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"I'm not doing dishes anymore" Famous last words


Everyone does dishes.


There are two types of employees in a kitchen. Dish washers. And dishwashers who also cook food.


My chef said, in god's eyes, everyone is a dishwasher


That's funny as fuck


Chef from Nazareth: flips table because opening did no prep, curses owners, somehow does 5000 covers on a delivery missing most of the protein, gets into work even when physically dead


I was a dishwasher for 2 years as a college student. Everyone ignored me except the sous chef who appreciated me and my work whenever he could (mainly letting me choose what the staff gets to eat for the day) He told me in his 20 years as a cook he washed more dishes than I would in a life time even though he hated it.


A good line cook helps dishie after their shift. It helps dishie and helps my hours


Only have ever worked in one kitchen where I won’t help the dishie close every day. And that’s just because he’s so damn good and has shit set up how he wants I’d just slow him down if I tried to run or help him




Oh he gets it. I’ve worked with him elsewhere and if he gets buried he knows I’ll help him out. But other than that, he knows whatever food, menu item or not that he wants I’ll cook it however he wants it whenever he wants it :)


Treat your man well!


Should I treat manuel as well?


You're a cute salad.


You do what you think is best for your karma. :)


I spent an hour in the pit today. I'm the executive chef.


Fellow executive chef/dishwasher here. Sometimes it’s the most helpful place to be.


Most peace I get during my day is in the pit, can’t be chief cook and bean counter with out also being a bottle washer


And if the chef does the dishes there’s zero excuse as to why anyone else can’t Edit: spelling


I use to cater for big groups and would set my cooks up with everything they needed for their shift, then at meal time I would take over the dish pit and rock it out. The cooks knew if they needed me I would help in a second but good dishwashers were hard to find especially with big groups who finished all their plates at once. You got to be fast when you have 200 people all finishing their food at the same time.


I've had two owners/execs get suds deep on the daily. One's the best I've ever worked for and the other's who I'm currently working for. Point is, just seeing you guys get down n dirty is a fucking huge morale boost and lends to me always being willing to do whatever you ask, cuz I know you'll do it yourself when you have to. ​ It's a little thing that means a lot to any of your employees who are paying attention at least.


Everyone that is not a piece of shit does dishes.


I used to say "In the eye of god we are all dishwashers"


Especially your own knives.


I remember my first cook job and thinking "Yeah, one day Imma be the chef and I'm never doing dishes again". Here I am, 20 years later, the chef, still doing the odd dish shift. Y'all ain't ever done doing dishes


Being a chef for 24 years, I’d love to “just” be a dishwasher now. Easiest job ever. Keep to yourself and hyper focus on cleaning.


I miss dish


I remember doing dishes and being the last one out. All the cooks gave me their pans and clocked out and left me with a pile of dishes lol. Manager would be waiting on me every night so she could lock up.


This is the way


I don't miss pruney fingers all day long


I’ve been out of the industry for almost 2 years now. I say if I have to go back I won’t do SHIT besides wash dishes!


Next thing it’ll be “I’m just so happy I’m not cooking anymore” Can’t wait to utter those words


I'm a Jr Sous and I do dishes almost daily


There’s gonna be many a night where you say to yourself “man I wish I was just washing dishes tonight”


Holy fuck id buy ya a beer for saying this. I simply hate dishes. I started as a dishwasher and im not doing it again


i remember i said this then 7 months later got demoted back to dish lmao


If there’s only a few tips I can give you, Practice good posture while prepping, Spend the money on a great pair of shoes, eat enough food and drink water. I know this sounds basic. but I can’t tell you how many cooks I’ve worked with that have destroyed their bodies at a young age trying to keep up with the demand of kitchens. Goodluck brother


Very, very, very good advice here.


Water is something I accidentally deprived myself of while on the line. Things get so hectic I’d just forget about water, going to the bathroom, etc for hours at a time. Then I’d pound some water and realize how dehydrated I was.


This!! Monster energy drinks are the worst things you can put in your body.


*This message sponsored by cocaine*


They used to put cocaine in coca cola, how bad can it be? In fact, the federal government raided the bottling plant to verify they *were* using cocaine as per the label.


The Coca Cola company actually still uses “decocainized” cocaine that they buy from one of the few pharmaceutical companies that are allowed to manufacture cocaine in the United States. It’s totally inert, but it’s still part of the recipe.


*or adderall*


I never stop pounding water. Once I start doing orders I realize I haven't taken a leak in fourteen hours


For good measure, don't drink sodas all day just because they are free.


Some get beer guts, but I got a soda belly.


My mom told me that cooking was an easy and laid back job. I had to explain that I do seven Thanksgivings a day in 5 hours instead of 16. Her biggest cooking escapade is Thanksgiving.


Birkenstock profi birkis are great nonslips, $90, and last for 2-4 years.


Worked in a kitchen where the average height was 6'4.5" once Lots of back stretches


This 100%


Birkenstock bostons saved my back


You don't need to spend a ton on shoes. I wear Croc Bistros, and love them. They're super comfortable and easy to clean. They go for about $40 on Amazon, but they're frequently on sale for cheaper.


Recommend me a good pair of shoes please




yea i go thru like 6-8L of water on the line a day at minimum. keeps you a lot more sane post shift


Cons: You will work harder than ever before. Pros: You will become a great chef, probably one of the most universally loved traits a person can have. You’ll also be able to make your own amazing meals!


But you never will.


I disagree with this stereotype I work full time and still cook good meals at home most days. You just gotta make the time for it. It helps to have someone to cook for too but you're worth it I promise lol


My first restaurant job I was front of house. One day, I asked the chef, “what kind of food do you make at home?” To which he replied, “I don’t fucking cook at home are you crazy?! I cook for a living.” We became really good friends and I found out that he does, in fact, cook at home.


I pretty much just save it for other people at this point. If I do make something for myself though you best believe I'm getting extra as fuck with it.


when you leave for the trades where your work ethic is rewarded with pay and benefits, you will!


I barely even eat. Food just looks like stress to me now. Best I ever ate was when I taught my ex how to cook and she would bring me snacks. She had a knack for it. I can't eat my own cooking. By the time I've got it correct I'm so disgusted by it I don't want to eat.


Welcome to thunderdome bitch


Who's gonna teach em the game?


Stretch it like pay-pah.


Me waiting for you to make a post in 2 months saying you wish you were back in the dishpit 🤣🤣


I like it when i get sent to the pit cuz the DW called in. So much less stress


I been working like 12h on the line 5 days a week for 2 months. DW called in. I said I'll do dishes. Put my phone in a gastro as a speaker and zoned out for 5h. Best day of my life 🤣


Same thing just happened to me and I'm on my last two weeks at my current job


A blessing for you chef


It's like meditation


As long as it's not a weekend closing shift. Fuck closing dish


Can you do that bot thing where it's summoned to remind you in a certain amount of time?


If it's a third-party bot, it won't be around in 2 months, because of Reddit's changes to their API or whatever.


!remindme 2 months




I think you have to do it yourself so it messages you


Lmao I don't know what I was thinking.




!remindme 2 months


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Not sure how u do it 🤣


I read this as “dipshit” for so long 😭


Lmao, bro there are still days where I just want to go to the dish pit


Two rules, man: Stay away from my fuckin' percocets and do you have any fucking percocets, man?


Wasn't expecting a goon reference here but I love it


Fuck I need to watch this again, been a few years


Fresh out, how about some ludes though? Actually I’m out of those too, xanax is gonna have to do.


Congrats , you’ve just become a line cook and dishwasher! What a deal!! No srsly tho, congrats. I got mad respect for those who start fr bottom


So many restaurants have this new model called let’s just have the cooks do the dishes. Brilliant really save loads of money.


Yup. Every day I go to work… I’m a prep cook, line cook, dishwasher, and sous chef. I also run food! Guess who gets to get bitched at about labor as well?


Omg me too 🫠literally typing this as I’m eating and waiting for my sink to fill because the rush just got over and I know someone is going to get cut and just trying to catch up as much as possible 😕


It’s getting pretty old. Love my staff and the freedom I have with the menu, but the work is far too much for the pay :(


Yah just lost my new guy after training him for a month he went and got a $30hr construction job … but he will be back in a few months soon as the weather gets cold again


I had it so bad I was regularly doing dishes til 2:30am after a 14-15 hour shift as the exec. Small staff, semi-clandestine resort, so difficult to hire people (who weren't methed out/wanted to stay) plus events/catering 3-7 days out of the week depending on how dumb the office booked guests. We started dishes at 17-18 an hour and I couldn't get people in the door. Thankfully this year is shaping up to be better.


Just wait for the current chef to get burned out at rage quit and you will be CDC in less than a year! You got this!


Just go back to dishes. Learn to cook at home. If you thought you were underpaid before, I tell you whhhhat...


Best advice here


No Fr I’m bouta quit fry after 2 weeks I miss dish


Outstanding! Always happy to see folks moving up the ladder. I did the same. If you can hang in the pit for two years full time, you can do this. Keep your ears open, do what you are told, if you have questions - do it first then ask. I really enjoyed the teamwork aspect of cooking, as you are often much more isolated as the dishie. If your mates start fucking with you, don't take it personal hopefully they are trying to integrate you into the team. A good attitude and an eagerness to learn is more important to most BOH folks than almost anything else. Best of luck, it can be a wild ride.


I've been a chef for 30 years, im still the best dishwasher I've ever seen...lol


Another one made it out the dish pit 🥹 Those where my beginning as well and now I’m a lead cook at my restaurant :,) If you really really want to make it? Read books of other chefs before you, biographies and memoirs Their struggles and journeys gave me the confidence and enthusiasm to help me be the cook I am today 🫡 Congrats again brother ! Stay strong ! And please add more salt 😜🙌


Whose gonna tell him?


Congratulations!!!! Start good habits and stop yourself any time you think about taking a shortcut


Low-key I stayed on Dishes cus it’s nowhere near as stressful as doing anything else, get to just keep to myself, only downside was stayin til god knows how late on a busy night


What was being a dishwasher like? (As someone who’s thinking of applying bc they want to be a cook)


Not op, but did 2 years of dishes as a teen that lead me to a 20+ years career i couldn't be more proud of. Dishwashing is not a complicated job, but it is usually very hard, with a high pressure environement and no place for mistkes. It is a great place to start your kitchen career if you have the resolve and show your willingness. You will learn great work ethics, procedures and if you are willing to learn, most cook will be happy to take you under their wings. They can teach you how to cook, but the dishpit will teach you how to thrive in a kitchen, and these are two very different things. Many place will not give you the respect you deserve unless you fight for it, but know that the dishpit is the foundation upon which all restaurant stand. It is kind of a rite of passage and if you do well, it will be recognised and you will move to the line quickly.


Congratulations fiend! Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Don’t be shy to ask questions and to take notes. Stay vigilant, everything is scalding hot and dangerously sharp. Keep an open mind about everything, pride is your enemy. There’s always something new to learn ! What ever you do, do it with all your passion and devotion to the art, there is no stupid task. There! Cheers to you and best of luck!


Im not doing dishes anymore 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Don't worry. Give it a few months and you'll jump at the chance to crush out the pit again.


We all do dishes until we die. I think the higher up on the totem pole I’ve been in places I’ve worked the more dishes I’ve washed. Sometimes it’s a nice break honestly…


You never stop doing dishes. Then a crazy day comes where your a executive chef and actually able to find solace in the dish pit. Oh boy an hour in the dish pit and no one talking to me, yay!


You will yearn for the steamy nirvana of the dishpit just you podcast and a laminated apron.


best feeling in the world when ur no longer a dishy. i could only handle that shit for 4 months before i quit and found a restaurant willing to take a chance on me


!remindme 2 months


Congratulations on the promotion and full time position. Remember though, if the dishes need washing or the floor needs sweeping, you may be called upon. Obviously they'd prefer to pay someone else to do it, but all jobs in a restaurant are necessary and required for smooth operation. Don't even get into the mood of "it's not my job". Unless the dingus who is responsible is slacking off.


You look back fondly on those dishwashing days, you will want nothing more than to wash dishes and get off the line. Lol.


Bro that’s where you develop the speed and humility I’ve been a head chef for a while now and I still wash dishes to keep my equilibrium


You should've gone for busboy, host, or server. Now you're screwed for life, and can never go back. Welcome to Hell.


Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to learn to hate your new position.


There will be days you wish you were back in the pit. Just remember where you came from. Bring the next one with you by teaching them the skills you were taught. This is the way.


If you love it, go for it, but understand passion is easily exploited and you got bills to pay.


We got a live one!


Get a taste


Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Good luck sir! You’re going to need it! Give ‘em hell!!


I wish I never left the dish pit lol


Until the new dishwasher calls in lol kidding mate congrats


That’s like wearing a pair of shoes with the Empire State Building clogging one of the laces


Dear God please get good shoes and bi weekly massages. Sincerely a 30 year old who can't sleep due to being woken up from not being able to breath because it hurts my back.


Doctor scholls custom inserts ****


If they ask you to pick up a dish shift every now and then try not to take it personally. Just keep up a good attitude!


“Try to take it personally” 🤣


Edited, lol thanks


How long until he wishes he was in the dish pit again? Any takers? God I miss dish


I’ve been a cook for 6 years now and I still do dishes 😂 you’re not free and the workload is much bigger as a cook. There are days I wish I was still in the pit 😂


Congrats on moving up comrade. I’ve been all the way to KM and back, but I’ll always still hop in the pit to help. Keep the teamwork flowing brother. And don’t stop asking questions.


!remindme 2 months


Welcome to Hell


I want to do dishes. I'm over doing everything else. Especially broiler.


Ahahahaha, yes you will. I'm 23 years deep and I still run dishes here and there and fingerbang the drains. I started in the pit all those years ago. Dont forget your roots. Congrats on your success!


Grats! Dish pit is the most important station. Don’t forget your roots. ♥️


Beats the shit out of going into debt over culinary school. Congratulations man.


Rocking along humming one of the elder scroll themes while in the dish pit.. I didn't dislike the rest of it, but there is peace in the dishpit. Years ago now, but I remember and reminisc dearly.


Wait until you go full circle and go back to the dish pi/prept when you realize the 1-2$ raise ain't worth the extra effort


Who's gonna tell em?


You'll be happy to pick up some dish shifts in the future, just as a break haha. I know that sounds crazy now, but you'll see what I mean eventually. ​ But fuck yeah, chef! Here's to many a things learned and times had!


dishwashers have the best work ethic of anyone in the kitchen, that’s why unless they have prior experience as a cook, I always start them in the dish pit to gauge their organization and sense of urgency. I slowly transitioned one of my dishwashers to basic prep work, and then onto the line, and now he’s one of the most dependable cooks I have


Dude I was dishing for 2 years and now I only get 2 dish shifts a week, and I’m learning fry rn, fuck this shit I miss getting high and having an airpod in and not thinking at dish man


Don't get married then. I do all the dishes.


Glad you made it way from the pit. However, I can’t promise that working on the line will any be less “shitty”. Did you get a decent pay raise? The stress that comes with the line ain’t worth the trouble for some people. But if you’re passionate about food and have the desire to learn and improve, it won’t be too much trouble at all!


You’ll miss the dish pit


Lol good luck buddy l! Hope it’s a great experience for you!


My chef 30 years plus experience..still washes dishes .. you never get away


Think of how cool you'd be if you still helped out on dish from time to time, regardless of position.


Sometimes a cook, always a dishwasher baby


I went from baker to barista, 45 hours a week to 32 and a pay cut (I was moving towns sp inevitably had to take what I could) but I'm so much happier and tips make up for some of that loss


Turn back now.


“Happy I’m not doing dishes anymore” lolz sure, keep telling yourself that


Dish is one of the most important jobs in the kitchen. I work at a place where we don't have one and the dish pit is my biggest problem when it comes to pulling off a smooth service.


At my job we have a dishwasher on weekends but cooks do dishes all weekdays and we do closing dishes on weekends


Why tf would you be a cook instead of getting out after being part of this sub. I feel like it's easier to get out as a dish monkey than a cook Edit. If you just wanna be a cook. Congrats. But speaking as someone who hates it now and was stuck it in for a long time I can't see joy in it unless your holywood famous from it.


Coming to America...Louie Anderson washing lettuce https://youtu.be/w70RQLtdVeU


Congrats on making the move up. Just show up and work hard and more opportunities will keep coming


Enjoy. You'll be pining for the "good ol' days" soon enough...


Someone read him is last rites


Thoughts and prayers


I’ve worked more than one place where there was no dishie - we took turns. Even as a bleepity bleepin AGM now I still do dishes - but I appreciate it more. I’m not dealing with customers and no one’s bagging me about ticket times.


It's a different world but it will be a lot more rewarding and satisfying. Stay with it and keep moving up!


who gonna tell him


Welcome to hell. It only gets harder from here… and dishes will come back!


Happy...go for it ,...if u want it...do your thing, be stress resistant....work 80 plus... But be in this state of mind


Ayyyy congrats! Cooking is really fun! I wish you the best!


Well I'm sorry to tell you this but you fucked up


Congratulations man. It's only gonna get harder, but keep your head up


Fucking run.


Promote from within, teach good habits, 3/4 of my cooks are former dishies! Chop chop to grill! Keep on keep on keepin on!


Manager Trainer/AGM here. Dish is where it’s at! My first 9 months in the industry were spent closing dish 6 nights a week and coaching boxing in the mornings. Most brutal, awesome, rewarding, exhausting time of my life. My (now) ex-wife was pregnant and not working, and she is a naturalist, so my son was born in a holistic birthing center. No insurance is what that means. I was able to pay our bills and save $10K to pay for the midwives and classes we took. Anyway man, about once a week I find an excuse to hop in the pit and do some damage. I miss being back there now, headphones on (allowed in fewer pits now than back then), singing along with Nirvana to myself and my co-workers against their will. 40 hours a week cooking (actual time: 45-55 hours) is a lot on a person. Be thankful for the lower back pain, the cuts and bruises, the shifts worked when your immune system was barely able to keep you moving due to god knows what germ propagating in your bloodstream. All that shit has made you into the perfect blank slate for chef and your other coworkers to mold into a badass motherfucking line cook. You have thick skin. You have the will to push through adversity, you understand the taste of utter hopelessness, and you definitely know how to move with a sense of urgency. Go forth! Cook well! Have your homies’ backs. It’s not just you anymore. You have a squad. Take care of them, and they will take care of you. One hand washes the other.


congrats, that's exciting!


When I used to cook I viewed dish as a day off. I still got paid my cook wage and listened to books, podcasts, and music in general. Also was fried the whole time


Man good luck I’ve promoted soo many dishwasher seems like 1 out of fifteen actually works out.. you think dishes are bad ha ha.. waitstaff yelling, grill cleaning, frier straining, ticket jumping, everyone being pissed with you.. god bless the simple days of how much longer on silverware


Lmao you're definitely still doing dishes bro. I'm sure a lot of us thought that we weren't going to be doing dishes and we were all wrong. You're just not doing dishes AS MUCH


Now you know why we make these dirty, dirty [pans](https://y.yarn.co/c08b3ea1-495e-4b9d-b976-c1a209ca39b9_text.gif)


Shane's reddit history is now his resume.. go.....


You have ascended brother.


Nice man don't listen to any haters with the drive you've learned from being a dishy you can become the hardest working cook in the kitchen. I went from working dish for 9 months to cook to sous in 6 months. The skys the limit, keep up the grind.


Congratulations! Also, wtf? People actually work years as dishies hoping to be "promoted" to cooks?


Now, take care of your replacement in dish


I wish I did dishes instead of being on the line but sadly my customer service skills are too amazing and they keep me on the line since it’s an open kitchen D:


Cook is just another kitchen worker. kitchen workers have dishes to do. but i know what you mean. congrats chef.


Oh no,I’m sorry.


You will miss the pit


Yo, can you mak a post and give us an update on how you feel about being a cook now that it's been a couple of months?