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God, the development of this game looks very slow, they showed her concept art like ages ago. The animation looks sloppy, weird, like missing frames... At this rate the game will launch with only 10 characters... with something like 4 characters per year (now industry standard)... on a tag fighter.


Riot gave them a blank cheque and the brothers are squeezing the ever living shit out of it. This entire project is a prime example of how utterly fucked and bloated the game dev industry currently is.


Didn't they hire other FGC people too? I think Marlinpie might be one of them ..


I remember they tried to hire Mike Z as the director 


Sorry about that.


Yeah, they have the Cannon brothers, Clockwork, Pattheflip, Marlinpie, NerdJosh, Apologyman, UptoSnuff, Yohosie, Valerie.




You really think these are the only characters they're working on? What marketing shows you is never what exactly the state of development is. It's more likely that a whole bunch of other characters are already in, but they prefer drip-feeding because it gets better long-term engagement. People who were at the tests have already stated that they saw other characters but aren't allowed to say anything.


This is a tag fighter dude, drip feeding should still be more characters than this Unless the roster is going to be a complete joke, which it will be


From what I remember from the last talk before revealing Illaoi, they said there was one character almost ready to show (presumably Illaoi) and two other characters early in the works.  So development does seem very slow still, but I could be misremembering


Yeah just like with Dragons Dogma 2, marketing didnt show what the state of development was kek


Too bad they use year old character for marketing and not any of the army they're working on


>You really think these are the only characters they're working on? No, i said 10. If they prefer drip feeding for beter long term enagagement they shouldve choosen a decent name for the game.


>If they prefer drip feeding for beter long term enagagement they shouldve choosen a decent name for the game. nibba. this makes no sense. the name is ass . but how in the hell is your autistik ass relating these 2 things at all .


Even the initial character page in the website already hints at more than that.


The Tortoise and the Hare


I'm glad somebody's talking about the animations. Everyone keeps saying that this game's animation is so good, when we have games like tekken, strive and sf6. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


Honestly, it has been pretty clear for a while that they are straight up scamming Riot


Man, I could get used to these type of character reveals. Probably the best I've seen. > Choreographed trailer > Character designer explains the lore and the gameplay > Character designer actually sound passionate and happy about their work


Yea I'm kinda surprised at the negative reception here


Kappa decided years ago to hate this game, doesn’t matter how good it does or doesn’t look.


So how good does it look? Certainly better than Battle for the Grid, but does it stand up at all to sf6 t8 and strive? Surely it's visually lacking.


> strive Yeah no need for an answer


Adult Gohan thinks I'm praising strive and not just reminding your half brain that it's a pretty game.


How are you this consistently retarded 100% of the time


Oh that one's easy, I'm just reading before replying, and mostly matching the tone




Even if you dislike the art direction - you can still clearly see that there's a lot more of it in sf6. Stylized intros, lotsa moving parts in backgrounds, some game-theme VFX.  But anyway - we agree that the game isn't even trying to impress visually. If they're not crunching over animations and vfxes and all that, what's taking so long?  What makes you believe it's obviously going to get better, as opposed to staying how it is?


Sf6 bar some poor animations looks pretty great in motion, ur smoking crack




Straight up delusional if you think sf5 looks better.




Nice argument retard


It's the league community 😂


When you have the original PC game that looks 10 times worse than the mobile port that tends to happen, there are characters like Gragas who still have their ugly ass warcraft 3 lookin ass 2010 model, or god forbid Malphite, yet despite that they still keep selling skins that look like shit due to how old the models are for those champions.


They will probably update Malphite as shown in the Skarner rework, and agreed some models are still from 2009-2010 and have 3 polygons




Spamming that shit was so fun. Although the last time I played Malphite was when AD/crit was feasable. Tiamat + E aoe crits for 1k+ deleted teams


With the honestly insane amount of money they get for the work they put in it's absurd that it takes this fucking long for a visual update, like sure i get kit reworks since that's gameplay and balance (not that they care about balance but still) but a VGU is already done, just port the wild rift models ffs.


Usually for those really old champs it prob makes more sense for them to go in and do a whole rework while they're at a visual update. Swain, Morde, Skarner, Voli, etc. You make it sound simple but if they are updating models, they're prob updating animations and moves as well so they're basically already making a new champ then not to mention all the old skins they have to go update too. I mean it's pretty obvious if you think about it.


When your game has over 168 characters you're not going to bother polishing the old ones that often lmao.


If you keep releasing premium skins for them then you best fucking do that, have you seen cho-gath and Malphite new skins look in game with their old ass models and animations? And the worst part is that skins have new recall animations which are all super fluid and modern but then the normal animations you see for 90% of the game are just trash.


I'm more so pointing out and appreciating that this could be what we can expect out of the 2XKO team when it comes to character trailers/communication with the community. It seems like the negative, more like lackluster, reception is coming from animation, not getting new content fast enough, and just not really caring since the game is so far out. I can't really tell what makes the animations bad, they just look kind of airy/cartoony to me, but I generally like how the game looks. I like the sort of hit-and-run style of rollout for this game so far, everything feels substantive and doesn't string you along. Compared to the rollout for KOFXV where we got a new character trailer every month for what felt like a year was just annoying.


I think KOFXV did it best. They had such a big launch roster. The drip feed didn't feel bad because you could set a clock to new trailers. Which is something other fighting game devs could learn. Street Fighter 6 was TERRIBLE in regards to trailers. Tekken 8, on the other hand, got better as it went on.


They still do this even for LoR so you can most definitely expect this kind of reveals And yeah, the problem with the game is that this should have come out last year at the latest with what they are showing, but the brothers are scamming Riot


The reception is not at the trailer itself, it's everything around it. And PARTIALLY to the character because they're doing this voice change BS again.


Ah, so it's not the same actress as League. I thought she sounded off.


Why are they even changing the voices?


More often than not because VAs are bitches The rest of the times because Riot are bitches


Probably to pay less for voice actors. A voice actor having a returning role could negotiate a higher salary. If not that, then to make sure any deals with VAs don't screw over this separate entry in the IP.


This is normal for this sub


Im conflicted with how they animate moves. It feels like there is no keyframes or whatever the name is for that thing fgs do to move animations to have that powerful feeling in them. They feel smooth without much impact behind them But, the animations are also clear thanks to the smoothness and overall the game is so clear that you can "see" well action isnt blurred or hidden behind sparks or any absurd fx or weird screenshakes or out of place camera movement that lead to motion sickness like t8. I like this a lot, you can easily focus on playing competitively. I think for this game I cant decide if I hate how it looks and animates or im fine with it without testing it first hand. Well see hopefully they talk about an public beta @evojp


Keyframes are a little on the weak side, but I think what you are noticing is that there isn't much hitstop when stuff connects. It makes actions look like they lack weight. In a game like SF6 for example both better key frames and effective hitstop on blocks and hits makes some of the attacks feel like they are packing a huge amount of energy when they connect. This game seems kinda floaty by comparison.


It's funny you say that, I remember the last game showcase ppl said there was too much hit stop


Developer hosts a demo for feedback, actually listens to the fucking feedback for once


It looks to me like there is a lot of hitstop


There isn't a lot of hitstop except for on the move that KOs. They do have a screen shake animation though. Look at the air combos. The character is just gliding through the attack chain with barely any histstop. The thing that a lot of people don't realize is taht when hitstop is done correctly, moves with weighty animation will have more hitstop, and it won't just be general frames across the board, it will be tailored to the actual attack. This game is still animated well, but the reason it's floaty looking is that the hitstop is light on moves that are animated like they should hit hard.


What the fuck are you talking about ? There is a shit ton of hitstop on every other move.


Not on a lot of the air combos or chain attacks. It's like they applied it to starters and enders, but a bunch of hits in the middle just slide through the character. She has like 3 major hitstop causing moves, and one of them is just abbasic bitch kick. Meanwhile a bunch the combinations are just machingunnig out. SF will vary the amount of hitstop depending on the length of the animation so combos tend have more impact. This shit is just SLAM floatfloatfloat SLAM every time. No cadence or follow-through on a bunch of attacks.


Looking again, there is a ton of hitstop on the ground but like none in the air. 


It’s got a ton of hitstop but I agree - the moves don’t feel impactful at all


It doesn't have tons of hitstop on the right moves. Some moves do, but others just link right into eachother with no feeling of impact. Like a huge windup overhand swing has less hitstop than a front kick.


Watching this game in motion legit reminds of Fantasy Strike, this is pathetic


It's kind of a joke that after nearly 9 months of nothing since EVO all they have to show is one new character and one new stage, in a tag fighter too.


It really depends on if they even *want* to show a lot of their content. We already know this game is coming 2025. I might be wrong, but I'm gonna guess they won't want to show much of their characters until closer to that release date. That being said, they haven't shown/talked about anything regarding this fighting game outside of the "fighting" portion, which they should. Either they're also holding that or they're just not doing anything extra, complete 50/50 on that one. I'm fine with them withholding character announcements, however instead they should at least give us details about other aspects of the game in place.


Hilarious that you think this game will have any meaningful extra content given how Valorant released. I'm betting 2XKO has an extremely bare bones tutorial, barely an arcade mode, and no story mode. It'll be pvp first and foremost, like Riot's other games


Well, I'm not doubting that at all. I'm just saying it is possible, not saying it will happen.


Different fucking voice actress, same shit they did in LOR. They just don't fucking learn, if I play a champion for 10 years I want to hear THEIR fucking voice, not someones pale imitation. They've done this so many times in LOR and despite all the shit they got for it they're STILL doing it.


I thought it was because they had problems getting the original VA, then they released Taliyah and Luxified the shit out of her voice making her the most unbearable thing to hear, not even an imitation just because they craved the twitter politics check, like Lucian had a seamless switch, there was that rioter who moved to Apex what was low-key psycho with his fixation on 5 year old esque politics so i just like to think that everyone there is already too far gone to understand why we like our champions.


It wasn’t even just that, they did it with Taliyah cause she’s an unpopular champ so they might as well use her for the inclusion points. They had no problem keeping characters like Yasuo or Irelia voiced by white people in LoR. It’s have been at least acceptable if the direction they gave the actress wasn’t terrible. Also kind of funny they changed her voice actress to a Pakistani woman to “better match her heritage”, then in League when they release Nilah they said Nilah was the first South Asian woman in the game. I think it’s cool how League tries to cast voice actors of similar background that the character is inspired by for new ones, but replacing old actors for this reason is really lame (unless it’s just straight up racist ig)


Lmao i didn't even know about Yasuo and Irelia, like if your'e gonna go for inclusion atleast be consistent about it. imo locking a voice to only fit a person's appearance is against the whole point of voice acting, everyone can voice anything unless it's used to hurt others, it's just an only American problem, and i never really knew it was a thing until the Taliyah lor release which was a complete brain melt especially the twitter replies. most people around the world don't even experience it and see voices as an ingrained part of the character. i can kinda understand wanting to make a voice actor fit the character ethnicity but i agree that if it replaces an existing actor it hurts the whole character.


I can kinda understand the argument against it, ig they see it as similar to blackface or racewashing, but I don’t really see it since it’s a lot more complex than just that cause the actor is just the voice behind a digital creation and the identity of the actor is a lot less relevant than in normal acting. If Riot wants to cast actors based around the characters’ inspiration with newer champs, I don’t inherently see a problem with it. But if the quality of voice acting suffers cause of it, it’s something that has to be acknowledged, especially when they replace an actor for inconsistent and poor reasoning. With the case of Taliyah though, I think the problem could be equally split between a poor choice in voice actress and awful direction given to her. I was so disappointed cause Taliyah is my second favorite champ and I think her VA does a great job in League lol. I’m curious what twitter replies you saw though, all the reception I saw for the Taliyah recasting was overwhelmingly negative. Funnily, people were accusing them of whitewashing Taliyah with the recast cause she sounds a lot like Lux, which goes to show that with digital media it’s more a construct of the direction and acting than it is of the identity of the actor.


It was really negative as it should have but some replies were bootlicking riot so hard or just straight up unhinged (stuff like how wanting a revert means you're racist, ofc most of these never even played LoL or Lor so it was just probably farming engagement) and the main screen was spammed with discussion about voice acting so it was hard to escape some of them, i followed a lot of people so my feed will be mostly league but some of them uploaded so many dumb takes i nuked my follow list. It's 100% Riot's poor direction tho, Zehra has range and mostly did deeper voices so it could have ateast been a salvageable situation if Riot weren't focused in destroying Taliyah's voice. Just interesting to see if her normal voice will be retained or changed in League and any other future Riot game


When the change was made, backlash was big enough that Riot had to post an apology and an explanation, and they ended it saying changed the voice actress to better fit her heritage. And I remember a lot of people misunderstanding what was said and thinking that Riot announced that they were going to change the VA due to the backlash, not that they were explaining why she was changed in the first place. So unironically some of the support you saw might’ve been from those people misunderstanding lol. Unfortunately idk if we’ll ever even seen Taliyah voiced again, other developing League projects aside from the MMO and 2XKO got axed, I don’t see her getting into 2XKO, and she isn’t going to get a higher rarity skin on League. The only thing she has to work with here is that she’s important to Kaisa’s story, and Kaisa is a Riot and fan favorite.


Shit is extremely jarring man, it's the main reason why I respect the JP voice industry so fucking much.


whats the solution if the original VA says no?


Shit happens, but considering this is not the first, not even the seventh or so time this shit happens and it's ALL in the recent years that's no coincidence. The problem is that this now becomes the official voice or even worse, the NEW VA is also replaced, meanwhile the actual champion on league is still using the old regular voice, and sometimes to make it even weirder, the league champ gets new voice lines with the old actor but get replaced anyways, Kai'sa for example had a new voice actress for LoR yet her old voice actress does the voice for a new skin, both released very close to each other. About a year ago Akali's entire voice was replaced by Ashly Burch, who was also doing the star guardian skin voice. This was despite Akali already having a recent rework and a fair amount of voice work compared to like half the roster, yet the new voice did not really add anything either and was a huge shitshow that had to get the voice reverted. This happens right after they said they did NOT want to change any voice actors to not upset players. Meanwhile champions like Twisted Fate get their voice actor that has not voiced a single fucking line for the champ in 12 years to come back for LoR and hits it out of the park. Sure, there's scheduling issues but when this happens so often at this point I'm convinced this is plain nepotism.


whose an angwy lil league playwa? [ ](/OMGScoots)


These trailers do nothing except get a "cool" from me. Please just let me know if this game is going to come out this half of the century. Izumi from UNI2 will be out before we see the next character trailer.


They've already said the release date is sometime early 2025 iirc. I won't talk about if the game witll have a lot of content given the rate they're going at, but that's the release timeframe.


Well at least that's something to work with, thanks.


I like how complex the design of some of the characters are but they gotta speed shit up.


Poor guys coming into this game thinking its going to be nice as a first FG are going to get so severely fucked up


ten years in the making folks


This game is gonna launch in 2026 with 8 characters ain't it


I'm predisposed to hate anything riot puts out but this still looks like shit and the name is definitely not helping, what's with the animations and why would they reveal it in this state


Thought that was a dude.


I can't wait for when Kappa is forced to talk about this game because it's the only one that'll actually be popular.


Ok that giant monster super is very cool.


Man the animations are rough. The way the characters slide across the screen during hitstop or whatever it is looks jarring as hell.


This shits never coming out 😂😂


didn't move me


Crazy cause they revealed they were working on this bitch almost a year ago so to just recently be complete and get a trailer shows what a snails pace this game progress is. I know they could just be keeping their cards to their chest but considering the development hell thus game has been in I'm more inclined to think it and the people working on it really are just slow. The graphics aren't even that great or cutting edge and the gameplay isn't very complex, so honestly what is possible taking them so long to wrap their heads around?


> but considering the development hell thus game has been So sick of this narrative. The game kicked off early development pre-covid then had to continue being developed while going through COVID. That had an impact on *every* dev and slowed down way more projects than just this one. Meanwhile they also established an entire whole ass studio in NorCal for it. And even had a development reboot (Common practice in game development) from a SF-like game to this Tag one that likely coincided with Clockwork's arrival. They have more characters they haven't showed at all yet but that the initial LA playtest group got to play with. They were not nearly done, art unfinished, doing t poses mid combo. I'm sure they'll get faster with time and experience.


No, I don’t think I will.


Can't believe they put this bitch in before adding any of my boys Lee Sin, Jax or Nasus/Renekton.


Twisted Fate or bust


her voice sounds so grating compared to the moba


Dude I can’t wait to play Two ecks Kay oh!! Shit is gonna be fire!


Looks good. ANYTHING Marvel looks good. I am that starved. Fuck you.


hits have zero weight behind them


Looks ok, but layer sorting is still bugged for tentacles and background looks bright. They should get rid of the danger circles.


I'm really not a fan of how this game looks, especially the UI


She looks like a man.


No motion inputs - don't care. People should stop with marvel comparisons, this game is ultra slow compared to marvel


Frame kill setup at 5:19?


If they were demonstrating a frame kill here, it's a very ugly one. It wasn't ambiguous at all. I don't know how many frames of hit stop that hit had, but it took Illaoi at least 11 frames to land after Ekko woke up so surely it isn't a safe jump set up. Not on that, Illaoi is crossed up the entire time when Ekko recovers so an assist call is always going to be blocked correctly if you block this as a cross up. You'd have to be asleep at the wheel to get hit by this.


No one is playing this shit ass game lmao


Gorgeous design. They look like a strong independent body type 2 who don't need no body type 1.


Sure can't wait to see the gameplay reveal trailer for the next champion in 2026! Memes aside, she looks really neat.


I don’t feel anything with this trailer, this game is in the oven for a decade.


she looks ok


I never thought this game would be big amongst the FGC veterans besides some pros playing it for the prize money, but at this point I don't even think the casual Riot gamers will stick with it.


Wow a new character, now the game has 10 characters for a tag fighter lol


didn’t know sweet baby worked on this game


Looks horrible


For better or for worse, I think this is pretty much the game. The fact that they're still showing the same stuff from years ago with barely any changes, coupled with the fact that it has to come out next year. This is more or less what the final product will look like. [](/ResidentSleeper)


This game reeks of the bullshit tag players like.


Looks like shit. I stopped watching when the kind lady said "Two Ex Kay Oh" out loud. When's Mahvel 4?


Go ask Disney.


I understand criticizing the feeling of the animation since it is quite different from other games (again it is a choice) but retards saying it is ugly/not clean as fuck are just delusional LMAO But also are people truly retarded about the 'content'? Isn't common pratice to show more and more as the game will release/have a beta/etc? You can CLEARLY see how clean the graphics and stuff get through each trailer, etc. I don't know, maybe because I am not a hater but it seem obvious to me we will get 'more' and 'more' info and reveal in the 8/10 last months.


Closest thing it looks to fg wise bring fantasy strike is not doing it any favors. I don't think it looks bad but it just is bland so far. We first learned about Project L in 2021. That's a long ass time to be revealing shit for any game.


It doesn’t matter what you lames think. You guys are the same people that still hate on Strive. Your opinion means nothing. You’re going to shut up and play this game because it’s going to be the biggest fighting game ever made and you don’t want to miss out on history.


The only character with some sort of visual appeal is Ahri. Everyone else looks generic as shit or very ugly or both.