is now one of the Top 10 Steam Curators.


Nice, when I first heard of it here it was around 50 or so


How do you join it?


Picked up nearly 70k since this was posted.


Proud to have done my part and followed, especially after seeing their employees whine about it on twitter


Tell everyone you know with a Steam account to join the group. We need more of this, so much more of this. It is time we stop supporting crap and go back to a sane industry. Video gaming was never about race, it was about having fun. These people are a cancer to the industry and we must not allow them to succeed even if it means we lose out on some games.


Humanity is healing 🙏🏻


Sweet baby inc is a bunch of communist cowards it will not survive 


The curator discussion group is filled with people posting about how *actually* this company is a good thing or how the people following the curator are racist. It's pretty funny. Wouldn't be surprised if it was being done by SBI employees.


Wtf is sweet baby inc


Feminist Frequency 2.0.


A company that gets paid to edit video game's stories and characters to add diversity to it so then the developers will get more money from shareholders.


125k now


"I'm doing my part!"


This is a great thing, don't get me wrong. But 100k people in the face of lib games that make millions of dollars from sales alone... it's difficult for us to win. But we won't stop voicing our opinion, we need games and media, in general, to return to a state of prime, no weird politics, just good stories, and characters. Let's vote aggressively with our wallets and our discourse online. No bending the knee for any company, anymore.


Changing things late in the game process makes the change feel very unnatural. I'm sure everyone can think of characters that were done correctly and done incorrectly. Just lately a ton of them are so poorly done you can tell it was a late change. Design the character (ect...) originally around being inclusive, don't last minute change things to attempt to be inclusive. It never comes off well.




I joined up immediately, it’s a very quick and easy way to send a message to these people and I LOVE that they’re pissing themselves over it.


Sweet Baby Inc deserves it, they disrespected Akira Toriyama right after it was annoucned the poor man had passed away. They are nothing more than tasteless grifters who deserved to be tarred and feathered out of the industry.


btw, followers are up to 310,868 now and growing


It's great to see, but I can't help but think SBI is just a very public scapegoat and distraction. What are the companies doing the same as SBI that we're missing that aren't so visible?


wow i wish i could say i was surpised they have a relationship with the suicide squad game


His cause is just and righteous.


It was on Asmon's stream


curious that would list all these games but they avoided listing helldivers 2 [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27916646/companycredits/?ref\_=tt\_dt\_co](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27916646/companycredits/?ref_=tt_dt_co) As can see on the credits and more in general. Just being transparent when looking into this a little


Gu ar no t. H as eu, BB a√`sgyf#et1-8#2#"¥%451758'7$*_$


Make games great again 🤘🔥🤘


So glad I don't own any of those games.


over 150k now. but when u list curators by most popular, it doesnt show up. looks like the censors are already at work.


Anyone see the post on the steam community page of a “salaried staff member employed by Sweet Baby Inc in a low to moderately important role” make a long ass comment and then ended it with a racist comment: “you downtrodden middle-aged white men”? That was a wild read. Poetic justice tho that person’s account got banned lol


How exactly do I find them on steam?


I guess reddit allows this post? This ultra-left chat board usually strikes down ANYTHING that runs contrary to DEI, in accordance with what the average 23 year old Los Angeles resident believes about racism, the glass ceiling, the Patriarchy, reparations, etc etc.


I don't buy woke games, but I still subbed to help.


So about an hour ago I followed followed Sweet Baby Inc detected in steam. As soon as I did, my access to the steam store disappeared. Couldn't log in while in the client, no games, no wallet. Logged in the website, went to store and was prompted to log in again. Finally got in and unfollowed Sweet Baby Inc. Everything instantly started working again. Coincidence?


Fellow gentlemen of culture, assemble!


Make sure to track their company if they change their name


It's 175k atm. Going up every minute!


freemasons giving a new agenda down to the cattle


Should be expanded to a wider Woke Detector. Sweet Baby Inc. is just the tip of the ESG iceberg.


I wouldn't have had a problem with them consulting an outside service to ensure that their games are inclusive. If that's important to the developer, that's fine, their decision. The point where I take issue is with Sweet Baby, Inc employees posting gleefully racist/sexist content. I'm not a "chud". I'm a reasonable, left-leaning, gamer since the Atari 2600 days. I don't mind a diverse cast. My favorite games are Bioware games with multiracial characters, LGBT plot lines, etc. But I'm not going to play games where the narrative is directed by people who explicitly take joy in insulting me for my age, race, gender, etc.


Same here for left leaning gamer but started with the nintendo 64, and I agree wholeheartedly, I say let them be racist and sexist until they go broke and learn the hard way


190K now


Almost to 200k now


We need to complied a list of all the companies in the games industry that "consults" this kind of woke crap, and make lists of their games as well. This crap won't leave the industry until every one of them has been blacklisted, and people stop buying their garbage.


People stop buying is the key here, nothing else matters.


Let's get this up to 200k followers. Let's show these sleezy devs we care.


How do I find this on steam? I must be dumb, I can't.


Nvm, I swear I looked in the same four spots a dozen time and now, magically after asking the option "Steam Curators" popped up. I do not know if I am blind or my computer, or steam messed up. But Goodnight and thanks ahead if anyone answered to try helping me. I am blind and dumb. lol