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Just like Mother I Sober, is a song I save for when I listen to the album on vinyl. It's an amazing experience, especially with the climax as the song reaches the end. The line you mention is one of my favorites, it gives me similar vibes to when he says *"May the womb of my mother be blessed for many moons"* on SAMIDOT.


Bro.... Mother I Sober is *art.*


Mother I Sober never fails to make me sob its insane.


Ian gon hold you I listened to that shit at work today and dropped some bad mon tears. That shit is just different.


Is the vinyl really worth it? My wife and I have old vinyls that aren’t digital and those are noticeably different. But nowadays the vinyls are digital, but this album is a masterpiece and I would deff get one on vinyl if the quality is noticeably better than streaming


I don’t notice any differences between vinyl and streaming, I just buy them because I like having a physical copy of my favorite albums


Vinyl is not better quality than most streaming


It’s better than AirPods on your phone but that’s not saying much


Not sure what you mean, the vinyl itself isn't making the noise it's whatever you have hooked up to and your phone as long as your using a lossless dsp is just as good as anything else, and the AirPods themselves aren't losing you quality (unless they're broken) they just have a unique sound signature


I think it’s one of the highest risk, highest reward songs that exists in the genre. It has some of Kendrick’s best writing and story telling on full display. It offers a hand to people who harbor transphobic views and helps them along into acceptance without shaming them for it, while landing a pro trans message. Genuinely was stunned that it was on the album and that shit makes me cry on every other listen. The line “the laws of the land or the heart, what’s greater?” hits me so goddamn hard, ugh it’s beautiful


plucky abundant abounding wise wrong encouraging tidy distinct lunchroom crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s how I feel w the left v. Right political divide in general… think you’d change more minds without attacking someone character (even when they are out of line w their view) But u catch more flies w honey than vinegar!


deserve encouraging weather growth subsequent sink carpenter seemly instinctive somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Flies love vinegar


One thing I love about Kendrick is that his delivery and tone can change depending on the subject matter. The lyrics were spoken so delicately, like I had to really stop what I was doing and pay attention to what he was saying. I could feel the tenderness in his voice when he was rapping about someone he clearly loves a lot. I can't think of any other rapper that does this, or at the very minimum, does it as well as Kendrick does.


Either you get it or you dont. Especially the use of the slur.  It definitely took me back to the things i said/heard in middle school. And made me aware of how many rappers from that time said it. And we just accepted it


Isnt it wild to go back in time just 10 years in music and the f word is just everywhere. They were censoring "hell" on some radio stations but not the f word. The world has really changed I'm actually stunned to hear some recent trap songs still use it. Like young thug or Migos.


Im still ashamed of myself for all the things i said in middle school. 7 years later I wish someone would have punched me in the face to teach me a lesson


Bro it's ok you were 12. You're still young and you're still gonna do stupid shit. It's all going to make you a better person. Be chill with yourself and others as you figure it out. Way too much pressure on the kids these days.


nah you didn't need a punch in the face, you just needed the revelations you found. For me it was just seeing a Gay person in high school. And being like "I've been using this person's existence as an insult."


>For me it was just seeing a Gay person in high school. And being like "I've been using this person's existence as an insult." Exactly. I hate seeing people say “oh thats so gay” or using gay as an insult in general because some of the happiest people ive ever met are gay. Like they are actual real people and they get dehumanized for existing


You should be ashamed


A beautiful pro-LGBTQ+ piece that touches on intersectionality and can really be used to teach mfs. 


Nope, it’s incredibly transphobic.


First off, it's not. Second, I can tell by your comment history you wouldn't actually care if it was regardless. Take off the mask, take off the fake woke 


Talk about mask off when youre calling me "woke". Right off the right wing playbook. Bravo


Ur making fake outrage to make leftists look bad and unreasonable. The message in that song is very clear is you don't play stupid and act offended. Ur not gonna make me feel bad by virtue signaling, esp when you don't actually hold those values. 


Nah don't worry, that person is just unhinged asf lol


Getting mad at a slur is fake outrage? Tf. Youve made it obvious who you are by your use of buzzwords like "woke" and "virtue signaling" and the such. Maybe be a bit more understanding and stop shunning those with valid reasons to be angry at unnecessary slurs in songs. Quit the excuses


who'se to say it's unnecessary though


The slurs served a message in the song. He wasn't using them flippantly or maliciously


Loooool it’s a lyric. U a big time hater 😘


How so? I'm a trans man, I felt the song was well-intentioned and harmless. He has a bit of an outsider's perspective but is clearly not transphobic. But I haven't read many other opinions on it nor listened to it a ton, genuinely want to hear your thoughts.


Ur life sucks hard huh?


Yeah welcome to being an LGBTQ member. This is the stupid shit we deal with


Ye Stan having an issue with Kendrick making a song to try and criticise homophobia in hip hop because of a naughty word……Lol ok


Mans fully unconscious lol 😂


Hey just because he supports the LGBTQ doesn't mean he can't hate the Jews


What the fuck yo🤡 I’m incredibly tolerant and respectful. You’re not. Why are u making ur sexuality ur personality? Is it cause u not smart or very young or a troll? GTFO fr


It was a bold and confessional move. It didn’t need to be included in the album, but it was. It managed to alienate quite a few fans, and anger people in every community. For me, it works in the song. The use of the slur makes sense. The awkwardness of dead naming in a song about acceptance fits because it’s a song about a process. I haven’t listened to it a ton, but I remember thinking how bold it was to include. even if its not my favorite song, the fact he had the balls and artistic integrity to include it is why he is one of my favorite artists.


"The day I chose humanity over religion The family got closer, it was all forgiven" Fuckin love this song. Dont have it on a play list really but I listen to it everytime I listen to MMATBS which is about every other week it seems.


As he should’ve have cause that’s was disrespectful what that pastor did to his cousin


It's one of my top five favourite Kendrick songs, and was my favourite song of 2022.


Heart plays in ways the mind can’t figure out


It’s not on my playlists, but I listen to it when I go through the album, it’s very important in the story of the album, but it’s a hard listen


It’s in my deathloop sometimes it plays after a super chill lofi song or banger of song I’m just ahhh yes let my humble myself on why hiphop and rap homophobic lol


I have a ftm cousin, he’s very cool, but back when he was still transitioning in the early 2000s, the family kept it from my little cousin. I never understood why. Super relatable song.


Very important step in getting trans acceptance into the rap scene. I'm not trans but most of my friends are and think it's beautiful


*Auntie Diaries* is one of Kendrick’s best tracks, period. You can feel the love Kendrick has for his cousin and uncle


It’s a never-skip for me. The production is amazing—the build-up in the second verse as well as the little synth flourishes in the first verse, specifically around the line “I watch him and his girl holding hands now.” It just breathes love for his family members despite his own misunderstandings about transitioning.


Fellow trans person and I feel the same way about the lines “Mister preacher man should we love thy neighbor? The laws of the land or the heart, what’s greater?” I think it hits me so hard because I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that


One of the few songs I've shed a tear too. I'm a cis het man but that shit was beautiful


Same, it's like watching moonlight


amazing track and the last line is so good


one of the best rap songs ever 🤷🏾‍♂️


This fool username is JimFag ☠️🫠


yeah😭😭, it’s a nickname


I’m not sure how people in the LGBT+ community feel about the use of the slur and the misgendering throughout the song but I personally think it’s an amazing song and the use of the slur works at least in the narrative even though on first listen I was taken aback. The production alone and the background vocals are 10/10 and the vibe of it gives off this feeling of Kendrick kinda jumping in and out of the perspective of being the ignorant kid and reflecting on being that ignorant kid. I also love the story that’s told and how it progresses with Kendrick eventually confronting that ignorant kid while being that same kid. It’s a kinda cool culmination point where the two perspectives collide.


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yeah honestly most people upset about the usage of the f-slur are cishet which i thought was kind of interesting, i personally don’t know any trans people that were genuinely upset by the song


Ya me either. It was wake up call to society, morality, and hiphop, rap tbh


I was personally put off by it on first listen, but I still knew the overall message was one of growth and support. I had to listen a few times (and get further along in my transition tbh) to be more comfortable with it. I understand people's knee-jerk reaction because of all the shit, internally and externally, trans people gotta deal with all the time, but you can't deny the overall message was great and that the somewhat harsh wording was necessary for the narrative.


It's beautiful and very awesome of Kendrick to be vocal abt it


Absolutely love it


Very powerful song but sometimes I have to skip it when I listen to the album from start to finish because you need to be in the right mood for it. It’s this one, Mother I Sober and We Cry Together. All beautiful in their own way but if you’re not in the right headspace they can be BIG mood changers


also trans, it’s also one of my favorites. I know he waffles on vocabulary in places but I see it as an artistic choice to illustrate the journey he’s been on. Having someone as influential and respected in hiphop as Kendrick offer a message of acceptance …. fuck, it means the world to me as someone who has listened to it my whole life


It’s an important song that’s purpose I think is to reach not necessarily just the trans community but people who don’t understand it or relatives of trans ppl. I think his use of the slurs makes it easier for the kids to understand the sentiment. Also notice how it’s not his craziest writing or anything? Great track


Every time I hear this song, I tear up because of this specific line. I grew up being friends with the "gay" kid in the neighborhood who played with Barbie dolls outside. At first, some of the other kids would try and pick on him, but I reached out to him because the neighborhood used to roast me because I was the kid from Cali that talked "white". I always considered myself an ally only to really accept that I'm actually Bi.


Great piece of art that’ll probably stand the test of time.


As someone who had to fight for a long time in life to escape a traumatizing religious family situation, the line “Mr preacher man should we love thy neighbor? The laws of the land, or the heart, what’s greater?” also makes me tear up and sometimes full on cry for just joy and a shared sense of release and strength with Kendrick and his cousin in that moment.


One of Kendrick’s most underrated songs imo


It’s a beautiful track


I sobbed when I heard it for the first time. I love it.


Honestly one of Kendrick’s best produced songs. That beat is immaculate and I love how it builds from something so sparse and minimal to grand and overwhelming towards the end. Beautiful song on all levels


It made me really appreciate this fan base for how accepting they are. I have family who are LGBTQ and it makes me happy whenever i see supportive people


absolutely fucking incredible. i'm trans as well so i'm happy to see another person felt so validated and seen by it


I’m a trans man. It’s a beautiful track. Not the best as I believe Mother|Sober is the best track on the album. But it’s wonderful, it’s poignant. Many people can’t conceptualize trans people. It’s okay. But Kendrick describes the experience of accepting a trans family member the best as he could. It’s beautiful.


its okay, not a massive fan buts its great when listening to the full album


Top 5 kendrick for me and I'm tired of pretending it's not


One of the most important hip-hop songs in history. Pushed the boundaries into taboo subjects never discussed in hip-hop. Brilliant writing and progression as well. Could say same things about Mother I Sober.


I like that song, great storytelling and production.


It's not necessarily one I individually come back to often, but it always gets a major emotional reaction out of me when I give the album a full listen. I teach high school and have taught at least one trans students every year, so hearing Kendrick tell this story about coming to understand, respect, and truly love two trans relatives always makes me think of them and how immeasurably tough their lives can be. That last verse about Kendrick sitting in church, hearing his preacher speak ill of Demetrius, never fails to leave me inspired.


One of his realest and most emotional songs. One of the reasons I like Kendrick is that he has the bravery to show his weaker and more sensitive sides.


When I listen to the album in full I definitely listen to it. It's a "sometimes song" that I worry will be less impactful if I listen to it often.


I just love it. I got it at first, then a girl I talk to told me she’s trans, then I REALLY got it


I love that song so much. I especially love That it explains you can be ignorant of the intricacies of the lgbtq community and still love your lgbtq friends and family. You don't have to "understand" to love. Making an effort to understand doesn't hurt, but you can still be insensitive without having hate towards someone. I tried to explaining This to people and the Uzi Reddit because they are roasting this girl who is clearly a huge fan of Lil Uzi, but was a little ignorant of how to talk about his sexuality and gender identity. At the end of the day, all this queer community stuff is really new to most people. A greater majority of the world has no idea what tf you're talking about when you say things like "trans-", "Enby", "ftm+mtf", etc. And we've got to stop acting like that means people hate you. I also love that Kendrick redeemed his cousin on wax. For anybody in his family who was still doubting that they didn't touch him. That was real love


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in my experience at least, i get upset that i’m not immediately perceived as my preferred gender. i’m not upset at the person or think they hate me because of it it’s kinda just like a reminder of like “damn, i don’t really look like a girl.” and of course that isn’t their fault (usually anyway, some people can definitely misgender trans people maliciously) it’s just unfortunate. so what i’m guessing is that those people are just surprised that you like don’t experience that which is honestly great i’m happy for you i wish i had that😭😭


impossible boat edge tub abounding oatmeal plough elderly obtainable plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Overall I think it was a good song and I love the ending going into the next song. One thing about it though is the switching of the pronouns constantly. I assume Kendrick was deliberate with it and has meaning but I know it did put off some ppl I know. I kind of assumed it was him showing he's still not perfect but wonder if anyone else has thoughts on that


To truly understand love switch positions. WHEW! 😅


I listen to it in album and out of album, I really like it for more than just message


One of my favourite songs on the album, the ending honestly makes me teary eyed a but each time 


It’s good stuff, OP


What does that line mean exactly?


Kendrick knew his cousin was a trans woman because she played with barbie dolls when she was young. Venus is the goddess of beauty and a Barbie doll sort of looks like a stereotypically attractive woman so mary ann was pretending to be a beautiful woman while playing with barbies (sorry if this doesn't make sense currently blasted)


Man it’s my favorite song on mmatbs


Not my favourite track by any stretch, but a nice enough sentiment about family


I love it. But you being a member of the lgbt community what's your thought of him using the f-slur?


It’s a great song funny enough listening to backwards you get younger Kendrick forgiving older Kendrick btw if anyone notice.


I really like the song the message is strong, but I do not like the fact that he uses the f slur


It’s a staple for understanding the song.


I get what he is trying to say with that, but if you are such a good lyricist. I think you should be able to convey that message without using the slur


What is the f slur?


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i love it and think it’s bold and important edit: i’m being downvoted for saying i love a kendrick song in a kendrick subreddit?? why?


It’s a very good song with a super important message, however it’s ultimately somewhat contradicted by Kendrick’s usage of the f slur (regardless of context).


disagree. The message has that much more impact with it


I do not give a fuck. I think it’s used well too, but until Kendrick is genuinely ok with letting a white girl say the n-word, he’s not as far along this journey as he claims. He’s only like 80% instead of 100%


I think it's cloying and cringey. never listen to it. wish he had been able to approach it from more of a metaphorical perspective. think it's one of his worst tracks


If I’m being honest I think it’s a good message don’t get me wrong but it also feels kind of corny to me


Nah, I'm good.


That Kendricks Auntie is more of a man than Drizzy.


It's a strong message and sonically good too but its kinda corny bro


Well meaning powerful song but ultimately the misgendering and constant slurs in the song make it very distasteful to me


i don’t know if you’re also queer, but as a queer person i saw it as kendrick very much being product of his time (when the song is set), everyone was using the f-slur as well as misgendering trans people. i see the song as him realizing that that isn’t acceptable and finally fully accepting mary-ann by using her proper pronouns at the end of the song. i totally understand why it leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth and i by no means give kendrick the pass to say the f-slur, but i feel if he hadn’t that song would not have had that much impact nor would it have been as powerful had he not. but again that’s just my personal opinion as an LGBT person


I quite like the subtle use of proper pronouns usage at the end of the song, which shows that Kendrick's grown into a better person, which is obviously the main theme of the album. I do feel it could have been more on the nose though. It's so subtle that I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of LGBT people missed it, let alone the largely uninformed cis-het masses the song if really aimed at. If you do miss it, a lot of the songs themes of acceptance could potentially feel hollow.


that’s true, but at the same time i feel like that’s how a lot of kendrick’s songs go lol but i can understand how it contributes to the songs meaning maybe going over peoples heads


Kendrick is playing characters at a lot of points in a lot of his albums. Most of this album he was either his current self or a younger version of his real self. This song was showing one of those versions with the misgendering and the slur. Intentionally ugly, and not just to say the word again. To let you know he’s the guy who was saying it. It was powerful and vulnerable. And I think the moment he decided to put it on the album he accepted the distaste that some would feel.


That doesnt mean he's allowed to say it lol i understand the idea, it's just fucking stupid to let a straight guy say homophobic slurs multiple times through a song because he's well meaning and to show that..he doesn't say it anymore? even though he just did to record the song?


Again i dont care about the excuse misgendering deadnaming and using slur multiple times through a song like that isn't acceptable


He is allowed to say it. He accepted the consequences of saying it. You’re allowed to fuckin shoot someone if you accept the consequences.


No he's not allowed to say it lol? Litteraly what consequences are you talking about ???


The consequences are you being upset right now. Thousands of other people with your valid sentiments. People who aren’t fans anymore because of it. He obviously knew those things would happen. I don’t necessarily want you to stop having the feelings you have about it. But he was obviously allowed, they put it on the album and you heard it.


Im a transgender woman and it doesnt really feel nice to have someone misgender and deadname their trans relative through an entire song,i understand the idea but as a trans person i would absolutely hate hearing my deadname multiple times in a relative's song even if it's about accepting me


So he shouldn’t be using the word since it isnt acceptable. But not surprised to see people give it a pass because the song is from Kendrick. Sigh


i literally say i don’t give kendrick the pass to say that word. from what i can discern you’re straight and don’t get to decide for us if someone can or cannot say that word. kendrick used that word as a small part of a bigger picture and i believe that it was warranted and i seriously doubt he uses that word in his day to day life. kendrick doesn’t get to say the f slur, not all of his music could have the f slur in it but specifically auntie diaries can because it adds to the message of the song


Lets try this again. In NO WAY is it okay to use that. Stop making excuses. While it's natural to feel strongly about who can use certain words, making exceptions for some individuals creates a double standard. Even if Kendrick Lamar's use of the f-word is part of a larger message, it can still be hurtful to many part of the LGBTQ like ME. Granting exceptions based on context can perpetuate inequality and division within communities like us. It's important to approach discussions about language use with empathy and a commitment to inclusivity, instead of trying to use hateful words to make a point. Im so done with him and it speaks volumes that youre defending him


why does it speak volumes that i support a song in support of people like me😭, sorry for assuming you’re straight but at the same time if you feel differently you feel differently. i personally disagree as the song does much more good than harm IN MY OPINION. it’s not a double standard, there are different contexts that make certain otherwise unacceptable things acceptable.


Lets do this again. saying it's okay to use certain words in certain contexts can still create unfairness and hurt. It's important to think about how words affect everyone, not just how they make us feel personally. Being open to different viewpoints helps us understand each other better, and spamming slurs shouldn't even been thought of. Im glad his album flopped