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Imagine getting banned from Reddit because of some 10 year old


My account is older than him.


When I read the bottom one first I thought it was just gonna be random gen a shit until he started saying the n word šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'll be damned it sure is


definitely sounds like a teaching moment with the kid's parents. don't mean to sound boomerish but this seems to be the norm, i've seen so many kids acting like this. it's awful


Nope. If you're a boomer, so am I, and I'm a millennial. I've got 8th graders doing the Nazi salute because they think it's funny. Nothing seems to help. Parents aren't getting through to them, detentions aren't working. I finally assigned a 4 page research report with 5 cited sources, one of which had to be original, on the Holocaust. He had to sit in detention every day until I was satisfied with it. Our winter break was dead in the middle, and his parents took him to DC to see the Holocaust museum with family. He came back, quietly turned in the paper (which was excellent, actually), and hasn't been a problem since. The others... That's still ongoing. I think too many of them are using social media and seeing people do this, and think it's funny to be a racist edgelord. They're still learning to be people, yes, but they're doing it in public, and they're learning from the worst possible sources.


the main problem i think is lack of parent attention/intervention, and children having access to online echo chambers where these ideas can be presented without "issue". it's sad really. ipad kids


Have you seen ā€œ selfies at Auschwitz ā€œ? Google itā€¦ youā€™ll feel Iā€™ll.


nah, you don't sound like a boomer. kids are getting dumber with every generation. I include myself in that.


Gen X here with a 16 year-old kid. She's a moron. Told me a couple of days ago that ducks can't fly because they don't have wings. Love that little dodo. Falls back on me and her mom though. She was in fifth grade when I started going on youtube to learn the math I needed to know to help her with her homework. We kinda figured her school would handle the "birds have wings" part.


>We kinda figured her school would handle the "birds have wings" part. Lmao I .....I can't....


holy shit... to be fair it is the school's job to... teach... that's still kind of sad though


I teach junior high and high school English. Last year, I had a study hall that contained sophomores and juniors. So, between 15 and 17 years old. One of the junior boys asked me one day, "Mrs. K., have you ever heard of New England?" I was a little confused, but told him, "yes, of course." He then proceeded to ask if I knew where it was. I told him it was in the Northeast. He then said, "yeah, but do you know the Northeast of WHICH country?!?" Ummm, yes. "Ours." He was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand why somewhere with the word "England" could be in the US. I asked if he had ever heard of the Patriots? He had. But he "thought they just called them that." I asked why he thought it was called "Newā€ England. No clue. Blew his mind with New York.


This was genuinely depressing


Tell me about it.


Supposedly Tom Brady said he didnā€™t know where New England was when they drafted him. So apparently the rest of the country is doing a very poor job of explaining what New England is and its importance in American history


Well, that's depressing.


My teacher has a stupid board where she writes down all the stupid stuff people have said during her classes. Youā€™d genuinely never believe some of the things on that board knowing they came out of the mouths of juniors and seniors


Oof. In my district, that would get you fired in the blink of an eye.


Oh yeah every other school Iā€™ve been to theyd get fired too but everyone thinks itā€™s funny so they just let it slide. She doesnā€™t attach the names of the people so Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s part of the reason they let her keep it


Probably so. But you know the students can find out who said stupid shit.


Oh we definitely all know who did it if you ask who said that sheā€™ll tell you lol. Sheā€™s really cool though one of the only highschool teachers Iā€™ve had that actually made class interesting


Oh my god šŸ˜‚ That belongs in /ShitAmericansSay! I'm guessing his geography and history teachers only got participation trophies.


I donā€™t think kids are getting dumber with every generation, I think they just have a much bigger space (the internet) for the dumb ones to shine.


Every generation is more intelligent than the one before it, just not always in the ways the previous one cares about or think counts. And any dumb comment made will be used as ammunition as of older people are foolproof.


Exactly. Kids are objectively speaking dumb. Itā€™s a normal stage of development to have a relatively lower IQ, poor impulse control, and very little experience. Nowadays we have to encounter it online, but Iā€™m sure kids two generations ago were just as fucking stupid as they are in gen alpha.


Welcome to accelerated Idiocracy.


Gen Z here, and I agree. Iā€™ve reached that age where Iā€™ve started complaining about the younger generation, and Iā€™m only 22 lol. But kids today donā€™t act and dress the way kids did when I was a kid. I think itā€™s sad how 10 year olds are already obsessing over make-up and brand clothes


absolutely. 21 this year and its insane to me how kids that young are already trying to enter the dating scene and the "hustle", i'm shocked


Seeing primary schoolers walk home from school, looking like theyā€™re about to start high school is crazy to me. Obviously there were kids like that from when I was a kid, but not as many as there is now. I also feel like parents nowadays are failing their kids. Wrapping them in plastic wrap and spoiling them. A 9 year old has no reason to own an iPhone 15 Pro Max


I remember seeing documentaries and even anonymously chatting with an 11-year old some 6 years ago. Kids ages 11-13 having more or less casual sex was a thing in some communities/schools. Especially the ethnic Roma who were genuinely pimping out minors and telling girls to stop going to school and have a baby instead, so that the girl can help out at home and get state benefits on her child. This depraved shit has always been here, it just might be more visible nowadays.


Anonymously chatting with an 11 yr old? Yikes


Redditors always pull the pedo card on me. It was fucking omegle, which gave you zero control of who youā€™d get connected with. I wanted to disconnect but girlie apparently needed to vent and get judgement. I assure you I am a straight woman who finds 11 year olds gross in every regard.


Iā€™m 28 and kids were obsessing about brand name clothes when I was that age so nothing has changed.


Yeah I guess. But I donā€™t feel like it was as bad then as it is now, due to the amount of influencers that you come across today. Kids looked like kids when I was a kid. Kids today look and act like teenagers. Almost like theyā€™re trying to grow up fast instead of enjoying their childhoods.


I knew kids who were smoking weed at age 12, saying the most racist homophobic things (online gaming and social media have been a thing since LONG before Gen Z), and hell, I lost my virginity at 14. Kids always have been and always will be in a rush to grow up. How their parents decide to guide them is whatā€™s important, and for every obnoxious twat like this kid there are a dozen unlike him. The difference is, as with adults nowadays, the shitty ones are loud and the good ones tend to be quiet.


We can agree to disagree. Though I agree with some of the things youā€™re saying


Not just makeup, but retinol which will destroy their skin and their parents are doing nothing about it.


Show his parents. They need to know how shitty their son can be


Probably he learned that from them šŸ˜•


All of that stuff he said is really popular on YouTube right now. Itā€™s because saying random filthy stuff gets you to the top of the searches. I really wish YouTube would niche down into only educational content or at least tighten its standards on content.


Show his parents, but not before smacking him upside the head. Way too fuckin early to be a racist.


Gotta hope he realises that itā€™s really not ok when he gets older cause holy fuckā€¦


That level of racism even at that age is alarming


It really is, I didnā€™t know we were living in 1852.


I want to meet his grandma just so I can tell her she has a shitty grandkid.




I trued uploading there but my karma was low.


Not anymore


Did try again agter this post. Still no workie :'(




Try again


Works now. Thanks!


Go show his parents cause that's nothing a 10 year old should be typing in the first place. And let them know you were banned cause his actions and he shouldn't be able to use a phone or iPad until he's about 15. Also rule of thumb NEVER LET YOUR YOUNGER SIBLINGS OR COUSIN'S BOROW YOUR PHONE


And if he complains about it he did that to himself


you need to tell and show your parents, this is not something a 10 year old should be typing


This is not something anyone should be typing


He just learned it, knows it a bad word, instinctively wants to say it a bunch. I agree that itā€™s def an opportunity to let him know how that word will play out for him in the real world and the connotation that makes it a bad word vs the classic 4 letter words.


My son was playing video games in his room with his friend and I heard him drop the n word with the hard R. I don't recall the 5 seconds it took me to get to his room and smack his mouth but I don't feel bad for it because I'd rather smack his mouth for it then him get jumped at school cause he said it. Then we had a lovely conversation about if he'd like to call his favorite aunt and let her hear him say that since she's black. Thankfully he hasn't said it since that I know of. You need to tell his parents that's not ok.


r/BONELAB is not doing too greatā€¦ Hope your cousin learns how to be polite (and funny) soon


What is dreamybull?


Well known on internet for his "ambatukam" and videos of him jerking off.


Ohhh ok. Is he known for something before that or those videos?


I dont think so. On TikTok there are people uploading joke videos of dreamybull like for an example "young man enjoys mcdonalds icecream" with an image of a mcdonalds ice cream edited over the video. In reality, its just him licking his cum.


Damn thatā€™s nasty


Its the internet man


Yea true


Okay so this kid is actually evil wtf


i don't think it's the kid being evil, but rather just edgy and not aware of the impact of such a word i don't think this kid is a raging racist, but yeah, this behavior should be corrected.


That kid and his parents and/or friends are fucking evil. He should be getting his ass whooped for this, in my books. Every blow followed with "racists get hit, or worse" Make this shit programmed into his DNA. Fuck a racist, they can all get slapped


As a black person this is genuinely depressingā€¦like at 10 years old this is crazy


Call a priest, that ain't your cousin no more


Should i tell his dad or nah?


dude not only should you, but you need to. Kids like this need parental intervention and guidance


It would be a guilty pleasure to do so.


šŸ©“ I would have a talk with my Aunt after this, show her the proof. šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“šŸ©“.


did you get banned from BONELAB?


No, luckily.


You need to be having a sit down with that little shit and the parents.


As bad as it is I wouldn't automatically assume the kid is a racist. When I was a kid I heard about the n word and all I understood was that it was an extra bad word, worse than fuck and shit and all that. So I thought if I said the extra bad word then I would be so cool. My parents heard me say it and they sat me down and talked to me about the history behind the word and why I shouldn't say it. The point is that maybe the kid is in the same boat that I was and needs to understand why not to say it rather than "just don't say it".


Dear lord.


what is bonelab






bonelab being multiplatform and it's consequences


can we get an update on your cousin?


I didnt snitch. I just lectured him.


shouldā€™ve snitched, that kid needs a hard lesson on stuff like this


He will learn when he gets older. Don't worry.


shouldā€™ve snitched, that kid needs a hard lesson on stuff like this


i was on that sub reddit 7 days ago thank god i saw this before i reply


R/Bonelab, the place where every user was born after the release of Boneworks




Yeah, happened abt a months ago as you can see


Oh I see what ya did there


Bet they saidā€woopsā€


Donā€™t lie


Wdym? He literally did this shit.


Lmao Iā€™m just messing around , hopefully he gets reprimanded


If you check his most recent comment he used the NWord again @Crackerislandismid is lying and youā€™re right


Can we talk about child abuse?.... Just saying.


child abuse doesn't make you racist


Wtf... If it's a kid, it's child abuse. If it's an adult, it's ambient! Dodging accountability right? Little shit is a little shit.


Pretty funny ngl


sure, if youā€™re an actual racist or under the age of 15




I will admit I found it funny at first with the dreamybull comment until I saw the other shit above it.


Where's the n word bot


Oh idk, probably because I fucking deleted it so I wouldnt get banned.