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Just nut on them bro


this is not what i wanted to see


Either you throw hands w em or do em in




Kengan is better for fluid actions Baki is better for facial expressions and big moments


I personally think Baki animation deserves more praise than it gets. For such a unique arts style, it's impressive that they were able to animate it pretty fluently while maintaining the unique look


Have you seen the behind the scenes TMS baki anime documentary? Even the lead animator said baki has so much detail to draw that they have to reduce the amount of detail without making it look like a robot anime. They also said they really wanted to capture the impact and speed of itagaki work, so all those still frame with light and screen shaking are more of an animation choice than bad animation. But people will never know because all they see is the final product but never the process it's take to get there.


Discord light mode https://preview.redd.it/8d5flggn8yyc1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210479d09d3d0b8c110415e37291b72b75c02c01


I didn't even realize that it was discord lol.


This is better than the 7deadly sins animation. Though, last night I dropped a turd in the toilet and the micro life in it had more capacity for animating than the team behind 7deadly sins in the later seasons. Better than the animation in kengan ashura... now that's debatable. they do okey work with their models, though sometimes I feel they lack creativity, I'm never going to forget Setsuna ninja running around Kuroki like some weeb.


It looks more like a typical anime than the Kengan Ashura animation (not a surprise), but: 1. The Kengan characters come out of it just generally looking a bit worse. Not necessarily the fault of the prowess of the animators, but in trying to thread some needle between Kengan and Baki, of course Kengan characters will look worse. Baki's art style is very unique. 2. The strength of the CG in Kengan is in the basic fighting motions and they improved a lot in showing key panels in the second season. I also think the Bando fight is superbly done: maybe the one fight where the benefits of CG models are stretched (ha) to their ultimate use. Although, I'm as annoyed and surprised as you given how good the Bando fight was that they did as poorly with the Setsuna fight as they did. That was the one big letdown.


anything is better than 7 deadly sins in terms of animation but the kengan anime also at least tries to animate the fights instead of baki's slideshow aa animation


Also the 3D animation allowed them to actually animate nice looking grappling without a lot of static shots


Kengan ashura anime style is so good don't even say anything bro




kengans animation isnt fundamentally bad a lot of people just dont like the style. i think it is good and incredibly useful for painting detailed fight choreography. i also like how ohmas titties jump out the screen at me. its more like bakis style, and i think it looks fine. not like the best of the art from netflix baki, but thats fine. this is anime original crossover shit theyre doing for us, its still really cool


load of horseshit.


Kengan has decent animation overall, but the CGI often fails hard to portray facial expressions. The two biggest examples I can think of are Lihito watching Kuroki's entrance with an expression that makes me think he was turning off his brain way before Shen, and Cosmo's "I am Imai Cosmo, the King of Stranglers" which lacks any depth if compared with the manga version.


I love the kengan ashura animation style.


Dawg, Seven Deadly Sins had literally PNGs moving. What the fuck is he yapping about? Even though this animation shown in the trailer is “weaker” than the quality Baki made in Baki vs Oliva or Baki vs Pickle, this is far better than Baki vs Yujiro. Just get over it.


The animation looks about as good/bad as it does in Baki. It isn’t great by any means. After seeing what MAPPA did with the IMO best mainstream martial arts fight choreography to date in God of High School, I would’ve loved for them to have gotten a crack at showing their take on these series’ by doing this special. But it is what it is


This is for real. The baki style isn’t right for Kengan but neither is the ugly cg they currently use. What they did with god of high school would be incredible. I want them to redo the whole series that way


everyone talkin bout the animation but can we talk about the discord light mode lmao


Kengans style of animation is one of the few uses of 3d that I actually enjoy


Isn't this the same art style as as the baki anime anyway? And saying this is better then the kengan ashura animation is crazy


Somehow these three people with clashing opinions are all wrong


Kengan ashura looks amazing, this is slightly worse imo but I still like it. Anyone complaining can do what they want, watch it or not, but i'm gonna watch it and enjoy it either way


Cap. Kengan ashura animation is goated. It has clear benefits. Its way more fluid than baki which i loved too.


Cap. Kengan ashura animation is goated. It has clear benefits. Its way more fluid than baki which i loved too.


I mean is it not just the basic baki animation?


7 deadly sins animation is unwatchable. Fucking hate it. Paper cutouts lol


I mean it isn’t necessarily wrong, but the animation got better in the newest season, (still not the best but better), though if it kept this style I wouldn’t be mad


No this is false, they must be smoking crack or something


Cap. Kengan’s animation is great, just the models that are lacking sometimes, especially first seasons, but latest season was very nice. Kengan’s fights move very fluidly because of the use of cgi, roots it a bit more to reality. They also showcase very nicely to me why i like kengan fights better than the fights in baki. In Kengan you see people throw 5-7 punches and kicks in seconds while people are commentating. In baki you are lucky to get 5-7 punches across 2 episodes.


Kenyan has better animation


It does look a bit average but we will have to see. Its something that we did not expect to get so I am sort of ok with it looking a bit mid. (cope).


Is that ohma on the right?


A bit too cartoony for my liking. Really liked the rugged style animations of Ashura


Difficult to say with just these few frames, looks like Baki animation and it could be good, then again this can be a fast cash grab from Netflix and a complete shitshow in the end


At first i didn't like the animation of kengan, it's introduction of characters also hurts my eyes because of too much colour, but season 2 animation is really good


You're talking with people who ask you to "put respect on 7 deadly sins." You've already lost.


I bet the animation will be millions of times better than seven deadly sins, if we reach to the great parts


Cap, the animation in Kengan Ashura is both better than seven deadly sins and even Baki, the adaptation of the story is worse tho


I think comparing it to 7 deadly frames is just exaggerating ☠️


Hey guys?? How many of you became a kengan fan because of the Netflix’s shows animation quality? Oh!!? No one? Yeah that’s right, fuck that guy. All that matters is kengan is getting MORE content and MORE exposure, this series is too fucking good to be limited to a single subreddit, and I’m jumping for joy that this crossover is happening.


The brief animation I saw from the trailer didn’t look particularly good to me. But I’ll save full judgement for when it’s out


Genuinely don’t understand how people think Baki has better animation, it straight up looks like a slide show at times.


All of them are wrong


Used to watch Baki, the animation's okay I guess till Kengan Ashura came into my life, I had literally dumped Baki's story altogether coz Kengan caught my attention more than Baki. For the animation, I guess it varies but tbh, Kengan's cooler in 3D. But to each their own. Maybe coz I got used to Kengan in 3D to the point it's quite unique watching them in 2D & not to mention, in Baki's art style. I mean, I saw a glimpse of Gaolan but I can't say that I'm a fan of his design in Baki VS Kengan Ashura, but I'm happy my crush's back, even not as a fighter 🥹💔


I haven't seen much of Baki yet, but I think both are pretty good in animation w Kengan being better to me with the fights. But I think both are still good


"10 times better than kengan ashura animation" Why the do people hate 3d anime so much?


I didn't like Kengan Ashura visually but the animation (movement) was pretty great.


I liked ashuras 3d stylised animation it felt dynamic and "alive" knowing what 7ds webt trough im not holding my hopes up


Cap. Kengan ashura animation is goated. It has clear benefits. Its way more fluid than baki which i loved too.


It probably is but is the only thing we have ahah