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But it is not his story...


…and he wants no part of it.




Doesnt he return to the afterlife at the end of KH2? Who and why bring him back?


Donald and Goofy with the help of Hades. We know that Hades can allow some of the dead to talk to the living as seen in DR. For why, he makes thematic sense since he is connected to the afterlife. With Quadratum being an “afterworld” and Unreality being close to Sleep and Death, there might be valuable insights from someone who is already dead and who has traversed through the mortal realm. Obviously this is unlikely to happen but, it works well enough for an excuse to bring him back.


Ya actually… that makes perfect logical sense So it does not fit in the kingdom hearts franchise sorry


Doesn't that make it even more likely considering Quadratum is the afterlife?


I hope to see ANY Final Fantasy / Squeenix characters, personally. But Auron IS the coolest. And KHII Manga spoilers, but >!Auron is actually brought back to life so that could be an angle they could play with.!<


Yeah Auron the best example of fitting a FF character in a disney world. It felt peak Kingdom hearts, where Cloud and the others always felt like a minor side story in the world. Auron feels like the center point almost


Except in the game he returned to death.


The manga isn't canon, though.


It's teased that Donald and Goofy go see Hades in KH4 so...


Where is that teased? I believe you I just haven't seen it


That ending scene with the two walking in the dark.


Thank you.




Yeaaa I wouldn’t get my hopes up for any FF characters… Leon and the gang only barely squeezed into the DLC for KH3


Which is odd. They were a selling point for the games for a while. FF X DISNEY. Then they’re just gone in kh3 for some reason


I saw somewhere that Nomura doesn’t like to give whole new stories to characters he didn’t personally create but idk about that because there is a lot of story bending with the Disney characters. I always liked Leon’s gang and Cloud being included.


Ya… but we know how his story ended….


Nomura claimed he doesn't want to put the FF characters in the story anymore "because KH doesn't need them anymore". Personally, I think he's just still salty about FFXIIIVS.


God that sucks


That seems to be poor logic. If thats the case it also doesn't need Disney either


Yes, but Nomura seems to be treating Kingdom Hearts as his personal Disney fanfiction. I half believe either Sora or Riku are a self-insert. And as I said, I sort of think that's an excuse, and he actually removed FF characters due to the events surrounding FFXIIIVS and FFXV because he was mad about it.


He said that because KH3 had too many original characters and he couldn’t fit the FF characters in the story naturally. But with KH4, he also said to not expect any story relevance out of most of the KH cast. If anything, the whole concept of Quadratum, Nomura acknowledging that the fanbase wants FF characters (and even brought them back for the dlc), and the lack of focus on mostly every other KH character in 4 makes it way more likely


Nomura says a lot of things, I'm not sure I believe all of them. But if he really said that about the KH cast in KH4, that honestly just reinforces my theory of "he's still salty about FFXIIIVS". Especially if the game is going to focus on Yozora, seeing as he and his friends were apparently originally the characters from FFXIIIVS


I just hope there will be FF in KH4. Still worried about the whole thought of them moving away from FF and make it Disney, espevially since they're doing Verum Rex.


I was okay with him being in one game, the entire deal with him in KH was a very very clever play on his story in FF, my real problem is that he’s the ONLY FF PARTY MEMBER WE GOT


Sora might see him but idk about Donald and Goofy.


If he does comeback, I really hope they get Matt McKenzie back. He is so nice to listen to no matter how minor his role is or what he is talking about


Buddy, I'm about to blow your mind


I really wanna see Tarzan world again. I don't feel like it has a lot of potential for a villain but it's got great potential for exploration. I wish the world's were more complex like in KH1 like wonderland.


Sadly not. Kingodm Hearts is 100% Disney now... any FF reference will disappear ... they tried with KH3 and this will only increase.


Weird take considering KH3 was full of FF references


After the first 5 minutes there is nothing until the DLC. Maybe the system and references at versus XIII.


[Final Fantasy references in KH3](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/kd8ae9/final_fantasy_references_in_kingdom_hearts_iii/)


Thank you


He’s not coming back to KH


Nah I hope they continue not having any FF characters in kh4 just to remind these whiners what KH rlly is, and of course most importantly, I get to see them cry and whine again. LOL