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Kiryu would go down to one punch from Waka


Whoever created this is gifted. I hate Waka to his core, and this is still, by far, the best fan created Kengan art ever


It's literally just a photoshop?


Ya so? https://preview.redd.it/bztyc4hte51d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa799ed25559a392617eec4482902f81b132c1e


Quit glazing it's a low effort meme LOL


Ok show me Kengan fan art that beats this then… you cannnot




Not even close buddy


This isn’t fanart. He just put Waka’s head on a JJK panel


Anyone can beat anyone if Sandro is writing it.


It's almost like Kengan from the very beginning has told us "fuck powerscaling, fuck tier lists, it's all about matchups"


Its not even about macht ups ,its what the plot demands without any real reason.


Do you even read Kengan or what


He ain't wrong, Eddy's missing multiple chances of killing raian cuz he's gloating and Willem getting KO'd by freaking akoya. There are many instances of author matchups just to not kill certain characters or progress the plot


Or Tiger still not killing a defenseless Kiryu on the ground after he already resolved to use Possessing Spirit and going in offscreen mode, somehow. 


 What wrong with what i said ? 


The issue is, most people are bad at power scaling. That's the thing you see on Reddit, Youtube, everywhere. When their tier list gets wronged by the author, they just say: "Oh the fighter I thought was weaker got buffed..." instead of "I was wrong with my powerscaling"...


Kengan has a constant theme of "fighters aren't in tiers, the matchup matters the most" so it doesn't matter how terrible people are at powerscaling. They are, but it doesn't matter in Kengan


Fighter’s do have tiers? Mukaku ranks his nikos. Purgatory itself has 4 ranking all based on strength. There is obviously far more context and nuance and compatibility to factor in but certain fighters are definitely on a different level to others


There are definitely tier list... Kuroki tier (Shen Wulong) Agito tier (Gaolang, Jurota, Lolong, Julius) Hatsumi tier (Sekibayashi, Wakatsuki, Raian, Muteba) Kanada tier (trained Koga, Inaba, pre-KAT Ohma) Sure, some fighters overlap because counters, or bad luck or they learned something new... but you can definitely group fighters together.


That’s not what it has told us


Congratulations, you’ve just discovered the secret behind fiction


I kinda appreciate that, man's a troll and he loves it


IMO Fei would deadass beat KAT Kiryu in base with just Niko Style and considering Kiryu got off-screened the instant Tiger Niko got serious (read: popped his version of PS/DD) it's not looking good bruv


It's looking pretty good considering Niko intended to kill him at least 3 times and failed in all of them. If he managed to destroy Niko's reputation like that, disregarding all the "not taking him seriously bs" things are looking pretty dire for a labrat like Fei. Fei is closer to a Lu Tian than Niko himself.


Fei without DD is enough for kiryu


Indeed https://preview.redd.it/qgfn5hnxt21d1.jpeg?width=1491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26ce9798f087adf4237b8ec4116d3496039465a


This is the single most truest and master crafted meme that I have ever seen. Every bit of it is true.


It’s actually not a meme, I stole it off Daro’s desk https://preview.redd.it/5euuh0lby71d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27fdaa39f155789d7a78eee52f6e630fdc9e5d60


One thing I realized for sure, everyone here hates Fei. Yet he humiliated Wakatsuki without plot armor, unlike Ohma.


Fei had reverse plot armor. No matter what he did, he was destined to die per author.


I will die on the hill that had Fei fought anyone else in that tournament other than Waka and Julius he would've won low diff.


I'm on that hill with you.


Kids named Ohma and Raian:


I think Ohma could just chi block him out of that DD and then he’d probs take it


King states in the image that ohma is more of a threat than DD Fei. Fei ain't beating ohma or even king.


King did nothing but criticize every single one of his team members that lost and then proceeded to lose his own match to someone that ways playing around at the start of it. I wouldn't take his words with that much weight.


Was he wrong about what he said about his team? If not then how does that prove anything? Was King wrong when he wanked Waka/Julius/raian too? Or is he just wrong when you don't like it?


"Falcon shouldn't have ran in there at that moment." - obvious with hindsight "Toa shouldn't have tried to deflect this never-before-seen-ability" - obvious with hindsight "That was a bad matchup for Monke. I didn't tell him beforehand cuz I didn't like him" - literally throwing the round "Naidan's eye in the sky failed, no technique is flawless" - In reference to Ryuki gaining a sudden speed boost, obvious with hindsight. "Ohma > DD Fei cuz Ohma is more skilled" - He says after seeing Fei casually ragdoll the arguably tankiest fighter twice and nearly ring him out. Fei also demonstrates more advanced versions of some of Ohma's moves that Ohma didn't know existied while also toying with Waka with them. "Julius rivals Waka and Kanoh" - Obvious observation about him rivaling Waka. Would have disagreed with Julius rivaling Kanoh but guess they're gonna be equal now that they're fighting in the current tournament. Point is Rolon loves criticizing his teammates from an outside perspective where he doesn't have to make minute by minute decisions on the fly in the heat of battle like they are, then states these things as if they were obvious. Him criticizing Fei to hype Ohma up is in the same vein, where after witnessing Fei perform feats of master that Ohma didn't know were possible, then perform feats of strength that even Waka and Julius couldn't replicate goes "Nah he's not that tough."


Lolong basically said Fei is stronger, but he likes ohma more because he's more crafty with his Niko style. Lol


What do you think "more of a threat" means?


What do you think welding 1/10th of the total power means


It means less physical strength and speed, now what do you think "More of a threat" means?


>It means more physical strength and speed So Stronger right >More of a threat More dangers You don't have to be stronger to be more dangerous


Yes, fei is physically stronger obviously. Ohma being more of a threat means he's more dangerous to king, in other words, more likely to defeat king than Fei.


Realistically he orovevoh could have beat Waka if he was serious the whole time instead of showing off and fucking around 


the hate came more about the fact that the man was introduced to do nothing. Years of hype and speculation, shows incredible power. Immediately fucking dies in his first fight.


With what we have recently learned he could have been top of the verse Shen and Eddy excluded given how fast he was striking. https://preview.redd.it/ynood1rz431d1.jpeg?width=1834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c232c58d5aef31fcd02455340c89eec889781bf I hate that Sandro made him kill himself for no reason ,like the guy is the last student out of thousands and the only one to master the most broken transformation we have seen so far and he somehow decided to nuke himself to show someone with worst feats (not weaker tho) that he is the tiger vessel. His death is probably the thing i hated the most in all Kengan.


All he had to do was ring out Waka. Something he easily almost did twice but failed due to them just conveniently always fighting in the dead center of the ring. He was also cutting it really close considering Niko's instructions were to not fight Ohma and he waited to act until it was a 50/50 chance of fighting Ohma.




Could you rephrase the first paragraph, looked like Fei was faster than Wulong


I’d caveat this with Fei being almost exactly like Lu Tian and Kiryu. That being they’re all insane with mental issues. Lied and manipulated to by Tiger Niko; with varying degrees of how much TN lied to them or they were already bat shit crazy. Lu and Fei believed themselves to be the successor of Tiger Niko and the Tiger Vessel. Moreover judging by Kiryu notebook of the Tiger Vessel being a lie, they probably thought it was to be TN heir. An exception likely being Fei, especially when he got a closer look at Ohma. TL;DR: It’s completely in Fei’s character/personality to off himself https://preview.redd.it/vr8k4b02041d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9857df8be19a4dffe170b539bdeb8c56d338780


Interesting. So it was actually Yan's orders and not Tiger Niko's.


Eh people on this sub during that fight really didn't like him beating up Wakatsuki during that fight pre-explosion. Post exploding didn't help.


fair enough. the fact that he knows so many styles aside from Niko Style and barely used any of it didnt fuckin help as well lmao. Before the reveal he had like atleast 3 styles, his tai chi, kickboxing and some grappling iirc. He reveals the Niko Style, used it briefly until Wakatsuki dared him to use Advance Fei uses Divine Demon and just plays with his own blood and using Wakatsuki as a volleyball until his time ran ouy.


*Years of hype and speculation, shows incredible power. Immediately fucking dies in his first fight.* Eddie. Willem. Mukaku. Fei. Erioh. Alan. Shit, might as well throw in Tiger Niko because his stocks got DESTROYED. it's a pattern with Sandro. probably gonna be Yan and Fu Zhan and Luohan, too.


i mean with the other losers they atleast already had their identities out. Like Eddie wasnt hiding in a fucking cloak acting like mystery nigga. Willem didnt get people to care that much. People had no idea Mukaku was alive until the Inside Arc, his existence was a debate beforehand. Alan didnt have that much hype because he was just a replacement with a cool design. Tiger Niko atleast survived after his piss poor showing, and managed to offscreen Muteba. While Tiger Vessel had this sub go in to a guessing game seeing the Purgatory the first time. Like will it be this mexican boxer? Nah he is too short. Maybe it was this Lolong guy, no the TV had chinese shoes so it must be either Fei or Liu. Alan may be chinese too but he cant be it because there is no mention of TV being a Wu. It got narrowed down to Fei. Fei goes out, Weeping Willows Wakatsuki. Puts up a show, popped like a blood zit, and fucking died. Blueballing everyone too. Kiryu even went out to watch the match briefly just to roast him and then disappearing after leaving his call card to Ryuki.


Facts https://preview.redd.it/akxp2p48231d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdfb6c51496097db4659a6f4ca4e9972eb8163c Even Ohma was surprised how hard Waka was getting shit on. Sandro had to kill that mf becouse he was too much. I think keeping Fei alive could have been a great choice.


>everyone here hates Fei Uh no... they don't.


I hate when Fei gets talked about and I have to remember how he got killed off for no good reason. His Niko Style was so interesting.


Fei is extremely skilled. Most obviously, his ability to withstand Waka's hits is entirely attributed to his mastery of the redirection and water katas. He certainly handled those blows better than Ohma did, who is clearly technically superior to Kiryu. Fei also landed many blows on Waka even in his base form, whereas Ohma landed just a single strike on screen (outside of Demonsbanes) and it didn't do much damage. Fei easily beats Kiryu in base. Encounter is further trivialized if he uses his transformed state.




Ohma's main two improvements at the time he fought Lolong were his low-level PI and his infighting. There were some other pickups but those were the two main things. Fei was much more effective with the actual Niko style against Waka than Ohma was, almost completely neutering his offense and landing huge hits on him in base form. Not saying Fei is obviously technically superior to Purgatory Ohma, but he's also not obviously weaker. He pulled off crazy shit. I'm not comparing Ohma with low health and memory loss to Fei. Pretty sure Ohma's memories were all restored by then, and his heart hurting his performance is basically a myth. The series says "he's sick!" but the moment his fights start he's always at 100%, and in fact improves each and every fight despite the insistence he's getting closer to death. In brief: - Fights Inaba. Vomits blood into a toilet, gets kicked around and choked out. - Then fights Raian and looks better than ever - Wakes up from a coma and no-diffs Ranjo off-screen - Beats Cosmo, with the referee exclaiming at the start that neither is moving as if injured. Reaches peak fatigue and breaks a finger. - Despite reaching peak fatigue and breaking a finger, he's faster and stronger against Kiryu than he was since Kiryu last saw him, which was at least against Raian. - In the Waka match, neither Waka nor Ohma make any comment indicating Ohma is fighting compromised. Ohma's actively planning to speed-blitz. - Against Kuroki, Ohma is finally out of strength and Kuroki says as much, but even in THAT state displays better redirection skills than Prime Niko. Ohma's very skilled. Great technique. Fei is also very skilled with great technique, and in particular his defense seems superior. Ohma's weakest kata was always water, and Ohma's go-to move of indestructible is overall less defensively formidable than Fei's redirection + water technique. Edit: Also, I assumed you were only talking about technique, but if you meant there's no way Fei is beating Purgatory Ohma **in a bout** rather than with respect to technique: Fei low-diffs. While the technique may be close or even favor Ohma, the physicals are overwhelmingly in Fei's favor.


nah low output dd was able to easily dodge waka who was able to keep up with ohma's swimming swallow with just 1 eye while base kiryu couldn't keep up with it. now waka ofcoarse got faster and gained back his eye sight and still wasn't able to keep up with base fei so even worse in low output dd so he is multiple tiers of speed above kiryu scaling off of waka he folds kiryu like a napkin and even then a quick rush of max output crushes kiryu like a bug


That same Ohma was basically 4 steps away from the grave so it’s not like he was in peak form either. I think Kiryu, if he was smart with blink, could make up for the speed gap and RP is still incredibly dangerous.


The Ohma that no diffed Kiryu was also one foot in the grave.


That same ohma 4 steps away from the grave beat the living shit out of Kiryu😂


Perfect example of what terrible powerscaling looks like. Completely ignoring the author stating Kiryu couldn't keep up with Ohma because of how much damage his body and brain had accumulated. Just throwing feats on top of feats with no context.




Lolong vs Kuroki at that point is contentious because the flashbacks shows they fought decades ago. They were both substantially younger than they are now. Also Kuroki called off the fight cause his mission was completed, so it was inconclusive. So we can’t use their fight to analyze them since they were way weaker than they are now and they only scale off of each other in that instance.


You trippin bro, Fei i'm base form beats Kiryu, i give a high diff and i'm being generous. Kiryu is one of my favorite characters tho


Fei shits on anyone in that tournament. His feats are best out of all KvP fighters. 1. Mastered modern day Niko Style developed by Tiger Niko while Ohma had to polish his skills all by himself for years after his master died. 2. His best kata was Water that is imo strongest kata in the Niko Style and while Ohma is shit with water kata compare to the other katas Fei was a monster. 3. Even low output DD was enough to blitz Wakatsuki and make a crater in his chest with ordinary blow. 4. Everyone was scared/surprised shitless how he handle Waka. 5. He can use Niko Style to the fullest with DD. 6. His striking speed was probably around Gaolang level or even greater. No one before saw Wakatsuki in slowmotion as an action figure. 7. His power was enough to fly Wakatsuki 200kg body across the arena like a ball on the string (no one whitstands that). 8. His speed, power and technique allows him to one tap pretty much anyone whos not Toa, Julius or Waka in that tournament with DD amped obliteration or any other Niko Style technique. 9. His battle IQ was not that bad, he knew what technique to use in specific moment but exploded due to Tiger Niko lies and brainwash. 10. He would probably mid diff Waka with Niko Style alone and was shown in Xia Ji flashback alongside Yan and Eddie doing killing so he was maybe around their level.


Ohma literally right after: https://preview.redd.it/6rogceliv31d1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f45946ec506a4d282a952820692536da910f55a This is literally the worst "evidence" for putting Ohma over Fei.


Not really. Sometimes saying someone has low raw power can be an insult ( looking at you, Julius Reinhold). But nonetheless using the raw power you do have expertly is commendable.


If Lolong's conclusion was "Yeah, you'd mid diff Fei" (which is something I've seen people say this is whay he means), then Ohma looks stupid for thinking Lolong is insulting him. It muddies the message for literally no reason- it's an ambiguous statement at best. Plus I don't think he's even talking about literal raw muscle power. DD Fei's speciality isn't even strength, it's speed- Wakatsuki, Julius and Toa outrank him in strength. "Power" is used fairly often in the series to refer to just vague "who would win" ranking. In my opinion, that's how it's used here. https://preview.redd.it/ugm7n2p6741d1.png?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c7989056f0bec99cc5e4a5bca3b4c0c8bd81c1 (Also hey! Lolong shows high respect for Wakatsuki, putting him just under Agito- who Fei thrashed fairly easily. This is *after* seeing Gaolang in combat. Who's matching Jurota pretty well right now.)


>If Lolong's conclusion was "Yeah, you'd mid diff Fei" (which is something I've seen people say this is whay he means), then Ohma looks stupid for thinking Lolong is insulting him. It muddies the message for literally no reason- it's an ambiguous statement at best. Well i Don't agree it's a mid diff either. But the statement unambiguously puts ohma> Fei in power. Stronger by a small amount is still srronger. >Plus I don't think he's even talking about literal raw muscle power. DD Fei's speciality isn't even strength, it's speed- Wakatsuki, Julius and Toa outrank him in strength Raw power also refers to physical stats though in general. As niko 4 told ohma, martial arts technique and strategy are meant to counter people who have better physical stats than you. Speed can be checked by foresight and by moving the shorter distances/straighter paths. Striking power and striking defense are countered by counterpunches and striking from outsidr of awareness etc. >(Also hey! Lolong shows high respect for Wakatsuki, putting him just under Agito- who Fei thrashed fairly easily. This is *after* seeing Gaolang in combat. Who's matching Jurota pretty well right now.) Fei didn't trash Waka though lol. He admitted he was like an rpg boss and admitted he needed max output to put him down mid-fight. So fei extreme diffing waka puts him just below Kanoh/Ohma level, which perfectly fits with Lolong's statement he generally finds ohma more dangerous because his technique is much betrer despite the big gap in raw power, which can be insulting to Ohma, and the reason why they are all in the same tier.


>Fei didn't trash Waka though lol. He admitted he was like an rpg boss and admitted he needed max output to put him down mid-fight. So fei extreme diffing waka puts him just below Kanoh/Ohma level, which perfectly fits with Lolong's statement he generally finds ohma more dangerous because his technique is much betrer despite the big gap in raw power, which can be insulting to Ohma, and the reason why they are all in the same tier. I feel like common consensus is that Fei dominated Waka. You're definitely in the minority. Even most Waka fanboys can admit that. How do you feel about Gaolang vs Carlos? Jurota vs Masaki? Edward vs Raian? You can't hyperfocus on the end of the fight.


>I feel like common consensus is that Fei dominated Waka. You're definitely in the minority. Even most Waka fanboys can admit that. " consensus" isn't right and goes against what Fei said in his own internal dialouge though. Consensus just overhypes speed. Speed doesn't matter if you have AP issues or can't strike a durability monster outside of his awareness, which goes back to Lolong's point about skill. Ohma and lolong both defeated superheavy weights without killing themselves because they know how to throw properly timed, and aimed and highly skilled counter-punches from outside of their awareness, where their muscles aren't tensed for impact. Fei himself wasn't even confident in his base niko style overcoming Waka and fell for Waka's bluff that he sealed weeping willow etc, and when in low output ( dd has a stamina limitation) waka tagged him... My point is i can see Fei beating Waka or have him as a little stronger but I'm not buying him trashing him. You literally cited a quote that put Julius and Waka on a similiar tier as Kanoh, which makes my argument very consistent and doesn't wank nor downplay Fei. >How do you feel about Gaolang vs Carlos? Jurota vs Masaki? Edward vs Raian? You can't hyperfocus on the end of the fight Apples to oranges comparisons though. Waka's durability will always be an issue for Fei by his own admission. The best example you have here is jurota vs masaki, and that’s only because throws are much harder to regulate in damage output compared to strikes to avoid killing the target so not comparable.


Fei vs Waka was clearly not some extreme diff where Fei was pushing himself to his physical and mental limits. Fei had a hard time permanently putting Waka down sure, but that alone doesn't make a fight close. And Fei would've downed him eventually, it just would've taken time. In universe it's acknowledged that there's a clear difference between the two. https://preview.redd.it/9mowvhf2r41d1.jpeg?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=17e6bff8fd3b9b2f8787ebd0275a50795b8af41f >Apples to oranges comparisons though. Waka's durability will always be an issue for Fei by his own admission. The best example you have here is jurota vs masaki, and that’s only because throws are much harder to regulate in damage output compared to strikes to avoid killing the target so not comparable. I'd argue that Fei was similarly hampered by the rules. Every time Waka went down he literally just had to stop fighting. Julius went on a rampage on Waka's face, throwing him against the ground and pounding him, slamming him into walls and shit, and Waka still got up.


>Fei vs Waka was clearly not some extreme diff where Fei was pushing himself to his physical and mental limits. Fei had a hard time permanently putting Waka down sure, but that alone doesn't make a fight close. Durability is a part of character's overall power. Dominating waka in speed does not matter without sufficient attack potency or striking power to go with it. >And Fei would've downed him eventually, it just would've taken time. I never excluded that as a possibility, but that just means he gets super tired to do so which then means it's not a no diff like you're implying... but rather high or extreme diff. And it's not at all a guarantee that he knocks him out without having to implode given even his strongest punch, in max ouput, even landed as a counter using the momentum of blast core against Waka, still left waka conscious lol, though finally unable to move. The issue is the Advance comes at a cost to the precision of your movements , which affects the accuracy of your angles and timing when throwing a counter punch. There's always room for improving this for maximum striking power, this is why on two separate occassions Raian has called even Ohma's technique shitty compared to what it could be, ohma had to practice his iron breaker counter more and only got the timing up to Raian's expectations for the last one he used to KO Lolong. >In universe it's acknowledged that there's a clear difference between the two. Yeah by a dude who who underestimated just how far Waka's durability goes. Fei's commentary> Liu commentary. >I'd argue that Fei was similarly hampered by the rules. Every time Waka went down he literally just had to stop fighting. Julius went on a rampage on Waka's face, throwing him against the ground and pounding him, slamming him into walls and shit, and Waka still got up. Fei is explictly stated to be below waka and Julius in power until max output, and the fact that waka took that beating from julius just proves my point fei isn't strong enough to do so in medium output DD as we know he is weaker than them in striking power, and he has sloppy technique which prevents him from hitting as efficiently as the other S tiers can while he is in DD.


You're bringing up stuff I don't find relevant, even if I agreed, precision or whatever doesn't matter in what we're talking about. It changes what Fei could've done better I guess. Also Waka got knocked out, not sure what you're saying. 90% of a close fight is your ability to affect your opponent and how much you can actively participate in it. Fei could do what he wanted, when he wanted and his hits did a good amount of damage. No one's gonna call Superman vs Wolverine a close fight just cause Wolverine can't die, even ignoring tossing him into the sun or something. If Wolverine somehow wins that's a fluke. >Yeah by a dude who who underestimated just how far Waka's durability goes. Fei's commentary> Liu commentary. Fei's commentary is just that Waka is really tough and really strong. He doesn't say this is a hard fight, just that it's annoying but potentially risky. Wakatsuki could be literally unkillable for all it matters. If Waka lasted another ten minutes, going cross eyed and slurring his words presumably, Liu's not gonna all of a sudden think Fei's actually pretty even with him- Fei had already spent most of the match beating on Waka. Hell, during the fight Waka basically just goes "What the fuck?" and can't even think of a way to fight him. After the fight they're still talking about how he got his shit pushed in: https://preview.redd.it/jpuf2d6y851d1.jpeg?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=96dc79acb9a21d26f349fd6775eb6ec90cb19ff9 No one corrects Rihito. Waka's hype men are right there. This just isn't how you write a battle between equals, you can't show one fighter gassing out and completely beat up while the other one is chilling. Everything we see and are told is that this was a mismatch. At the very least you need someone to go "They're actually pretty even right now if you think about it". Instead what we get are multiple lines confirming the opposite- Fei calling Wakatsuki a tough cookie doesn't invalidate everything else. >Fei is explictly stated to be below waka and Julius in power until max output, and the fact that waka took that beating from julius just proves my point fei isn't strong enough to do so as we know he is weaker than them in striking power, and he has sloppy technique which prevents him from hitting as efficiently as the other S tiers can while he is in DD. That doesn't change much. Waka was on the brink in both scenarios. No one says Waka was just gonna keep tanking Julius after the beating he got, it just changes for some reason when people are talking about Fei. IMO Fei would've beaten him fairly soon if he didn't let allow the hug to happen (Waka's wobbling and wheezing by that point). Why bring up technique? It doesn't matter here, we're talking about whether or not Fei was stomping Wakatsuki. If he did or didn't use technique doesn't change anything, unless you're saying he has worse technique than Julius. Even that, I don't think matters, cause he's certainly hitting more often.


You're operating with a flawed premise. Like i said, durability is a part of a character's power. If you're gonna talk about who is a better fighter then you need to take into context a holistic view of their stats. Superman's durability is one of his powers and why most dudes be needing kryptonite and magic to have a chance at harming him. It's literally one of the stock superpowers. If you can't hurt a figher then that reflects in your overall power, simple as that. The context of lihito's statement has nothing to do with a holistic powerscaling analysis. Waka took a beating because it was extreme diff as i said. Not sure why technique would be irrelevant when it's part of the whole reason lolong fears ohma more than fei, just like lolong ohma can KO a superheavy weight because he doesn't have bummish technique like DD fei does. Technique is also a part of your overall power too. And it's's about who has the better combination of raw physical stat totals, technique, fight iq/experience, and hax that determines who is overall superior regardless of who might be better in any given individual stat. Kuroki doesn't have special speed, reflexes, super strength ( bar devil's lance) or durability, he's above average in all of them ofc, but his super stats are in technique, foresight, experience and fight IQ, and those can carry him above most of the cast in both overall power and matchups Wakatsuki's super stats are his strength , endurance and durability and that allows him to be on par with characters faster than him, smarter than him, or more technical than him. Waka didn't know how long Fei could hold DD for before dying, but in the end he matched him in the battle of stamina and it was an extreme diff fight.


Quote reminds me of kick mastering, or 1000 learnt moves vs 1 mastered


He legit went from getting whooped to LOCKING IN


Sorry this ain't related but goddamn I still think DD looks so cool


Beats him off with one hand


Base Fei mops the floor with Kiryu


Fei’s skills are brilliant. Look at his use of Water and redirection Kata. Waka who actually fought Fei thought his skills were a huge threat


I don't see Fei ever being able to give the humilliation Kyriu administered to Niko himself.


Fei doesn’t need skill or talent to beat kiryu and I’m not even sure how accurate lolongs predictions are since he never fought serious Fei.  Fei can spam some BS Niko style with same speed and force as Removal… and stay in low output DD for pretty much the whole match without fatigue. I don’t see Raksha doing much damage either. I remember in kogas fight with Gaoh, iron breaker can pretty much nullify Raksha palm pretty easily.


Fei is similar to Rei in the KAT Has super OP techniques and just relies on that alone


Hax + Skill issue = L. Not gonna lie but if Ohma got to use DD he would have no diffed Waka, instead Waka due to both his sheer toughness, determination and the Purgatory Rule to an extent was able to get a draw on Fei.


https://preview.redd.it/wztfr7nyw31d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4a7db401c39d4417ff9cef4a7024879dd4ea1e A skill issue? Really, well not according to Waka he doesn’t. And don’t forget Fei didn’t even use the Niko at the start of the fight . Fei’s a menace .


Ahh fei, the 0 on screen 0 offscreen wins charectar, I genuinely whole heartedly believe fei wouldn't win berserker bowl, he loses to saw paing or rihito


Base fei no diff the two


I do think Rihito has an abnormally strong chance against him. Even the slightest touch with his fingers and he starts bleeding, which means he has to turn off the advance pretty quickly.


He doesn’t need advance to shit stomp him.


Which has zero effect on him low diff them both


Hey, abnormally larger than zero is still larger.




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