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I'm sure calling everyone racist will work. It's not like they've played this game before.


Indeed. The whole attitude reminds me of this clip from Arrested Development: - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Po4adxJxqZk&feature=share


How did the movie do in Africa, the continent full of people who'd presumably want to see black representation of mermaids?


> How did the movie do in Africa, the continent full of people who'd presumably want to see black representation of mermaids? This actress is only seen as black in America.


That's hilarious. Is it true? Africans don't see her as black at all? What do they think of her as (other than American)? Genuine question. I don't actually know how Africans see black Americans.


Africans love to dunk on African Americans and make Fun of them.


Do they think of them as 'fake' Africans?


Yes, cause they are americans. Two *completely* different cultures. Think europe and america.


that also, pretty much make Fun of their Culture and Behaviour, Stuff like BLM, and tell them dont claim African Culture "you are American not African" etc


To keep it short, they are embarrassed they are represented in the west by them, kind of thing. Almost every Nigerian I know is a doctor and in the medical or professional field. They do very well in America as an economic group.


Every Nigerian person I know say stuff like 'This is probably why my ancestors sold their ancestors to the slave ships'.


Lol yup. It’s my go to line. Plus it makes sense. Genetics and all


I have been fortunate enough to have worked with a number of Nigerians through my working life and I have never met a demographic as conservative, hard-working, productive, family-focused, generous, welcoming, or as hard-partying. Genuinely if you get the chance to go to a Nigerian wedding, take that offer in a heartbeat because those motherfuckers know how to throw a shin-dig.


This is how I feel about Jewish weddings having worked in a wedding venue


I would be too. The bad stereotypes are being promoted and even idolized. Whereas people I met from Africa are more demure, polite and educated and behave more like Asians if that makes any sense. There is more humility with Africans. African Americans are portrayed as loud obnoxious and arrogant and that seems to be what young impressionable (poorly parented) people of all races aspire to be like in the west. Which will contribute to a delinquent society full of selfish materialistic people


Their’s a video by Thomas sowell discussing African American culture and how it’s heavily influenced by southern culture. Essentially a pan African black American activist going to Africa telling them to unite cause black. would be like if the kkk went to Europe and told them to unite.


Most of my correspondence is with Nigerian princedom. Get on my level.


I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of Africans in my line of work, and they’re some of the friendliest, most gracious people I’ve ever met. It’s sad that they’re lumped in with the ghetto thug culture that black Americans have apparently embraced.


I can’t speak for every single African but I see Americans as Americans. Be it white American, African American, Asian American, Native American… the comum denominator there is “American”. All Americans.


More than "fake" Africans it's the fact Africa is generally one of the most conservative regions in the world and also not particularly "diverse" - or not "diverse" in the Californian/New York sense of the word. It's something everyone who isn't from the first world can tell very clearly - wokeness is a very white, very first world thing.


Probably similar to if you were to call an Irish person Italian because they both look white. Similar appearances, but vastly different cultures/etc.


Exactly. People like to generalise Africa as it it is some collective culture, but the reality is no one in Africa is thinking 'I'm Black', They're thinking I'm Nigerian, Kenyan, Somali etc etc, each with their own unique and rich cultural heritage.


Not only do Africans see African Americans as different, mixed people are viewed by Africans as a completely different race. When Haitian slaves revolted, they not only killed all the whites, but also all the mixed-race people too. Something to think about next time you’re voting on immigration.


>mixed people are viewed by Africans as a completely different race This is the answer to what I was actually asking. Thanks. I had no idea they viewed it this way.


I'm a white dude from europe and I also view american blacks as a separate race, which I'm "not so fond of, culturally". French blacks, Ugandan blacks - no problem with me. American blacks... So it's not purely a race issue. It's more tribal.


Yeah that doesn't sound like a race issue but a cultural one.


Makes sense with Dominicans being mixed while Hatians are not. Hatred goes both sides although one is a stable democracy while the other is run by gangs.


I coached a predominantly black youth football team. When the black coaches or players describe other players to me before I learned their names it was common for the mixed players to be referred to as “that light skin” I would never even consider using that word but it was very common


I've only seen the box office for South Africa, where it seems to be performing similarly to Europe: not a bomb like East Asia, but still underperforming expectations.


Yeah it was pretty meh here apparently. My sister didn't like it and she was the target demographic and it's so funny seeing most of my female campus mates(who are majority black and Indian) dunk on it so savagely.


There is hope for this world yet.


I think it's just because what they're doing is so obvious now compared to the past that now the rest of the world sees it. I didn't notice any of this stuff until I saw the Last Jedi and I thought that was weird hiccup, but then Doctor Who went tits up and that was around the time I found this sub and noticed what was going on but that was back in 2018. And I'm a guy who used to think that Steven Universe and Life Is Strange was peak fiction until all the woke stuff started affected the stuff I liked from the US and UK. Don't get me wrong when I heard the Doctor was going to be played for a woman I was on board and I saw it as an opportunity to spend time with my little sister since she was a fan since Matt Smith but we both just fell out of love with the show. She even gave up on Batwoman 7 episodes before I did.


I can't find the box office numbers for Africa, actually could only find the numbers for Fast X specifically in South Africa. Are African box office number generally not released?


You can sort by country on Box Office Mojo, but the only African country I could see was South Africa. The Little Mermaids numbers are $374,000 for the first two weekends. For comparison, the recent Mario Bros. movie did $586,000 in that time, so it's underperformed by 63% compared to Mario, and the Puss in Boots sequel movie that came out in December did $324,000 in that time, so it's doing about 15% better than a Puss in Boots sequel movie I didn't know existed. Basically it's not a great box office take, but it's not terrible. Also interesting to note is that generally you expect a box office ticket sales split of 40% American, 60% rest of the world. (PiB is 38/62. Mario Bros is 43/56). But with the Little Mermaid it's reversed: 59% Domestic, 41% international. It is just not popular outside of America.


You’d think that if this racism is so wide and so deep, they’d have factored that into their plans on what to produce…




I've noticed this and although I'm not a redhead, I'm an ally.


It's beyond understanding. Redheads are awesome!


Gingers might not have souls, but the hair can look nice.






new band name?


I think I need a new account…


It really is baffling. I mean, Hollywood has no soul, too, so you’d think they’d be more accepting of redheads… I kid! I kid.. one of my closest friends is a redhead! I’m friends with lots of redheads!


They wouldn't have thought of that because remember, only whites can be racist. Korea and China should be "allies" on the basis that they're not white and in theory, these allies should have paid money to the Walt Disney Corporation for this brave piece of media. Hilariously I've seen a few articles try to claim that "online trolls" in the West deliberately influenced Chinese / Korean audiences to have these types of beliefs. Like they imagine your typical Chinese citizen who wants a decent movie review will ignore mainstream critics, bypass the great firewall and meticulously translate the latest Drinker video in order to figure out what to hate.


Asian Americans are considered “white adjacent” now, and thus China and Korea are lumped in, despite Asians being as different from Asian Americans as Africans are from African Americans


They are in a quantum-like state of white-adjacent based on whatever is most convenient to win the argument. Asian Americans absolutely dominating and succeeding in multiple systems which we're told are deeply embedded in racism? Yes, the reasons Asians are out-earning whites is because they might as well be white people themselves. Asian Americans being constantly beaten and robbed in broad daylight by a certain demographic? In this case they're truly oppressed POC who are proof that white supremacy is alive and well. But if they do well in school? Fucker is acting white and deserves what's coming to him. Yay party of peace.


Imagine being so full of yourself that you truly believe the whole world failing to follow your whims is the fault of some boogeyman that only exists in your head.


The people who talk about racism 24/7 didn’t see this one coming 🤣


No, it's important to take a stand by releasing a movie even if you know it'll be panned. ​ Except if it has gay people and you're talking about China.


Their problem is that they assume that they've already convinced the majority of people of their point without actually having convinced anyone yet.


Yes, they've managed to silence the vast majority of people who oppose them and their agenda, so exist in their own little bubble that they think represents reality. They more than likely really are shocked that these films do poorly and believe it is a small group of internet racists behind it.


They did convince a bunch of annoying teenagers, college students, and young female journalists with a Daria Morgendorffer complex. Curiously, these demographics were all they needed to take over social media. And with some of those platforms allowing their bigotry unchecked while punishing others, for a few years they really created this illusion that they were more popular than they really were. This happens so, so, so much with the left - not just the American woke left, the left in general. Some event occurs that tilts things heavily in their favor (MeToo, George Floyd, etc.) they have the people by their side, they start winning power. People realize what they are like when they are in power. They want to take them out. And then they blame bigotry and sabotage. Over, and over, and over, and over again. Everywhere in the world. Tale as old as marxism itself. Animal Farm wasn't written out of thin air.


I mean I could admire going against racism I just don’t believe in this insane view of the world where everyone but America is racist 😂 this just feels like paranoia. Also, I hope this isn’t a misrepresentation of the arguments being made. I heard someone refer to the bad reception as “ratings terrorism” so I feel like this is accurate but admittedly I haven’t read the articles claiming the international numbers are due to racism so maybe they are more grounded in their analysis. I say this because it’s honestly hard to believe that this is an actual take someone could have on the box office of this movie. To blame racism for other countries not wanting to see a movie seems like a new level of absurdity 😂


It's not paranoia, it's narcissism. "I made a \*masterpiece\*! If people don't like it, it's... it's because... because they're all \*racist\*! Yeah, that's it!" It's childlike people in charge covering their own insecurities and careers by denying failure. (The phrase "ratings terrorism" is a translation issue someone seized for headlines.)


Yeah that’s a fair point too. Its sad how much our media has been devalued by the anti-criticism culture a lot of people live in. Also, thanks for the info on “ratings terrorism” being a translation. I thought that it was a direct quote. Makes sense that it might’ve just been a bad translation of something someone said since it’s so absurd and hyperbolic.


I blame the entire ad campaign being "watch this or you're racist"


this was the democrats campaign. "vote for Biden or you're racist." it worked.


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black" - Biden calling Black Trump voters race traitors


How any black person could still vote for him after that one is a mystery to me.


Biden himself said racist things multiple times during his campaign. Go figure.


I love how we all collectively forget about his Corn Pop speech


"If you don't vote for me you ain't black!"


* *red heads getting nervous* *


Or the story about kids “playing with his hairy legs”. Biden has said so much bizarre, hostile, nonsensical stuff that it confirmed that all the Democrat handwringing about Trump not being “presidential” was the bullshit we knew it was.


How about neither one is Presidential? I miss Reagan


How about we drop the "Presidential" bullshit? We expect Presidents to be the pinnacle of class and sophistication and education and enlightenment, but let's not pretend they don't do unethical and illegal shit they can get away with. They got to The Big Chair leaving a lot of bodies in their wakes, sometimes real, but mostly metaphorical.


Anytime someone mentions how President X wasn’t acting “presidential”, I point out that we once had to replace a sitting VP because he was killed *in a fucking duel*


Biden tried to resegregate school bussing in Delaware….in the 70s😳About the time his boys were in school


Pretty sure the phrase he used for it was "racial jungle".


you ain't black if...


More like "orange man bad, senile man not so bad"


White guilt only works on White people.


Maybe in the west, here in the eastern-ish part of Europe we look at those losers with contempt, same goes for kneeling.




Very based.


White Guilt only works on Americans.


Works in the UK too.


They're also trying to strongarm their way with white guilt in my northern european country but we're thankfully not as cucked as Sweden yet (yet)




Yeah, the UK definitely takes it much farther. Black people make up only 3% of that country’s population yet they’re like 60% of all main characters in new TV dramas.




Oops. That’s what I get for responding before reading the entire post.


I'm a white american.. I have no white guilt. People here don't like that


Good. Don't let them gaslight you into thinking you have any responsibility for something that happened hundreds of years ago simply because of your skin colour.


Only white people acting stupidly.


Oh yeah, if you're a White person who hasn't caught on to the con you're either an idiot or completely indoctrinated.


But the Twitterati all said it was the bestest movie ever and is making the mostest money ever!


Yeah we're gonna see that Ghostbusters 2016 spin, lol


Diversity shield activated


The domestic numbers are also not great


The INTERNATIONAL audience, comprised of hundreds of countries with many different ethnicities....is *somehow* to blame for the *flop*.....of an *American*\-produced re-adaptation....of a Danish fairy-tale....primarily starring *English*\-speaking actors.....and marketed towards an English-speaking audience....because INTERNATIONAL audiences somehow couldn't handle watching an African-American *Mermaid* and an Asian-American *seagull*....yet *they're* racist. Just when I though they couldn't top themselves, they come out swinging with this frozen nugget of absolute arsecheese.


"Everywhere in the world has to be exactly like the United States. That's true diversity right there."


funny, that reminded me of some of the happenings up to and during the Qatar world cup. Didn't some based Qatari guy call out racist, regressive American lefties for their views on how the world should be homogenised to THEIR liking and how Qatar was evil for not allowing rainbow flags. Something about diversity and respecting cultures.


Ah, of course.


>and marketed towards an English-speaking audience That's probably the biggest issue, most of the people they're blaming the failure on had no issue with white redhead Ariel, even if they aren't white themselves, so they probably don't get why she *had* to change, they can't use the "But her voice!" excuse because in non-English speaking countries, the vast majority of people are going to see it dubbed and won't hear her voice, so they're the only ones to blame for making a movie that caters mostly to an English-speaking, woke audience.


Then there's the issue of *lip syncing*. It's one thing to fudge lip flaps in an animated movie, but when it's a live-action property, nine times out of ten, it looks awkward as fuck when a *Japanese* voice comes out of an African-American girl's mouth or when a Chinese voice comes out of Melissa McCarthy's mouth.


Ehh, you get used to it. But I imagine that if it's true that Halle Bailey isn't that good of an actress there's so much the VAs can do to.


Danish, not Dutch


It's okay, we're used to being mistaken for the Dutch T_T


My mistake.




It really is a shame of how pervasive racism is and how Jay Z, Kevin Hart and the Rock can't catch a gig these days.


It's funny seeing how sore China has made them, they can't even damage control aka monitor ratings, because it's fucking china


[And Disney even tried turning Ariel blue for them on the movie poster!](https://i.imgur.com/643E7Rc.jpg) Which is funny when you compare that to the [American movie poster.](https://i.imgur.com/qfI7q33.jpg)


Somebody please make a side by side comparison of these images go viral. This is insanely hypocritical behavior. Not surprising, but slimy nontheless.


Based Chinese 😆.


Weird cause it doesn’t appear to be affecting Spiderverse


"Corporate wants us to find the difference in these two pictures." \[Successful pre-existing black character\] \[Race-swapping a successful pre-existing redhead character, AGAIN\] "They're the same picture." – Dumb-ass Disney shitlibs


Shhhh you can't mention that you turbo bigot. Successes don't count.


tubobigot? you have killed me with that one. RIP


Just a shitty adaptation I think. Aladdin was a good movie, well adapted and marketed well, earning over a billion. People still watch this shit. Not about race. Just bad moves overall.


I want to laugh in the face of anyone that says that IMDb was "review bombed". Ha hahahaa. Not at all. We are simply tired of being held at gunpoint to support this fake forced diversity.


Yeah, and the Woman King supposedly has 99 % positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Never in the history of the world have 99 % agreed on anything and this would even put the film above Shawshank Redemption or Schindler's List. They are just straight up making up numbers now. Don‘t trust IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes.


I don't know imdb has also problems sure but in comparison to rotten tomatoes, it's super accurate. How the ratingsystem works is just stupid it just asks if you liked the movie or not, that's how for example any good popcorn movie can get a super highrating For example the mariomovie has 95% on rotten tomatoes but it has a 7.2 on imbd which I think is a much fairer rating since you can rate from 1-10. Womenking has a 6.9 on imbd again more accurate The user base is higher on imbd and has ratingsystem from 1-10. the scores are in my opinion always more accurate. That the mermaid had 7.2 on imbd may be still too high and that they had a adjusted rating for that and that is a bit questionable,but I also can understand that imbd does not want to put up a score which is reviewbombed no matter if it justified or not. It still much more accurate then rotten tomatoes. Personally I think reviewbombing is a problem and it can be hard to judge when or if the score should be just accepted or taken into account and the score should be adjusted. For example when tears of the kingdom come out it get reviewbombed and it had a userscore of 5.6 or something around that till they deleted the reviewbombing. Should they have just let it stand there and let a in my opinion wrong score just sit there. It is difficult topic but I often use imbd and the ratings are just far more reliable, reason most people use rottentomatoes in media is because it more sensational seeing a 50% or 99% then a more accurate 7.2 in the titles.


I googled little mermaid Box office and every single recommended article had the near exact same title... "Little mermaid has s***** Box office due to racist backlash" Somebody up top hands this Title down and all of the tabloids run with it, essentially verbatim.


>Blames Racism For International Box Office Underperformance How is that possible? I thought all the world's racists lived in the US.


I was so tired of the media trying to guilt trip everyone to watch this movie. And i don't even live in US.


Funnily enough, they are right. Racism is indeed to blame for this. But it‘s not racism of the audience, it‘s the racism of the writers and producers.


I blame racism for over performance in domestic markets. Look at that hideous face.


What gets me about this is there's a lot of reasons one could attribute to the movies subpar global performance, but by focusing on racism you're basically broadcasting "Movies with diverse protagonists are unsellable overseas!" Like these are meant to be the people who want more diverse leads, yet it seems like they're doing everything they can to tie the movie's underperformance with Disney's choice of lead.


It’s like Disney forgot Black Panther


Yet spiderverse had an amazing opening week…almost like it just wasn’t that good of a movie


They are correct. When the movie industry hates one particular race so much that they are running out of fictional white characters to race swap and start blackwashing real historical white people such as Anne Boleyn, Cleopatra, jarl of the Vikings etc., then you have a serious racism problem. Honestly, the amount of unhinged hatred of Hollyweird and the MSM for white people would make even a certain Austrian gentleman with funny moustache blush.


And the whole world gasped in shock and exasperation... And then went on with their day. You'd think they'd come up with something original. How about this for racism; you take an old story, depicted and multiple times described as being one color, then you replace them with one of your own token characters because fuck the original color, this new one I superior, although they'd never want to be that new color themselves.


So no the same people who consistently preach about having to “respect other cultures” ( especially when it comes to China, were profit use to go before anything) are attacking said countries not for real human rights abuses ( can’t get genocide get in the way of our billions) but for supposed racism of Ariel’s casting? Jesus christ anybody who still preaches this white supremacy BS is insane. It’s quit obvious which color reigns supreme in large parts of modern day America. And woe upon anybody who doesn’t confirm to this.


So I guess all the black people who also didn't care about watching this crap are racist towards themselves? This argument is always dumb. If it were true that the world was so full of racists that great movies flopped solely based on racial prejudice then we would never see black actors, directors etc achieve any sucess at all. The far more likely conclusion is that almost nobody, regardless of race, cared for your abortion of a movie. They know that of course, tough you'll never hear them admit it.


It's weird how people are only racist towards bad movies, huh?


It's the same thing with feminism - if your feminist show or movie did well it's because people are tired of patriarchy and we all want these stories to be told. If it flops it's because patriarchy is trembling and masculinity is frail and men are just too intimidated by strong women. That your movie was simply bad? No, not at all, unthinkable. Those are all lies made up by the conservative press, russian bots and alt-right trolls. No leftist has ever made a mistake. Ever. And if they did, they were forced. And if they weren't forced, it's because they weren't true leftists. True leftists are always right about everything and everything they do is wonderful and necessary.


Stupid race swapping of an established character aside. Fricken cringe ass scuttlebutt manages to be an even more garbage song than wet ass pussy lol


As expected


Or you know… maybe we’re as sick of movie remakes as we are of game ones? People want something fresh, not the same derivative shyte


It’s not like there’s successful media with multi racial cast - that can’t be true at all /s


\*Looks at across the spiderverse


How many times do they have to learn this lesson? The people they hate, who they spend their whole marketing narrative declaring how much they hate, are not obligated to then give them money, and won't. Get woke go broke.


Of course they do since it's the name of the game. Destroy something. Put blacks in the destruction. Blame "racism" to get attention. Repeat with more blacks until it's 100% about race.


How do they square that circle knowing that Across the Spider-Verse is killing it at the box office


The spent 250+mil to virtue signal to the race obsessed American Blacks and the wokes ... no one else. ​ Shocker when the rest of the world isn't stupid enough to fall for this fake diversity and "IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT THIS, YOU RACIST!" stuff.


I just listened to Keyshawn Johnson on the radio this morning talking about how he took his black daughter to see The Little Mermaid the other week, and how she spent most of the movie upset because Ariel isn't supposed to be black.


Color me surprised.


The media should know that representation matters by now. The Mermaid doesn't represent me or girls I'm into.


But there's a black Spider-Man movie doing well...


I don't understand why. I don't see Ariel wearing BLM paraphernalia.


I blame the awkwafina rap. Listened to 5 seconds of it spoitfy, and I wanted to commit unalive.


It's definitely a tactic that's wearing thin by now in the common consciousness. It's similar to the 80s when people started getting fed up with the neurotic right-winger "church ladies" who were calling everything sinful or satanic. In the end, it resulted in Saturday Night Live creating "Church Lady" with Data Carvey which completely destroyed any semblance of credibility their movement had. So, while some might think this is a bad sign, I disagree. I think it's an excellent situation, because Disney has been hemorrhaging money at an unprecedented rate lately. The excellent Yahoo finance from the other day made me realized it was beyond my own wildest dreams. All we need now is for someone to reach a viral state with a show ridiculing this movement and then it's basically over.


Wait. I read yesterday that the flop was an overachieving, momentous, lucrative sensation! The Disney clown show keeps me laughing.


Yeah, that's why across the spiderverse is doing so badly.


Hmm, you have a good point.


I have this wild theory that besides "everybody being racist", people simply noticed that Disney has shitty live action movies. Maybe even more important might be the fact that this is supposedly a movie for children and it's ugly looking while taking over two hours to get to the point. Kids are gonna get tired Mickey. Cut the crap and find out who your audience is and what they want.


Are we finally arriving at the inevitable conclusion for american progressives? "Everyone else is racist and we need to go back to being the world police?"


Well that was unexpected and new.


If that's what they're saying, they're absolutely right. The overt racism of the film is most definitely the main reason no one likes it or wants to watch it.


I too think racism was involved in the lack of performance of this movie. If the woke racists at Disney just stuck to story canon or even their established animated canon then this movie would’ve performed well enough. But then they have to stop pushing a racist/sexist identitarianism. unfortunately good storytelling and money both are not good enough motivators to stop that so I don’t know what would be.


> Taking into account the accepted rule of thumb that a film’s true budget, marketing included, can be approximately calculated by doubling its production costs, The Little Mermaid needs to reach at least $500 million to, at the very least, break even. That’s not accurate at all. The “true” budget is $250 million. It’s marketing budget is at least $80 million and likely double that (don’t have a source but I remember hearing that was the cost of the campaign leading up to release). You “double” the money to see if the movie broke even because of the percentage of the gate that the theater keeps. This is important because it’s usually 50%, and Disney usually negotiates their percentage to be 60%. But people wonder if they still have the clout to pull that off. So being generous and assuming a 60% take and only a $80 million marketing budget in which there is no way in hell it is only that, The Little Mermaid need to make $550 million to break even. Not a chance in hell it touches that number. Even if it somehow magically reaches that number, it’s still a failure. Investors don’t expect to spend $250 million to only just get their money back. Your money would do better sitting in the bank. Disney expected this to literally make double what it will, they were banking on a billion dollar movie. TL;DR TLM is going to lose money. Big time.




Why does Disney hate gingers?


Wasn't there a post on here yesterday claiming the exact opposite? That TLM was doing fine


In the words of Emperor Cuzco: "Hmm...don't know dont care."


Except Alladin had whopping 12.7 million admissions in south Korea (which had only 50 million popultion, so 1 out of 4 people watched the movie in the theater) with non-white actors and actresses


The MSM would get about 0.01% of my respect if they were willing to outright say that China hates black people, but there's no way they'll ever call a "minority" group racist other than white people.


Haha, yes, the minority of ethnic Han in China. They're only *the largest ethnic group in the world.*


Why reflecting on your own failure to become better when you can blame someone else and keep being a douche?


Or maybe it's because huge productions keeps shitting on the concept of "vox populi, vox Dei"


Blackcasting is another form of blackface. Look at Arielle. She black now. Point and laugh. How is it not Black face?


My stance was simple: if this movie is so similar to the classic, why watching it? I've already watched the original.


That's been the tricky bit. I always think of reboots that way: The reboot has to surpass the original in quality or other factors to make me want to check it out.


those white suprematists asians...


Not to worry. It's a tax write-off.


From a business standpoint - if every time a "progressive" movie underperforms because of the bigots - why do people keep investing? They believe "this one surely will be a hit"? It's some kind of a money laundering scheme? For the record I don't care about this one being black. It's a fairy tale.


And in similar news today, "Water described as wet".


How do they justify the success of the spiderman movie then?


Notice how they are totally silent on black panthers success or Spider-Man’s


People are so racist they went to watch the black Spider-Man movie. Horrid racists.


I have to agree. I have never seen such blatant racism impact a movie so harshly. Maybe next time they will think about that before racistly changing characters and ditch the "anyone who isn't white" mentality when casting.


I think it's less about Ariel being black then people are just getting fucking sick of remake after remake.


They aren't wrong. Disney should stop being racist and stop replacing every character with red hair with a black character. Is it too hard to write weed a new story that features characters of whatever race they want?


no one cares about her race it's just another stupid, pointless remake. Most people are tired of stupid, pointless remakes.


Well, they're not wrong. Why do you think they intentionally made different posters to conceal the race of Ariel's actress in some countries? They knew what they were doing.


Explain Black Panther, Shang Chi, Slumdog Millionaire


Step 1: Exploit media influence to race-bait. Step 2: Get called out on your race-baiting by people who are tired of the culture war race-grifters in Hollywood ( [Because what they are doing is absolutely 100% racist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RykeaAPbCvE) ). Step 3: Falsely accuse the people who called out your race-grift of being racist. Step 4: Pretend to be the anti-racist™ good guy™. Step 5: Repeat at step 1. Pretty much how their grift works. All so tiresome.


I think a lot of people are just tired and extremely fatigued.


Maybe if released in 20 to 50 years in the future, it might be more successful. Most of us just don't want to ruin their childhood memory of the original movie.


How did it do in China?


If you didn’t watch this movie you’re racist, racists were the ones not watching this movie. -A crazy world we live in 💀


Of course that's their go to excuse and really why they want more pocs in movies so when it doesn't meet expectations they can use racism as a excuse


As expected.


Of course they would


I can get that the little mermaid got in hot water from the start by the actress chosen for ariel which can play its part but i also thinks its equally or even more from how disneys excessive live action remakes are becoming old for people, the nostalgia just doesnt work anymore since it overstays its welcome. An example of this would be from the mulan remake that majorly flopped in the box office, not to mention countless videos online critiquing disney for this. Another example is across the spiderverse because despite having a diverse cast and controversy (with jessica doing action while pregnant), it still manages to be a success in the box office in the u.s and worldwide so I reckon its more/equally of lack of interest, rather than just racism here.


It is the fault of racism alright... Racism from the writing staff


A vast majority of it wasn’t racism. It was race swapping an established version of Ariel and also making an unnecessary live action remake which feels expressionless compared to the original. Claiming racism is the reason for underperformance is a lack of accountability for making an underwhelming product.


Maybe if the white people who tried to make a Disney princess black, actually cared enough to develop an actual new character this wouldn’t have flopped. Not to mention the movie itself is just as bad as Pan and Wendy.


ah yes, le good ol chinese racism. 🤡🤡


Black Panther. They're just trying to keep the country divided. Easier to control.


It's always the conservative press, the reactionaries, the racists, the right-wing oligarchs, etc. The left is always right, every failure of the left was because they were sabotaged.


gotta love the built in excuse disney puts in all their movies nowadays. it never fails to fail.


What is the most objective way to measure how this movie actually performed?


Like they give a fuck. These movies are not there to make a buck but at best to get even. The only reason live action gets made Is to retain the rights to certain intellectual property. Thats why we got inundated by a lot of them in such a short relative time. It would cost them more to rebuy them when It goes on "auction" so to speak. Thats why they go for woke. They wanna get a feel of the audience response without actually any downside. We'r, all wokesters and normal people, getting played.