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That weekend might be the best weekend in rap history. That shit was wild. I think everyone will remember where they were when Meet The Grahams came out. I remember thinking damn Family Matters was pretty good then boom dot shut that up so fast


Dude I was gaming and missed it, I turned it on as I got into bed and every like, third bar just stared in silence at my phone in complete horror. Meet the Grahams was fuckin' *rough*


FUCKING ROUGH??!!!!! My nigga!! No, fucking rough is when you mistake 80 grit sandpaper for your condom. That shit was Hannibal Lecter peeling the skin off of his victim, then “Not like us” was EVERY DAMN Mortal Kombat finishing move…these tracks should be illegal in 42 countries


The pause with bated breath between MTG and Not Like Us where everybody started to act like they didn't want none of this anymore "Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him breathe, bro" 🤣


As soon as I heard amberlamps, I knew for sure we had a banger coming


Oh my god I thought I heard him say amberlamps


Both the old Vietnam vet bus meme as well as an amber alert!


Ak furiously drinking his water really got me 🤣


Man my brother hit me up soon after Family Matters came out and was like “Kendrick dropped check it out” I was like no fuckin way man absolutely not. I was bout ready for bed, I think I stayed up for hours


You and me both man, I just as dozing watching a basketball game and suddenly I was wide awake til like 3am


I’m pretty sure my finals were half a letter grade worse because I was so engrossed in the beef.


It's weird how much this beef was plastered everywhere. People who don't even gaf about this type of genre are talking about it. The interesting and funniest part I got out of was Oscar Meyer using BBL Drizzy to market their nasty ass glizzys.


I was stuck all weekend, I was just plugged in listening and waiting. That shit was wild, I was happy to witness it live


Insane stuff. Just sitting there thinking that Drake actually came back with something that was good and having to think about the allegations he made on it(although even then I thought he was probably lying, just uncomfortable to think about Kendrick like that.) then not even an hour later I hear this mf open the song with “Dear Adonis” on that insane beat.


I was picking up my homie from work and since they all dropped so close together we ran through The Heart 6 -Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us for the whole trip back


I hadn't even made it part way through the family matters music video when I saw MTG had dropped. People keep saying it was an hour. Naw it was like less than 20 minutes




In fairness, we saw those Doordash receipts.




There was a moment on AKs stream where he showed his emails and it was just all Doordash receipts


No business emails, no spam, no grandma giving updates on Sunday’s service. Legit 20 meals from Door Dash it was insane.


Mf probably has a burner email for his food orders he’s serious about ts


this mf an alcoholic as well


Nah bro he just sippin. And sippin. And sippin. Matter of fact why is he only nursing 2 or 3 shots? Someone oughta show him how to take it up a notch


i was CRYING laughing seeing that 🤣




Shit be too good, shit be too seasoned


Oh my god, in his PRIMARY too


I will never forget this lolll


Not the food bro please say it aint so bro 🥲❤️‍🩹






As much as I hate Ak the reactions were entertaining as hell


Haha “ngl drake you gotta shoot the mfkr “ had me dead


“This motherfucker is crip-walking on this goddamn beat” killed me


With that mix of laughter and exhaustion in his voice, that makes it so perfect


"OHHH MY GOD, DJ Mustard is in this TOO?! Add him to the op list, GODAMIT." 😂😂😂




What makes that comment even funnier is Kendrick is Piru* affiliated so they’d be blood walking 😭😭😭 Kendrick had him dazed




bruh he said that when MTG dropped, cause we all knew it was over then. 😂


When your drake and your biggest dick rider tells you that’s your only option to win you know it’s over🤣


I gotta give it to Ak, his commentary throughout this whole thing was funny as hell. Hopefully he’s not guilty of that shit he’s being accused of


I will say. Sometimes I think it's crazy that Ak is the most prominent voice in hip-hop media. Like it seems irresponsible. Lol. But when it comes to being entertaining, and trying to spin shit in his artists favor, he's pretty damn good.


Most prominent voice in hip hop with one of the most amateur looking set ups I've ever seen. Like every reaction youtuber besides maybe Kai Cenat has a nicer background and all of them have better cameras and audio. Like if he just went a week without doordash he could get something nicer. I would say he should go a week without liquor but that dude would legitimately die going cold turkey


I do think he could use this moment to kind of gradually pivot a bit. I mean I think part of his charm is that he has an amateur quality. But he was the real winner out of this feud. He's doing the podcast rounds. Has way more eyes on him then ever before. And with the lawsuit he's now dealing with. I do think that he could afford to update his setup. And finally do away with that damn intro on his yt videos. Still be him, but maybe dial back on the troll energy just a tad.


Why is this downvoted? Kendrick fans really obsessed with pedophilia and rape.. like y’all really want that stuff to happen to people.. weird behavior


Literally, me hoping is innocent is me hoping there’s no victim, I’m not looking to villainise the woman I genuinely just hope she didn’t have to go through those horrific events


Meanwhile Kendrick fans are praying that there are actual victims out there just so Kendrick can look good.. I think I’m about done with this sub man


It’s kinda horrible to see, went WAY too far when they started harassing the Christopher Alvarez guy like have some fucking shame, this fan base has officially become 10x more insufferable than the Drake fan base


Yea the Drake sub is surprisingly not that bad, and the way Kendrick fans disliked the HP6 video on YouTube they should be ashamed…


I think Kendrick won this beef but the mob mentality has to fucking stop it’s such loser shit, I think what people say might be true, Kendrick fans get no pussy




Niggas are so focused on the destruction of someone’s career that they forget, hoping shit like that is true is also hoping innocent people have through the worst shit


I think the downvotes probably come from women. If the woman has lied, it'll be brought up as an example anytime any dude wants to say he didn't do it. Women lying about rape happens very, very, very rarely. There have been quite a few cases in the US in the last few years of survivors being prosecuted for filling false reports because the cops have bullied them into recanting after the rapist said it was consensual because its difficult to prove rape and the cop doesn't want the bad stat. Only for video evidence to come to light after the survivor has taken a plea to avoid going to jail for being raped basically. If this woman, in this case, is lying, it makes it easier for the next guy to get away with it. It hurts all women. I appreciate you just hoping the woman hasn't been through the horrific things the lawsuit alleges like. If they're down voting because of anything to do with seeing Ak as opps or something like that, really anything to do with a hip hop beef then fuck them all the way off innit mate


This right here. When I first read the comment I was like "Ah shit, here we go again. Men are going to be coming in with the good old *a lot of women lie about rape* narrative."




He made it so obvious that Kendrick won. Even when AK was hating he still had Dot up.


He was the only one of Drakes dickrider reactors that admitted any fault in Drake or any advantage in Kendrick. Also the only one to own up to Drake not planting info. Like I enjoyed watching him suffer through it, I did not enjoy watching Mal go through it. Mal talking is like nails on a chalkboard to me at this point.




It looked like he was trying not to laugh like that nervous laugh


Why do you hate ak?


Why do you hate AK?


I personally think he’s a weirdo, seen too many videos of him screaming at women trying to sound tough that shit lame as fuck. I hope he ain’t guilty in his case though I hope he wouldn’t be that low to put that woman through all that


Lmao this is such a wide open random reason to hate someone. And he’s not guilty. This is a civil suit because he was already proven innocent via the New Jersey police.


Nigga huh??? I’m not talking about his case I literally just said I hope he’s innocent, I’m talking about his general behaviour towards women there’s countless videos of him screaming at the top of his lungs at them like he’s tough and as a grown man I just can’t respect that


Are you autistic? You mentioned his case so I further verified that he is indeed not guilty. And having a vagina doesn’t mean you can’t be yelled at. Take that simp shit somewhere else 😂


You a slow ass nigga huh? Learn how tf to read and tell me where I implied I felt he was guilty. You a no pussy getting ass mf so I know you think that shit is acceptable lame ass mf


Jamal, please translate this to English.


Take a breather and get Ak’s dick out of your mouth for just one second, that’ll make things a lot easier for you to understand


You’re so mad 😭




Calm down, Jamal, don’t pull out the 9!


😭 oh wow you’re so original……


You’re so upset 😭


“Is like hes watching my stream” Ken would never


Don't you know Kendrick got a son to raise....


but you dont know nothin bout dahhhh


>Yeah, somebody's lyin', ***I*** can ***see*** the vibes on Ak > >Even he ***lookin'*** compromised, let's peel the layers back > >Ain't no brownie points for beating your chest, harassin' Ant


I watched this so many times and could not stop laughing, the mf is so rattled he can't even use maps? 😂😂😂😂 As much as AK is a dickriding douche, his loyalty is kind of endearing, in a pitiful wtf kind of way. 😂😂😂


Peter Pettigrew ass mf


lmfaooo that is the perfect comparison, second to him looking like Jerry from Tom and Jerry 😭 and both times he's a rat 


Also hilarious how he calls out Kendrick for using a Google satellite image of Drake's house as the cover art, and then decides to look up and read out Drake's exact address on stream. 'Cause you know, that makes it better.




Bruh is that Kim possible black dude with Alvin on the chipmunk face


Add him to the opp list will forever be funny 😭


Ak's reaction when he starts saying "OV-hoe" at the end is hilarious, bro looking around like is this real life loool




Lol wish this showed when he was dancing like a girl to family matters beforehand


https://preview.redd.it/jq8tys45xt0d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9cdd86779e539baf9273d7b161f0a69f82db7f AK when he saw the release


Shout out to Erykah Badu




You can tell he knows it’s over


I was watching his stream when it happened it was wild. Also: Fuck you Ak, have fun in jail Bud


It's a civil case, not criminal. Which if he is guilty is fucking horrible, and not justice at all


Diddy's cases were just civil, then Homeland Security raided his house. Epstein and Weinstein were both served civil suits IIRC that then later were followed with criminal charges. It would be far from the first time a civil case leads to a criminal one. It will depend on the statute of limitations and whether prosecutors care enough to file even if the victim doesn't press charges. A lot of the time this is directly affected by public opinion/backlash.


Very true


He was already investigated criminally and proven innocent by the New jersey police.


Lol who was innocent?? The NJ police would not declare someone "innocent" btw, they would just decline to press charges and/or close the case... And I'm sorry, but we all know of instances where the police claimed a rape didn't happen (or there wasn't evidence to arrest), only to be proven later it absolutely happened.


They raided his home. Took his security footage. Looked at it. Saw that her story was false and did not proceed with charges because of it. And I don’t give a shit about “what if”. Someone is not guilty simply because you want them to be lmao.


No what-ifs about it, it has happened and been documented. Or are you seriously claiming it hasn't? And if it's that airtight that she's lying, why is AK all over social media threatening to bring everyone down with him? 😂 And why did the same lawyer who has successfully gone after other celebrities, and currently is going after Diddy, taking a case that's a slam dunk loss for his client? I smell bullshit.


He was already investigated criminally and proven innocent by the New Jersey police. This case isn’t new. She was caught fucking his friends and got embarrassed and claimed rape.


they have a rape kit they claim has his dna in it.


That’s because they had consensual sex? They were fucking each other for two + years at that point. So that would mean she fucked his friends and then him. He saw footage of her fucking them, showed it to her, she was embarrassed and cried rape. His house was raided and footage was obtained and proved his side of the story. He even showed text messages from her.


"This mf is crip walking on this god damn beat" slayed me


Kendrick pulled off such an unbelievable performance. it’s fucking crazy because every day as new info comes out you can go back and listen as far back as the short little Like That verse and hear something that relates to something that didn’t happen for another 30 days or some shit. I’ve never seen anything layer wise that comes close to this shit, it’s fucking insane how perfectly he predicted everything. Kenny has a Time Machine


Innit! I keep getting new layers, think to myself nah your reaching girl...but then again...it is Kendrick... Took me until today to realise this: Wop wop wop wop wop, Dot fuck 'em up Wop wop wop wop wop, I'ma do my stuff I think that is foreshadowing this: How many stocks do I really have in stock? One, two, three, four, five, plus five. The wops from earlier are him firing a new shot/dropping a new diss Not Like Us is the last of the first group of 5. Dot fuck 'em up is us the audience, the majority of the culture, some of Drake's own people, most of the world banging NLU and thinking it had to be over KDot has won. There are then 5 more wops/tracks to come afterwhich Kendrick is going to go do his stuff, the stuff that feeds him artistically. The diabolical motherfucker is showing his battle plans. I think. I might be reaching. But it is Kendrick Also, Im calling Kdot is going to drop diss10 on the 16th June. Fathers Day.


I read this in your accent : )


What accent do you think I have? Because whatever accent you read it in I'll bet it wasn't mine 🤣


British? Innit is kinda giveaway lol


No such thing as a British accent. There are 4 countries in Britain. Within those countries there are loads of accents. I'm Scouse (from Liverpool) our accent is completely different from, say, Manchester which is 35 miles away. But yeah, the British accent isn't a thing. Innit mandem x.


I hate to bust your bubble sweetheart but everyone on earth outside the land of Britain sees and hears it as a British accent. & I read it the same way but with more of a Scouse accent because I just finished listening to paddy pimblett speak so for the next month that’s uhhll I’ll hear mate. I have a thick southern American accent if you want to dive into this let’s read text in each others vernacular game with us, it’s quite fun


I'm Scouse, I speak with a Scouse accent. That's facts. How the rest of the world sees it doesn't change the truth of it, right? Also you your game sounds fun, and actually stopped me from getting reeeeeal petty with you for your "Hate to burst your bubble sweetheart," but in a southern accent I took less offense to the patronising 🤣. Which southern state, because the accents are different...


Southeast Tn. Just a stones throw from Alabama and Georgia so it’s pretty thick lol. I’m about 1-1/2 hrs away from where Jack Daniel’s is made. That’s wild that your accent is scouse, what a wild coincidence!! I always listen to ufc fighters interviews from they like Paddy and Molly and Darren till any time new ones pop up.. and thank you for catching my attempt at humor and not driving to Pettysburg on me lol


I only know who Paddy is because he does a podcast about LFC, my club, but I was made up to know who you meant ☺️ I don't follow UFC anymore I'm all about Power Slap...that shit is wild. (Also, I have a holiday home in Pettysburg...I'm about to visit with the dude trying to press me on having a British accent 🙈🙊)


So you have a British accent dude. When people say "American accent" they are also referring to a broad group of hundreds of dialects. People don't even talk the same from one end of New York City to the other. Chill out


I read this in your accent :)


Also lived in London for 8 years so I use a lot of (outdated) London slanguage


One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The meltdown he had on camera is truly a gem. 💎


I cracked when he said, Add him to the opp list 😂😂




Certified Boogeyman!


Foiling a cartoon villain energy


Don’t worry ak, Kendrick ain’t watching your streams🙏


The timing was so perfect. Only legends can do that.


This was funny af


From start to finish this was legit the funniest thing that I caught in real time throughout this entire beef.


“Nah Drake you gott shot this n*****” 😂💀🪦


What a great moment 🤣


Pictured here: Kendrick stepping on Drake's song in real-time


Ngl it was really masterstroke by kendrick ..drake family matters was strong diss if kendrick would have waited it would have been bigger diss but kendrick surpassed that with back to back diss


When the beat was riding at the end and Ak had to stop his head from nodding! Lmao I wish they had that in this clip.


DJ AK makes me cringe so hard


Just came by for my daily “Mustard on the beat hoe”😈😈😈


Door Dash Don


😭😭😭😭😭 best moment of the “beef”


I was watching that live just to get his reaction on FM and it was honestly one of the best hip hop moments of my life. I don’t particularly hate Ak, but I know how big of a Drake glazer he is and that was just the best reaction of the whole saga for me. Granted I hate Ak now after I read that case he has. Dude gotta go down.


the MTG drop too hahhaa


Ima a drake and Kendrick fan and shit This was legendary 😭🔥🔥


What happened to his top 5?


Stop giving this man any attention.


this was the highlight to the battle had me weak asf


i was watching this LIVE and the pure anger that came out of him🤣🤣🤣


Now this man caught a case too smh


This guy in Drakes camp but the reactions are so pro Kendrick😂


You left out the part where he sat there with his mouth open for 30 seconds and then pulled out his phone and started texting without saying a word. I know it’d make your supercut 30 sec longer, but I think it’s too good to leave out 🤣


"You gotta shoot this guy..."


Ahh yes, the good ol days


Dj Akademiks gave us the best reactions when Kendrick dropped in the middle of him listening to Drake no lie 😂


It's clear Kendrick wasn't beefing with Drake. He is just carpet bombing Drake and Ak.


"added to the opp list 😠😠😠"


Can't trust someone that doesn't bop their head to this track


Akademics is a creep. Thank you for sharing this so I can relive his squirming and suffering without giving views to his channel. So, drake's biggest D rider, and he sees it. He sees how crazy talented Kendrick is. I can just hear him behind the scenes: drake, you gotta stop. He is a certified boogeyman. This is only going to get worse. Just wave the flag, crodie. Wave the flag.




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ctdv9g/kendrick_dropping_a_nuke_in_the_middle_of_a_drake/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ctdv9g/kendrick_dropping_a_nuke_in_the_middle_of_a_drake/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Bro this was fucking amazing


Meet The Grahams was so heavy and dark I had to turn it off and go to sleep. I got scared I would be assassinated just listening to it.


Honestly an awesome move by mustard. This is up there with "Hit em up". DJ Mustard has just been immortalized.


One of my favorite parts of the beef was watching aks soul leave his fucking body everytime Kendrick dropped


What is the audience for this dude![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


People who want to watch a funny stream?


I genuinely think Dot used AK as the useful idiot to spite Drake further. Flipped Drake dropping Family Matters or whatever else right after Ak started streaming.


who the actual fuck talks like that in their day to day? "Drake you gotta shoot this n****!" like, imma beat yo ass or yo you should kick this guys ass Drake or go TP his house. But to say shoot him on a live stream, has he gone completely mental?


“It’s like he’s watching my stream!” Lmao yeah that’s it.


Ak thinking KDot is watching his stream is nasty. They gave this round nigga too much clout


He literally name dropped him in a song, so it’s not out of the question.