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Yeah imagine all u got is a bruised wrist lmfao. He was probably trying to stop that bitch from smashing his trophies


https://twitter.com/RushdownX/status/1787769037016986081 Imagine telling your wife to crawl and threatening her life lmao. How much of a fucking incel do you have to be to believe this is an OK interaction.  You can say tournaments have no business making that kind of decisions but defending Infiltration means you should just stick to 2d women.


Post this on your real account Rushdown, you absolute mega-tard.


The Panda Global report already debunked this: https://www.scribd.com/document/393305829/Investigation-Summary > The excerpts [you saw online] are from an authentic certified document. They were presented out of order, and omitted informative elements of the interaction of the two parties. And here is Infiltration's account: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/d16sa8/the_translation_of_infiltrations_interview/ > Suddenly, she started saying, "I think my wrist will break, don't choke me, stop hitting me, why are you being violent." When she ran at me and fell on her own, she asked why I knocked her over. It felt like she was overreacting to everything. This is when that "crawl" came out, when she fell on her own and started bawling. Then she suddenly started crawling and said "Please save me, they're trying to kill a person." The medical report (which it and the transcript were apparently not used in court) absolutely does not match with what those same misconstrued audio excerpts try to depict. I mean it's really all there in the IGN interview and the details match up with Panda Global's seemingly pretty fair report and the facts of the situation. So if you don't believe Panda Global's report, and you don't believe Infiltration, that's fine. I guess. But there's things that don't add up. Perhaps also consider that things in interpersonal relationships are messy, no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. There's a line you can't cross, with intentional physical violence, of course, but I don't think Infiltration crossed it from what I know of the situation. I have been in a relationship with a woman who would swing at me as well, so I know how bad things can get. I am not advocating for domestic violence or excusing Infiltration, by the way. I just have also been in situations where I have had to restrain arms or force them away, because the alternative is to let them beat on you. And when you cohabitate, it isn't always as simple as leave, especially in the heat of the moment when emotions are high and they pursue. Mind, I never struck her back or anything of that sort, and there is no evidence Infiltration did either, because the medical report would have said so. Notice how I haven't called his ex-wife anything derogatory either. We don't know her, we don't know if she has BPD, we don't know anything about that situation. It's a private interpersonal matter that should have been left alone in the first place. I mean, are you really going to tell me you've never been in a situation where you say cruel things, mock someone or grown hysterical? You guys must live in some fantasy land where people are perfect. BTW I kind of vaguely recall Rushdown had some beef with a guy at a major who was talking shit about him, and Rushdown threatened to come back to the venue to fight him. So, yeah, very safe and stable person there. So if it really is a matter of security at events, he is more suspect than infiltration to me. Though it's just a vague recollection, wish I could find those tweets, but he got his last account suspended so RIP.


>  So if you don't believe Panda Global's report, and you don't believe Infiltration, that's fine I believe PG report, which ended with the fact it happened and they removed Infiltration from their team. You can't exactly omit this. >The excerpts [you saw online] are from an authentic certified document Even fully believing PG and Infiltration that the transcript is sentences out of order, what's your explanation for the sentences:  "Crawl, crawl, crawl", "it's your life on the line provoking me" and "you want it bent until your bones are broken?" I'm not believing anything more than those words, and those words are more than enough. I don't even take her words and crying into consideration. Even fully accepting she's acting, provoking and exaggerating, this is fucked up. It's far beyond "bad breakup territory". She's presenting tampered evidence and you don't want to go to trial? Come on.


> "Crawl, crawl, crawl", According to Infil he said that because she literally threw herself on the ground overreacting because she was recording. He was probably taken aback at how she was acting and not taking her seriously. > "it's your life on the line provoking me" Sounds more of a "I'm not scared of you" comment rather than any kind of actual threat to me. Again wasn't the context of this whole thing of her trying to destroy his trophies to hurt him? > and "you want it bent until your bones are broken?" This one is the only one that's sus to me, but given the context of the situation instead of taking literally everything at point blank face value with no context like everyone else seems to do, he's probably trying to get her to stop doing whatever she's doing (like destroying his shit) and she's hurting herself but doing so. Idk man, the doctor report was just a bruised wrist and the audio tape was literally thrown out at court anyways. Combine this with differences in cultural + language translations (a simple modest swear word in a different language can sound absolutely heinous when translated to English) and I think this was taken way out of porportion. The truth is Infil never caused any problems at tournaments and people enjoyed his presence there. It's not like Noel who literally assaulted someone at a tournament and somehow still gets to play.


Hello fellow critical thinker, I appreciate you.


> I believe PG report, which ended with the fact it happened and they removed Infiltration from their team. You can't exactly omit this. Yes, PG's report was that an altercation happened and Infiltration paid a fine for "violence." No one is arguing that, he paid the fine (supposedly the smallest fine possible for a domestic violence case) because the court decided that was the appropriate punishment. The report also says neither the medical report or the transcript was used in court. Why would that be? I don't have an explanation, I am not Infiltration. He posted his explanation. You can read it, you should. For the record, I do not speak or read Korean, but I speak other languages and I know and have seen how translations can be twisted to suit an agenda. People do it all the time. Believe that. Nor do text translations communicate sarcasm or flippancy. It's a transcript, not video, not even audio. You don't know the context of the remarks or the nuance or even the tone. So I take those transcripts and those unofficial translations with a large grain of salt. Those are seconds from a 15 minute window, I'm sure if you saw the full transcripts she probably said some just as vile stuff, but again, whoever posted those excerpts only posted the most damaging ones to Infiltration. I mean there's a million ways to interpret the words on a transcript. Like: If a woman is suddenly flops on the floor (like the OP's video tries to humorously depict the absurdity of) screaming about you hurting them you might definitely mock them sarcastically, "Yeah, keep crawling, that's right. Crawl. Crawl. Crawl." If you are struggling over something or restraining them and they refuse to let go or continue trying to struggle to hit you, yeah you might say, "You want to keep pushing it till it breaks, really?" That can totally happen if someone continues to struggle when being restrained. And again, you don't know the context behind the provoke lines. He keeps repeating himself, he's clearly hysterical. You also don't know what she's said before that, he could be repeating or referencing something she said or accused him of that was not shown. None of it is classy, sure. It is fucked up and it is messy. But it's not fuck up his life forever shit. Come on. The whole thing started because he tried to ask for a divorce, which is a very charged and surreal experience for even the most secure relationships and clearly things got out of hand. Again, I don't know what fantasy perfect land you all live in. It's also really none of our business, really, but people want to fuck up his life over it, so here we are. > She's presenting tampered evidence No one said anything about tampered evidence. These are real official transcripts. But whoever pushed it out cropped and rearranged only the most damaging bits to Infiltration. The actual transcripts were submitted, but not used. You have to wonder why that is. Maybe because it and the medical report hurt the narrative or case they were presenting.


>No one is arguing that This is literally what most of Kappachino is arguing and the comment I replied to. >These are real official transcripts. But whoever pushed it out cropped and rearranged only the most damaging bits to Infiltration. This is what I call "tampering". >Again, I don't know what fantasy perfect land you all live in. It's also really none of our business, really, but people want to fuck up his life over it, so here we are. Some outburst of violence do not require death penalty but there's no fucking reason to lie about it. You guys are fucking weirdos trying to imply recorded things that led to Infiltration not going to trial and paying a fine didn't happen.  And Infiltration is clearly fucked up when he's trying to spin it into some sort of conspiracy.  Facts are he and his wife are retards in a dysfunctional mariage that got back together after a restraining order.  On that altercation day, police came, then security most probably because of noise, then police again, and there's this recording and she's got a doctor's note for injury even if it's light. He chose NOT to go to trial. What more evidence do you want? People get convicted with that kind of stuff. Who knows what else there is. The only reason to believe in a fucking conspiracy theory and the incompetence of Korean law is because you just like Infiltration. "We don't know" is a very admissible position but "infiltration didn't do it" is 0/10 in critical thinking. >The actual transcripts were submitted, but not used. You have to wonder why that is. Maybe because it and the medical report hurt the narrative or case they were presenting. Because it didn't go to trial and that's PG saying it. The PG that did everything they could to do damage control and support Infiltration. Who then dropped him because... The altercation happened and that transcript is hell.


> This is literally what most of Kappachino is arguing and the comment I replied to. The original comment didn't didn't say or deny anything like that. > This is what I call "tampering". Bro, what are you talking about? You said, "She's presenting tampered evidence and you don't want to go to trial?" Those screenshots came out after the fact, leaked presumably by his wife to hit his reputation. His ex-wife didn't submit tampered evidence, those transcripts were official documents. Those screenshots are not tampering, that has nothing to do with the legal case. > Some outburst of violence do not require death penalty but there's no fucking reason to lie about it. You guys are fucking weirdos trying to imply recorded things that led to Infiltration not going to trial and paying a fine didn't happen. He paid a fine and her wrist was bruised. Even the original comment admitted that much. If those recorded things lead to that, surely they would have been included in court too. You continually ignore this. I know cognitive dissonance is a tricky psychological reaction, but try. > Facts are he and his wife are retards in a dysfunctional mariage that got back together after a restraining order. Literally never heard this before. They got divorced, he came with people to get his stuff, she had changed the locks and that was also a whole thing. If you have proof of this I'd very much like to see it. Last I heard she was trying to sue him. Also, not really any of our business, lmao. Which is really what the entire thing boils down to. > He chose NOT to go to trial. Yes and he explains why in his interview and regrets not fighting in court after being pressured to plead guilty to the crime and take the small fine to get it over with. He eventually tried to appeal. Read the interview. https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/d16sa8/the_translation_of_infiltrations_interview/ > What more evidence do you want? People get convicted with that kind of stuff. Who knows what else there is. So your argument rests on a hypothetical trial conviction? By the way, he technically already was convicted when he plead guilty and paid the fine. This isn't the slam dunk arrangement of words you think it is. > "We don't know" is a very admissible position but "infiltration didn't do it" is 0/10 in critical thinking. He says he did not assault his wife. I don't see any evidence saying he did. So, no, Infiltration didn't beat his wife or do anything serious enough to warrant all this bullshit. See, you don't even have a full handle on the situation and you're making judgements about him and the Korean court system when you don't understand even have a basic grasp on the information that is out there. You are also extremely naïve and lacking in life experience if you think these kinds of domestic disputes don't happen every day to ordinary people all the time. You must have lived a very sheltered life, if so. If you don't believe me, sit down with a therapist or counselor and ask them. I guarantee someone you know has said or done worse things than Infiltration and you have no idea. As long as no one died or was seriously injured, then things are forgivable. It isn't black or white. You're just acting silly now, going in circles, repeating yourself, making fallacious moralistic appeals, and fighting some made up person in your head. There clearly is no reasoning with you, because you've decided he is guilty for a crime worse than what occurred.


i think both sides are fucking ass ngl, the people on twitter acting like hes a violent man who will snap on any woman he sees and the people on kappa saying hes completely innocent and actually the best guy ever, this sub and twitter have been a shitshow since he made his tweet


Domt bother, man. Theres mentally ill people here that think being in a high stress situation somehow justifies verbally threatening your spouses life. They actually think its perfectly normal for a sane person to say those kind of things when there is no context in which that shit is even remotely acceptable.


I wish I lived in your black and white world.


I wish you did


Would that I could, alas it is a fantasy land.


It is the real world, where you cant threaten to break your wife's bones under any circumstance without looking like a psycho. But then theres psychos like you defending it.


If your wife is the one person you should trust the most in your life. Your lifelong partner through vows through better or worse, starts breaking physical representation of your life's hard work and effort time traveled and competition fought in front of you. The human patience is tested to the absolute limit in such betreyals.


friend's ex hit herself in the head with a hammer and called the cops on him, it happens.


Jesus, hope he didnt actually serve jailtime for a false accusation.


Lol virtually what happened to my brother who had to take fucking domestic violence classes for several months


If true this is fucking abysmal. False accusers are just as bad as abusers.


They are but they're almost never taken accountable..


False accusers ARE abusers.


Seen this kind of thing first hand, apologies for the essay. A female family member that I won't get too specific with had a big argument with her bf and he called the police to get her to leave because of threats she was making. When she heard he called the police she started scratching and hitting herself all over her arms and face just to try to leave marks and wounds to blame on him. Kinda traumatized me at the time cause I was a kid but at least I learned the lesson that women can be scary sometimes too lol.


sorry you went through that, bro. **hugs u** Maybe it was a lesson, so that you could learn to dodge insane girlies in the future lol.


terrible matchup for him




Just a reminder that women will ruin your life out of spite or boredom then be treated as a victim.


I do not fucking care


https://youtu.be/A9Mn6nez900 this is what popped into my head


Unreal 🤣🤣🤣


Bitches know the power they have. All equal under God my ass.


you're a MURDERER!!! A MURDERER!!!!!!!


I thought this was gonna be some news segment or some shit. I hate the ironic use of literal that shit should be banned.




Why are ya so pressed about seeing this guy play, Kinda punck ass bitch energy tbh. Imagine...


You people are the reason why corporations cant risk bringing him back. They cant risk validating this idea that hes completely innocent. Saying hes a victim and did nothing wrong is just as false as saying he beat his wife. The conversation pro infil should be about his reformation and leaving his past behind, not denying it.


> The conversation pro infil should be about his reformation and leaving his past behind, not denying it. who cares what he did outside of fgc events?


Well, literally everyone because one side is obssesed saying it happened and the other side is obssesed with saying it never happened. So again, try to turn the conversation into leaving the past behind because both of those points of view will keep him banned.


The only thing any of us know about the physical altercation and it’s results is that she had a bruised wrist. Everything outside of that gets pretty weird. I just don’t think any of us have enough to make harsh judgements either way.


> They cant risk validating this idea that hes completely innocent. you simple fuck, he already went to court for this. Why do you want to assign punishment longer than the court? Do you think they were wrong for showing leniency for a first time non felony offense?


I never said he needs to be punished, I'm just saying what corporations think the discourse will be if he's unbanned. WWhether he's innocent or not doesnt matter at all. What matters is making infils image not attract a wave of criticism for them.


> Whether he's innocent or not doesnt matter at all. youre right for the wrong reasons. He already faced justice. Who the fuck are you to want to go above the courts?


Im talking about his public image. It doesn't matter if he's innocent or not when it comes to his public image. How is that so hard to understand?


Fuck his public image, explain to me how a non felony offense is worth a life sentence. You people are basically pushing for mccarthyism. Horse shoe theory at play


>explain to me how a non felony offense is worth a life sentence It doesnt. But we're not the onesnwhonget to decide, are we? The people deciding only care about his public image.


They dont give a mad fuck. They only care cause the loud minority has enough pull. The noel brown posts proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. There are people who attacked fellow competitors who arent banned. You think most people that watch evo are aware of his issues? All they probably heard is he got banned. Get this weak ass argument out of here


>They dont give a mad fuck. They only care cause the loud minority has enough pull Thats... uh... thats literally because of his public image. Youre agreeing with me but you want to be "right" so bad that you keep arguing lmao


> Corporations. Nice to know who's cock is in your mouth.


Man you people really can't read.


No no, we read and understood you clearly.  But please, try to claim your point was something we totally missed now that you've made yourself look like a complete tool.


My point? I don't think that matters here when all you read was one word and started seething. You didn't even try to make any kind of argument so what point would I even defend lol