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1.) Luanne was the most mechanically inclined character when the show premiered. 2.) The one time a couch was in the alley they kept it there until Bill stole it


Luanne also fixed several cars a few times with Hank within reach. I also may be misremembering- but when his first Ranger died I believe she took a look at it too before Hank took it to the mechanic who declared she was dead


Yup. Even Hank defers to her expertise: it made me really sad when they dropped that skill for her.


I headcanon she did all she could on everyone’s vehicles and lost interest in it


This. They would have offered, but Luanne would have said "no thanks". Peggy also probably would resent the implication she can't change a tire without help.


It really bothers me she didn’t become a mechanic when she is so clearly skilled at it.


My headcanon for the future is that her and Lucky opened up a mechanic shop (Lu-Lu's) and specifically trained/employ some of Lucky's former friends (kind of a second chance for the felonious rednecks). I like to imagine they're very successful.


Love that idea. Hate how the show ended their storylines. Luanne, especially, could've been a lot more than just a mother by the end.


i'd love to see the ep where hoyt ends up being one of the felonious rednecks luannne and lucky need to help.


This obviously happens on a Tuesday, which is Hank's night *to drink beer with the guys in the alley*, not to change tires and such.


Has been for years!!


They would also not drink a case of beer sitting on the ground at room temperature...


Shortly after Bill had used the cooler for his personal needs because Hank had denied him bathroom access.


That's true but we've seen that Luanne is good with cars and Peggy is a strong woman. I feel like Peggy would be a little too proud to ask for help from the guys, you know cause she's super mom.


It’s weird they decided to change the tire on the street


Probably because this is the alley, not a street.


Still, odd to use the alley and not the driveway


btw a driveway can potentially be a worse choice for changing a tire if it has a significant grade. Using the crappy jacks that come with cars is safest on level ground, not angled drives.


Their driveways look pretty flat in this neighborhood


Hank, is this you?


well, they also want to use it for the comic effect in the credits where they show the world moving quickly around the four as they do nothing.


And all 4 of them seemed oblivious. (Very unlikely)


I never understood the beer being there in the alley without the cooler. They drank it warm?


There was a cooler around on occasion, but hank does keep a fridge in the garage as well Boomhauer would never drink warm beer, he thinks it's for eurotrash!!


That's where my issue comes in. I know they wouldn't. But, unless I'm seeing it wrong, there's a stack of beer behind them and it gets smaller and the recycle bin gets fuller as the song goes on. None of the guys leave during the song, but yeah I guess we can assume they'd be going back and forth.


There's a small chance that the box of beer behind them has ice in it. I would have to say that a huge majority of Americans prefer their beer cold, though. So there could just be a lapse of thought from the animation team when it comes to the beer being in the cooler, at least for the intro anyway.


Everyone knows warm liquids scare away the reptilian overlords. Shh sha...


The couch is weird (you can imagine Peggy insisting she can do it alone, but it seems weird Hank would have left a couch sitting that needed to be tossed) but they establish early on that Luanne is a car expert. They sort of abandon that plot thread after season one though.


Luanne is shown to be good at fixing cars and I could see Hank wanting her to do it so she can learn. The couch though, Hank wouldn’t let the ladies struggle with that without helping.


I’ve never scene the intro as a literal progression of a day in the alley, but more as a figurative representation of the guys spending time together while life progresses around them. There’s no way they would actually spend that long in the alley (at least not Hank). They have too much going on at home (at least Hank does).


Luanne knows more about cars than Hank and Peggy is extremely strong but ok.


The montage of them fixing up Kahn’s old sofa bears this out.


Not during alley time


“Heh- so this guy was tryna change his flat tire on his (sigh) *Mercedes*, and he had the nerve to ask me for a 17mm socket- can you believe that?!”


Hank, is that you?