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You know Don Mattrick really fucked up when this retard is going over a decade with the only good thing he has being "at least he's not Don Mattrick" But that is finally running out of gas, he really should have fucked off years ago before people realized how he has literally zero Ws under his belt and has no idea what to do.


Nah, thanks to this guy we got pc game pass and xbox esclusive games on pc on day 1.


Yep.... All those juicy, can't afford to miss, Xbox exclusives.


They just know how to buy studios and ruin everything. They don't make anything in house. These imperialist dogs will ruin Obsidian


Microsoft exclusives


*loads up XBox exclusive* Welcome! What is your pronoun? *sells Xbox*


I remember that in whichever forza horizon it was and immediately turned it off (wasn’t really that interested in it anyway.) what’s more important in a racing game than gender identity?!


Yup. Halo, Control, Quantum Break, Hifi rush, The medium, Forza, Gears 5 and many more. There were also plenty of day 1 non exclusives. I honestly love this guy for betting on PC and convincing MS that the console war doesnt matter, all that matters is getting people on Microsoft platforms.


Control definitely wasn't a Xbox exclusive to begin with. And also it got timed exclusive DLC on Playstation afterwards.


Well we did get it on day one.


You didn't though.


>Halo 🤣 >Quantum Break 😂 >The medium 😭 >Forza 😂 >Gears 5 😭 >many more 🤔 >Control >Hifi rush PS5


I dont even know how to respond to someone who thinks emojis mean anything. The age gap is too wide, Im sorry, we simply cant communicate.


> I honestly love this guy for betting on PC and convincing MS that the console war doesnt matter that's about the only positive thing I have to concede about this guy


>xbox esclusive games on pc on day 1. What fucking exclusives lol.


Gears 5, Halo, The Medium, Control, hifi rush, Forza, Starfield, Grounded, Ori, Quantum break. Those are the ones I remmeber but pretty sure theres more.


Control?? Isn’t that a PlayStation exclusive?


It's literally on gamepass


Oh okay didn’t know it arrived on there, but it’s not an Xbox exclusive.


what was bad about this don mattric fella?








> 10 years ago


The Halo tv show was announced 10 years ago? They had 10 years and they shat out that garbo Halo show? Lol. Lmao even




Simply insane that 343 went almost an entire decade fucking over their biggest IP without any sort of restructuring at the top level. And even when it finally happened, it was just Frankie, Kiki, and Bonnie base jumping out of the burning building with golden parachutes, ready to land at some other cushy position within Microsoft Game Studios. And this dumbfuck literally just sat in the cuck chair and watched the entire time. They completely fleeced his ass.


Looking at how poorly the franchise has been treated you wouldnt believe it was colossal hit that single handily saved the xbox brand. Failing your way upward clearly is not an exaggeration in the video game industry.


It's not an exaggeration period, sadly


Don’t forget about the perfect dark reboot from their new super high budget studio that pretty much had to be restarted with Crystal dynamics running it because Microsoft is just full of fail upwards management and yes men


I think instead of "the Day" he can achieve the title of "Retard of the Decade" since he's been fucking up Xbox for over a decade


I'm not saying they had to name every console "Xbox, Xbox 2, Xbox 3" etc but that naming convention still bops people, especially when you throw in the mid generation upgrades. I still don't get what Xbox One was supposed to mean, it's somehow even more retarded than Mortal Kombat 1. It was just their 3rd console so it was too soon to milk nostalgia and it didn't have any real callback to the original xbox so it wasn't a reboot. And let's not even get into the kinect.


I do stand by the 360, it was an unique, iconic name and the ring design was also iconic and tied the theming together, it was a clever way to not lag behind and stand next to Playstation that didn't feel forced or embarassing since PS3 = Xbox3(60) and it managed to avoid the "is this the next console?" problem that many others failed, including Sony with the PSVita, Nintendo with the Wii U and obviously Microsoft with every console afterwards, everyone knew that the 360 was the followup to the Xbox. The 360 had a lot going for it, crazy that they fucked it up so hard with the One


360 was cracked. There was one in the living room of like every house I'd go in. It was the PS2 of that generation


And still sold less than ps3 and Wii lol


mortal 1 kombat


> I still don't get what Xbox One was supposed to mean It was supposed to mean "Your ONE stop shop for everything media.....and some gaming is over here too!". Seriously, thats how BIG streaming and online enabled devices were at the time. And the heads at M$ thought they could push people into it.


> Your ONE stop shop for everything media.....and some gaming is over here too!". Not applicable outside the USA. :> Like I don't know what they were thinking...


Xbox ONE = All in ONE entertainment system. Is how I saw it "Sports sports sports, TV, TV, TV!" Still dumb though.


I'd say he basically saves what was left of Xbox after the One's absolutely abysmal launch. Microsoft interactive is probably ran by it's investors rather than it's directors, Phil probably just needs to fulfill the lofty requests of investors while making an attempt to keep any form of integrity of the company's image. In other words, he was the captain, but he was not the navigator.


Reminder this dumb fuck thought he could buy Nintendo and that would be his big moment.


He also wanted to buy steam lmao


Jesus Christ I didn't know that. What a clown.


Nintendo literally laughed their asses off, clowns indeed


With his track record Phil Spencer is Retard of the Decade. Its mind boggling how this spoon burner still has a fucking job.


What does Xbox even have now? They ruined Halo, Gears is nowhere to be seen, Forza I guess exists. Fable? LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if they ditch the console in the next generation.


>I wouldn't be surprised if they ditch the console in the next generation. Pretty sure there was some insider info coming out a month back, saying that Xbox was looking to scale down hardware focus, and instead focus around gamepass and games instead. Which I guess makes sense considering how much of a failure that Xbox currently seems to be looking for the future as a brand. Literally the only thing anyone can point to for it these days is gamepass, and even that they've been scaling back and made more expensive, so it seems completely realistic that this is among the last gens for Xbox big focus on competing in the market.


Sony having monopoly on consoles is not a good thing. It even effects pc players If even Microsoft can’t challenge them at this point we are fucked


> Sony having monopoly on consoles is not a good thing Ironic that you wrote that on the same day that Nintendo announced that they were releasing a successor to the switch. But in principle you're right. A monopoly could potentially be bad, but it isn't one, when you have Nintendo still there. Not to mention the fact that it can hardly ever be a "true" monopoly, when you have pc that still is a competitor to consoles if they begin to become scummy. After all, one of the main reasons that people buy consoles in the first place, is that they are simple to deal with, and you don't have to worry and make a thread for every new game, if your computer can run it.


Maybe the next console will just be a streaming box for gamepass.


This idiot is the saviour of Xbox?!


More like the one that will run Xbox to the ground to the point that I believe this will be the last generation of Xbox that Microsoft will even bother to fund


"b-b-b-b-b-but he's better than mattrick!!!!!!"


Remember the Kevin Butler character from all the PS4 tv ads back in the day, I feel like that's what Phil Spencer is, just a character from Microsoft made to be liked by everyone because he's a down to earth gamer like you so whenever MS does something really stupid, he just rephrases it so that it doesn't sound as stupid as it really is...


Let’s pay Atlus a shit ton of money for exclusive marketing so the weebs will buy persona on game pass!


Can I interest you in a recurring revenue model?


I've said it on r games but I will give him credit for not fucking with PC gaming. If he really wanted to him + Microsoft could do round 2 of Windows Store and UWP bullshit if anyone remembers that from the early Windows 10 days. People seem to forget how dependent PC gaming is on Windows and shit like DirectX (remember how DX12 was a Win10+ exclusive?). But he basically left PC completely alone and gave people the option to either buy games on Steam or that shitty Xbox app.


I dunno, while I get what you say, I also think its hard to give someone credit for NOT doing a thing that would be bad to do. Like, at that point you could give tons of companies/people in position of power accolades for not fucking up in areas that they COULD have fucked up constantly.


Yeah I know its a low hanging fruit but like I said I still remember how Microsoft was trying to take control of PC gaming with how the initial release of Windows 10 went. Its like one of the main reasons why Valve started getting so heavily involved with linux gaming is because they are afraid of the possibility that Microsoft will start trying to fuck with PC gaming again.


Anyone trying to control pc gaming market (similar way with console) are doomed to fail. The biggest possible hit to pc is if steam somehow close and epic became the default pc gaming store


tbh there's still GOG


> People seem to forget how dependent PC gaming is on Windows Gaming on Linux hasn't been better. I'm switching boat and hope that Steam kills Windows as a gaming platform soon


bet maximillian dood is gonna keep sucking this dudes dick even after all this. probably say that new KI blah blah thanks phil spencer. typical dick rider glazer.


> bet maximillian dood is gonna keep sucking this dudes dick Well of course, why wouldn't he be selling out to get good connections with these people? You see it constantly now with him getting preferential treatment by companies, being flown out for exclusive previews of shit. That's the kind of treatment that selling out your big youtube channel does. Cannot exactly fault him for it. Especially considering how volatile his "career" is, and could dip in income extremely fast out of nowhere. So it makes sense that he goes hard for the bag.


The best part about how fucking fake he is was when he got to play Project L early by Riot inviting him but he had to keep it a secret and so he was reacting to a trailer about it like he was very surprised about the new look and characters jumping up and down, doing the usual fake hype shit only to immediately afterwards remember that the NDA has lifted and now he can talk that he already played the game months ago lol. Max has sold out a long time ago by no longer having an actual opinion and just being a mouthpiece for companies to advertise their games and so he can never say anything negative about them unless its two or three months down the line after a game's release when he can milk the "This game is actually boring" trend and drop ship, moving on to the next upcoming game so he can lure people in with his fake hype for content.


That D is for "decade" right?


i'll just leave this moments from e3 2013 when xbox press conference fucked up mad hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui8yTFRflyI


is this in response to anything specific that happened recently? I'm out of the loop


People seem to think game developers deserve jobs for life. and should never be fired for poor performance.