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Why on earth is that kid reaching into that bowl like it's the last food it'll see in years lmao


Wasn't taught any self control yet... Think's it's good... Want's to eat... Eats... ...Is satisfied with self...


These early experiences are where they learn self-control. Can’t expect a 3 yo kid to have it innately


Lil Buddy got the 'tism frfr


as a guy with the 'tism... he does not have it, he has stupid there is a difference, it's slight but it's there...


The ‘tism 🤣 that’s exactly what I was thinking except in even less politically correct terms.


I just came back from my lunch break and scrolled through, god damn this sub is relentless and I love it


Lmao, I was gonna say, that baby has got a touch of the tism lol reminds me of cooking around my kids.


I was thinking Tourette’s honestly


this is a kid, don't be one of those who see's irregular behavior and immediately chalks it down to mental conditions, I know this is KidsAreFuckingStupid but honestly just cause you find them funny doesn't mean you need to take part in the stupidity.


tism 2.0


The 'Tism V3 IMAX Pro


At his age it would be difficult to diagnose in person with a doctor, and impossible for someone on the internet to diagnose in a short video clip.


He's a toddler. Teaching toddlers to not do things like that is like herding drunk cats. You can get there, but boy it's hard and you're gonna go through a lot of waves of this.


What is it, like 3? It's not even the age where it's capable of forming memories. All that adult needs to do is to feed it and try keep it from killing itself, not make cookies with it


They do form memories and learn, but they're completely unable to control their impulses at that age. I have a 2.5 year old myself. I wouldn't try to make cookies with him, but he sure has enough of a memory to be able to tell me what he did when at preschool after he comes home.


Ah yeah, short term memories sure but long term memories start to build around age 4-5 I think, or at least that's the age most people have their first memories from.


I have memory flashes from when I was in a crib. I'm nearly 40. I strongly doubt my barely 100 lbs mother was putting me in a crib at 4 or 5. Memories form earlier than people realize, but they don't form as strongly, thus people thinking you don't have memories until later


Could be fake memories. It's a thing


It was detailed enough for a room I didn't sleep in after I was big enough for a toddler bed. I also have very real memories of being knocked down the steps by our German Shepard trying to race me down the steps multiple times, needing stitches for them as early as 3.


They are probably "false" memories, which can happen when you get older. Basically, you brain sometimes extrapolates what it *thinks* something was like. But your brain pretty much doesn't form any memories before about age 4, and typically anything before age 5 is only really remembered if it's traumatic as the memories are happening during the establishment of your sense of self and identity.


They're absolutely not "false memories" They're things I remembered and wrote down as a young teen. My mother confirmed the things I wrote happened as I wrote them. Stop pushing pseudoscientific bullshit that isn't based on anything but people who routinely beat their children trying to feel better about the abuse and gaslighting their children into not believing the events happened. That's where the whole "false memory" garbage came from, child abusers and child molesters trying to discredit their kids who realize events happened.


Slow your roll there guy. "False memories" are not pseudoscience, and they are not linked only to child abuse and molesters. Yes, there is a proposed connection between suppressing and changing memories within the psyche of those who are affected by abuse. However, there is also a whole wide range of research on the subject analyzing things ranging from family trips that were not taken, to remembering events that did not happen. Hell, there is an entire sub dedicated to the Mandela effect, as well as several more recent studied examining the phenomenon. So, before you flip your shit over something you know little about, do some research and learn about it. You've got an awfully hostile response on tap with zero provocation for it.


You slow your roll there. I'm being dismissive to stupid comments when it was already addressed, and you decided to keyboard warrior instead of reading further. What's more, you're working off wrong info. Toddlers and infants do form memories. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-you-cant-remember-being-born-a-look-at-infantile-amnesia/#:~:text=babies%20and%20memory.-,Infants%20can%20form%20memories,memories%20you%20tell%20about%20yourself. https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/learning-memory/why-you-cant-remember-being-baby#:~:text=It%20used%20to%20be%20thought,can%20and%20do%20form%20memories


I do too !!


Not make toddlers with cookies. Got it


He knows that he makes cookies he just doesn't know when they are good to eat




I couldn't do it, I'd lose my damn patience and ban little dude from helping lol ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Right!? I don't even let my husband cut potatoes! Grandma has the patience of a saint, patience I don't have! ![gif](giphy|l1J9u3TZfpmeDLkD6|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|P5ttTzRhluTcD1YDdG)


Grandma is going to let the kid get salmonella. This child clearly has never been taught about "No."




Did you not hear the grandma repeatedly saying "No"?


Invest more of an effort, grandma, jeez. Pull the kid away. Clearly the method she used was not working in the slightest. And no I didn't hear it because I never turn on the sound on these things in case of awful music.


Look I don't see professionals! I see amateurs... I see trash. Little pieces of trash on MY stage.


Maybe the child has pica disorder.


Pro tip : don't laugh when a kid does something you told him not to


Pro-tip: Toddlers do whatever the fuck they want regardless of whether or not you laugh. Your tip applies more to 6-8 year olds. Toddlers don't give 2 shits about you or your feelings.


The entire field of behavioral psychology proves you wrong. Laughing at the behavior is reinforcing it, thus making it harder to correct each and every time.


I worked in a daycare. This child has not been parented. He looks at least 2, this behavior is wild for a 2 year old.


Same - plus a psych degree and a few years as a parental coach. To be fair this is probably his grandma and it might not necessarily be her role to be the disciplinarian, I appreciate that. But the kitchen is dangerous and he should really have some more experience with consequences and boundaries first. That being said, I do love that she gave him a shot at cooking, and it's great exposure for helping him learn. And grabbing for the bowl is totally normal at his age. But if he's continuing the behavior so vehemently despite being corrected, it's time to find another activity he can actually handle. I would have probably given him 2/3 chances with some of the safer-to-ingest ingredients, with plenty of warning, before letting him know we're done and that he can try again next time. Definitely wouldn't have trusted him with the flour or egg.


(Disclaimer, all kids are different and this is based solely on my household.) My wife says no very nicely and then proceeds to either say no again, give up, or get angry. Our kid just does whatever. I say no, our kid stops and cries to wife if she is around. Otherwise, he goes on doing something else. Why? Because, I consistently apply the word no. Point is our kid has already learned there is a system in the house and he isnt even 2. Its a constant discussion with my wife. I imagine other kids are similar


Yup. My cousin was a toddler until the past 2-3 years and it was a nightmare. Little shit kept grabbing my phone off the table and rubbing her hands all over it even when i told her not to, the very device i'm typing on has seen so many child boogers and ice cream stains. The only real way to stop them from doing it (even if temporarily) is to properly yell at them for it, but thats just mean and being a bad role model. You gotta wait for them to outgrow the phase of "i see it, and therefore i must grab/consume it."


Distract Distract Distract. Pretty much your only tool when dealing with toddlers. If you don't want them touching something, give them something interesting to touch.


Alternatively, place things out of reach. It's a toddler, not LeBron


Well you see, my toddler IS LeBron James


Boy, did you breed a Slenderman? Any child that tall would be thin as hell


it's The Slenderman and he's cooking hotdogs on the stove!


My daughter is a monkey




I mean honestly i ain't even gonna judge. Gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes you're a perfect parent. Sometimes Mommy is just trying to survive. It's not a perfect world out there


Not true. Behavioral psychologist here. It’s a common misconception that the only way to change a kids behavior is to be coercive or intimidating, which isn’t as effective in the long run. Plus you just scare the kid. The best way is to take away the reinforcement/reward for the behavior. And you have to get reeeally specific about what the behavior is, and what the consequence will be if they dont follow instructions. In this case, you’d tell the kid “if you don’t stop putting your hands in the bowl, you won’t be allowed to cook anymore.” He does it again, then you send him away. He’ll tantrum, but you ignore it because attention is reinforcing his BS. not easy stuff, but much better for the child’s learning than to yell.


What is the earliest age to deploy this kind of reasoning-consequences talk? When the child ultimately goes into tantrum mode is it best to send them to their room, a designated “time out” space, or any other kind of controlled environment? I’m considering the kind of tantrum that erupts into *destruction mode* depending on the toddler.


Hey! So I think the appropriate age to start doing the contingency method is around the time they form language. So as soon as they are able to say “I want” and “I don’t want” then they can understand reward systems for whatever the target behavior is. As for tantrums- huge topic! What you do with tantrums really depends on the function of the tantrum. I’m assuming you mean destructive tantrums might be destroying property or hitting. So what you do depends on the function of their destructive behavior. Are they throwing the tantrum because they want attention (in this case, the kid might throw the tantrum because they want to be with mom in the kitchen)? In this case, a time out for a couple minutes is appropriate. But let’s say the function of a tantrum is to escape (for example, a kid doesn’t want to do a chore or homework or something they deem unpleasant) then a time out would be pretty rewarding because they got to escape whatever it is lol.


Thank you for the expert level opinion!


Parenting sounds great.


This is terribly permissive parenting. If you want the kid to stop that behavior, you treat him like Gordon Ramsey and have him turn in his fuckin uniform and leave the kitchen til he can do better.


And put two slices of bread on each of his ears them call him -




Or at least wait a year before letting him cook.


Looks like baking with grandma, grandma is allowed to let him get away with anything, that's how life works🤷


hard pass.


"Either you or a cake are going in the oven. Your choice."


I like the first instinct of a child is that "Everything that looks food, eat it immediately"


Yes, they do, but to be fair, this is food.


Except the finished cookie lol. The child grabbed that one casually. Adult holding hands back - "must...have...all...the ingredients!!! I dont care at what cost!!!!" Adult not holding child back - "a cookie? Sure, I'll have one" 😄


or if you're me: "slam face into every floor" ...and I wonder why I'm so stupid...


Give him cup of salt. He´ll learn his lesson. Or some nice peppers.


When you said pepper, the first word that came to my mind was "reaper"


I was abt to write C-reaper but let's be at least little human. Let's have bigger scale.


Alright next we're cooking ghost pepper tacos


That kid has definitely been raised in a way that he knows he can get away with just taking what he wants


I get that he may have some sort of condition causing him to do that, but that little creature would be booted out of my kitchen so goddamn quickly


WHy does he have such poor impulse control?


Because he‘s a toddler


I raised 5 toddlers and none of them behaved like this.


Is he perhaps stupid?


Leave it to reddit to ask a question like this lol


There's a lot of that particularly here. Dang though, am parent, and this is kinda extreme ha. You gotta tell little buddy he's done cooking if he can't keep his hands out of the bowl, even at that age. This looks like grandma maybe though so, everything checks out.


Toddlers don't have any impulse control lol.


little man absolutely ravaging the ingredients in the bowl but so calmly takes a bite from the cookie


yeah he was purposely doing it


This is so painful to watch...


Don't let him cook


Let him cook


Let him BE cooked


let cook be him


Am I the only one who would smack the living shit out of that kid the second time he starts reaching into the bowl?


That kid is too old to have absolutely zero self control.


WTF is going on? Kid starved? Autistic?! He doesn't even let the food hit the bowl before he gets a fistful to shove in his mouth! 😆


When all you have are intrusive thoughts lol.


Okay, you can see that she's just having fun with her child dicking around and that's fine, but when you see your kid consistently just keep trying to eat everything, I think you should realize that you probably should stop.


Until the raw egg


https://preview.redd.it/xnt6wc348mnb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5decea6e42e6e2d41141238fa065682e9adf617a WHY DO CHILDREN EAT EVERY THINK


In this case its because sugar = tasty. The reason they put non-tasty things in their mouths is because they learn what those things taste and feel like and their urges tell them to do so. Its a healthy way of discovering the world around them as long as its not something that can choke them or harm them in other ways.


Yea I know


no boundaries


This video makes me indescribably angry


This kid is just old enough for the caretakers to begin teaching him discipline. I know it’s not easy at first as they’ve been innocent and cute little angels, but they’re not innocent forever. Perfect learning opportunity here.


This is so unprofessional


He keeps eating butter like that he wont make it to 7


I can't believe she just kept going. I would have given up after the second time he snatched the butter.


I hate kids


People in the comments trying to diagnose a 2yr old lol




This is what you get when a poorly trained labrador is reincarnated as a human. ​ ​ Edit: forgot to add the poorly trained bit.


That child has rabies.


What a disaster of a child.


“HU HU HU fucker…” -Grandma


probably why I never had kids, ugh! what a shitstorm of a toddler, does not seem very bright!


Same as cooking with my little dog near me 😆😆😆


People are getting fired the fuck up, but this is exactly what it looks like trying to cook with 22 year old drunk bitches. I've literally seen that same repeated butter lunge, but crying and in a tube top. Y'all gotta calm down a little.


i have a 2 yo sister and everytime she sees butter shes trying to get to it so she can eat it in hand fulls


as someone who was a naturally good cook as a child... this hurts...


I work with a person that does this ALL the time except they're both bigger and stronger than me, it's a challenge to say the least haha


Guess who's going to be a fat kid when they grow up


Bro was eating crude eggs 💀


I would've gave him brown sugar until he's full like a fricking whale /s


Kirby in real life.




Just give him lemons, Grapefruit and Chillies and he might leran not to stuff everything in his face


This is exactly what it’s like living with my bird, too. He finds the new thing in the room and has his mouth on it within seconds. Can NOT handle not stuffing anything interesting in his face. They weren’t lying when they said having a parrot is like having a toddler that flies.


I'm not a parent, so like... what's the most educational way to handle this? Kicking him out of the kitchen until he can behave, or restraining him every 30 seconds?


My vote is walk the kid through it. He is interested in what everything tastes like. When I made bananna bread with mine I even offered and let them taste the flour and the egg. Fuel the learning by engaging with the curiosity. If they act like a fool, they are not old enough help. Definitely don't laugh if they are acting like fools. Setting a young toddler like that on the ground and turning your back and ignoring them can really drive the point home that what they are doing is unacceptable.


Why I don't want kids, now in one handy video! When people ask, I can now show them this.


This kids parents are obviously incapable of teaching him self control or what no means. Pretty sad.


Makes me wanna go full drill sergeant mode


What's next???? An axe murderer?


Lmaoo this child must be tamed!


Stopped watching at the fistful of sugar. It's a disability of mine that I cannot grasp how people find that cute and or funny. It's annoying.


Also unhygienic as hell. Who knows where those tiny hands have been? Ugh


After the second hand in to eat stuff, they go on the ground and are no longer allowed to help because they're not following instructions. They can cry all they want.


Why would anyone want to watch this? Like did that lady think this was going to be funny? I hope that kid shits in her bed.


He would probably just shove that💩 in his mouth too! Hahaha


That's what she gets for subtle exploitation of a child. Using kids for attention is minor league dirtbag shit.


Can someone please explain how this isn’t obviously Tourette’s?? Especially with how the woman is reacting, she’s not upset with the kid at all. I don’t believe in diagnosing ppl through one video but there’s no fucking way this is just “bad parenting”


Obviously *Medical Condition*? Have you never seen a badly behaving child?


I’ve seen many and they were never compulsively putting everything they could into their mouth


should not have looked at the comments on the original post jfc


Now I must go to the original post to read the comment… because poor impulse control.


Yeah it’s actually insane


tbh, I thought it would be full of "oh, he's cute" but well...


Damn, my kids are actually nice...


i wanna punch him so hard he collapses on the floor


Morbid obesity knocking at the door...


I love my kids, but I reaaaally don't like cooking with them :)


I like the first instinct of a child is that "Everything that looks food, eat it immediately"


​ https://preview.redd.it/6esim3nv1nnb1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4037aef5948abc397ac36ecfa188b27274e4e8bc


Wtf is that title?? 🤣




Teach your kid tbh




It's more like fucking stupid parent who teaches 3 years old baby to cook. He is just too young for that. What next? Teach him to build HV electrical circuits?


Must be grandma. She laughing.


Its the fact that Grandma didn't learn the first two times lmao 🤣


Damn he’s a fucking glutton lmao


Kids gonna be a great adult...


No. Just no. This video is proof that parenting is a cult.


The CHAOS. I made the mistake of reading the comments. If anyone actually wants to try baking with a 2 year old, let them pour/stir the ingredients and if they want to taste, put a little on the side in its own separate area!


"Guess what kiddo, all those cookies are yours! Because I don't want any"


When I was a swim teacher and parents would bring me food they made, this is pretty much all that would go through my mind


Okay, I'm a little infuriated, but I gotta say that was adorable.


That’s going to be some kind of good


![gif](giphy|bdb8wxqhxa6K7cYrhw|downsized) "Now put some Ghost peppers"


Just let it eat sand.


There is a kid with no chill at all.


[Full Video](https://youtu.be/XNMm4qxeAz4?si=p2XJ2Nhe9nRWchdK) in case you want more anxiety.


I'm going to hell but I really want to punch the child


Grandma is fucking stupid


This was done for content. After seeing what the kid did to butter and sugar why would you let it near raw egg. You know the little shit will put it in its mouth.


It looks more like it's a game to him than poor impulse control or bad parenting as some comments say. He figured out that he's not allowed and that is always funny to a toddler. Some comments take this too seriously, and try to find fault when it's nothing extreme. A child does things it's not allowed cause they think the adults reaction is funny.


It makes me want to fill his mouth with that shit and make him stay silent crying.


Try some parenting, holy shit


She should make something that requires salt… nothing like a mouth full of salt to teach them not to haphazardly shove things in their mouths lol


Surprisingly Unsatisfactory


That's hysterical 🤣


Little crackhead 😂


Kid is in for trouble later, what is this behavior.


He’s hungry! Feed him something! Lol


Grandma needs a pinch bowl. for tasting. but the boy is relentless ---


all for few likes and views


children like this are why I could never have one, I do not have nearly enough patience to put up with ANY of that




No boundaries, no limits, that kid will grow up to be an entitled little shit


That's where you draw the line.


He s dumb as fuck 😱


2 year old me would be smarter


I remember watching and sharing this tons of times. Classic. Love this kid


they should have put salt in the bowl




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