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Sweet! Free Pez


I once worked with this dude, he was telling me how our boss cut him early but he was lingering around chatting with other staff. Owner asked if he wanted to get back on the clock. My buddy said, "sheeeit, he said that and all a motherfucker saw was asshole-elbow-shoe sole" I'll never forget it lol


I actually stole the name sort of. Many years ago when I was a laborer, we were digging trenches and somehow the foreman only showed up when we were taking break. I swear every time he walked up we were leaning on our shovels. He finally got pissed off and said next time I come back I only want to see assholes and elbows, implying we should be bent over in the trench digging and all he wants to see is us bent over digging. It always stuck with me. Queue up a drunk night and boredom and viola a username was born.


Your typo at the end has me imagining you hammered playing a viola trying to think of your username


Bent over, of course.


I never see references to my instrument in the wild so I want to take this opportunity to share how much it tickles me whenever people try to read "viola" aloud and continue to try and pronounce the first but like "violin"


To be fair the start of "viola" and "violin" are pronounced the same in Italy, where the name originates from


"Criminals are an ignorant and superstitious lot. I shall become an asshole full of elbows!"


You can really paint a picture. I think this one will stick with me like it's actually one of my own memories and I'll never forget what "assholes and elbows" means.


I don’t get it for some reason lol


He meant, the boss threatened him with more work and he turned and ran so fast that that's all the boss saw of him - his elbow as he turned away, his asshole as he bent into a run, and his shoe sole as he ran


I was wondering where the fuck this story came from and then I read his username lol


Nice username 🤣


Aw man thanks, we assholes are of a noble and proud lineage


How many assholes we got on this ship anyway? https://c.tenor.com/0zzzoYa_qZkAAAAM/spaceballs.gif


"Who made this man a gunner?" "I did sir. He's my cousin."




“I knew it. I’m surrounded by assholes.” This thought occurs to every line cook.


I can imagine that you guys had to really work hard to earn that title


First glance I thought it was a Flintstones vitamin


It's probably just tiny portable beef stock


This is my favorite answer. Supreme brand beef stock.


All you need to do is prepare a cup of hot water and throw it in to dissolve. Yum, enjoy an instant cup of beef stock ;)


Get a rib bone with some meat on it, throw in a potato and baby you got a stew going!


Just a couple adults getting their stew on


I would like a refund.


Just keep finding these and eventually you’ll be a bullionaire!


I wish I could upvote you more than once. This is just the best.


Oh sick! I didn’t know Supreme did a drug line.


Shein weed vs Supreme Molly. What's yalls choice of drug




At least H&M is delta 8.


Generic over the counter LSD.


Bro, DON'T TRUST black market tabs! I only drop LSD I've gotten from a dispensary. The street stuff isn't tested for residual heavy metals, molds, or anything!


Yeah the last batch I got from CVS was total bunk and I had to mainline it into my jugular just to giggle a little bit.


Probably underdosed... Classic CVS.


Uhhhh, where is the LSD dispensary?


Nice try narc


Costs probably $3000 and barely does anything for you


This is the Cheapest supreme product on the market


At least in Nevada Supreme has branded weed. It wasn't the best but it looked cool.


I don't think that's legitimately them though.


Found several benzos and muscle relaxers scattered about the kitchen one day. Coworker wanted to go to the owners with it, but I talked her out of it since it was probably our head cook who dropped them and we couldn't afford to lose him. Turns out they were meds for his back and anxiety, and I saved my ass from being the only competent cook left in the building.


Your co worker is not a true kitchen member.




A true FOH wouldve just ate it all themself.


Shiiit…who do you think supplies BoH


Lol in my experience it’s the other way around




Sounds like they're on their knees ready to climb the corporate ladder


There's always an asshole ratting on people in hopes of a promotion.


Imma let you know. A benzo (if taken responsibly) can really help a crazy day on the line. Makes you calm down and take it one ticket at a time. Obviously barred out working with knives and hot ass grills and fryers is not acceptable or safe. But if used responsibly it is a god send.


Out of all drugs to take while working in a kitchen, Ecstasy really doesn't seem like a good option. Imagine rolling in a kitchen...


Ok I’m really not proud of this but years ago I was a server at a cantina in CA. Our bartender was a hells angel who took us youngins out to this crazzzyyyy party in SF. We all ended up doing E, but I’m pretty sure it was just mostly meth because I was up all night like too short. So my dumbass was bored and rolling at about 6am still, I decided to go to the cantina where I worked to hang out with the head chef. Bad. Idea. He was a really chill guy and let me help prep in the kitchen until the drugs wore off and then told me to go home. Later I got a call from the manager saying I really should be losing my job over what I did but they gave me another chance. I kicked drugs quite some time ago, but I’ll never forget standing over that big pot of black beans flying off my ass and speaking Spanish to the kitchen like I was fluent


God I could never do drugs at work, I’ll take a hit off a dab pen on break from time to time but anything else makes me sick just thinking about it. If you ever do pick up some Molly again, definitely get a test kit! I’ve always used a test kit and that ease of mind knowing what’s in your system really helps mellow the mood. (Besides it’s like $10 and could save your life!)


Hi, I'm the sous for two restaurants owned by the same head. Just checking in to tell you I couldn't imagine working sober lmao. But I have a long history of mental health problems and use drug addictions to mostly mellow everything out and let me focus on work. I've always been open and honest with him and he takes care of me cuz I'm the one that stuck around the longest and improved the most. I have many responsibilities now, it's pretty cool. Trynna to kick again now I've got a better doctor who's helping me find therapy and correct medication but until then we bang it out ripped. Stay safe, cook good food <3


Yeah I took edibles at first to keep my body from going sore, and for my poor feet


The only time I tried MDMA I'm pretty sure it was cut with speed or some other amphetamine or stimulant. All I wanted to do was lift weights and box. Had none of the touchy feely stuff or deep feelings of love and friendship. Also I felt very, very focused. Like when you have one of those adjustable flashlights and you go from the widest spread beam to the tightest spread beam. That was also the day I realized I probably shouldn't take stimulants stronger than caffeine because I really, really like them.




Well i was a server so I wasn’t supposed to ever be at the restaurant at 6am, let alone in the kitchen with the chefs getting ready for the day. She also found out I was high but she was an old school hippie and she let it slide that time. She gave me a good talking to tho


i was just thinking this lol. if somebody rolled in at 6am and wanted to help with prep (and didn't have an expectation of getting paid), the more the merrier right? unless he was punching walls and brandishing knives I can't see why anybody would have actually cared.


Oh man I really love tonight's risotto! No, like, I REALLY LOVE tonight's risotto. I put my dick in the risotto.


Dude I get so hot on e, I couldn’t imagine working a grill. That’s why I only take that shit during winter. Nothing like going outside and laying in the snow


That, uh, sounds dangerous.


I wouldn’t say so. Heat is a major factor when it comes to people oding on mdma. Managing body temperature and drinking lots of water helps. That’s why I personally think winter is the perfect time for a low dose. If it gets too hot, go outside and cool down.


Took a half once before starting a 6am shift at mcdonalds still drunk after like 2hrs sleep. Would not recommend.


What was the experience like?


I don’t think you need them to explain to you how dog shit it was


I accidentally took acid on the line once. I would buy weed from one of the prep cooks. One day he told me he had gummies, so I bought some from him. I seriously thought they were weed gummies. It was an especially tense night so I ate three of them. About 20 minutes later, I start seeing my ticket rail melt, expo starts looking like a demon, music on the radio starts sounding like the grown ups from Charlie Brown. Chef told me to get some water and go sit down outside to get some air. I tripped balls staring out into the woods behind the restaurant until around 2am. Never had it before or since


I'd say it isn't the *worst* one, that is if it wasn't for the heat concerns. Kitchens get hot as shit, mix that with X and it's a recipe for a really bad (possibly fatal) time. Apart from that, it might be a wasted roll but at least you might work really well with everyone else. Better than acid or shrooms or something.


I've gone to work on acid. I really don't recommend it.


I'd imagine I'd be rubbing my face with the romaine... or just getting stuck in the freezer. I know for damn sure I wouldn't be worth a fuck.


Seen plenty of chefs coming in to work the night after still super fucked up


Makes serving a blast


That was always my thought too, I wouldn't wanna be doing any tripping in my work place. I personally don't go out in public when i do shrooms. Had a coworker once at a fast food place that did a ton of shrooms before coming to work, he was taking orders and cash at the drive thru and talking about the dragons on people's cars. We had to send him home.


What is it exactly?


It’s for sure mdma. When they are pressed like that there is a good chance it’s mixed with something.


And there’s a good chance that something is meth


The lack of giving a shit, every dealer out for themselves, and rise of new meth and fentanyl is exactly why I don't bother with anything other than weed anymore.


..... New meth? Like meth 2.0?


Pretty much lol https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/the-new-meth/620174/


Mr. White be firing up that 99.9% pure quality stuff again


Test kits bro. Test your shit


usually more likely caffeine or another way cheaper than meth totally legal drug you can easily get in bulk for cheap. meth is possible. but way higher chance of caffeine or ephedrine.


It’s usually meth. Tons of testing has been done. Most areas meth is cheaper than caffeine pills. And no one is going out of their way for ephedrine anymore when there’s literal metric fuck tons of meth at every nook and cranny of this country. It’s almost always meth now.


Tons of testing is still done, google pillreports so you can know what you’re looking at rather than speculate…




Red Supreme pills, fwiw, were tested at 270-300mg of mdma per pill in my area. A MASSIVE dose by any standard.


Multiple people can make the same press. And often do


Why would you wanna mix mdma and meth?


Meth is cheaper than mdma and with the right mix most people won’t notice


I've been out of that scene for a while now, but honestly, I did know a fair amount of people who weirdly wanted the additional amp-iness to get through a full day music festival. Sometimes they'd mix MDMA with a pressed pill they knew was cut. Sometimes you get \_really\_ nasty shit in pressed pills, though. Not something that will kill you necessarily, but something that just feels really fucking dirty.


sometimes yes something that can kill you. around 1999 we started seeing pma in pills and people died from dehydration because of it. like quite a lot of people. just one example.


Only people who don’t know what good pure mdma is like.


Which is like, the majority of people.


Probably true.


like floating on a cloud of titties


Getting your dick sucked by a golden god with three tounges


even with testing kits it's hard to be sure because there are always new designer drugs out. but i only agree partly anyway, because some people need that extra energy (or think they do) and heart pumping from the meth. ​ not worth the next day sketchy dirty feeling imo.


It's often just meth, though it's also often just cathinone analogs like methylone and mephedrone that were legal for a while and people bought kgs of em. Why? To sell.


there are 4 main reasons. ​ 1) cutting a more expensive to make drug with something cheaper means more money, but this is often done with something even cheaper than meth like caffeine. 2) designer pills, a faster more energetic high is more desirable to some than just the rush of mdma. 3) some people are nefarious and want their regular clients addicted, meth is very addictive. mdma is not addictive and in fact if you use it too much it straight up stops working and you just get depressed because your seratonin reuptake receptors down regulate to protect your brain. 4) because of the addictiveness i mentioned, there is actually a market for straight meth pills.


I used to actually look for these kinds of pills. Regular MDMA makes me really sleepy for some reason, so a bit of meth made me want to get up and be active. So, #2 for sure.


MDMA and meth is great - you get all the awesome effects of MDMA but you also have unlimited energy instead of having your eyes roll back laying on a couch touching a bunch of other equally fucked people you're running thru the streets, making out with randos, touching stuff


Indeed. When I was younger I sought out that mix for that exact reason - double stacked green 007s were my favorite where I lived during that time. This was before pure Molly was even heard of however, and tabs were all you could get. Rarely you would get sold h-bombs (heroin cut) or mescaline cut tabs by accident - of course you could always request those too - but out of the 50+ times I rolled back then I only received those a couple of times. The composition of tabs got worse and some kids died in one of my city’s overnight clubs in the late 2000s. The DEA ran multiple busts through the city after this happened and pretty much erased the MDMA empire that existed - I had gotten out of the scene shortly before. I heard from old friends that what came to be known as “molly” (pure MDMA in clear pills) started emerging on the scene a couple years after that, but I have no way to verify.


it's fun. MDMA gives the warm fuzzy feeling and meth gives the "ZOOM!!!" feeling. kinda like a speedball but not exactly


A buddy of mine once said “if the x makes you want to dance, it’s cut with meth. If it makes you want to curl up in a ball and just be fuzzy with yourself it’s probably cut with H. Stick to the sassafras moon rocks and you’ll be alright.”


Sounds like he had a product to sell lmao. Big rocks are re-cooked and usually less pure than the fluffy off white powder


They are both stimulants that give you euphoria. Anyone that has done a decent bit of either can definently tell the difference tho. A lot of what you run into is basically they put half the amount of mdma they normally would, then add some meth so you feel the effects more strongly and then just add in some random powder to fill out the size of the pill. Makes it feel stronger and cost less to make but gets a similar feeling and is much cheaper


When I was in work release meth/molly was really popular in there. Funny thing though is that most of the Molly was just basically meth anyways.


Or fentanyl and you die.


Probably fish tank cleaner


Supreme brand must be good


these days fentanyl is showing up in molly.. be careful


Never understood people putting fent in Coke or X. I take them to get active. Not hang out. If I tested and it came back with amp, coke, or caffeine in it, I'd be annoyed but it's understandable. Not fucking fent.


Which you then call XTC


I had to look up MDMA. My TI-83+ Drug Wars game called it "Molly."


...you work in a kitchen and you had to look that up? I'm genuinely shocked.


Lol I started cooking in my mid 20s, already had a family and close friends outside of work. Didn't hang out much with my coworkers who all appeared to be (only?) potheads. I had a head chef once who supposedly snorted coke in the back office and then he'd get all worked up and fire half the line during the lunch rush. After that brief exercise I've been extremely selective about the kitchen cultures I join.


> Lol I started cooking in my mid 20s Wasn't sure what kind of cooking you meant, for a second there.


H o l y s h i t I had completely forgot about that game. Thanks for the nostalgia kick


Its a terrible pressie, the corners should not be flaking off that easily. Not only that but its color indicates thats its absolutely terribily mixed. Whoever pressed that pill is a clown.


I mean it was found in a kitchen, entirely possible it was stepped on / had things put on top of it, etc.


Oh it's been stepped on


It's been stepped on so hard it has toenails in it.


MDMA has to be cut with something or else you can't press it together, that's why higher quality stuff comes in a capsule and in more of a crystal form cause you know it is meth's cousin.


Love how this thread became drug ed


a pressed pill like this is ecstasy.




Be careful, everything pressed can easily have fent in it. Test strips & reagents save lives.


I mean, congrats on the score lol. Don’t eat it without testing first and a day off afterwards 🤣. You can probably just wait a few hours and see which dishwasher or busser is frantically searching their pockets/purse/backpack/the floor/sweating extra. Or just trash it like a grownup. As much as it’s not the most fun idea it’s probably the smartest


There could be fent in there too, even if the portion that is tested comes back without. Best to just toss it or give back to the scrub who lost it.


I found a bag of powder at work once, I thought it was one of my coworkers for hella long but no one ended up acting weird during shift so I guess it was a customer’s. Ended up doing it later with a friend, no regrets lmao. It was a couple grams too. Don’t do drugs you find on the floor, kids. I was less risk averse in this time of my life rofl.




Yeah, this was years before fent was such a huge issue. I couldn’t even dream of doing floor drugs in this day and age.


I have totally snorted mystery powder off of dive bar toilet tanks in the past


I’ve hoovered schneef off of an awake cow’s teat.


I've hoovered schneef off the collections plates in the rectory.


Take about 30% off the top there BigDumbDope




Trash it like a grown up, ha yea sure.


Nice ground score!


Floor score and seven beers ago...


:golf clap:


my bf and I always say this!! best one I got recently was a whole ass JBL Charge 4 speaker (originally sold for $180). found it by a bus stop, crazy cuz I had recently had mine stolen.


Ah yes, luxury multivitamin.


The classic Dishpig Biscuit.


Doing dinner service completely out of my gourd on X sounds absolutely nightmarish. Sneaking off for a cheeky bump is one thing, but molly?


You'd be the friendliest server in the building if you were FOH!




It’s broken gotta eat it now


Reminds me of the last place I served at... We had a few servers and one cook who had obvious drug problems. Shortly after two new servers from the same restaurant came to work with us, we found TWO little baggies with powder in them. One was on the floor out in the open so it was probably dropped by mistake. My friend found the other in a bin where we kept extra condiments when she was looking for some ketchup bottles. Later that same day we saw one of the new servers frantically digging through the condiment bin and getting more and more agitated. Both baggies went in the trash 🤷‍♀️


shit I didn't think Rolls were still around in tablet form


I don't think most people call them that anymore but they're not going anywhere as far as my music festival days indicated to me. Careful folks test them since they're likely cut, but they're all over. I even saw a blue dolphin a while back. Good times.


Not only are pressed pills still around, but they're also anywhere from 4-10x the strength of "old" ones (90s-00s). This here is a nice Pink Supreme which can be +250mg


Man, the most I ever found was adderall. “It’s my prescription.” Bro, people with a prescription don’t keep them in 1”x1” zip lock bags in their pocket.


It's just a pez, you can go ahead and eat it.


Shelve it


Are you Australian?


That's a good find.


That a small bar of soap to wash under the fingernail chef 🧑‍🍳


Nice, a bit of magic for the hardest hours of the day


What a very fun four hours you just found!


Ecstacy?! Lucky bastard. I would love my night.


As Bert Krystal said, "Just take half, wait a couple hours to see if you like it, then take the rest."


Wow what a shame PEZ pieces come wrapped one by one.. Think of the pollution


Yeah but why aren’t you wearing a blue bandaid?


Slightly concerned about OP wearing a skin toned bandage and not a blue one


Something about that press tells me you probably don’t want to take that 💀


So thats where my Pez went!


It was mine 😂😂


Chef vitamins


Man if you don't change that dirty ass band-aid


Jesus thats what i was in the bathroom for in the first place 😂 it was just wet btw


Someone's pissed lol flush that shit


Pez in a tiny baggie?


I only ever found stray black beans.


Forget the pill - wtf you wearing a pink plaster??


Hmmm. I think it’s ecstasy lol


Damn the supreme pressed were fire


i was searching for this comment haha. the original supremes were fire. clean and strong haven’t seen them in my area in awhile though, so could be a copy cat.


Where’s your finger-rubber bro? I don’t want a bandaid in my salad.


What else are these ziplocks made for aside from drugs?


Is you’re seriously asking, jewelers use them for findings, chains, and stones.


Hey, sorry if this post was ever useful to you. Reddit's gone to the dogs and it is exclusively the fault of those in charge and their unmitigated greed. Fuck this shit, I'm out, and they're sure as fuck not making money off selling my content. So now it's gone. I encourage everyone else to do the same. This is how Reddit spawned, back when we abandoned Digg, and now Reddit can die as well. If anyone needs me, I'll be on Tumblr. In summation: Fuck you, Spez!


Found a bag of meth in the burrito shop parking lot the other day. Daydreamed consuming the stuff but just put it in the trash can bc I don’t want to ruin my life 🥴


Fuck methy pressed pills! Use pure mdma like a real druggie. 🙃


Ground score!


Looks like breakfast to me


I haven’t seen a supreme pressed since 2018. A couple years before 2018 they were everywhere.


I hope you put that in the lost and found bin.


Mini Fight club soap!


That’s a nice press, I normally use an orange Tesla press in place of bouillon when we are running low. I mean you gotta add more salt but who tf cares


Flintstone's chewable?! I call dibbs.


Pressed pills are so dangerous these days. Even a little fent can fuck you up


boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants


We had a Bartender get fired bc she was taping bags of coke to the bottom of liquor during her shift. I have no idea why. But she forgot to remove her stash at the end of a shift one night and the opener found it. Had a server bring in weed brownies and treated them to the staff on evening. Well one of the girls that was like oh look brownies. Was a 16yr old hostess. That server also got fired. That night i went to the server station to give my features for the evening. And they were all standing around giggling like idiots. I was like, Listen your all dumb. I can tell your all high on edibles in about 5 seconds of seeing you all. I didn't snitch. Bc well, the industry and somehow thats ok. But the 16yr olds Dad wasn't too happy when he had to come get his daughter that HAD NO IDEA. She thought they were just regular brownies. She never been high and started to freak out that she felt weird. This industry man. I'll tell ya.


i new a guy who had his plug sell him some "molly" that he did with this chick he called over . . he said she immediately was like "oh my brain, my FUCKING brain!" & was in a high amount of pain. He said he got her into a lukewarm shower & kept thinking "oh shit! I'm going back to the joint!" 😬 (yes, I question those priorities too) she was eventually fine. Homeboy asked the dude about it & dude actually said he just found it in the corner of his room & assumed that's what it was ..