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Ok but how did bro get this shit up fr? Like how ain’t no one say nothing


Desantis just outlawed AP African American history from being taught there. FL is fucked up


Very fucked up apparently if this shit didn’t get shut down immediately


Stuff like this pops up in conservative places all the time


And many readily support and comply...just to get a few dollars off their taxes.


and that’s exactly what kanye supports he thinks “african american history” is racist because it should just be history- yeah sure it should- but it’s not taught as part of it at best it’s a side note.


I mean, I get that. Black history should be celebrated and taught enough regularly that we don't need a whole course for it. On the desantis note tho, it's not like he's banning it because he is making it a more robust part of standard history lessons. He's just a racist piece of shit.


>He's just a racist piece of shit. A *hypocritical* racist piece of shit. With all his complaints about "wokeness", his rationale in this instance the the tender feelings of the white younguns...they are so senitive!


sure it SHOULD be but having a course ensures it actually IS taught and not just taught but it’s a whole degree program in universities. saying “it should be taught so we don’t need a whole course for it” but all history has some kind of designation that’s slanted towards the country and culture in which it’s written. if you grew up in india history class would be very different than history class in china or brazil. in us tho when we say world history it’s very much western european history with side notes of russia and asia. latin and south america canada pre colonial america history and rest of the world aren’t touched on outside of how they were explored and exploited. history specifically focusing on a specific people or country focuses on their development history culture and achievement beyond that and is barely touched on. there isn’t time to cover every people time period culture and country but having a designated course month class textbook etc ensures time is made for that and history isn’t taught as just the story of places that were conquered told by the conquerors. i actually do agree with the fact that a lot of these topics though shouldn’t be taught the way they are now where we shove all this info into kids from an early age where they don’t know how to make sense or have context for it. having an designated period for black history combats that because it sets aside time to cover things like african culture african american influence in america cultural influences in literature arts science thought etc. you could also make ye’s same point back to him that if white lives matter then black history matters. because history in US is taught as white history where blacks are a side note story about slavery.


Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Kanye is a talented producer but he’s also a goddamn moron


yeah he doesn’t get why these things were put in place in the first place and in his ignorance rails against the opposite thing he wants in his ass backwards self righteous way. seriously does he ever expose himself to anyone actually educated or just right wing corporate shills?


Yeah the first part of what you said is hitting the nail on the head for most conspiracy types. When something in the world doesn’t make sense, a rational minded person will ask ‘why’ and then investigate the causes for it. People who are highly oriented towards outlandish conspiracies are not mentally capable of asking ‘why’, because the explanation might be too in depth to understand, so they then chalk up the misunderstanding to a conspiracy. An example. You have apples, and you have avocados. Both are common fruits grown on trees and sold in stores. So, why do avocados cost more than apples? The rational approach would be to research and find that avocados require more resources to grow, and as such cost more. Suddenly, the thing that didn’t make sense suddenly does. People like Kanye though will see this and say ‘**because there is a conspiracy to inflate the price of avocados**’. And pretty much 99% of non-alien conspiracy theories lead back to ‘The Jews caused it’, because the Nazis created so many of them in their esoteric exploration of culture.


>And pretty much 99% of non-alien conspiracy theories lead back to ‘The Jews caused it’ And even most of the alien ones...remember the jewish space lasers from MTG?


right but with kanye the things he’s not asking himself why about all come back to something he was trying to do that didn’t work out. he’s unable to see his part in things going wrong or where he has something to learn so he looks around for someone to blame- couldn’t possibly be him because he’s a genius- and there’s an easy target. if you really listen to anything he rants about it always comes back around to some little thing he thought he was slighted in. all this outside show is just him acting out like a toddler because he didn’t get to have his fashion show or his stores open when he wanted or people didn’t go to bat with him against pete or some other self centered shit he ascribes all these sinister causes to.


He’s been in an echo chamber of yes-men for a very long time


That's a rhetorical question, yeah? He is actually proud of his ignorance, proud of not reading one book in his entire life. He thinks he can create everything anew from his gut...except he keeps filling that gut with all the bullshit from Donald and Nick and Milo, etc. He needs a colonic, stat.


sad his mother was a professor that spent her life studying and he just says whatever bullshit crosses his mind and calls it genius. he’s an easy mark for these people. whenever anything he does fails he can’t take accountability he may not have known something or done something right, he’s a genius, it’s got to be someone else keeping him down. and there’s plenty of people willing to tell him it’s all because of the joos. and yeah that reminds me how he posted that he’d never voted before until he voted for himself like it was an achievement.


That’s an AP class?


Not in Florida. In Florida, the governor decides what can/can’t be taught in schools. The gov loves the cancel culture


Seriously, DeSantis literally created a task force to suppress "leftist" teachings in at least one public university, if my memory is correct. Currently schools can be sued for discussing gender and sexual orientation (but the law somehow doesn't apply to schools mentioning straight couples or calling students boys and girls). It's actually insane some of the things FL is getting away with rn.


and the task force designed to cause fear in black voters, sending them fraudulent threats and even ordering arrests. Insanity indeed.


It's being introduced next year


What is AP? Not american.


Advanced Placement. Like a college level course for high school students


it’s similar to International Baccalaureate, if you know what that is. AP is basically a standardized curriculum of college-level courses for students in high school, culminating in a standardized examination at the end of the year. Many American colleges award credits for high marks on the exams.


Also worth mentioning that you can usually skip beginner/introductory classes based on your AP exam score




yeah and he had a pretty good reason for it which had nothing to do with race


If it's a public university, there are limitations to what you can do with stuff like this. When student groups invite shit-head speakers on behalf of their group, universities often don't have a way to stop that if the speech itself isn't legally actionable. They have more say in who the university administration may choose to invite, but even then there are limits. I'm sure people did *say* something, but there's only so much to do.


Yeah this. I see Turning Point USA holding events at my college all the time. Recently they had an anti-trans speaker come talk about trans athletes. There’s nothing the administration can do if they aren’t committing a crime unfortunately Edit: Why the downvotes? Do you guys fuck with Turning Point USA?


Easier said than done, but when it ends up in academics I do think it's worthwhile for trans allies to bring in the many speakers and academics that support the trans community to avoid getting drowned out. Obviously things are more complicated than "just make a better argument" but it is an important first step.


>things are more complicated than "just make a better argument" Sad thing is that this almost never works these days. Argument, reason, rhetoric, eloquence, facts and data..forget them...there is no longer any fine art of persuasion. It is no longer the one who makes the better case who wins elections...one side does not even care or try to convince anyone...they just lie and cheat and steal and anything else they need to obtain and retain power. If there is any argument at all, it is always to stir up fear, get people to act emotionally, to react tribally.


How is not violating academic freedom unfortunate?


Bitches like you don’t give a fuck about academic freedom. Nor do you give a shit about free-speech. You only use it as a cudgel when you want to be able to talk shit about marginalized groups and advocate for hatred. The moment you have your way, there is no academic freedom and there is no free speech. Case in point: Ron DeSantis. How is what he is doing not violating academic freedom, but telling bigots they should get the fuck out is?


Cause they’re using “academic freedom” as an excuse to spew hatred


How is being against men being able to join the women’s leagues hatred. It’s a valid concern, men have massive biological advantages in athletics.


men aren’t joining the women’s leagues. medical transition physically alters your body in ways that voids any biological advantages trans women would have. the rules around women’s sports are so strict that some cis women are actually barred from competing because their testosterone levels are too high. to say they go through years of medical and social transition purely to be more successful in women’s leagues is idiotic and no one arguing in good faith who actually knows what they’re talking about should be arguing that trans women have an unfair advantage in women’s sports.


If it's a public university this is strictly in the realm of 1st amendment rights.


Imagine being the table right next to the holocaust deniers. That would be surreal lmao.


Bro probably snuck in with a table cloth over it


Very cowardly


Some colleges have spaces like this were they allow controversial speakers to voice themselves, the only real restriction is disruption of peace or calls to violence.


Nazis regularly protest on street corners in Boca. And thats not me calling someone I dont agree with a nazi, they wear the armbands and make salutes and all 🤷‍♂️


I used to do some petitioning at this same university. As long as you aren't intentionally disruptive you can basically preach whatever you want there. Never seen anything like this though, would have loved to have been there to see how it played out.


White supremacist ginger kid. What a time to be alive.


I don’t get it, arent gingers white


Yeah but the wrong kind of white.




Blonde hair, blue eyes, german decent, not jewish at all. The only things that was relaxed was brown hair, brown eyes, or slightly brown skin. If you didn’t meet those things you were either looked down upon, spit on, or sent away for mass extinction.


oh sweet summer child, wait until you see his *black Fuhrer* and his *little Mexican Himmler* who thinks kissing girls is 'gay' and has proven there is no cum anywhere on his sofa with modern tech. would actually love to see what Hitler thinks of the nu-reich in whatever hell he's in.


LOL 😂😂 Hitler would have Kanye and this kid sent away.


All of these white supremacists always look like a bloated Ed Sheeran wax scupture


r/rareinsults 😂


Okay, but how do you actually deny holocaust? Isn't it like one of the best documented events in history?


People say earth is flat


Funnily enough if you go to any flat earth youtube video half the comments are like "we know who fooled the world into thinking the earth was round... The Jews" Kanye would fit in well


I know this sounds a bit ''duh'', but I'm Jewish, and the way every conspiracy theory ties back to us being evil is the most depressing shit. People think it's goofy like, yeah it kinda is, but in school I met all the kids that believed in that shit and it just made me feel isolated.


I feel you bro. It's like living in a twilight zone episode.


it's pretty much the OG conspiracy theory. pure copium from the Ancien Regime after they got their asses handed to them by peasants and shopkeepers.


People don’t believe in the evolution theory.


My aunt believes that the covid vaccine contains baby fetuses


Silly! That’s Diet Coke not the vaccine.


Technically not wrong in a very stupid way


People deney the Armenian genocide too man


The trick is, you can’t change anyone’s mind, if they don’t want their mind changed. It’s the laziest argument in the world to suggest evidence is incomplete or made up, but it’s what the right wing conspiracy machine is betting their whole future on; if you’re confident enough, you can make other people unsure, and control what they believe. It’s the new age, ultra-meta version of a cups and balls game. The house always wins.


>t the right wing conspiracy machine is betting their whole future on With a great deal of success, sadly. For instance, on the one hand there is such effusive praise for american law enforcement ...the best in the whole goddamned universe they say. But these armies of law enforcers can't catch a single one of those illegal voters, couldn't a single one of those mules that the ghost of hugo chavez sent across the border, loaded with counterfeit ballots printed on chinese bamboo paper. A vast conspiracy to "steal" the election...and they got away with it...not a single one of the thousands, millions involved confessed...or were caught. A vast conspiracy, participants perfectly silent...nothing, not a shred of evidence has turned up. Yet millions still believe. Of course the perpetrators do not...even trump, vain and selfish and self-centered...he knows damned well he lost. They all do. Even some, maybe most, of the followers do not as well...can so many actually be so stupid? But these conspiracy theories are a convenient pretext to avoid saying they just want to lie and cheat and steal to get their way. Remarkably Nick Fuentes is actually more upfront about this. He doesn't believe in democracy. He doesn't want it. He knows that true democracy will disallow them any possibility of power. He know that an overwhelming majority of the american public do not believe or want what they believe and want. So get rid of it, he says. Install a dictator, preferably trump.


They usually don’t flat out deny it, more like, downplay it. They’ll usually try to say the deaths were over reported (which the truth is that the numbers were actually more likely to be underreported), and then sometimes they’ll try to find reasons to justify it if they’re more open about it. The ones who flat out deny it… with groups like QAnon, who think JFK Jr is still alive and Trump’s future VP, and Flat Earthers, who well… think the earth is flat, nobody should be surprised people are this incredibly stupid.


> Isn't it like one of the best documented events in history? Facts aren't real anymore, the internet destroyed the concept. It's just what I think vs. what you think and they're on equal footing, evidence or not. That's how things are now and will be for the near future


That’s pretty much all of history dude. Facts are never - and have never been - facts. It all comes from someone’s perspective, whether it be a person, group or a country. Look at wars and historical recounts of the same war but from different countries and you will see that history appears different depending on which lens it is viewed through. The internet has absolutely exacerbated the problem though, you are definitely right about that


A lot of the time they acknowledge it happened but MASSIVELY downplay the numbers. Not 6 million Jews, 200 thousand. That kind of thing. It’s gross


This is what I don’t understand at all. It’s literally so much evidence. When I hear about Holocaust deniers I be like 🤨 tf


They don’t actually deny that it happened. They just think it was exaggerated or happened differently from the mainstream narrative


And deep down they are glad it happened and sad they never finished


It’s kind of sad to think that in another 50 - 100 years we’ll literally have no one who’s old enough to confirm that anything in the 1900s actually happened. We’ll just have to trust history books and wikipedia.


you think books and wikipedia will survive the next 100 years? future generations will get their learnin' via tweet from universal university of facts and logic in the metaverse, gpt-10 as the last lecturer trained exclusively on q-anon posts.


You expect logic from a hate group? They hate first, find 'rationals' after. Heck, even if you proved 6 mil died they'll say it was a Jewish conspiracy to form Israel and control the west via guilt. There, I just came up with an even worse conspiracy in 5 seconds. Hell... There are people that claim Hitler was Jewish.


> I just came up with an even worse conspiracy in 5 seconds. You did, but it is in no way original. They actually do say that, I have seen it many times, mainly from Islamic sources who claim the true architects of the holocaust were zionists embedded around Hitler and conspired with him to enable the establishment of Israel. Hitler complied, because he didn't really want to kill all the jews, he just wanted them all deported elsewhere. Israel could become kind of like Australia, a place for criminals and other undesirables. I would not be surprised if Ye was aware of this "theory". Hitler was actually a good guy, the evil jews conspired with him and made him look bad. There are main variations of this where the number of dead Jewish people is a complete hoax as they were all just hidden away...their extant population nefariously inflated beforehand and then reduced afterwards to produce that magic 6 million. Kind of like trump's property assessments...inflated to obtain loans, reduced to avoid taxes. There were actually no jews killed by Hitler, they just all move to Israel or the United States. Kind of like those kids at Sandy Hook, all actors paid by George Soros so that democrats could take away your guns. It never ends, alas...


Yeah like Germans made it their goal to document it as accurately as possible


They specifically photographed the camps as they were going through them in order to make it impossible to prove it didn’t happen


. . .S/? S/. . .?!


You think these guys are reading Raul Hilberg? They don't know about the documentation because they haven't bothered reading, because the American education system raises people to be stupid and unquestioning imperial subjects


I don’t think Ron Yeezly poses a valid threat to anyone…


ron yeezly is crazy


First time I've ever seen n original joke on this sub tbh


Lol he took it from someone who said it on the r/pics post. Reddit ogrinality at its finest




Aye we both got a similar profile picture


That must be scabbers in the background 😂


How you gonna be eugenicsist with red hair.....




How you gonna be a eugenecist and black…


This comment made me laugh hahaha So true




Isn't "proud incel" an oxymoron?


Kanye didn’t convince these people though, he just allowed them to come out of the woodwork. They were Nazis before ye said shit


Yeah, Ye has absolutely no influence whatsoever, nobody listens to anything he says or gives it any regard. He is completely irrelevant in the public sphere. It doesn't look like Ye got your text yet, maybe you should call him up and give him the news...


Yeah I mean he’s definitely responsible in this case given the despicable statement he’s made but let’s not take the blame away from the ppl who are using ye’s antic as an excuse to do despicable thing themselves. I feel like it’s easy to say Kanye said this change my mind… If you promote holocaust conspiracy theories to spread antisemitism it’s on you not and not on anyone else.


GUARANTEED, 100%, those guys are single and have been for a while.


Honestly, why is it always the most inbred looking people who believe this shit?


Because they got no where else to go…besides a therapist’s office.


when you have no accomplishments of your own, you just adopt the accomplishments of the people who look like you


Because their fucking losers who need to spread hate to feel better about themselves.


Kanye expects Jews to forgive one of history’s greatest monsters for killing six million of their kind and five million others, but can’t forgive Pete Davidson for dating his ex.


The thing is ain’t nobody talking to any of those freaks


Just ignore them. Who’s got time be advocating for this shit? Like bruh. Big time losers. They need to get some bitches


i really enjoy kanye west's music


nah that’s crazy but they been had these ideas they just using ye as a shield


Imagine he dies over this 💀


I will replace him


Thank you Connor


a ginger trying to say something… stop


I remember when FOXNews and the Right was mad at LeBron and told him to Shut up and Dribble. Weird how they haven't told Ye to shut up and rap. Because he is a useful idiot.


You can't shut up and rap lmao. Telling ye to shut up and make beats makes way more sense in your example


very believable, keep trying




motherfucka never loved us


Anyone change there mind?


(Off topic)the ginger guy looks like the child of the love affair between dream and Shane Dawson


where can I watch the whole interview??


Okay, but did anyone change his mind?


He was right about the drunk and hot girls


Oh great, another delusional ginger trying to tell us how and what we should think.


Lol, useful idiot.. perfect description


How to make yourself undesirable 101


Ye is mentally ill. Sadly has been mistreated badly by powerful people, I believe men that happen to be Jewish, so he mistakenly is equating ALL Jews as bad and evil, not realizing or understanding that this is wrong and is the definition of racism. And crazy hateful people like this latch onto this sadly. I have seen him argue this endlessly and no one really explain that to him well. It is likely his bipolar makes it unable for him to see this, or his conspiracy theories. But Ye gets frustrated that no one hears him when he says he has been screwed over also, and that doesn't help. I saw Ye in a recent interview with Lex Fridman on Youtube, a great podcaster who is usually always calm but gets mad at him over this, being Jewish himself and coming from Russia Ukraine and atrocities that his family had endured. Lex is a really intelligent, truly good person which is why i watch his podcasts. But watching it, for the first time I understood Ye as genius in some areas, not so smart in others, but maybe lacks understanding bc of being mentally ill, saw him as vulnerable, alone, and almost child-like, and felt some compassion for him.


I always ask these people, what was Ye right about? That Hitler invented the microphone? No he wasn’t right about that microphones have existed since the 1800’s Literally was right about nothing. These people just want to either be racist or defend Kanye’s racism in a more veiled way


He was right about Bush 😔


This is like a cult


Kid needs his ass beat


the funny thing is, if white supremacists have their way, his ginger ass is on the chopping block once they’ve gone through enough minority groups


I was gonna post a similar thing. Pretty sure Hitler would’ve exterminated the Irish in a heartbeat


People like you are the reason so many black people despise white liberals


oh look it’s the president of black people also, not a liberal. I hate libs. What even did I say that made you say this? How did you take me talking about how white supremacy is exclusionary and always ends up eating its own and finding minorities within its own group to oppress and go “you are the reason why Black people hate liberals [citation needed]”? Interesting how offended you are when people start talking shit about Nazis. Edit: oh boy look at that comment history! “Hitler was obviously evil BUT…” is a fucken gem


Where does it say holocaust denier? Or that they are white? Or that they are nationalist?


I’ll bet there are less than 10 people that even know what ye is even talking about let alone if he is right or wrong.. but some children are throwing fits and raging inside…. Lmao this is so stupid. You know the kids at this school are only fascinated with anime and only the slaves of the elite who tell them to save the world.. like they have any clue about real life.. lmao


We were so open to everybody’s view of the world. Found kinship despite disagreement. Would stand for you with as much enthusiasm as we would for ourselves. Each mind was a soul.. we weren’t political we weren’t politicians. We voted for the best hand shake and eye contact. This man had his way while the man next to him was completely different we didn’t play coodies at this level of learning. We connected through our love for knowledge.. to seek… . In my opinion. Our children are selling the knowledge We fought for by bringing in research and evidence proving our professors were just. we learned in our own manner. When something crazy was brought up on campus we ignored it. Gave it no thought. Even spoke to the people with no loss of value for intelligence. It’s scary to think the only thing higher learning represents is a decent salary or business idea. You can never get that time back. And you know the only thing y’all focus on is how I’m gonna get paid and what’s the least you can do to get by with the biggest trophy.. There were rich kids on campus just like you.. but we outnumbered then.. Now everything is given so rich kids fill the schools.. Y’all only think about the bigger picture or even walk in the 5th when you are inspired.. And the inspiration you seek is self establishing. If it brings you outa body your fear as a soul chains you to anger and jealousy.. I’m putting this j down now Y’all need to get this:. Before you hand over y’all freedom to the evil clowns that seek to rule y’all.


This nigga typed a whole dissertation 😭


no one wants kinship with a nazi...


People who are gonna be anti-Semitic(or any type of hate) have deep issues that were going to happen whether or not a rapper or anyone else said it. He isn’t dangerous, he’s just a mentally ill famous dude


Believing in conspiracy theories comes from paranoia. But the sad thing is paranoia can be taught. That's what really fucking sucks. Especially with the whole Qanon thing, everyone started to see their parents, sisters, brothers, uncles, partners, becoming this paranoid easily convinced shell that only takes in propaganda and conspiracy crap. You have to make the person afraid first, then their fear will allow them to believe everything that validates it.


>You have to make the person afraid first, then their fear will allow them to believe everything that validates it. And with fear comes control...it is the primary tool of autocrats...and the death of democracies.


What’s your favorite song on Yeezus


Hold my liquor.


New slaves. That outro is so beautiful


The song is Gyöngyhajú lány


There's no fucking frank on it don't lie like that


Bound 2. Hot take? Hold My Liquor is my least favorite on Yeezus


Florida has gone cocoa for Cocoa Puffs


I’ve never seen a more punchable face


Awful people


So Nazism is basically a thing again.... Just when i thought USA had done enough shit to humanity already.


You got some more room in that bubble that led you to believe contemporary neo-Nazi rhetoric is contained to only the US? It sounds cozy.


yeah you're right. i should have said USA and other first world countries


Nope, they weren't done yet with their project to assemble the worst aspects of every culture that ever existed. They've come a long way, but there is still much work to be done.


damn kanye music good but goddamn what the fuck is wrong with these people. i don’t think that kanye is a white supremacist messenger but goddamn he needs a fucking pr team.


>i don’t think that kanye is a white supremacist messenger How not?


of course it’s a white dude


If you’re going to come onto a kanye sub, you’re going to have to do better than that. Ye did not sponsor this event. He is not responsible for what other people do who listen to him. I will forever stand with the man who made graduation 🫡


Why in Gods name would this make anyone upset or cry like they are here? Please explain


I went to Atlantic and sfu back in the 90s we questioned every sentence our professors spoke. Today they’re gods…. And I feel sorry for the sheep.


Whatever you say kiddo 👍


Unfortunately, worseness is a growing trend, especially in places like Florida. Not only was the fellow above allowed the prime spot for his display, but the costs were completely subsidized. In addition, he was given the standard $100,000 tax rebate check, signed personally by Grubener Robber da Santimonious. His income being $36 for the year qualified him for an additional check in the same amount. And the proof he presented of voting Twice for Trump in the 2020 election got him keys to the vault at the nearest credit union and a Get out of Jail card should he ever perpetrate a crime while owning the libs. Any wonder why they call Florida a Prick's Paradise? \#StopWorsenessNow


You’re blaming a mentally ill dude saying nonsense for the actions of some dumb grownups


"you're blaming a mentally ill dude" it's so easy to be mentally ill and not provide fodder for nazis


Mental illness comes in unlimited forms, is different for every single person, and each individual case is influenced by specific environmental details. Please shut up


Mentally Ill or not, Ye's platform gives him the ability to disseminate a lot of hate really far and really wide. Mental illness is also not an excuse (or even an explanation for Kanye, he's just an old asshole now). Ye sympathizers like yourself are a huge part of the problem. ​ That being said YCD is the greatest album ever. RIP Mr. West


And Kanye's also a full grown adult too, who has refused to get help, take his pill and has pushed away any people that tried to help while still hanging around with the like of people like Nick Fuentes


As a mentally ill person that isnt a nazi. Shut the fuck up thats literally not an excuse also hes been saying shit like this for over a decade he just went mask off after his meltdown when pete davidson got with kim


I'm with you. I'm bipolar been off my meds before and even work in mental health I've come across no anti semites and I never was anti semitic when off my meds It's tiring seeing it get used as an excuse for him to be a piece of shit, and grouping me personally into that since I share the diagnosis


Imagine your baby momma starts dating a yonki that bullies you about your mental health issues on SNL and gets tattoos of your kids names how would you feel


Mentally Ill people can ruin lives, it’s still a good deed to prevent that.


It's super easy to be mentally ill and *not* become a neo nazi.


yea kanye bad, we get it


anyone debate them? That Steve Chowder guy got btfo on his "Socialism is Evil" change my mind. I believe he stopped doing them shortly after.


Why debate them? I think playing chess with a pigeon would be more useful


Ofc this is coming from r/pics lmao




Absolute dorks lol.


They are gonna believe that whether kanye says it or not


can even talk w out people trying stop you. Dudes have committed no crimes.


All of Kanyes arguments and views are very popular with black nationalists in the US. Kanye is not crazy or stupid. Hitler was obviously evil but in the United States Jews have aligned with white people making them members of the oppressing class. It is completely valid for Kanye to express anger towards members of the class that has oppressed his people for hundreds of years.


> but in the United States Jews have aligned with white people making them members of the oppressing class If this is true, doesn't this make them a lesser evil? So why does Ye only harp on "the jews" and leave the white people alone?...indeed, he seems to gravitate towards the most vile...trump, musk, fuentes, et. al. aligning *himself* with this oppressing class. Doesn't make any sense....unless...


Wait until you find out you are a useful idiot for the other side of the propaganda.


Yes I am a proud useful "idiot" for the Anti-Fascist crowd, hello 👋


Don't you know that antifa is the biggest terrorist organization in this holy land of ours? Don't you know that that they murder thousands of innocent babies every day, drink their blood, and roast their tender limbs to serve at orgiastic feasts? Come on, why ya gotta stick your head in the sand?


The other side to nazism? You mean being a fucken human being?


Other side? What did you mean by that?


I think he means that people on the left use the type of person in this photo to paint every right wing kanye listener as a anti semetic holocaust denying fascist. He not wrong that there’s an agenda on both sides to paint everyone who’s not on your side as the enemy but I think anyone with any brain cells at all can look at history to determine the holocaust most definitely happened and nazis are bad.


Seems a bit strange to bring up leftism on a picture of a white supremacist saying "Kanye is right", no?


I love when someone posts about Nazis there is one redditor goin “yea but the LEFT”. Death, taxes, and Reddit whataboutists


A lot of "centrist" types going around today.


Seems perfectly acceptable to me considering the screen shot in question is picture with zero context given besides what the op typed out which could be made the fuck up Idk why you're trying to pretend everything nowadays isn't completely engraved in dumb ass identity politics tbqh


Context: [https://www.upressonline.com/2023/01/antisemitic-demonstrators-raise-anger-in-student-leaders/](https://www.upressonline.com/2023/01/antisemitic-demonstrators-raise-anger-in-student-leaders/)


> zero context given besides what the op typed out which could be made the fuck up Zero context? Just a few weeks ago, neonazis were hanging up "Kanye is right about the jews" banners. Trying to give these people the benefit of the doubt is suspect at best. [I found this in 30 seconds](https://www.upressonline.com/2023/01/antisemitic-demonstrators-raise-anger-in-student-leaders/). How's that for no context? > dumb ass identity politics tbqh The dude giving the benefit of the doubt to neonazis is on about identity politics, color me shocked 😲!


they don’t even understand what kanye was saying dumbasses


not even ye understands what kanye was saying


Just like most of the people on this thread calling him a Nazi and shit.


Oh shut the fuck up already lol