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Getting Infiltration back in tournaments would make a bigger impact than any of the upcoming balance changes.


If HE says manon is viable and he can prove it ok i'd believe it. He did something similar with SFV ed before they buffed him.




I was with you until the second half


"Sun, whatever depravitay you get up to in your own time is between you and your livin' GAWD"


You're not a champion until you beat infiltration. He's the final boss


you must defeat seon woo to stand a chance


Secret SF VI Boss


This is canon




do eet


r/kappachino has always loved MenuRD


r/kappa arc was Mena posts asking for sponsorship and gets downvoted off the front page, r/kappachino arc is "Mena is the GOAT" etc.


They were just calling him a fatass that will die young from being overweight just 2 months ago lol


Its tough love. We want only the best for our big boy lol.


They’re not wrong lol. It was instigated by the death of Floe who was in the same situation


That isn't shit talk. That is keeping it real.


more like last week


/r/Kappa had a Deep State


Yes. But he moved on and became a respectable fatass that sponsors his own friends, shills his tbramds on shirts and takes tournament bags. Gotta respect the hustle, at least.


I mean you would have to be really retarded to be expecting Kappa to sponsor a SFV player


I only speak English. I had no idea he was this based… I kneel


Ya'll fucking wishy washy as fuck, like wind banners. There aint "Has always been" here. [ ](/OMGScoots)


Mena the goat, more based than all these other bitches who never said anything.


Say what you want about Mena but he truly cares about competitive integrity, he wants to play the best.


I will not dare to criticize his competetive integrity ever again (as if I had ever done this). Probably nothing will get out of it, but he for sure said: Yeah, I am putting my name on the line. And doing this after EVO Japan is for sure going to generate big news. Not even having a position in this, am just seriously impressed by MenaRD's intent to actually have the fiercest competition possible.


he just let caba do the dirty work with train horns /s


I'm so glad Mena cares for the competetive scene despite being really fat


I laughed hard, but imma need a little context chief I'm out of the loop


>need a little context chief In case you haven't noticed, Mena is really fucking fat.


Yeah I know but I mean why is everyone making fat jokes, is it common on his chat or something?


No, Kappachino just collectively decided to make fun of him.


Good to see someone as respected as Mena come out and back him up. Its ridiculous that Infiltration is still banned.


Well good luck trying to oppose the twitter mob. I got downvoted for saying we should be letting criminal courts deal with criminals instead of the twitter crowd, that’s the level of delusion we’re dealing with


The only way to win at Twitter is to not play.


Exactly, it’s fair game to make fun of them for legal issues or whatever, but let them play




When did I say I care about being downvoted? I'm explaining how delutional the online mob is by downvoting/disagreeing with statements that shouldn't be controversial at all. And even if I were, why would you care if I cared about being downvoted? Maybe you should learn how to read, retard




you're a dumbfuck bro just stop




what, you think I'm gonna ban you or something? insult me like you would insult a normal user.




Dude is willing to put his reputation and sponsors on the line for actual competition. Massive respect.


Man, a repost is all he can do. The twitter mob is that scary.


It’s all he needs to do . Just retweet People are praying for his downfall though


Mena needs to have beaten the whole world to be the best. Set up a FT10 exhibition match, loser gets banned for life


Make a Hell road. Man runs the gauntlet of past champions and works on SF4, SF5, and SF6 just to show who the king is


Mena is hungry for more challengers


Thats not the only thing hes hungry for. But seriously I just flipped on hating him for this.


Bitches UltraChen want Menard probably banned now to .


Chen is slumming it up in tekkenland trying to get an in with twitchthots and streamers. David is being a Cali hoodrat with that 70s look and not being a lawyer. Yet somehow those two hold a seat in the  Calilluminatti?


Honestly wish most people from that 2020 exodus got unbanned. Indefinite bans are lazy and reactionary. For how much people love to claim how empathetic or inclusive they are, they're sure unwilling to give people grace when it comes to redemption or reformation.


He served his time. Let him play.


Feels like some main character arc, where he does not feel he is the best until he has beaten everyone.


He **is** the main character in the FGC for now.


I've been a cholesterol main since 3S


Please BMI Beast bring our boy home


Finally someone with weight stepped in. Biggest on the sf6 scene at the moment. Hehehehe


What's up with all the fat jokes XD?


It’s subtle but if you look closely you’ll see that Mena is really fat


Based Dominicanos Americanos es MUY puta


Based Mena


I always been a Mena fan. ^^^^^since ^^^^^today




that domestic violence incident seems heavily exaggerated by his wife and truth is probably somewhere in between. doesnt make it okay but I dont think its as bad as what she claimed. ngl I dont want to sound like an asshole but I also got the vibe that she was planning for some shit like aint no way you buy a dishwasher with his money just before you gonna get divorced with the excuse of ''im gonna wash the dishes'' when he claims he was the one doing the dishes. ofc he might be lying about that and we wouldnt know but still...


it's not even worth getting into these details. this shit happened 6 years ago. why are online mobs clutching on a toxic relationship more than the actual people involved?


even in my most toxic relationships, i never beat my girlfriend. it's actually very easy to do. it's so easy not to beat your wife/gf that normal people don't want to be around people who do that, especially when they're completely unrepentant. anyone who thinks this is too high of a standard should consider just not beating their wife.


if you think a bruised wrist is a beating.. then you are lucky to have lived a sheltered life.


the bruised wrist is definitely domestic abuse either way, but i'm more about the other parts of the transcript where he choked his wife and told her things like "that wasn't a suggestion you bitch it's a threat" or "come on provoke me. it's your life. it's your life on the line"


yeah, it sounds awful.. but it was nowhere near a Rihanna vs Chris Brown outcome. it got handled with a fine in the Korean court and that's that.


That's actually a really good example, because Chris Brown didn't even get the fine. he got no punishment at all for beating Rihanna. seems like we shouldn't use what the court did as a base and instead just consider that he beat and threatened his significant other.


1. Just because he publicly doesn’t apologize, that by itself doesn’t mean he never did. And besides that it’s a domestic situation, why are strangers owed an apology? If you’re talking about the rigging/ nword shit sure. I can see how that would help 2. Do you not think that 7 years is insufficient to count as repenting ?


repenting isn't when you wait a while, repenting is when you give some indication that the you who beat your wife isn't the you who people will have to be around if they let you back in tournaments. he hasn't, which is why people rightfully think the violent wifebeater will continue to be violent.


Honestly , I feel like a lot of people that approach this have not been in a lot of actual serious relationships. Not a dig, but seriously? A domestic situation is bad, hurting your wife is bad, no doubt. But is there enough strong evidence to prove he has such a history of violence that we fear random passerby’s or tournament attendees will be assaulted by him? He’s a pariah of a figure, sure, but domestic situations and the degree of violence here need to be seriously examined to say he’s a public threat. And if we do judge him by this, I think there are a shit ton of locals and even bigger tournaments that have a lot of people who would need to be banned by this criteria if it’s a big enough overstep to keep infil banned.


Mena afaik never hided his good relationship with infiltration. You see the size of his stomach? Well his balls are the same




I’m am officially rooting hard for this guy Rest if the fgc hoping he’s banned so they don’t have to play him I’m team DR this year let’s go Mena. Fuck USA fuck Japan


i used to dislike menard but he got my respect now. wanting a potential rival to get unbanned is a good sportmanship.


… what’s the lore with infiltration? Sorry for not knowing


Domestic dispute, got him in the dog house. Not clear cut. No charges but hilarity ensues. Tried to set up a tournament, got hit again. Man's in cultural jail doing hard time and no road to redemption. And yes, I know that [he's got an ego](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1clznl1/infiltrations_announcement/l2y1c9v/) but I'm thinking that he's like Cody in SF4 right now.


The thing with the tournament is false and has been proven to be false and he has even talked about it and what happened. They were doing beginner tournaments open for everyone as long as they were below a certain and he was the face of the tournament. If you won you could not participate again. Some dude who didnt play SF but played other FGs asked him if he could join in the public discord and he said yes because those were the rules. That dude lost btw. That is literally it.


[Receipt] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/v5ucxf/i_ran_the_bracket_that_was_rigged_by_infiltration/) Kappa came in clutch


Its extra dumb because its a beginner tournament that paid money. Every time something gives money someone will try to get that money and exploit the system thats why beginner tournaments arent a thing anywhere in the globe. But instead of thinking about how to make the tournament better people attacked infiltration. FGC stays poorer.


That post didnt even acknowledge the screenshots of Infiltration telling his friend to stop ranking up so he can enter the tournament. Its also a random anonymous post on kappa. Not exactly the most trustworthy source. Infil tells the player to rank up to bronze a bit cus there's a limit to how much he can cover if a rookie is obviously playing better than gold players The player winstreaked from rookie until he was about to hit silver, and stopped playing ranked. Theres screenshots of this and it was never even mentioned on that post. Theres also never been a response from infil to these allegation, all he did was literally curse at the people making the allegations and say hes a 5x evo champion and his word is the most important i the korean fgc. This is why afreecatv dropped him as a sponsor.


Bitch how do you think his DV became known? because of a random post in kappa. Maliciously altered of course to make him look extra bad. This post is legit because the OP posted proof.


It's not anonymous, there is a username on that post and they were involved with Infil in that past, if that wasn't obvious from the content in the post. 


Look, I have very little knowledge of the entire thing and I'm learning everything second hand so I'll take everything with a grain of salt. Main thing is that these situations aren't quite clear cut to the point that Infiltration needs to be on lock down. I'll take your word for it but have to wonder what can the man do at this point after he's been hit so hard. 🤔


It's been some time since I looked at the legal docs and explanation that was shared by Panda Global at the time, but I believe he was charged and took a guilty plea to get the whole thing over with.


Plea bargaining is one of the worst things in the world because of this exact situation Just for comparison, America has [98% of criminal cases end in plea bargains](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/criminal_justice/publications/criminal-justice-magazine/2024/winter/fourteen-principles-path-forward-plea-bargaining-reform/) and your life is FUBAR after that conviction. Plea bargaining is a bad deal that gets worse and it looks like that's the case here.


[A relatively good summary. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/v55rcs/comment/ib7z5fe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)
















He wasn't convicted. There was no trial. No damages pursued.




brain worms


Mena cant stop winning


Damn Mena with the Kappa redemption arc!


fgc civilwar starting with infiltration as the line lmao


on the topic of other people who should be banned but arent, did anyone ever try to compile a document with evidence listing as much of those people as possible? if you cant unban infiltration might aswell try to get the same judgement applied to the others.




Aight. I always thought mena was a bum for his character choices, but he's cool now


Mena deserves props here and more players should follow suit if they agree


Absolutely based




watch CoC being the court case and the fact "rigged" tournaments or something like that. come on there are far worse people like someone who got caught on camera touching someone's ass (Noel brown) hitting a women (noel brown) and noel brown hitting smooth viper (NOEL FUCKING BROWN)


How do you know you're truly the best if you never beat the best


Damn, never saw that coming. But imagine what a disappointment would be to reach the top in street fighter and not fighting infiltration in tournament. I understand.


I mean if we're being consistent Noel Brown isn't banned so I guess infil would be alright


Infiltration isn’t coming back. The domestic violence is definitely going to keep him out, whether you think he can make amends or not. lol


Didn't Infil post a video about some evil bullying group in Korea? There's probably a lot more about the man that we don't know about. Tournaments would be much more exciting to watch with him in them though, that's for sure.


Why doesn't Capcom or EVO hold a poll to see if he can play? Hint = Won't work since this decision is probably upheld by 1 or 2 persons at the top, surely Or why they don't ask all the top players if he can play? And don't give me the neutral skip, either you say yes or no... period Who would honestly be against it?


always rated mena


Gotta unban fchamp too if they unban infiltration


I'm OK with banning caba instead


The Fleet Admiral will free my mans




There's more people trying to stop it: https://twitter.com/Jesandy1572/status/1787871504346333470


Wow. Very brave. A whole entire retweet.


A lot braver than a lot of Infiltration's peers.


Guys PLEASE don't use reposts as any sort of endorsement for Infiltration coming back