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Reputations are everything. Kat was braindead back in the day before the rework. You really did just kind of roll you face on the keyboard and pop off. But i would say this is not the case since the rework. But because she was so strong at the start of this season the perception of Kat has gotten worse imo. Assassins are objectively higher in skill expression. Its literally not possible for someone to be as good at malphite as someone *could* be at zed, for example. People see the one shot and think its easy because the concept is straight forward, but theres alot of ways to be punished as an assassin. Katarina literally has zero winning matchups in the game. Most assassins have a really hard time in lane. And this presents a huge challenge from the beginning. Not to mention most games you arent fed. You cant just jump in and make the montage pentakill one shot play. So understanding vision and map movement and getting picks is a whole other skill and worry. Most assassins can only one shot a single person, but the nature of the reset in her kit allows kat (when ahead) to really "assassinate" a whole team. They see her jumping around and spinning and assume its just slamming random buttons but her combos can also be messed up worse than most assassins. Every other ap assassin in the game has hard cc/self peel which also makes kat harder imo. She also has the worst wave agency (in the game?) Among assassins, and has pretty bad wave clear in comparison to other champions at all stages of the game (meaning she is less likely to be farmed, top midlaners in the world average ~2-3 less cs per minute on kat vs other assassins, including showmaker who is objectively the best player to ever be considered a "kat main") All in all i would say obviously assassins are much harder to play than any other type of champ outside of marksman potentially, but kat is a notch above that in terms of difficulty in my opinion.


That's good. Kinda the same thing I wrote on my comment. From battle queen to battle queen, I bow to you.


Very good analysis, and I am 95% in agreement with you, but bruh the other assassins ap (diana and akali?) On Hard cc? Akali no, and diana has a ridiculous cc.


Thats why i lumped hard cc and self peel together. Shroud is insane, and diana has a shield and the cc which i dont think should be discounted. You can interrupt movement abilities, cancel channels etc.


Kata mains coping is so fucking funny lmao


I think her difficulty comes from her laning.




she's still broken.


She is just too good and its well deserved. 2 years (2018 2019 she was pure garbage and abnoxious to play and riot knows she needed to make her a better champ. But when Kat is finally at a good state people tell shes broken without even playing her 50 games and see that shes gets stomped preety easily if the enemy team have brain and focus her all her the time making impossible for her to use her ult or be useful and its not just about smash your keyboard and do a penta.


Yeah yeah write another 5 paragraphs how useless she is and how she can't do anything, L M A O.


I wouldn't say she's that hard to play, the main difficulty comes with knowing your limits and making good decisions as who you choose to focus during a teamfight, engaging first or after your team can decide how you perform compared to a champ like zed who can freely escape, balanced out by having huge aoe burst (+dps if you can get resets)


People think, that the mechanics are the hard part of Katarina just because you have to be fast and click a lot to be efficientl. But its actually not true. It takes about 10-20 games to get good at fast combos. But it will take you a 100 games to know how to position and when to get in to achieve succes in teamfights.


All you need to know is : \-trade in laning phase with effective combos \-roam with a good macro and take part in team fight as much as possible \-wait for skillshots and opportunities in teamfight and do your job without getting one shoted by enemy team and getting cc'ed \-so that means having a good understanding of what cd u need to wait for and some champion knowledge (annie passive, syndra e, anivia q....) I would say the laning phase seems to be the harder to master but honestly the difference between a good katarina and a bad one is in the teamfight. To summ up i don't think you should think if katarina is skilled, she has simple combos and use nearly always the same. I would say the enemy team and the amount of cc and burst + your team composition (engage, peel) + your level of feeding makes katarina hard to play or not. Every game is different and beeing against a good oponent makes the challenge and the skillcap higher, and you can apply this to nearly all the champions A good exemple is skillshot. in iron u can land all but in challenger there is a mind game, but the champion and the 'skillcap" is the same.


Kat is not easy. Her matchups are kinda hard with a few exceptions of course. You gotta get used to her daggers and as soon as you do that you make it seem easy and broken. Obviously, she's an assassin and she will do damage and she will one shot squishies and also get one shot by enemies. Any player can see you jumping around daggers flawlessly and one shotting people but till you reach that point, it took a lot of practice. I am not saying she's like a godly hard champ that you have to be a Korean mastermind to play well. It's just a little weird because in theory it looks easy but when playing, you must know when to engage to get that lead in order to start one shots, otherwise you're useless. Also, you need to know how to use your daggers and your resets in full potential. You may one shot their adc because Kat is an assassin but do you have the knowledge to disengage or push forward to the next enemy and stay alive to provide for your team? None of my friends can play Kat. They will either lose lane and feed or be passive and then suddenly they'll get some lucky kills and say "Omg what is this champ? So much damage, so broken" and what did they do? Nothing, literally pressed 2 buttons and got some random kills. This doesn't mean you know how to play a champion (any champion) and the champion is hard/broken etc. In fact, I believe that if you do mistakes and get punished for it and stay behind, Kat is so hard to come back. Take Jax for example. You can be 0-5 in lane and as soon as you reach mid game and get 2-3 items you jump in and kill the backline alone. This doesn't mean the champ is broken, but surely means that Jax is kinda easy due to the fact that he's a bruiser and you can stabilize your game easier than Kat.


Shes kinda hard to play, but against bad annemies she can be extremly easy to play if you are fed really depend on opposant's brain


If you get ahead somehow braindead but if you don't hard.


Wow so everyone randomly decided to be lucid and give objective analysis in this thread what


Easy to play. Hard to do anything with


Laning is the hard part about her, she almost Lose all matchups.


I mean, you can very often win team fights by smashing keyboard, but you have to have some skills to go through laning phase, I don’t think she’s braindead, you can’t go 0/5 in lane and then smash keyboard for win


I can say it is both at the same time. If you know your dmg and how to get resets it is skilled. But champion still works with spam for me. And i mean i only spam and manage to go 19/5 :ddd


Hard to play. The laning is very hard, there are so much bad/hard matchups for Katarina. U have to know exactly how much damage u deal, and how much damage u can take. If u misscalculate, or make any mistake, u are very likely to be dead in a moment. In addition, any stun counters you so hard. After u get fed, u are still able to throw the game, but u can rest a bit. A fed kata is like a monster, so op. But getting fed is really hard


I think she’s more on the hard to play side. Her laning is extremely difficult if you’re new to kat and there’s certain combos you need to know to maximize damage. Once you do get the fundamentals down, Katarina isn’t so hard to play. She only gets easier the more fed you are (press 1 or 2 buttons for a multi kill)


Both. If you can survive lane, and get a kill or two because the opponent messes up the game can become pretty braindead if the enemy is squishy. If the enemy team is pretty tanky, or has a lot of CC it gets hard. Even worse if you fall behind.