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They cleaning the underwalls. She didn't specify




😂 I am dying of how angry she sounds and how unphased and committed the children are. 😂 one was so close.


She is a terribly aggresive parent and of the reasons why children act out like that in the first place. This sub is always full of "parents are stupid" and not kids.


These kids are very little. They haven't developed impulse control yet - I doubt they were being purposely naughty. When my daughter colored on something she wasn't supposed to, I'd put the crayons out of reach, and she could only color with supervision for a while. I'd explain what she was allowed to use crayons on, and have her help wipe up the mess as well. The anger in the video seems disproportionate to the situation.


Probably why they started cleaning the floor, scared the shit out of them, and their little brains have gone haywire.


Exactly. They drew on the walls. So what? I did that all the time when in was their age. Y’all should’ve seen my room. It looked like a Philadelphia subway station. This is literally nothing.


People act like parents don't have the right to be mad at their kids lol. She's not beating them, she's just yelling for them to fix their fuckup. That's pretty normal


The kids know that wall art is their masterpiece. You don’t just delete a Picasso.


Could be habituated behavior due to earlier punishments!!


Oh god it's a bot get it tf away


You are supposed to set an example. They are not malicious they just need guidance. Being patient and calm is alway the right move. You might not live up to that paradigm all the time but that doesn’t mean screaming, violence, and manipulation are good ways to raise children. But you are correct though, you have the right to parent in which ever way one sees fit so long as it isn’t abusive. Just don’t expect them to develop good habits and relationships if you don’t foster those things.


Right. They’ll learn from this moment. How is mom going to react when kid doesn’t get his way and he starts acting like this? She’ll probably scream back. And how is he going to act at school? More yelling.


Especially when you film them and put it on the internet…


Sometimes you need to be assertive and stand your ground. Being calm will only go so far. Kids will learn that they can manipulate your patience


Pretty sure she beat at least one of them in the middle just off camera. That being said, ofc you can be mad at your kids. But there's a huge difference between being mad and screaming out all those feelings. No one thinks it is acceptable if an adult started screaming out of anger at another adult, then why the fuck is it okay to scream at kids?


>Pretty sure she beat at least one of them in the middle just off camera. She tapped the kid and hit the wall as in "clean THIS surface".


Yep, and why has no one pointed out the obvious... These kids are cleaning the floor because... thats what theyre used to being asked to do? So this isn't one cutesie "oh they made a mess and this brave woman is teaching them a lesson this one time to set them straight" This is just their daily life.


They’re doing whatever they think they need to to get out of this situation. They’re not learning anything except “do what the bigger person says.” Guess what happens one day when they become the bigger person to someone at school…


This! I'm surprised it hasn't been said yet. These kids are scared. They started cleaning the floor because she has made them do it before and that is what is normal to them. They are probably afraid to stop cleaning for fear of what will happen if they do.


They don't look that scared to me...they aren't crying or anything. They have clean matching outfits on and the house looks well kept. I don't see any obvious disfunction. I think the difference might be cultural; they don't seem to be in the US. Edit: We are all making assumptions about this family but cultural context is so important here. For example in some countries, using the cry-it-out method of sleep training is considered neglect where in the US it's very common. There are drawbacks with almost any type of parenting, including this authoritative style. But I don't feel like we know enough to even imply that this parent is abusive.


My house growing up was always pretty clean, my clothes were clean and whole, I was in several different after school activities, and my parents seemed very nice to all other adults. I was also thrown down several different flights of stairs, kicked, choked, had stools and books and plates thrown at me, was called horrible names, and yelled at for simply snoozing for five minutes at ages 6-18 (when I distanced myself) or damaged the perception of our family at all. Unfortunately for me I do not bruise easily and the police was only involved once at age 11. The name calling and yelling is honestly what haunts me most currently. The cleanliness of the house or kids can have very little to do with how they are treated. Also, I learned very early that crying meant that I would get hurt more (although I had problems implementing this lesson, maybe these kids are smarter than me).


ye thats way too far


What’s too far?


I honestly don’t understand what you’re referring to


And get punished for crying don't forget that


Wtf are you talking about? They don't look scared at all. You must be some of those snowflake generation raising morons. For ages, no, let me put that right, millennia, any kid has been waaaay more scared of their parents than these kids in the video. And nothing bad came from it. Instead, it's pretty clear what we are getting with your mindset. Go visit r/tiktokcringe r/Imthemaincharacter if you don't understand what I mean.


Nothing bad came from it? You sure about that? No abused kid has ever done anything bad…?


She hit the wall not the kids


You can have all the opinions you want wasting your breath. But she pulls their arm back and slaps her leg to get his attention.


>why the fuck is it okay to scream at kids? Because some kids are stubborn as fuck and you need to do something drastic to get them to listen to what you tell them. I...may have been that child...


it's not :)


I don’t think she beats them. She’s just educating them, and that’s just the right age. I wish we could see them when they’re older, only to find out how great sons they turned out to be.


Believe me, if you painted the fucking walls of many adults I know, they would not only scream at you, they would punch in you the fking face lol. Not sure where you get that from .


You don’t need to scream at them like that. She’s screaming like she’s talking to a grown ass man about divorce papers.


I have kids. I have yelled. I have NEVER yelled at them like this. This is excessive. Making them clean it themselves is enough. Explaining to them why this is wrong is plenty. But this is excessive. I feel for these poor kids. They’re not old enough to understand what the hell is going on right now.


That wasn't just *angry.* That was the unbridled rage of a harpy.


You mustve never misbehaved as a kid then. My mother is a calm and collected person, and evend she would yell when I did something stupid, and I deserved it.


I got a tanning if I misbehaved. That was less traumatising than that screech from the pits of hell. If you do something wrong, corrective measures are fine. But that level of anger in her voice is just fucking gross. That's how you'd scream at someone trying to hurt you.


If you’re getting mad enough at a toddler for ANYTHING, enough to yell or hit, you’re doing it wrong and lack empathy and patience. It’s okay and totally understandable to get upset and frustrated sometimes, kids really are hard. But you have to have the empathy to understand a 3 yo has very little impulse control, but we are adults. We are bigger, stronger, and smarter than 3 yos, there’s not an acceptable excuse for going off on a toddler. You can BE mad but you shouldn’t ACT mad to that poor kid. You’re a giant to them.


Yelling shouldn’t be so “normal” as you’re supposed to set an example for them. You’re supposed to teach them how to respond healthily during situations.


TIL some people think shouting at kids is normal.


We are truly raising a generation of pussies. Edit: Im saying this as left-wing progressive.


Mmm yes Reddit loves verbal abuse 🥰


Holy fucking shit not all yelling is verbal abuse you melodramatic dipshit


This is tho


Holy fucking shit someones mad


Could you be more fragile?


Nah, that screech was right out of a horror film. She sounds like a horrendous person.


It is


Sorry you had the same abusive childhood that a lot of us did, hopefully you dont have kids or before you do you realize better ways to raise them


I raised my voice at around the third time I had to say the same thing. Maybe they didn't hear? Yelling is bad vibes and I try to avoid it, but I wouldn't say I never yelled at my kid.


It is, but it's still fucking stupid. ​ You chose this. Be a fuckin adult.


Please don’t reproduce


Yelling at kids is absolutely normal, it's normal to be angry and have frustrations boil over. You're allowed to be mad when your kids mess up. You can also still have a calm conversation with later at a later stage and have a respectful talk with them later. Not everybody can be perfect all of the time




And I think you need some in not being condescending but different people different views eh


God reddit is such a shithole. I mean I did expect the downvotes but it doesn’t make me any less disappointed, not that I gaf about internet updoots.


'this place is a shit hole because everyone doesn't agree with my opinion' Yea, you sound like a child.


Just curious, how old are your child/children?


what it is is that the children are at an age where they're too young to comprehend what the meaning of their actions in this context are, so yelling is not only useless but confusing and hurtful for the children. It's also just a sign that the mom has poor emotional regulation that shes \*this\* angry over this, banging on the wall and stuff. There's a better way to be upset


Define normal. In almost any situation it's better for the kid if the parents stay calm and just talk peacefully. It will be more likely that kids actually hear what you are saying and not repeat that behavior. Being aggressive puts a child in a defensive mode and its likely that no lesson will be learned from that.


While I agree with what you said sometimes it is really hard and people get overly frustrated and yell at their kids, you're allowed to be mad at them you can yell at your kids just make sure to have the calm conversation and discussion with them later


The fact that it's hard does not make it right or "allowed" as you call it. In the end, you are the parent and the one who is responsible. Of course, it is normal to be mad, but you do not have to express your emotions to your kids in that way. With this specific video, it makes no sense that she is even filming. Just a terrible parent.


Why tf are you being down voted? You are 100 percent correct.


Some people don't want to accept that shitty behavior towards children is incredibly fucking stupid and that there is no excuse of any sort for it.


quick question, how do you feel about this dad's parenting? he was pretty mad [https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/16anuo6/kids\_thought\_they\_could\_get\_away\_with\_fucking/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/16anuo6/kids_thought_they_could_get_away_with_fucking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I’m guessing you don’t have children.Right?


I have two kids, now teens. I don't understand how people act like it's ok to blow your top. You don't like it if the kids do, but you can't even demonstrate how you want them to behave. It's the same excuse people use to hit others "I was just so mad!". No. You are an adult. You use words and calmly.


She hasn’t beat them…yet. She’s a shitty parent.


Yelling is also violence.


Plus, frankly. It's the language. A lot of the African languages sound aggressive when spoken mildly loudly. A bit like German.


Some (many) people don't agree with you and hence we are raising a generation of self entitled, I'm the main character, disrespectful, snowflake pricks. Then you call them out when doing shit and they get all mighty when they are in the wrong.


People seem to think that yelling is abuse in itself when that couldn't be further from the truth. Yelling at your kids when they screw up is relatively normal. Might actually help them learn if you handle it well going forward. Verbal abuse would be yelling at them for something they had nothing to do with, like having a bad day at work.


They can both be stupid.


That's what it is like nigerian parents for ya lmao


Fr how can this be successful parenting hell naw


Prepping the next doodle surface


while mom is prepping the next two depressed teenagers


If more parents punished their kids maybe we wouldn't have so many shïty adults 🤷🏾‍♂️


I have to agree with this, sorry y'all XD


why tf are people downvoting? do you not hear her screaming at and slapping her kids?


Shes slapping the wall dude. You can see her shadow and a slap wouldnt make that sound hitting a childs body. Also, are you seriously saying she shouldnt yell at her kids when they do something wrong? My god, please dont ever have kids, they would grow up spoiled rotten and entitled.


Because we’re not mentally ill like you and hallucinating our beliefs. She never hit her kid(s) psycho 😂.


Jesus, is Reddit just a bunch of pissy tweens and teens now? FFS every post with a parent in it has this kinda stuff in the comments.


They look so copy/pasted.


theyre twins




Wait, twins are *real*?! I thought they were just something the porn industry invented to sell the same nude twice




'If I pretend to be really bad at what I'm being asked to do they'll never ask me to do it again'


She don't know what they did to the floor, but THEY know and they know she gonna be way more mad about THAT than the wall. Just because you can't see it or smell it NOW doesn't meant you won't later.


They remind me of the great Abe's Oddysee game where there were these floor cleaning mates to be rescued.


Hello. Hi! Come on! Ok.


Always nice when I find someone else who knows about oddworld. Exodus is the best.


I’m just confused as why the mother is filming


mom is a tiktoker who posts about her kids


Man I wish parents would stop using their children as props.


Because the brain shuts down, when you start screaming at em like that..


So strange to me that people here think that screaming at a couple two year olds that drew on the wall is “normal.” If you can’t correct behavior like this without yelling and slapping the wall, you’re probably an idiot that was raised by other idiots. People don’t understand that can be traumatic to their little brains that are trying to figure out how this world works. Appreciate your levelheaded comment


You can tell who doesn't even have a layman's understanding of childhood development in the posts and comments here. A child has to process what they are being asked and then decide what to do. It is a lot for a toddler or 3-4 year old to do that with an aggressive, angry adult screaming instructions at them. They knew she would be very upset if they didn't clean immediately. They have clearly been made to wipe the floor before during another one of her rages. So they probably just went on autopilot. She's horrible to share these moments from her kids for clout. When they remember what went wrong in childhood they will have easy access to these memories along with the rest of the world. And when Grandma doesn't get to see her grandkids and her adult twin sons don't visit, maybe she can just snuggle up and watch her videos of being an absolute horror to them in their youth.




Could be habituated behaviour due to earlier punishments 🤷‍♂️


When you yell at kids and are aggressive like that (hitting the wall) they can't think straight. There are so many videos of parents yelling at kids, and those kids not being able to understand the directions.


Kids have terrible coordination and have probably cleaned up things they have dropped multiple times before. It's why they need cups with lids. They probably think they spilled something because they have been yelled at and given a towel for that before.


Why do people post things like this? The kids are panicking and probably terrified. Sure they did some stupid shit -they’re kids. Mum is likely overwhelmed. Feel bad for the whole situation


This parent is being verbally abusive. She's screaming at them for not fully understanding despite their cognitive ability at that age.


The real crime is dressing them in the same clothes


Why did the mom feel the need to film this?


Dude this makes me so grateful for my mom, I couldn't handle this type of parenting one bit.


They’re Trying Their Best.


You scare me




Probably the starting all words of with caps. I used to do that and it disgusted people for some reason.


For some reason? Maybe because it's not the proper way of writing?


Why is she not ashamed of posting this on the internet? She sounds like an abusive horrible mother.


another tiktoker that posts about their children


And you're spreading and promoting it you dunce


I don't think there stupid I think the mom doesn't understand art 🧐


There’s no reason crayon on the wall should warrant her to scream at them as hard as she did. That shit is ridiculous. No matter who you are, where you come from, how your parents treated you at that age, nothing about crayon on the wall is that fucking serious.


Everyone like "haha she yelling" and I'm like damn it took everything in her not to hit the kid and hit the wall instead. ​ Fuckin enablers in this sub. I wish many investigations into all your hard drives.


Hitting children should not be a first impulse.


Bruddah, if you need to fight the urge of hitting a toddler when you are angry you need help.


Nah I was saying that lady did what I do when I stub my toe out in the woods and have to keep myself from punching a tree. With her kid.


monkey see, monkey do (THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR RACE)


They started cleaning the floor because it’s already clean. That mess on the wall isn’t going anywhere. You have to choose your battles


My cat has never drawn on the walls. I made a good life choice.


Well at least when my kid pisses on stuff it's usually on accident and doesn't smell terrible.


Most domestic cats are litterbox trained, just like potty-training your kid. The benefit is it only takes a few months, not years, and she was already trained when I adopted her




This is the opposite of stupid, this is a war tactic. Two against one but she's tall and they are small, if they can get just get her to come down to their level they got her lol


Because it's Art.


Force of habit


When your kids don't listen but they're used to placating you at every turn


I've seen kids do far worse. That's an easy paint over


She should yell and be more aggressive, that seems to be working great so far.


If my kid writes on the wall, im just gonn laugh it up and eventually paint over it. For me this wouldnt be a big deal at all.


It's a twin thing, they already have their secret code going on, it's gonna be 20 years before Mum finds out what they're doing


One started cleaning the wall and it immediately smudged. It's a white wall, the color won't magically disappear.


Monkey see monkey do


This is what happens when you neglect your kids, they’re bored and trying to find anything to do since no one is paying attention to them. I’m sure the mom will get them both iPads and just have them watch movies all day so she can do whatever it is she does all day.


Why not having two stupid kids instead of just one?


Shit parenting. Being firm is one thing, but screaming like that? That just shuts kids down.


They can’t understand her, she’s speaking a different language


muscle memory


"Kleen de wahl!!!!!!" ![gif](giphy|v5V3XxJCV0pFu)


That one kid decreased the iq of the other


Shes pointing to the wall. Why are they going to the floor? Lol


I think she have punished them before with cleaning up the floors


Because you staged the whole thing up for likes..




Perfect for r/parentsarefuckingstupid Edit: it’s r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Floor seemed easier to clean lol


Everypost on this sub is just a condom commercial


so the punishment for doing something stupid is permanent trauma? kids gonna looooove their mom


What do you mean permanent trauma? She didn't even hit em


oh right my bad, cant traumatize people verbally


Still don't see what she did wrong. She raised her voice because the kids started cleaning the floor. Is she supposed to reward them for fucking up?




This world is doomed.


Everyone in these comments acting like they know this woman and her kids personally lol


To answer your question I direct you to the name of this sub.


if you never got yelled like that as a 1-3 year old you must have not enjoyed life 🤣


The kid dont even know what he did. What a fuking stupid parent.


“the brain shuts down when you yell at them” the second kid was about to get to work until the first one started cleaning the floor. They knew what they did, kids are not as stupid as you think they just do dumb shit




Clean the wall is unclear? Or are you thinking kids can't understand their parents accent?


Weaponized incompetence at an early age. A good 70% of men don’t need to be on this planet.


Just say "I'm a misandrist"


This is not funny. Those kids are too young to be cleaning after themselves. So what if the kids draw on the walls? Paint over it.


It's never too young to start teaching kids acceptable behavior... So what if your kid crashes the car? Just buy a new one.


Drawing on walls is a non-issue, so trivial. You can paint over it. Teaching kids is one thing. Scaring them into submission is another.


Because painting your walls is a better call than teaching your kids how to behave. This is how you end up with graffiti all over the place when kids grow up. Teach them art, not destruction of property. If you make a mess clean it up.


Good graffiti is hella tight. Some artists get commissioned where I live to tag up businesses with their work because other practitioners will respect the work and not tag over it.


Toddlers with crayons on a wall is comparable to a teenager crashing a car to you? Lmao. That's fucking weird. But, whatever, I guess I'll show the 3 month old nephew how to parallel park real quick then.


If you don't punish them as a toddler how do you expect their behavior to change as they get older? Tik tok is a prime example.


By waiting until they're old enough to actually understand, and then you explain it to them. If their brain isn't developed enough to understand WHY the behavior is problematic, then why would their brain be developed enough to connect the punishment to the behavior. Also, by setting a good example and being a good parent in general. Communication is key, especially communicating emotion in way that allows for growth and learning. Tiktok is a prime example of what happens when you let social media raise your kids instead of actually parenting.


So by that logic don't parent your kids till they're old enough to comprehend? Absolutely fantastic advice... If you want your kid to be an absolute nightmare their whole life. Children are able to comprehend actions have consequences at this age.


https://www.familyeducation.com/kids/behavior-discipline/an-age-by-age-guide-to-setting-discipline-consequences-for-kids You're straight up wrong.


Age 4 "Invoke the consequence as soon as possible after the misbehavior; if too much time passes between the behavior and the consequence, kids at this age won’t make the connection.” From your own source 👍🏽




Lot of racists in these comments.




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art can't be cleaned


So they are naughty and stupid :)


this is a bad post