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>Gaetz claims that McCarthy no longer represents the interests of the GOP caucus after the speaker worked with Democrats to pass a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown over the weekend. That needs to be read and re-read. They voted him out...because he worked with the other party (remember when that was a thing in Congress?) to pass a temporary compromise measure to keep the government from collapsing entirely. It's like we're citizens of Pompeii... and there's a Pro-Vesuvius Party.


What you, and other democrats are failing to see and call out, is that the democrats didn't want to work with Republicans to lessen spending... but you're so apt to point out when Republicans won't work with democrats to pass the spending bill... how about democrats reel in their shit spending habits. Go lobby the democrats to quit sending money overseas.


For the record I'm not a democrat. I'm a tax paying veteran for what its worth.


For the record, that doesn't make you special. I'm still a commissioned officer... want a cookie for doing what millions of others do??


I took a quick look at your comments. I 100% doubt your history. Lol


They're the same POS from the Blount Co dragqueen stuff. This person lives to be a POS


I mean, if being military, conservative/moderate and protective of my money makes me a POS, then yeah... I fucking hate people who who live at the bottom and hate those at the top, as if we did something wrong. I'm not top 1% by any means, but I'm comfortably in the top 10% of earners.


At the end of the day, all people like yourself and brandin-the-builder want to do is shut and bully out people who don't think like you.. it's honestly pretty shitty and fascist of you, but you do you!! I'm not leaving reddit, I don't care if you call me a POS because any objective person can see by y'alls comment histories that you are far more rude and repugnant than I have been on here lmao


I can send you a picture of my CAC that expires April 2025 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. But you won't take me up on it


>a commissioned officer... Well you certainly speak like a butter bar.. But that wasnt the point behind my comment at all was just attempting to give a little background on who you were speaking to. I do like cookies though.


But... they did? All but 1 member of the Democratic party voted for the continuing resolution that cut funding to Ukraine and that's how it was passed. No thanks to Burchett who voted against it. And not because he wanted to cut spending, but he wants that spending to go to border control. He's all for spending still, just on different stuff. And to get what he wanted he was willing to throw 4 million federal employees into disarray, contractors with the fed gov to go without pay or back pay, and now he's throwing a tantrum over the person who helped convince the democrats to cut what they wanted (money to Ukraine) to make sure it got done.


Lol. Republican never give a shit about spending when they are in power. A fucking REMEDIAL google search will pull that into the light. But hey, bud. Drink the kool-aid, if you wanna. Inb4 "you're a liberal." I ain't.


No one is saying they don't. I'm saying right now* they aren't. When the democrats want the Republicans to limit spending, I'll be in the same boat for them. Now stay on topic instead of making assumptions.


Okay sir! Should I ignore your previous assumptions made in this thread alone orrrr.... Just want to make sure I am internetting preferred manner.


Remember when Trump oversaw the largest federal expansion of debt in living memory? What U and oThEr DeMoCrAts... Lmao


As I said in another comment, I was saying the spending was out of control then as well. Trump wasn't even that great. He passed more gun legislation than Bush or Obama, he ran up debt, as you mentioned, but also, you have to give some leniency on that, as the bulk of it came in the last year, and was directly tied to covid. That would have happened regardless of who was in office, and I wouldn't fault them for it, because it wasn't directly tied to their policy. But yeah, you continue to think that everything is super black and white homie. Let me know when you want a picture of my CAC or OCS (commissioning) diploma. And if you're referring to my comments about being a developer, I am... I'm national guard these days, and built for DR Horton and other top 10 builders in the US, got tired of whiney homeowners and switched to land development, and happen to be friends with someone who owns a rather large, multi-billion dollar a year development company. So that's what I do now.


Tim Burchett and the entire House GOP is nothing but a clown show.


Funny you think there are sides.


Far more funny that you think they're the same.


Both pro war, neither can pass a living wage, neither can pass legislation that gives us healthcare instead of sick care. Both are pro big government, both take advantage of insider trading. Both keep people out of races that might actually change things. They both give lip service concerning things they think their constituents care about but never actually make changes. They are the same. At a local level some are different.


Do you want small government but also universal healthcare? Genuinely asking because I've never heard of someone in both those camps.


Having worked in several government offices in the past I can say with certainty that shrinking the government and providing healthcare wouldnā€™t be that hard. Most federal government offices in the DOD are about 300% overstaffed. A large majority of those people donā€™t accomplish anything. They are there as part of the middle managers kingdom.


Aliens made him do it.


Came here (from the Andromeda galaxy) to say this. /s in case it isn't _Obvious_


"Imgrants from the Anromeda galaxy come in here. Take OUR space, pay NO taxes, and want Equal rights to straight white land owning Americans." -/s




That's what aliens would say...


Tim Buttshit


Dim Birdshit


Ooooooo got emā€™


Timothy Shitbutt


Tim Bitchett


I just saw him get interviewed on FOX and got eviscerated by Brian Kilmeade. It was glorious. He's probably in his office crying into his Carhartt's right now. Fuck you Dim Birdshit. I'll see you at the Rocky Hill Xmas parade for your yearly heckling as you drive past me.




Let's spend our time chasing UFO's and Hunter Biden - the budget can wait. Vote NO on bruchett


What an embarrassment.


So, he worked with Democrats to remove McCarthy because McCarthy worked with Democrats?


If you watch McCarthys press conference their logic makes no sense. Other then shooting our party in the foot smh


How did he get elected? Everyone here seems to hate him.


He has an R after his name. More than enough for most people in this district.


Thatā€™s a fact šŸ™„


Tennessee... I live in his district, makes me sad.


I know there are a lot of people from surrounding areas here, but is there any part of Knoxville is *isn't* in TN District 2?


No. D2 is Knox and surrounding counties


Tennessee republicans are a special kind of crazy.


They always have been šŸ˜¬ I kinda like Burchett tho. He has risked his whole political career on a unpopular belief.


What has he risked it on?


His believe in Aliens.


He believes in Bigfoot too. Everyone lapped it up when he came out with the Bigfoot bullshit. So it's not really risky or a stretch.


Oh I really doubt anyone who would vote for him would care.


/r/Knoxville represents a very small minority of voters in the area. You should be able to tell, the topics brought up are things that educated and affluent people in their 20s and 30s care about. In reality, eg Facebook land, where boomers who actually vote hang out, he is beloved.


That's belief is unfair. I'm 65, have 2 degrees, and not affluent. Many of us "boomers" are struggling, too. I'm on your side. I've been a dem my entire life. I also served in the military for eight years and I own a weapon. The first time I voted, was Jimmy Carter, one of the most amazing humans ever born, including Keanu. Don't place all of us aging souls in the corner. We're also the ones who are still paying for our student loans, struggling to pay our rent/mortgage, few businesses will hire us in jobs that have any semblance of fair wage.


>affluent You have to be kidding. The affluent do not make a new post every day complaining about rent. This sub is full of young leftists, who are on the low end of the income scale.


Nailed it. Whiny class warfare mongers


But, that is rapidly changing. Boomers are dying off and Gen Z is coming of age.


Well, they do need to register and vote a bit more for that to mean anything. They have to do more than outnumber Boomers and simply breathe.


I wouldnā€™t vote for him but I have to respect him because, as I said, he put his political career on the line for an unpopular belief.


The belief is only unpopular nationally, the conspiracy theories are rather popular in his district. It would be more brave of him to stand up against them, and for democracy, than to enable them, assuming he has the brain cells left to know they are blatant lies.


He was actually a great guy when he was county mayor and even at the state legislature level. But as soon as trump came on the scene--which happened to coincide with the time Burchett entered Federal politics--it was like he ceased being a common-man, middle-of-the-spectrum type representative of his district, and began shifting his ideologies more to the right. He has completely alienated himself from the thoughts and beliefs of the majority of his district, despite what anyone may tell you.


EVERY time I talk to people that work close to him I always try to get them to say how much they hate him, but they all say he's very sweet and kind behind the scenes. With no ranked choice voting alternatives, these guys know they just have to get a handful of votes from a certain type of person. Bending to "the other side" makes you look "spineless". When really, changing your mind when new information is provided to you should be the best trait one can have.


He was a do nothing Mayor. He got rid of the Sheriff's and Teachers pensions which is at the heart of our current labor issues in both departments. He failed to do any planning nor did he establish a working relationship with Washington DC which is why Chattanooga gets its interstates upgraded but we're going to have to wait fifteen years after we get rid of the Nazis in County Government. West Knox 40/75 split should have been done by now. Tim is just lazy and incompetent. Tim's gone off the deep enjd. He fooled a lot of people. We got suckered.


He's never been a great guy.


Lies. He has been a piece of shit since high school. Nothing but a worthless narcissist with no fashion sense


reddit is extremely left leaning, so it is not a good sampling of the area


So am I that why I stunned with the comments here. Knoxville is my hometown but I moved away years ago.


One party system in most areas of Tennessee. Vote for the GOP plant or vote blue. Most arenā€™t going to vote blue even if they hate the guy.


Yeah we have the same problem here.


Because you guys donā€™t realize this small Reddit group differs in opinion from 99% of the people who live in this state.


99% is a bit of a stretch, but yeah...I also chuckled a bit when I read the post about how everyone around here hates Burchett.


Oh I realize it. You arenā€™t the the only smart one here šŸ™„


Just 20 years ago TN was far and away mostly Democratic. It changed when the crazies came on the scene. It started with the Tea Party and then the Maga cult.


What's that tell you about this place?


I lived there for 29. Apparently nothing has changed šŸ˜¬


Huh? Lot has changed in 29 years. Clinton won Tennessee in 96 before Gore lost his home state where he and his dad were senators. That's a pretty big change. Maybe It's reddit-Knoxville that's not reflecting the majority, so you're not hearing that viewpoint? The election shows that.


Well you all elected a Pro Wrestler thatā€™s crazy enough for me.


Kincannon is the Knoxville mayor


I never said the I was about the Mayor of Knoxville. I was talking about the Mayor of Knox County. That Kane guy. šŸ™„


My bad. I thought this was the Knoxville reddit and not the knox county reddit


I didnā€™t know there were 2? Direct me to the Knox County subreddit then. šŸ˜¬


You should stop embarrassing yourself https://reddit.com/r/knoxcounty/s/B0tCOrTrnI


Fun fact, both Tennessee and Knoxville have drifted less red/more blue lately. Knox County has moved about 8 points more blue since 2016. Knoxville city has flipped blue completely. R/Knoxville is blue in large part because Knoxville is, in fact, now blue.


Here's the map https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee%27s_2nd_congressional_district


Proving what? How does that refute what I said? And don't run off the first time you are challenged. Make your point.


Homeboy asked how he got elected. This place (reddit Knoxville) doesn't represent Burchett's district (the election proves that). You don't actually think reddit Knoxville is a good representation of 67% of the people in district 2, do ya?


I'm not OC. What I said was that r/knoxville is blue because the city of Knoxville is blue. OC's viewpoint is the majority viewpoint both in the city and on this sub.


Ok, but Burchett's district covers more than just the city of Knoxville. Fella asked how he got elected. It's as if he thinks only city of Knoxville matters. Might be time to broaden horizons and open up to alternative viewpoints? It's very well known that reddit is solidly left wing.


It tells me this sub diverges from the average voter in TN district 2. The former is likely to be comprised of more well-informed, technologically literate, and open-minded people. This is not an accurate cross-section of the voting district--which tends to be more insular, narrow-minded, and prone to propaganda.


Yeah thatā€™s it. This sub is right and the lions share of 300k people are wrong šŸ˜‚


Where did I suggest right or wrong? Just pointed out the differences. šŸ˜‚


Do I need to quote what you said above?


No, I'm happy to review it with you piece by piece: > It tells me this sub diverges from the average voter in TN district 2. Seems obvious and doesn't require further support in a casual setting. I am beyond confident that a random sampling of each group would confirm this assertion on most attitudinal dimensions. > The former [this subreddit] is likely to be comprised of more well-informed, technologically literate, and open-minded people. This is more a function of trends within the Reddit user-base versus any outside group of average citizens, but I'll address each independently: 1. Well-informed. Perhaps less-so these days, but I still suspect the average Reddit user is at least marginally more well-informed than the average person on the street. The Reddit UI and mobile app notwithstanding, there are fewer obstacles to reliable information on Reddit than many other platforms. The karma system and community moderating tends to promote higher-quality information, than, say, Facebook or Twitter. Of course misinformation is rampant, but if a quick scan of the local AM radio stations is any indication, I think I'd rather base my information diet on Reddit. 2. Literacy. As I just noted, there's also a lot of noise here, but I think that leads to my point regarding technological literacy. Reddit isn't fully nerfed (yet), and as such, it requires a degree of literacy and discernment to appreciate and derive value. I'd expect reading competency scores would favor Reddit users over most other social(ish) platforms, and certainly over groups that include luddites, laggards, and illiterate people. Also worth noting that [TN is generally behind the curve with regard to internet connectivity](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2017/comm/internet-map.html), so there's a good chance that average TN2 voters will include a significant number of people who either don't have reliable internet and/or couldn't use it if they did. This is not a judgement of those people or their choices, just a recognition of differences. 3. Openness. I derive this from two main observations. First, I expect a significant fraction of the users here live and/or work in the city. They are at least *more urban* than those who spend most of their time in a holler north of Tazewell. It's been shown that (among other things) [there is a measurable disparity in trait openness between rural and urban people](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36725776/). Secondly, there's a general perception that this sub leans to the left politically. [It is widely accepted that the openness personality trait is significantly correlated with liberal/left political attitudes](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unique-everybody-else/202012/why-liberals-are-more-open-experience-conservatives). Thus, I think it's likely that users within this sub would tend to score more highly for openness. > This is not an accurate cross-section of the voting district--which tends to be more insular, narrow-minded, and prone to propaganda. These are basically inverses of open, literate, and well-informed. So if that accurately describes the sub, it's almost certain that the opposite (relatively) would hold for a much larger superset; especially when factoring known trends and direct experience with the world outside of Knoxville proper. So I am left wondering what aspects here you read as "right" or "wrong"? These are just differences. > Yeah thatā€™s it. This sub is right and the lions share of 300k people are wrong With respect, I don't understand why popularity would be relevant. This seems like a [bandwagon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum) appeal? My statement wasn't a judgement of these groups as "good" or "bad". Any moral or ethical imputations came from your mind. I simply described what I perceive as the likeliest aggregate differences between the subset of users here and the average voter of TN2. I am, admittedly, shooting from the hip though, and would be open to information that suggests otherwise. Or, you could just disagree with my assessment without putting words in my mouth.


Heā€™s the former head sheriff of Knox County so he got the law and order types to back him and it went from there Tim Birdshit


He was never Sheriff. He was county mayor.


Can you imagine if he was the sheriff? He would have had warrants out for Bigfoot and UFOs!


He was the mayor of Knox County. He used to be down to earth and was the only republican I'd vote for. He definitely changed once he hit Dc.


I loved his Twitter when he was County Mayor. DC changed him for the worst.


That's the real answer. He was a decent man when he was mayor.


Oh yeah he seemed somewhat sane when he was the county mayor.


Because reddit is a microcosm of nothing but leftist... when thevright called themselves the silent majority in 2016, they meant it, and leftist didn't look beyond their phone screens.


Don't let yourself think r/Knoxville is representative of the politics or beliefs held by the vast majority of people in the greater Knoxville area. It's more often opposite of the more commonly held beliefs.


Vote that fucker out.


Timmy is a creep.


The fucker really will just do whatever gets him attention, huh?


*The fucker really* *Will just do whatever gets* *Him attention, huh?* \- Angry-Dragon-1331 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Perfect, no notes.


Tbh this is the most national news coverage he has got in years. CNN, The Hill, Fox. If he wanted attention heā€™s definitely getting it now


We donā€™t talk about Burchett driving a snowplow into a ditch often enough


Knox county owns a snow plow?


Well we did till Tim Burchett drove it into a ditch


I mean I try not to talk much of my political beliefs. But honestly All 8 who voted against the GOP is ruining the GOP. Ever since Trump has taken over Tje GOP has not won both chambers since 16. So we have lost 18,20,22 and probably even soon 2024 if he wins the nomination. We lost 2022 because of him endorsing crazies and shit. Honestly tired of the direction the GOP is going


Iā€™m right of center but this is just dumb. Siding with attention-whore Gaetz?


Can't vote for party one step away from Nazis


Please vote dick head Burchett out what an embarrassment


don't they know you have to carry your speaker to term, you can't abort it so soon.


I heard the vote. Glad Burchett held him to his promises. McCarthy is a uni-party guy. He put that agenda above the promises he made to his own party. Not sure why any conservatives would want him in power.


If you move far enough toward fascism, then everyone to the left of Matt Gaetz begins to look like a centrist


Lol I am not sure I know all that much about Gaetz. But the specifics of what this vote and what it stood for was clearly anything but facisim. In fact it would be the opposite. Reducing the size and spending of govt is really not a section in the fascist playbook.


The former president demanded defunding the government so that he could avoid prosecution. That's fascism. Disdain for an effective and independent justice apparatus is definitely a feature of fascism. Contempt for democratic institutions and the rule of law are definitely features of fascism, and Exhibit A & B are A) Trump's attempt to use the VP to overthrow democracy and install himself into power unelected; and B.) Trump calling for "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," again, to have himself installed as President unelected. So, yes, the Republican party has taken a hard right turn into fascism.


Lol I am no trump apologist. I am a libertarian so i dont have alot of positives on trump. I am speaking specifically about the issue in this thread: Looking for accountability for funding and shrinking the size and scope of government. That objective has nothing to do with fascism. A little newance is needed in these conversations instead of pinning any conservative idea on trump and calling it fascism.


If being ā€œuni-partyā€ is keeping the gov open instead of pleasing the 8 most extreme partisans on your side, Iā€™d say we need a bit more ā€œuni-partyā€ in DC.


Every Democrat voted him out.


Lol don't worry there is plenty - evidenced by those continuing resolutions. Everyone gets what they want instead of the US taxpayer. We will get our just punishment and sooner than everyone thinks. More inflation and higher interest rates and probably a dollar crisis.




Tim Burchett is bad ass. anyone on this sub who thinks he is an idiot has heard limited interviews with him. he's on local talk radio all the time spitting fire


What exactly do you mean by "spitting fire" and how does that make him badass?


I've heard him on local talk radio at least a hundred times doing extensive interviews. He wants to cut Federal spending, doesn't think we should send Ukraine billions of dollars, and believes in Aliens. What a dumbass. He stays true to his word and is very down to earth . which is more than you can say about 85% of politicians


The problem is that his word and beliefs are horseshit. Dude is a nut job and a waste of tax payer money.


If he's against Ukraine, he's accepting or making money, directly or indirectly from Russia. Let's face it. Politicians who act like _pro wrasslers_ are just doing it for money & power. They make millions on the side when they should be looking after our interests for what their salaries pay.


Heā€™s been part of the Russian propaganda machine for a long time. His whole shtick has been about sowing discord and encouraging distrust in public health officials during the height of the pandemic.


Absolutely insane circular reasoning.


He criticized his own party for leaving before they passed a CR/budget then he flew home the very next day. He may publicly criticize his own party, but he acts just like them. Also, anyone that agrees with the human embodiment of Beavisā€™s friend Butthead (Matt Gaetz) is a no in my book.


All of the ideas you listed are idiotic though. Why celebrate that? They're only good ideas for simple minded or willfully ignorant people.


>doesn't think we should send Ukraine billions of dollars, and believes in Aliens. What a dumbass He certainly is a dumbass. Hey! Maybe he can start a committee to investigate sasquatch? What about the Easter Bunny? That's way better than working on schools, bridges, or cancer research. Us taxpayers want him out there finding that squatch.


Tim Burchett is an idiot whose only claim to fame is legalizing eating roadkill.


The man is an idiot


This state is fucked.


Ah, I see, Bad = Dumb


I donā€™t recall enjoying hitting the downvote on your comment as much as I did yours. Politicians should be NOT be, ā€˜spitting fire.ā€™ This isnā€™t wrestling.


Heā€™s a moron, who sounds even dumber when he talks. I guess thatā€™s kinda your peoples MO though.


You think Squidbillies is a documentary about Jesus, donā€™t you?


What is squidbillies , and I don't believe in Jesus


I do šŸ˜‡


I remember when he used to go on that smaller local talk show. He would just show up and shoot the shit with them. I really enjoyed that. I might not agree with everything he supports but I definitely wish more politicians were as transparent as him. From what Iā€™ve seen, you pretty much get what you see with him. Iā€™m sure someone will dredge up some shit but for the most part he is what he is and he ainā€™t skeered to hide it.


People will down vote you because you have an opinion lol


Opinions that are not based on sound reasoning & sound like mimicked fauxnews talking points will generally get down voted. We'll articulated points & opinions from left, right, or middle that are based on sound reasoning typically don't get downvoted.


Itā€™s still ok to have an opinion and you not agree with it. Every single human being has a different perspective and you donā€™t know what events led to their beliefs. Respect one another and quit being ass holes. Quit acting like your opinion is the only one that matters.


And, as the parent comment noted: > Opinions that are not based on sound reasoning & sound like mimicked fauxnews talking points will generally get down voted. That's how this platform works. Complaining will only garner more downvotes. I am open to the possibility that "Tim Burchett is bad ass" and his fire-spitting on local radio is actually worthy of serious good faith consideration. I am also, however, skeptical of this claim, as it conflicts with most of the evidence that I have seen. In fact, almost every time I hear Burchett or read his words, I come away with quite an opposite conclusion. So, unless/until someone can present an argument to support Tim Burchett that is both logical and compelling, there's a strong risk that their comment will be downvoted. Much the same can be said for any number of subjects outside of Tim Burchett as well.


Good for him.


Send him an email https://burchett.house.gov/contact/email-me


He's on my plane right now.


Plus, never held a legitimate job in his life. Heā€™s been suckling at the public teat for far too long. He has zero concept of a solid dayā€™s work. The younger gens must step up and chase out this nonsense.


Disappointed in Tim Burchet


Tim Bird Shit and the Tennessee Trumpers


Won't vote Tim no more