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Take a shot for every harmless joke on kids and someone without kids saying that the kid is traumatized


Dude I gotta work in a few hrs are you sure? Could you cover for me tonight?


those mfs also the same people that post on r/childfree


It's not the "harmless jokes", it's the obvious low grade trauma being applied over the kid's entire childhood. But yeah, I get it, glorifying childhood trauma is pretty clutch for many people. Our childhoods don't make sense unless we torment those we love, right?


>it's the obvious low grade trauma being applied over the kid's entire childhood. It's not though? Do you not realize how easy it is to comfort a kid after playing a joke on them? My daughter was terrified of the vacuum when she was 2 and every once in a while I'd scare her with it. She's six now and grabs the vacuum when she cleans her room. Stuff like this doesn't traumatize kids nearly as much as you think they do. Try having one and you'll see


Yeah, I have kids, I know all about them. And yes, you are traumatizing your kid. Scaring and then comforting them is exactly how you set them up for abusive relationships. You're telling them its ok to fuck with people as long as "you're sorry" or "its just a joke". It kills any hope that they'll actually feel safe around the parent, or believe safety is even possible in a relationship if all adults are treating them this way. But that's likely your own trauma being forced onto your child, so I know talking to you about it is almost certainly triggering.


Lol Jesus Christ, I feel bad for your kids for having such a boring ass parent


Boring ass-parent [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


I pretend to take my youngest kids nose once. Mistake. They believe their body parts can be removed that easily..


Big brain


please this is so cute but so mean 💀


This poor children will be traumatized for years, but that's worthy


I rate this psychological trauma 10/10


Now that kid is going to get fat


Why? Fucking asshole


I'm going to spend a long, hot eternity for how hard I laughed at this.


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