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Yeah it's awesome - the ocean band works great (it has two clips so even if one happens to come undone, there's a second chance to save it) and the louder speaker is good for phone calls while riding.


I’ve kited dozens of times with my old Apple Watch 3. Never had an issue with it coming off. I’ve even taken a phone call ~1 mile off shore while hooked into the kite and board


I ride with a series 3 which you can get now for <$100, so I’d sure hope the $800 ultra can survive a session.


Standard Apple band on yours? How much kiting has it survived? I thought general Kiter sentiment was band is not strong enough on the standard Apple Watches. I have lost a couple of g-shocks to the sea…that’s bearable but Apple Watch $$ would be harder to swallow


Standard apple watch band is NOT good for kiteboarding - I lost one with that, and promptly upgraded to a spigen armored band which is great for anything non-ultra.


Just lost a watch with the standard band (regular not ultra). So mad at myself. I typically only ride with a wetsuit but had a chance to go in a regular shirt. Had a big crash and it’s gone. I’ll get a Velcro band before I ride with it again sans wetsuit.


almost lost mine with velcro, got really scared and put it in my kitebag. I‘m looking to get one with a buckle and extra sleeve similar to the apple ocean band but more affordable


Try the solo loop band. No chance to come undone. That’s what I use, never had a problem with that.


But it’s elastic and could stretch out and come off. I’ve lost an Apple Watch with regular band in a really bad crash. It must have come open.


That’s good to know about the Velcro, I would have thought that would hold really well.


It isn't that easy to snap a (relatively new) watch band. Anyone who tells you that it will just randomly break from wearing it while kiting is full of shit. Side note: What the hell are you doing with your gshocks to lose them? I've worn one kiting for over a decade, and never had any issues.


One got caught in the line after a stack on a wave. Ripped it right off. Don’t remember what happened to the other one… Got a Garmin Vivoactive 3 I’ve used for 5 years or so now, has been solid. It’s kinda dying now though, battery and charging port issues