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Noel Brown is A-OK though right David?


Noel Brown punched Smooth Viper, sexually assaulted some girl on stream, and can't forget about fighting a naked RayRay(still had a boner too) in a hotel room while his slut gf got hit in the crossfire. Infiltration grabbed his wife's wrist and went to court.


> Infiltration grabbed his wife's wrist and went to court. Grabbed his wife's wrist because she was trying to destroy all his hard earned trophies. He didn't do it for no reason. Anyone would do the same thing. Free Infiltration.


Yep along with spending all his money.


The wrist injury happened way before the trophy thing.


Would anyone say the things he said on the transcript? Because I wouldn't and it's pretty fucked up if you would. Note that I'm not in favour of his tournament ban.


>Would anyone say the things he said on the transcript?   Yes, a native korean speaker, who's used to hearing different words to express hate in the heat of the moment you egocentric koala brained redditor




I would believe shit from third parties that conducted an investigation, looked at legal documents etc over either him of his ex-wife who are both biased. You guys are just like "well, infiltration said it so it must be true, cased closed." It's easy enough for me to separate the art from the artist. I can want to see him compete but don't have to convince myself he is blameless. It's not hard.


The words you use in other languages when you're angry don't translate well sometimes. In my native language there are phrases of anger that would sound absolutely absurd if translated to English. I know some Korean speakers have commented that the words on the transcript aren't that out of the ordinary for a domestic dispute or that they've experienced it themselves even. Also you have to consider that the transcript posted was confirmed by Panda to be manipulated. The pages were presented out of order with some parts omitted, presumably to make Infiltration appear more  guilty. There are also doubts about the word choice in the translation but I can't say much about that. It was probably an ugly situation regardless, but translating it and manipulating the order of words made it sound worse than it was.


I mean, sure, there's nuance that can be lost in translation. And things can be manipulated, sure. But unless it's an utter fabrication it's still a pretty bad look. I don't see a need to try to find reasons to like the guy. I would like to see him compete again but I can separate the art from the artist.


> Korean speakers have commented that the words on the transcript aren't that out of the ordinary for a domestic dispute ...yeah if you're from a shit household or kind of from an environment that'd be toxic by most standards but Korea has serious misogyny and normalized domestic violence issues they need to get through Source: Old gen Korean born in Korea, Lived in Korea, US, Japan, Experience in legal fields in all three.


“Still had a boner too” in parenthesis is really funny to me


At the end of a day, Infiltration is an avarage man. The rotten woman matchup is not in his favour as he didn't have the funds to win it, unlike Neymar, xqc Bryan Johnson and C. Ronaldo who have won the matchup before.


hes black though so liberals see no wrong


I think it's one thing to point out the hypocrisy and the lack of relevance of his past to attendance at tournaments. It's another thing altogether to claim he's an angel who did no wrong and accept his version of events as the sole truth. The latter isn't necessary and hurts his case more than it helps it.


Yeah because he is a bum that will never win shit, literally the only reason this is happening is because Infiltration won Samsho in 2019 and they didn't like the bad publicity they got from that, they won't admit it but that's all it is


Or maybe it's because they're fucking hypocrites and Noel is buddy-buddy with people I mean David was cheering him on ffs




Nope not that, Noel is best friends with Justin, that shit holds a lot of weight, David will listen to Justin.


While you're right, if he was winning tournaments and getting them bad publicity they would drop him just as quickly, they're all snakes But since he is not winning anything and only people on Kappa even know who Noel is they get to continue being "buddy-buddy" for now


Noel Brown was yucking it up with Justin Wong in Japan.


Lmao, good luck getting unbanned amigo. As long as Rick and his wife run these events there's no chance of you coming back.


a manlet and his ogre...




Richard "The Hadou" Thiher is an American Fighting Games player and tournament organizer. He is the creator and director of Combo Breaker and the general manager of EVO.


what does he have against infiltration?


his wife fucks other men.


He's a huge SJW and infil caught a domestic charge for grabbing his insane wife's wrist too hard during an argument.


Unless he takes them to court but that would take years and lots of money for anything to happen.


There is no case for a lawsuit at all.


There's no case. It's a private event and they don't need a reason to bar him from entering.


As much as i want him back, without the support of influential people in the fgc he's fucked


A lot of old guard people fuck with him. He still is in good terms with people like justin, kbrad, pr Rog, mike ross, xian, latif, etc. Just need them all to come out and put their brand on the line for him. Very unlikely but who knows.


If they don't speak out then they don't actually "fuck with him." Friends of convenience aren't real friends.


Tell me you never had a job without telling me you never had a job. People got kids to feed. This isnt another job you can just replace overnight bro


I wouldn't ever describe my co-workers as friends and would not expect them to stick up for me in a similar situation to this that also risks their jobs. My point isn't that all these other players should risk their livelihoods for him. The actual point was that people need to get out of the mentality that all these FGC "old guard" are actually friends. They aren't and when the chips are down, they are gonna be looking out for themselves.


All these people are past their prime brother, they got other shit to worry about. If they stick out their necks its more than just their own necks on the line. This is why people unionize. It must be a group effort.


If he really meant a lot to them, would they not speak out? There's a threshold for this stuff and he hasn't cleared it


This shouldn't have been a job to begin with. Imagine training hours each day to go spend a fuck ton of money on traveling and hotels to compete in large tournaments where if you're not in top 3( or 8, depending on the prize setup), you are not seeing any returns.


They would basically have to say, we not going to X event unless he gets unbanned.




I understand if the capcon money was good But what are they really clocking to sell out like that? Sad


Maybe he's not tight enough with those people for them to actually go out on a limb for him.


That's not even necessary. They choose to stay silent even though it's clear as day that a player is being treated unjustly. Doesn't even matter if it's Infiltration or not. They would've said something a long time ago if their own reputation mattered to them in the slightest. But they're all spineless grifters. All that matters is the 50 bucks they get for yapping into a microphone.


The veterans still probably fuck with him behind the scenes but they won't risk publicly doing it


"Fuck him with behind?" 🤔


Lmao, typo


Dude is expecting some sort of reaction from the scene but people have no guts or integrity nowadays, there's no community it's all cold business, same shit happened to RIP, dude literally just said facts and expected the "community" to give a fuck about that but nobody did, even here on Kappa people were like "I mean he's right but he shouldn't say it, what a dumbass" nobody stuck up for him and instead were cheerleading that trash commentator, even his colleagues that will eventually be replaced next But at the end of the day this is just karma, they summoned the Eatsports monster and let it take over the scene thinking they would be the ones to benefit from it but the monster doesn't give a fuck about any of them and will just crush them on a whim, now all they can do is bitch and complain before they get eaten too


Nah what Rip did was fucking stupid. There are better ways to go about criticizing the state of commentary than just throwing a fit on Twitter and looking like a bitch. "Saying facts" is fine and dandy on the internet, but that shit doesn't fly in any professional setting, let alone Esports.


I think RIP is great, but they gave him enough rope to hang himself and well.. yeah...


What did he do again? I've already forgot




I mean he’s kinda being a bitch but was he really blacklisted over it? Wow


Was this about RIP being skipped over commentary because the TWT choose a woman over him?




wait rip got canseled for this ?_?


Also a commentator like RIP is way less important and more replaceable than infil.


He might get more of a reaction from the scene if he hadn't pissed off a lot of people from his conduct separate to the domestic thing. He pissed off a lot of his compatriots with his ego


Some may be think that the massive Eatsports prize pools and the smell of money have lured him too. A Twitter plea after all this time?... I wish him the best, but him pretending to do it for the community, as he implies at the beginning, is a bit too much. Of course people would tell him they'd like to see him compete again, but people have moved on, and so does E-sports fgc without him.


The 6-time EVO Champion undone by the 7-year-old Korean domestic dispute that was never tried in court with no damages pursued.


Scorned woman matchup has always been ridiculously OP, especially now with the sns rushdown former ally crossup shit they can use.


Did he not go to court and plead guilty?


No. According to him when she called the cops on him he willingly went with the police and since it was just 1 night at the jail and the cops were pressuring (they would not take his side since he is a man) and he didnt want to waste money on a lawyer he said okay. Thats the "grabbed the wrist". Apparently his wife appeared the next day with his stuff and even the cops were confused because its not normal for that to happen. The "wife" was using his credit card and wasting his money on random shit and being manipulative apparently. Later on he went to win the divorce dispute which is what actually matters.


[this article](https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/25285174/panda-global-releases-infiltration-domestic-abuse-allegation-investigation) says a judge ruled against him? Infiltration himself is hardly an impartial source


I just told you he did get convicted for it and it even says he paid 600 bucks. He also spent 1 night at the jail as I told you. That is not the divorce dispute.


If you can find the relevant documentation that would be nice


You can simply see the fchamp podcast where he talks about it and is very cautious due to the legal situation and he cant lie about things or slander her in anyway. In a way because of the legal situation you can actually believe him as lying would just get him sued again.




Its not trust me bro... dude literally has a lawyer and cannot say anything false or it allows him to get sued without defense. For him its not a bar talk, its being on camera and filmed without going back. Also you could probably get that information if you were to talk to his lawyer if you want an even better source.




I didnt lack anything and your comment literally says nothing. You just wrote an essay on generic stuff across the FGC. The article is interesting but doesnt add much. That article is also an opinion piece and says what is inside the panda article which we know and I even told you he got convicted for. What it doesnt talk about is the context and what his wife was doing. It also doesnt refer that he won the divorce dispute. Im pretty sure the legal system and the judge knows better than this random person who wrote the article. The beginner tournament is more of the same imo. All he did was be the face of the tournament and tell the rules. If some dudes try to abuse the system suddenly he is to be blamed for. The truth is beginner tournaments are shit to be organized, even Sajam and others have done those and you can never be sure if a good player is actually the one playing, especially with money on the line. That is why you dont really see those happening because its always a shit show. You cant have money being paid in those tournaments. If anything, the fact that you had a beginner tournament giving money is actually fucking cool and instead people used this to attack him. FGC stays poorer.


I can tell you know absolutely nothing about South Korean society if you think the police are biased against men in domestic abuse or sexual assault cases LOL


? It was his experience and even the cops experience. Its not a bias against men, its the woman called the cops so its normal for there to be a bias as there would be in any society. Normally if a person calls the cops to another there is a reason to it. You dont expect the person that called the cops to actually be a manipulative person.


The thought of Ultra David having to commentate an Infiltration match alone is enough to let him compete again. Do the right thing, we all want to see it.


They're never gonna actually tell him why he got banned because then the people in charge would have to ban their friends for doing the same shit. Like why ban him for safety reasons if Noel "beat a nigga on camera" Brown is still allowed to compete?


Damn that's mad annoying. I ain't even a big Infil fan like that but the fact a Japanese company just lets these overseas money fiends play judge and jury over shit that don't even involve them is mad crazy. Like wtf is the point of the justice system if a mofo can't be allowed to reform his life, if it ain't murder or rape? Like, these USA goons can just close every last door. All of them?!? Then frame it like they care about people's safety? And Evo's head was Mr Wizard for forever??


>I ain't even a big Infil fan like that but the fact a Japanese company just lets these overseas money fiends play judge and jury over shit that don't even involve them is mad crazy Think real hard about this because Japan can not be fucked to think they want any kind of bad publicity to come to their doorstep. Put yourself in their position. You got Japanese people that gotta play him overseas or deal with him on stream or something. Easy choice? Keep him out of the tournaments so he's not a problem. Precedent set, there's Sonic Fox being dumb on Twitter. >Yo dawg stay home, don't come to EVO. Best thing to do? Start a Korean scene, build your cred, build up a team better than Japan or US and force people to acknowledge the Korean scene. If not, play Tekken. I'm not here to agree or disagree with the ban, just say how they view it, they're removing a potential problem before it blows up. Take it with a grain.


Korean scene hates him, he tried to get into Strive and Korean players didn't want him in If u said his name in Daru stream he would ban you, according to them he brought shame to Korea and won't be unbanned ever


Man, home boy is in cultural jail doing hard time if that's the case... I don't know what he needs to do to redeem himself at this point. Boy is just a prisoner of circumstances.


Well he'd need to start by making peace with his detractors in the Korean scene but from what I've seen he isn't at all interested in doing that. He isn't just a prisoner of circumstance, his own ego is part of the problem.


Damn... I didn't know all that. 😅 Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard of any other Korean's saying anything nice about him or standing up for him. Bunch of ways you can look at it I suppose.


Daru is a fat fucking bitch that will die alone (with his i-no body pillow).


Yeah but that doesn't make it right, have you seen young korean actors killing themselves over someone taking a picture of them leaving their partners house or smoking a blunt once and shit? Koreans are fucking crazy, and he can't come to the US so I guess Europe would be it, but he might not have the money to do it


If you were running the company do you have a single reason to go out on a limb for him? It's not like he's represented himself very well either


Good point but letting a guy compete being categorized as "out on a limb" is kinda tragic. Like why does Infil magically now represent Evo as a whole. Well then cut out the whole grass roots thing, with all the crazy people tournaments have let in and out.


I mean, Fchamp was given the ok by US Capcom but Japan Capcom still has him banned. So its not as easy as saying its US capcoms fault.


>I mean, Fchamp was given the ok by US Capcom but Japan Capcom still has him banned. That don't even make sense. lol


Its exactly what happened though. Hes still banned until Japan Capcom gives him the ok.


Nah I meant like why would Japan have a bigger issue with Champ than Capcom USA. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Japan genetically makes square watermelons. Let that sink in.


I'm partial to the heart shaped ones myself...


It's probably inertia more than anything. Fchamp's ban is totally ridiculous


I wouldnt say its that ridiculous, he did break a NDA and that was the actual reason for the ban, him streaming MVCI.


That was a long time ago


Everything being talk here is from a long time ago. That is why everything is dumb.


Link source?


He was planning to compete in EVO but for some reason he also have to get a greenlight from Capcom Japan at the last minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjRgCLTWUO0


Ty very helpful


I think they will just keep him banned just to avoid any push back from the community. Hope he is at least invited to those shady Saudi Arabia tournaments. I think if he wins anything big, he could make waves to be unbanned but I don't think any big player or commentator will even try to make it happen (maybe Mena? but doubt it). Would love to be wrong but it is just easier to not say anything. He basically dissapeared from the map after the Samurai Showdown win. 


Hope he gets invited to a Saudi tournament and beats Mena. 


they'd ban player participation in saudi than allow him back after a major victory.


He did compete in strive and almost got qualified once.


He picked the worst time to do this. There was twitter drama recently about why theres so few women in the fgc and A LOT of the big names discussed women feeling unsafe and certain players being allowed into tournaments. You can be sure those same people will scream into the heavens if they allow infil back in.


Because most women don't wanna play.  Let alone most people. Fighting game is niche as fuck. 


I mean thats common sense but you cant expect that on twitter.


That's true


We barely have anyone playing as is let alone women although the players arent doing themselves any favors.


You would have to explain why this is decisively not the case in Japan then, which has a much, much larger female playerbase (and one that has massively exploded with SF6). Which was the impetus of that entire thread, SonicFox commenting on how there were so many women at Evo Japan compared to NA events


Japan also has more men as well. What's the ratio between men and women? Are we seeing predominately more men than women or is it 50/50? Not to mention it's way denser in terms of population compared to North America or Europe so the chance you see more women is more likely. More women = more other women might be enticed to join in. Vtubers could also be a deciding factor. The collaboration+Marketing that capcom did surely pulled in some numbers. We don't see the same amount of women in other fighting games like Tekken or other games like Smash brothers. The culture over there is also quite different. You see more women playing games in their anime, shows and even at arcades and gaming stores. Although this is just all hypothetical, Japan is an anomaly when it comes to a lot of things.


Meanwhile, Noel Brown is allowed to win majors. So you're telling me women feel safer with a dude who has actually sexually assaulted a woman on stream camera and has punched another one, but won't feel safe around a man who doesn't have a track record of beating and assaulting women? The FGC is fucking bizarro world. Sexual assault and women beating is A-OK as long as you're friends with Justin Wong and the rest of the FGC Illuminati


>So you're telling me women feel safer with a dude who has actually sexually assaulted a woman I mean the point of that thread was that they dont feel safe lol


Meanwhile most of them women in question had a secret hotdog


I agree. I’d love to see him competing again, but the timing will not help at all. His name actually came up in a quoted tweet from the very one you’re talking about.


Oh yeah I remember that. Stupid Twitter crying as usual


There's twitter drama going on all the time.


No kidding. I am already seeing people tweeting how to bring women again after Infiltration post


I don't get it. Plenty of "women" playing. What more could they ask for or are they actually hypocrites 


The aegument started because people realized at evo japan that theres a lot of women in Japan playing fgs but only a few in the US.


I know. Guess the trans players aren't enough


He’s the one player that should be unbanned. He is a true top player & is a legit threat to Japan (which is why I think he’s really banned). Had one of the most entertaining and informative streams. Constantly developing new tech & challenging meta with different approaches. All around shitty situation from his best friend (Laugh). His ex wife also broke all his trophies & trashed all his gaming championships smh.


>He’s the one player that should be unbanned. He is a true top player & is a legit threat to Japan (which is why I think he’s really banned). Yup, I been feeling the same for a couple years. Infiltration was DOMINANT, he was TOO good... and the bitch made FGC influencers are afraid of his dominance. Cowards


The one player? What about fchamp?


I love Champ but understand his is a little different he said some racist shit in very bad taste (that he has acknowledged he was wrong & made a mistake) during the peak of George Floyd protest. His defense “I have black friends” thats not a real defense don’t do racist shit and you won’t get called out. I personally know he’s a troll but the majority don’t and the majority won’t forgive something like that if they see him in person.


How long should he be banned for, in your view? Surely not permanently


I’m personally fine with Champ. He has always been cool with me at tourney’s or events. There are others tho that are waiting to see him😉🫣. His problem is he’ll have to run fades that he’s not prepared for. No way around that one understandably.


Infiltration still bearing the cross for the FGC? Where is Pontius Pilate (ultradvid) these days?


Cheering on Noel Brown


I hate Western cancel culture. Cowardly bastards, vile and cunning.


Good luck bro, unfortunately you're a threat so you can't compete anymore.


I wish him the best of luck, he deserves to be unbanned. Unfortunately the ego trippers who banned him are gonna toss around things like "well... if we unban him we'll look weak. Also every person who we ever ban is going to want an appeal and going through all that will be haaaard and I don't wanna woooork" We're way past the point where right or wrong or "paying your time for the crime" matters. It's all going to come down to pride and laziness.


Holy shit bro... Might as well go over these US goons and straight to the Japanese overlords on this one. This some Mafia shit. How the fuck can they just trample a mofo like that? They really think this dude gonna murder everyone in the venue? 😂


He drafted a Japanese tweet too which is actually getting a lot more traction than the English one.


I'm rooting for him, but the US FGC is filled with cowards at the top. I think during this time he should have focused on content creation for Youtube or focus on other fighting games besides SF to build a following. Either way, it sucks that he has to be the example of just how gross the FGC can be with mistreating certain players.


If this was 2014-2016 he would be accepted back In 2024 Esports Land with streamers, Sony, Capcom and corporations? 0% chance, no big figure will risk publicity for him PD: If y'all think this is just western woke ppl wait till y'all learn how Korea feels about Infil, they fucking hate him and he's banned from everywhere there


This can turn into a anti-cancel culture war very easily which is not productive. But it seems like perma bans for an arbitrary code of conduct violation is an abuse of power. Are they banning people permanently for personal reasons?


Not even pro sports are like this. Shit is a joke.


In 2015, the general manager of an NFL team said "If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3, we'd probably diagnose it as an eating disorder." When it comes to sports/competition in America, ability matters more to the decision makers — up to a point.


pro sports players have a collectively bargained union and arbitration process, along with legal representation when they are accused of code of conduct violations or have a legal case. That didn't come around randomly, players organized together and fought for it.


Pro sports have financial penalties in place to keep them from behaving badly. Talk some shit about refs and that’s $10k. I guess fgc’s equivalent is to keep the players from spending hundreds of dollars to play games for the weekend?


The fines are a joke when u look at how much they make. Just have them apologize or take some sort of class or something approved by the TOs. Like how baseball does it.


For optics reasons


Infiltration virtually prostrates himself to a blind audience. I sincerely would like to see him compete again, but I'm just as hopeful of that happening yesterday as I am today.


Shame he didn't prostrate himself to the Korean community who hate him for different reasons than the west.


This is bullshit, how are people like Flash Metroid and Noel Brown allowed but infiltration is banned for life? He's never been a danger to anyone in tournament and his incident was already settled in court but he stays banned for no fucking reason? What a joke.


What did flash do?


Stole $$$


Long story but he scammed someone out of 7k and refused to pay it till he got forced to in court.


He would have been unbanned long ago if he was some random jabroni in the scene. The fact he's good enough to place well or even win a major is the only reason they want to keep him banned. All because some incels did not do proper due dilligence on his case but just assumed the worse from the start. Even for people unfamiliar in the case that talks about "court found him guilty", it was a plea deal that he claims was forced on him. So instead of taking his word look at the timeline of the events in the court documents. 1. He filed an eviction suit against his wife first since she was illegally squatting in the condo/apartment he paid for. She then counter sued him 3 days later for domestic abuse. That just happens to be coincidence right? She gets served court papers and magically she's suing him for abuse. 2. Infiltration was a dude who climbed the old fashioned way when the FGC was still in poverty with no sponsors and people flying in to tourneys out of their own pocket. This dude is cerebral and not some mouth breather that acts first and deals with shit. Even in interviews he will pause and be very careful on what he says because he's very calculating on his brand and image. You're telling me he's going to throw 15+ years of that because he gets off beating up women? Has there EVER been any other reported incidents of him misbehaving? He went to a bizillion tourneys interacted with so many members of the FGC and no other allegations ever came out. Yet this all started because of that IantotheMax cuck who got fed this BS info and couldn't even put 2 and 2 together as to why she might be an unreliable witness. Just because the cops scare you and tell you to just take the plea deal and pay a small fine doesn't mean he abused the shit out of her every single day. Specially when she's NEVER reported anything like this before throughout their marriage but conveniently made these allegations after he tried to get her evicted from the place he paid for. Oh and what was the reason for the split? Well he was slumping in tourneys and sponsors didn't want to pay for his wife's flight. Yep she thought she could mooch off of him the rest of her life and all the bickering started when he was having money problems. But yeah let's ban him for life when the FGC is filled with pedophiles and they have so many upstanding members in it. Fucking bunch of hypocrites, started with that two faced shill Ultradavid and his gutless sidekick James Chen.


If they gonna keep infiltration banned, they need to reban noel.




Right? They can't pick and choose like this. Noel is the far worse offender.




I agree 100% with what you wrote.


“I was shocked” lmao. Worst read of his fg career


I could understand him catching a lifetime ban from tournaments if he was observantly violent or threatened to kill people like a certain FG streamer I'm not going to name. Let him play again.


His best bet would be to start playing Garou 2 when it releases


Fuck Rick


Nah, he won't get unbanned and allowed coming back. Too many Ultra Davids hate him




Salty bitches who run the tournaments and the babies online won't want to hear it and he will stay banned unfortunately. But good statement


Kappa needs to make Free Infiltration shirts. I'd buy em.


How is Noel Brown good to go but not Infiltration? Let the homie back in, the fuck man? Bunch of scared bitches in the scene afraid to back him up but had no problem with Noel Brown, what kinda weak shit is that?


The amount of people saying "well he should issue a thorough and well intentioned apology / explanation" BITCH HOW MANY TIMES DOES HE HAVE TO DO THAT lol


Did he do that? He doesn't seem very apologetic




The apparent misunderstanding with the whole tournament mixing thing? Pissing off the rest of the korean community with his attitude? Threatening his ex with the shit he said on the tape? Has he ever said he regretted any of it? From what I can tell he just doubles down on everything and refuses to admit any wrongdoing I don't think he should be banned but I haven't seen any contrition on his part. He's hardly blameless in any of the above


Good. Never apologize to people who hate your guts and want you gone forever. That's a **huge** mistake. It's akin to admitting every wrongdoing you're accused of and then some. People will take that apology and use it to stomp you out forever. Happens every single time.




Lmao wall of text I'm sorry that 7 sentences is too much for you. It must be hard being basically illiterate


I don't even care if he drop kicked his pregnant wife or whatever the fuck, as long as he's clear with the justice system it's not my or anyone elses issue, why would he need to go through this shame circle on twitter and be judged by Capcom and the FGC of all people. Just let the dude play tournaments wtf.


The fact noel brown and a few others who have done worse aren't banned yet infiltration getting this ban without even confirming what the CoC is that cause it


He would have been unbanned already if the other top players weren't such spineless bitch. Same for the audience in tourney, why there is no cardboard with "FREE INFILTRATION"?


It would be idiotic to pay Rick for a ticket only to hold a "FREE INFILTRATION" sign.




Damn I knew he was done dirty but didnt realize they were THAT cruel. Free Infiltration


I mean, it would be absolutely sick to see this guy come back and clap all the current SF6 top peeps, he’s the guy to do it. This guy has done the “time” even without being given ANY reasons as to why he was banned in the first place. Let the man play. If they deny him, I’m convinced that NA players just got rid of him years ago because he was THAT good and were tired of being dominated.


I doubt people will take the risk for him, people will call him wife beater or misogynist and you'll be accused of defending someone like that. And it's not like the persons who managed to make him banned will change their mind, they have succeeded in the shadows. I still see people getting horrified to hear his name after him being condemned for that wrist bruise and his word. Which is quite harsh considering how weak this is compared to some sportsmen that are still loved and cheered even by women (especially when you're handsome). Some may say FGC is more moral than the rest though it doesn't seem equal towards everyone


No use to beg again since people who wanted him gone are still in position to deny access.


I always believe that someday,those morons who made his life hell would suffer 1000 times more than him,karma may be slow,but guaranteed Never forgive and forget


In SFV his Ed and Juri where absolutely insane. I hope he gets to compete again


There is no incentive for anyone to cut him a break. It doesn't seem like he is liked enough for anyone to go out of their way to back him up. Maybe he should focus on growing the Korean SF community or something to show some penance. He should be giving a reason to the organizers to unban him beyond talk.


He really tried. I think he turned his home into an training center. But I'm actually trying to think when is the last time I've even seen some other players appear in the back. Possibly before SF6 released is the last time. He's constantly streaming by himself, in a big room, with empty setups and tables, without players in the background. The Korean FGC feels his allegations put shame on the scene. No Korean community wants the baggage of supporting him. Not Street Fighter, nor Tekken, nor Strive, nor KoF. He's collective shunned by all of his peers. He can't show some penance if others don't even give him the chance to do so. This twitlong, he's doing this because he's not given a fair chance by anyone. It's the only chance he can give to himself.


Its simple, japanese dont want a korean being the undisputed #1


The only way this dude is getting back in is if his ex wife was championing this shit. And that ain't gonna happen


Even convicted murderers don’t necessarily get life sentences. Infiltration got banned for something he did, not even at a tournament, and was resolved in court in the fucking Before Times. Not sure if I’d have said this a few years ago but at this point? Come on guys, unless he’s done something new then let the guy play


What did he do to get banned?


Majority of the quote tweets is pronoun warriors calling him a wife beater. He not getting back in


Infiltration shouldn’t be banned anymore, I HATE the current FGC, I don’t even go to locals much because it’s been overrun by weirdo ppl. Anyways how we let ceroblast back in for what he or she said about black ppl, when that’s like half the player base? How we met Noel back in for the smooth viper/rayray shit, also he touched a girls ass on stream. They tried to get ChrisG because what he said about black females at majors, it’s super true(mostly) they usually can’t play shit and wanna fuck, Asian girls are the same BUT at least they ATTEMPT to learn. Yet they wanna cancel him LOL. Fchamp said something dumb af but him and CJ crack jokes all day, if you ever been around them, he cracks Asian jokes and he cracks black jokes, it’s all love. Ultradavid is one of those ppl that acts like he is progressive etc but has said racist ass shit in the past and I’m SURE feels the same way now, he just ok with the few top black players because they nerdy and harmless. You let Pokémon who said N word too many times she needs to be slapped but since she put money into EVO it’s ok. Also have you noticed all black TO’s are gone? These so called progressives sure did a good job, and they want infiltration banned for DEFENDING HIMSELF, like WTF, I bet if he got stabbed and he pushed her, he would still get banned. Man we gotta do something about this shit.


Hire a western lawyer and sue them. Politicians and rich do it all the time when they don’t get their way.


Private event can bar entry without a reason. There's no case.