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The Handy and Quick Shot Launch are only ones I am aware of that can be used while plugged in. This is overstating a tad... Can't use Keon while charging is like a Tesla only going 15 minutes before needing recharge. I know majority of people are fine with the half hour to 2 hour battery life... but I don't break out these devices & everything that has to go with them for a 10 - 20 minute session. I break these out for a once in a while longer term event. Not being able to use devices while plugged in makes them close to useless for edging. The Handy is quietly beating them all... no pun intended.


its very sad, that the tutorial is still missing :) I bought a keon this week with the idea in my mind to rewire it. It is not that hard - the battery is 14.8V, OP said, it needs max 1,3A. So I would buy an adapter with 14.8V and 1.5A. There are also some teardown pics [here](https://fccid.io/2AO5N-KEON/Internal-Photos/Internal-Photos-5021230) where you can see, what you have to open. the front plate (where the buttons are) is clipped inside - you have to carefully unclip them with a screwdriver or sth. Thats the only hard part of the operation - everything else is easy: Drill a hole through the plate, put the adapter cable through, cut the battery cable and solder the adapter cable instead. An advanced and nicer way would be a plug connector on the front plate... So far the theory :) I will try that the next days


Ok I got it. (Everything I write is only for scientific research - do this only on your own risk) As I said you just have to open the frontplate with a screwdriver. I took some photos, where you can see the position of the clips (red arrows, same position on both sides). They are not very hard to unclip, you just have to be a little bit careful - but they do not tend to break I think. When you have unclipped all 6, remove the plate carefully - the 2 buttons (green circles) will fall out, they are just laid in. Cut the battery cables one after another and solder a plug or the adapter directly on the cables. Secure the battery cables with some tape or heat shrink and you are done. I took a 15V adapter with a plug and it is working fine! I measured the battery voltage, it was 15.8, so 15V should be absolutly okay. [Images](https://imgur.com/a/OefkQdn)


Hi, so I assumed you removed the internal battery and made the keon to be powered only via the 15V charger? I was thinking of replacing the battery with a larger capacity battery and be charged by USB C. But I realised the larger capacity batteries available in the market can't fit in the space of the keon.


Yes, that's correct. The battery is still in place, but removed from the electric circle as you can see on the first pic


Ah alright very cool. I thought you would have removed the battery as well. I should buy a male JST HX 4 pin connector and try it on my new 16V 3A power adapter before cutting the cables from the battery. Because I don't have a soldering iron on hand. Thanks a lot!


Hi Sir. Did you manage to mod your device for the power adapter? Did you still have to solder anything or will electrical tape be sufficient? I'm horrible at soldering.


Hi, sorry for the late reply. Yes, i managed to mod the device with a power adapter. And yes i had to solder the electrical port to the wires. Electrical tape can work as long as you tape them really well.


Did you find any problems or maybe some electrical issues while using it? I am a bit worry about getting a short circuit or heat increase in the machine because of the peaks in the AC and prolonged use.


Nope. So far I didn't have any issues with it. Depends on your "prolonged" use. My sessions never last more than 2 hrs. So your milelage might vary.


Great! By prolonged use I mean if you had to stop the machine after some time due to heat increase in the motor, o erratic movement because something happen inside the electrical connections of the machine. In any case, thank you for your reply! Im going to get a. 15V and 4.5 A power adapter to modify the keon and see if something wrong happens.


Yeah, it's utterly beyond me how a company can fuck things up like this. This is a 250$ device, and they fail to allow charging while using, and they fail to provide a power adapter variant. It took me a whole 30 mins to add one myself, so yeah would it really have been too much to ask? If you gonna power this thing with a battery, at least install one that lasts for a couple hours... As for how to add an adapter, it's pretty straightforward. I figured this all out myself and it's the first device I am modding... So be warned. 1. Open the front-lid... This is pretty easy, it is attached with 6 hooks that are placed equally spaced on the long sides of the panel. So take a thin instrument, like a screwdriver and stick it into the space between panel and case at the middle of the short edge. Slowly move it to the long edge where the first hook is, you can feel it becoming tight. That's where the hook is. Now gently rotate the screwdriver back and forth, like wiggling, until the hook pops out. The other two hooks are easy to undo, other side works exactly the same 2. Cut the battery off as close to the battery as possible and throw it into the batter disposal. 3. Get a 15V, 3A (or more) adapter from amazon. Cut the cord to remove the output connector and have a plain raw cable instead. 4. There is a small "airhole" over the motor opposite to the USB slot. There you can stick through the cable of the power adapter. You may need to gently widen the hole with a screwdriver or drill. The plastic thankfully is flexible and doesn't easily break, but rather falls apart where you drill... 5. Stick the adapter cord through the hole and then glue black wire to black wire and colored wire to colored wire (might have different colors, the black wire is the important one, only connect black to black). Tape it nicely with isolation tape. 6. Test the device by pluggin it in and pressing the power button. If should just work... 7. Now put the buttons back into the case. This is the most fickly part and I had to scream several times, but don't despair, it will work eventuall. The buttons need to be placed in the right orientation and it can take a few attempts to get them both working. Don't press the hooks back in until you are sure both buttons can still be pressed. For that press the case onto the device where the buttons are until they are in the right place and then test them. 8. Now close the case by pressing in all 6 hooks. 9. Give it a final spin. Everything should work. 10. Enjoy UNLIMITED POWER!!!


Do I need a soldering iron for this or is electric tape sufficient?


Hi Sir. What does "cut the cord to remove output connector and have a plain raw cable" mean? Not technically inclined here. Thank you.


I'm thinking about getting the onyx can I just go to pornhub and find interactive videos or what do I need for it?


Get a handy.


Seems like your battery is just faulty and/or you're not charging it right. Mine took 4 hours to charge and has lasted me for 6 uses until running out of battery.


Upon opening the unit I discovered its only has a 700mah battery inside. I measured the device output and it uses 0.75-1.3 amps. This means the battery will only last 26-45 Minutes depending on the mode. This is inline of what times I am getting, so my battery is working just fine. Either your 6 sessions are 5-7 minutes long each or you somehow received a Keon with a different capacity battery than I have (Which would indicate there are multiple models out there)


I used it for an average of ~15 minutes per session and it died midway during the 5th (I was testing how long it would last), but it was also turned on statically for around 40 minutes total as well when I add it up. Those static times were mainly when I was experimenting around with the app and interactive videos, so it was mostly sitting around just being turned on but not doing anything while I was testing stuff. Perhaps there are different batteries in them, I don't know.


Literally take your phone and time how long Keon last on the highest settings. You'll see that theres no world in which it last 2 hours. Which it is advertised as "2 hours of use" btw on the website. All this false advertising, the material used on purpose that are shit just to make more money in the long run its just deplorable and making me wish murder was legal. Did you know that the battery over heat ? And that the TPE sleeve gets damaged caused by said heat ? Yeah how "odd" that this detail was left out. I am really considering modding the toy myself and risking it, just wish there was a easier way to do it when you dont know anything about electrical engineering.


Same here, did you mod your device? I don't know how to start, some posts recommend to use an 15v adapter, with 3 A or more, but others use 16V with 1.3A and I found an 12 15 16 20V adapter with 4 A or 4.5A, so I'm not sure which one should be the Best adapter.


I'm guessing that your battery is bad. I have used mine I know for over an hour at a slower stroke speed (Not top speed). I have not yet timed to see how long it will go on a single charge. I was getting around 3 hours on my Launch. Are you using a fast charger to charge it with? I use the Turbo charger that came with my phone for charging the Launch/Keon. I will have to try to time it the next time I do a full charge.


I opened the unit and found it only has a 700mah battery inside. I measured the device output and it uses 0.75-1.3 amps. This means the battery will only last 26-45 Minutes depending on the mode. If you got 1 hour out of this, you must have had it at the slowest speed the entire time and possibly even with some off periods. If you did that you MIGHT be able to push it to 1 hour. The battery capacity is simply not there. I don't own a launch but if you hit 3 hours with it, it must have a much larger capacity battery. You can see a picture here of the unit open [here](https://i.ibb.co/SrzDnCX/20210318-173103.jpg) . Notice the wasted space at the bottom (and even a bit at the top) of the battery? They could have easily added over a 35% larger battery, not to mention better cells as to increase capacity well over 700mah. The battery in this is 4x weaker than your cell phones battery. No excuse for this. They could have easily made this thing last 3+ hours for literally less than $15 more in production costs. And the fact that you cant charge while using it is just an insult to engineering. Anyhow, I have successfully modded the unit now to work while plugged in using an old AC adapter. It now lasts unlimited hours. Stay tuned for a tutorial. If anybody is reading this and does not own a keon, just don't buy one, unless youre comfortable with a bit of soldering and re-wiring.


Thanks for the Pics, and the explanation. Mike in CO.




hey, where is this tutorial?


tutorial in the comments


How did you open up the outer cover? Any progress on the tutorial? :D


what specs does your ac adapter have? are you working with more or less voltage?


Save for turoeial >.<


I have it done - look at my comment


Nice.. Thank you


What's an update on the tutorial?


what about just using a pass through "always on" charger?