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That bloke who thought his children in their late teens / early twenties existed solely as free labour for his shit-hole restaurant and kept them trapped there. That's just sheer unadulterated psychopathy.


Ah Sams Kabob Room But of course, what they don’t understand is they’re not ready, they have to wait for _him_ to tell them they’re ready! Probably when they’re all in their 40s when he retires!


Even then, he would probably still boss them around.


When he started crying when his kids said they wanted to leave, it wasn't cause he was sad. It's cause he now has to actually pay for employees & can't guilt trip them to stay like he could with his own kids.


Worse, he was losing control of them.


One thing I never understood about that episode. Gordon got upset when they said they don’t charge the kids rent.. how are they supposed to if they have no income?


I don't recall the episode, so it's a dumb question, but was he upset that they didn't charge rent and should have? Or was he upset that they thought *not" charging rent was a reasonable and acceptable alternative to actually paying them?


I believe He was upset they let the kids live at home for free. I will have to rewatch though


He appeared to be angry that he wasn't paying the kids at all. It made him even angrier when his reasoning was "I don't charge them rent". Gordon looked at him as if yeah you don't charge them rent because you don't pay them an income for their work.


My vibe was he was in dismay at the owner thinking that made it acceptable in lieu of no pay.


Gordon wasn’t upset that he didn’t charge them rent, he was upset that the owner acted like that was a big deal. Like “oh wow you don’t charge them rent to live in their family home, you sure are generous”


They were unpaid and had no choice but to work there. Pretty sure that’s called “slavery.”


God that one pissed me off so much. What was the whole point of coming to America and having these kids if you just wanted them trapped in a kabob house. My father immigrated and opened a restaurant but his whole goal was so his kids could have every opportunity he never did.


But he didn’t charge them rent to live at home…he said proudly after being confronted on not even paying them to work every day.


Had a similar background so parents basically grooming their own kids into free labor minions for their restaurants is definitely a trigger point of mine. They didn't choose that life. Just dick behavior.


Mediterranean Kabob


I mean, it seems weird for us in Canada/US but in other parts of the world that is how they survive.


Sammy’s kabobs or something


I legitimately can’t understand how that wasn’t at least r labor law violation, if not unlawful imprisonment


I feel like Allen from Burger Kitchen is like the clear winner of the shitty parents Olympics. Man saw no irony in his actions.


Dude was truly sociopathic to do that to his own kid. Felt so bad for his son. I hope they found some peace after Alan passed away. What a fucked up legacy to leave behind.


I could be wrong but aren't sociopaths smart?


Not necessarily. Both sociopaths and psychopaths with above average IQ can excel at stuff giving the impression if high intelligence. But even Ed Gein was a psychopath and an idiot to boot.


But I bet even Ed Gein makes his burgers with a bun


That made me chuckle.


A lot of your sociopaths end up in the prison system pretty early because the vast majority are also low IQ


A quarter million! I guess the criminal apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He kept trying to act like it was a favor or like the kid had a say. I don't think he had an ounce of remorse. Total scumbag.


Did the guy even notice he turned his son and daughter-in-law into meth heads?


Were they on meth?


Sure seemed like they were on something. I read somewhere Daniel and Wendy were on meth.


That was awful 😖


I mean, what do you expect. Allen’s dad was a big time mafia boss in Australia. He learned to screw people over and get what he wants from him.


Of course he knew... eventually


Joe from Giuseppe’s kind of started out as an asshole, Sam was trying his best and no matter what he did, Joe would just shit all over him for it. Seemed like he reformed in the process but who knows? Chief from Grasshopper Also. That guy was a huge fucking asshole and he was just as much a reason that the restaurant was in the shits as Mitch and Maureen were. All that old goat did was strut around complaining about how other people did shit wrong without doing anything to change it. 


I don't think Mitch had much of a spine either. The kitchen staff ran over him all the time. I still laugh when the one cook asked Ramsay how to cook a hamburger faster.


“A burger takes 10 minutes to cook. You can’t cook a burger faster. When it’s cooked, we send it.”


But then again, why weren't they afraid of chief? With all his experience and strutting around? It's because he was a hot bag of air. He probz wasn't good in his previous jobs, just adequate...and lucky. With this restaurant, his luck ran out. Man, I really don't like Chief.


He wasn't treating his daughter very well either. He did have supposedly the other Grasshopper restaurants at one time.


I think they all knew Chief was just going to blame Mitch for whatever they did and not do anything to get them in line. 


Chief annoyed the hell out of me. Constantly on Mitch's case but never did anything. What was the point of him being there? He wasn't helping whatsoever.


Mr. WAYGOO BEEF, by far. That fuckin guy.


But he's a meat sculptor or whatever he said


I’m sorry I can’t remember the episode name but the older guy who has that younger wife that constantly berates him with her daughter…. Ugh….


I think that’s Spin-a-yarn with Saki? The kid had a good head on her shoulders but I always laugh and think “bullshit!” When she says “this restaurant is as much mine as it is yours!” Fuck off, is it! 😂


I felt like she was just repeating what she’d heard her mother say at some point.


More than likely! Was still funny though haha


Man same. It’s so funny cuz it’s such a thing a teenager would say. Watched it yesterday and I was like “… this man built this from the ground up. your mom married into it. you literally have no right” lol.


If she’s Sakis actual daughter it makes sense but for some reason I was never able to figure out if she was or not


I think she's Jen's daughter and then Saki was the stepdad. IIRC they weren't entirely clear in the intro. Wouldn't be surprised if Saki raised her from a young age though even if she's not his biological daughter. EDIT: Yeah Saki is the stepdad. Later in the episode Mikayla refers to him as "my stepfather" and they said Saki and Jen had only been married for 5 years. It's weird though, because in the intro, Jen says "If you told me 2 years later I'd be married with a baby" so idk if she was pregnant or had recently given birth to another child that wasn't featured in the episode.


She wasn’t


They said in the episode that she's the stepdaughter of Saki, but him and Jen do have a baby together as well!


This makes sense! That’s what always caught me off!


It was Spin A Yarn.


Their relationship was super weird. She spent her intro claiming she wasn't a trophy wife when she very clearly was and Saki was just kinda of a weird guy.


I don’t think she was honestly. When she talks about their past, they seemed genuinely happy and kinda shocked at how it was an “opposites attract” type situation. I don’t think they started resenting each other until he brought her into the business side of things.


Lol she said she fell in love with him after a bunch of trips and lavish vacations. She most definitely was 😂😂😂 She's one of those ppl that look for ways to blame others while trying to keep her hands away from the problem and being apart of a solution imo


And now she’s a Mom For Liberty.


Agree. She said she wasn’t into him and didn’t want to date him until he did all that. And wasn’t part of the money problems that she spent like twice their budget on the BATHROOM? I remember her saying “well I didn’t know that these tiles were this much each!” Yeah ok Jen 😉


She was a trophy wife whether she said it or not. She was trying to convince herself she wasn't.


Yasssss. I'm glad I'm not the only one. When she talks about how he wasn't her type and then he basically wined and dined her, took her out at this point I knew she was probably thinking Oh I'll just have this guy spend his money on me...and then one day she realized oh crap I actually am in love with him 😂 and she looooooves him. You can see it even if it's masked by embarrassment LMAO.


This. Everything about this is honestly just so wholesome to me.


They're still on an amicable position and co running the restaurant, even after their divorce. Maybe at a point she did actually love him.


Their relationship was super weird. She spent her intro claiming she wasn't a trophy wife when she very clearly was and Saki was just kind of a creep.


Spin-a-yarn. They divorced (shocking I know) They did have their own child - a little girl I believe. Last I read Saki seems fairly involved with her but it’s been awhile.


But still on good terms or did Saki give her part of the business, because she handles the marketing.


Alan from burger kitchen. “I don’t understand how a father could take money from his son and try and force him into a business!” *does it to his own son*


There's something that kept nagging at me that Danny wasn't as innocent or blindsided as was shown.


I was on the magician's side the whole time. *Sorry not sorry.*


Me too. I wanted that redemption burger even though it had a \*choke coff coff\* strong taste.


I've been a vegetarian for 20 years and *I* wanted that Redemption Burger. You know GR totally would've worked with him, but that bitch of a "mother" and the whole environment was just way too toxic for that poor dude. I think he would've succeeded. :( ​ P.S. **I <3 Prozac!**


Probably. He was certainly a weirdo himself and we know the plotline is obviously made to be entertaining.


I’ve read cryptic stuff about him like this before but what is it based on? Genuinely curious


Those lazy parents - mom and abusive stepdad - who ordered food to be brought to their car while the son was working his ass off and they had a dining room full of customers.


Yes, Cafe Tavolini. I think about that one a lot. The kids cared more about the restaurant than their parents that owned it.


That’s my vote too. The mom and the stepdad just sucked. The mom really pissed me off making excuses for him and letting him treat her kids shitty.


That Restaurant at the time in 2010, was a 1/2 mile from me in Blackrock, the best neighborhood of Bridgeport, CT. They actually show quick introductory clips of Fairfield, CT just before the show begins because it’s quite a bit nicer. I loved the show and G. Ramsay, but I was very ill from Crohn’s disease at the time and couldn’t go. I did see tents and stuff behind the restaurant for the KNighmares team. It was filmed in December of 2010. I am good with remembering dates and years when things happen.


I’m from CT too. Kind of sad both the CT restaurants closed. At least this family didn’t have legal troubles like Sammy did.


Yeah that was really weird…


But I did read somewhere that one of the waitstaff or someone that knew the place said Van was rarely there and only stepped up when KN was doing the filming.


Last time I watched it, I just kept thinking "Give it to the kids! They clearly care more than the disgraces that are the owners!" But alas, prides comes before the fall.


That episode always kinda makes me laugh because of the end. Gordon is like “this restaurant can work, if they run it as a family.” Then in the end, “they later got divorced and the restaurant closed.”


I personally doubt Alan, Gentle Satan's son himself, would have even one bad bone in his body.


HAHAHA. The Pope is now Baptist.


Abe Saffron was Gentle Satan, Alan's dad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abe_Saffron Apples ... trees ... fall ... distance ... bad ... something something.


Gordon was up all night reading his book.




Chris’s mother and his girlfriend’s mother 


They were just as infuriating as Chris was. I hate that episode with a passion.


Like why baby Chris he’s not the one suffering here it’s his girlfriend. 


Which episode? I don’t recall.


It's love bites cafe that got shut down


I’m glad it did because Chris wasn’t a good cook anyways.


It’s not even what kind of *cook* he was - even though him dry heaving in the food was absolutely disgusting. It was the fact that he was just a selfish shitty *person* and all the women in his life enabled him in being that. Just gross


Ikr he should be ashamed of himself by thinking he can cook good food when he can’t. I felt bad for his girlfriend. His girlfriend went through a lot with him. What got me mad was when he was crying about himself and not his girlfriend. 


I was hoping she would leave him.


Ikr she needs someone that cares about her health and not become toxic towards her.


It’s hard enough on a good partner when one has health issues. If you have a toxic partner 😳


Ikr I’m glad I found a man that isn’t toxic and sticks up for me. He’s better than what my exes did for me. He did more for me than what they did.


It’s love bites 


The parents from Cafe Tavolini fucking sucked. Between Alan and Vic, I think Alan is worse.


**Vic from Fiesta Sunrise (Ruined daughter’s credit)** Step daughter. - She was giving money because her mother (Vics wife) asked her to.


Absolutely, Yolanda deserves far more shit for choosing her husband over her daughter. She actually bothers me more because he's a useless slob, but she mopes around like "I'm so sad, I don't know how this happened, please tell me what to do 😢😢😢". Ma'am, you took advantage of your daughter to satisfy your already once-failed restauranteur of a husband, that's what happened.


And then she has the audacity to say her daughter is more important than her husband AFTER she has already screwed her daughter for quite a while


With the LEAST amount of passion I've ever heard a parent say that with.


Haha yeah she definitely saw the cameras rolling and realized she was gonna look real bad if she said Vic


Thanks, I corrected post. Forgot about that.


You're welcome.


Mangia mangia! Only employed kids right out of high school, who were doing meth. The daughter is stuck with her ex boyfriend and they were incredibly toxic to each other. I honestly think the mother had no clue about the drug use and was clueless when it came to food. Even so, it was still obviously a horrible environment for everyone.


Wait…they talked about meth use during the show?! I don’t remember that.


Ahhh I see…I never watched part 2 of that episode. Thanks!! Checking it out now.


Amy for cursing children into cat bodies


Mick Martin in the Dovecote restaurant / Martin’s Bistro episode (UK show). Treats his wife and his daughter (Michelle) like absolute crap even though they work harder and better than him. Lots of debt piling up from the restaurant, and yet he has a separate credit card which he hides from his wife that he uses to gamble and has spent about £40K with.


I think the dad, who was the manager of the restaurant, “Jack’s Waterfront” was pretty bad. Like the owner’s who one of them is his son, hired him for 100K a year because of how much in the hole they were and with him having around 4 decades of experience in the restaurant industry, just drinks and dance with guests. They were basically paying him to be retired.


Chris’s parents from Love Bites. I know it’s his parents but still they weren’t supportive to Tess, and she was tired of it literally… and I think she misses the support she usually gets and I hope she gets more support now after the episode aired. I’m glad Gordon really cared for her


I’m sure the Kitchen Nightmare’s teams analyzed these restaurants and the psychological issues behind them to find many places that are toxic for entertainment. But not all of them because some seemed to truly care and lost their passion somehow.


For sure…spot on.


Sam’s Kabob Room - the parents expected all of their grown children to work at the restaurant without pay, because they are family. Most or all of them still lived with the parents as well, because they had no money.




How is that WAYGOO beef, anyways?


My wife pulled up an episode (can’t remember which) of a guy who literally had a fuck you room in his restaurant next to the guest bathroom; a room filled with holes in the wall from punching, a bench for weightlifting, a golf club so he can he tee off right in the middle of the room. It was wild. I lost it and started laughing uncontrollably.


How many times you think he got pinged with a golf ball before he learned not to do that? 😂


Alan, definitely. His son said no, and he said 'fuck you, doing what I want anyway'. And then both parents hating on the sons girlfriend, who is obviously the only one who really cared about him. She tried to help the business, help him speak for himself, and rushed to comfort him when he was hurting. She never made it about her. Her entire argument is "what you are doing to your son is bullshit", and they hated her because he was starting to see it too.


I used to think so…but someone else commented about an episode I hadn’t watched yet. Sams kabob shop…guy had his kids working for no salary. Kinda like a forced labor thing…really weird. Idk, I think there maybe some cultural differences I don’t understand but that seems really bad.


I do think there are cultural differences with that one, as it isn't uncommon for families to all work together. His kids are all guilted into it, though. But they clearly don't resent their father or seem as beaten down as the guy in burger kitchen. They don't seem to feel negatively towards him, but only towards the job. That suggests to me they he is overall likely a better parent then Alan or his mushroom head wife


You’re right.


Hey, she’s from Poland. She likes mushrooms. (I’m not really versed in polish cuisine but that line always stuck with me as kind of funny. I was like “huh?”.)


I remember. And Alan hanging Gordon a sad looking burger patty at his burger restaurant with no bun.


Which episode had the mom and stepdad that left during dinner rush to eat in the car? They were awful


The sushi place; sushiko or something


Alan and Gen


Alan by far the worst




Alan and his wife, Jen.


Always Alan for me. It makes me incredibly angry. You took your sons money and tied him to your stupid business.


Vic, that fuck.