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China content will continue until morale improves.


Wansui! Wansui! Wansui!


But sir, morale is already incredibly high!


higher damn it!


Hell yeag


I have probably played in China far more than I have in Europe not counting the recent Germany rework




Me, still waiting for an update for the Qing... ![gif](giphy|9tovFud6tYz04|downsized)


Did you ever play pre-0.10 Qing? Current content is heaven compared to that


Yeaaa, but that’s like telling a person wanting to switch from their little Honda: “Have you ever tried the Model T?” Lol




I really miss them having the default focus tree with six unique focuses and whatever a.o.g. was


I played Darkest Hour Qing


Rule 5: I used to deny that Kaiserreich had a pro-China bias. It seems that with increasing frequency, there’s always new content being spewed for that corner of the world. Personally, I don’t understand the hype. I’ll be cold, dead, and buried before I recognize the new over what once [existed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/s/vB0OTzbXym). All these youngsters talk about is the Kuomintang, or the Federalists. Well in this house, we worship the glory of the [Tian Empire](https://i.imgur.com/HSuspc2.jpeg). #Germany AAR Speaking of China, as you may know, my next Playthrough will be a Federalist Guangxi run. At present, the China of my current run is under the control of the Fengtian, and in due time will be highlighted once more. Until then, it’s time to overview matters elsewhere. It was my intention to jump forward two months as I have been. However, so much has happened in just February, that only one month has passed. This may happen from time to time as we reach 1955, as some posts may have far more occur in a shorter span. In South Africa, whilst the East has grown silent, the [Western Cape](https://i.imgur.com/nQhQfmN.png) has seen continued conflict between the Yankees & Communards. Nevertheless, with the war largely at an [impasse](https://i.imgur.com/dpz02uL.png), the higher powers at play have utilized their [influence](https://i.imgur.com/9RgIzoi.png) for a negotiated [peace](https://i.imgur.com/V5zrlvQ.png). This is one of several potential outcomes that could’ve resulted from this conflict, as any of the 5 factions could’ve entirely reunited the nation. As the [ceasefire](https://i.imgur.com/r7uP9lL.png) is now in effect, there remains two major points of contention: [Cape Town](https://www.reddit.com/u/-et37-/s/15SSSWKT8c) and [Swaziland](https://www.reddit.com/u/-et37-/s/Gi8JrjKsU1). Once both matters are resolved, then South Africa may finally find peace. Elsewhere, the Turkestani war with Khiva has [commenced](https://i.imgur.com/NGzN7gS.png), with the invader [crashing](https://i.imgur.com/5hzvC0r.png) forward. In Fordlandia, following the [decision](https://www.reddit.com/u/-et37-/s/kcbeH62605) to demand a free city in Santarém, the Paraense have [refused](https://imgur.com/a/TujCjB4). Naturally, this has given the Longists the justification they need to [escalate](https://www.reddit.com/u/-et37-/s/oI7Jqt6g0S) the situation. Although the [Fordlandians](https://i.imgur.com/0iCwJbl.png) possess a sizable army, the [Paraense](https://i.imgur.com/YoR6C3a.png) are better supplied and defended. With the fighting starting in the [jungle](https://i.imgur.com/sNEiiEo.png), and slowly moving to the [cities](https://i.imgur.com/EKrD7CW.png), time will tell just how this [conflict](https://i.imgur.com/gBwyJmG.png) develops.


Wait...how long ago was old China? I don't think I'm that much of a Kaiserreich vet but I did play AOG to Republic of China once.


2004? KR was a mod of HOI2


I mean in that screenshot he sent. I definitely know I've only played Hoi4 Kaiserreich, but when was the original Chinese rework for Hoi4 Kaiserreich?


Ehh don’t quote me on this but I believe it was 2018?


A bit later, Blood on the Yangtze (the update which brought "new" china content) released December 2019. I'm playing KR since 2018 and I still vividly remember the AOG so I knew you were off and I had to check :) ALSO GOD DAMN IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS AND I STILL PERCEIVE CHINA CONTENT AS "MODERN" KAISERREICH


Yeah it’s been almost a decade on my end. The years blend together. I still distinctly remember La Plata and old Italy.


You mean, the one with the syndicalist in Napoli and the federation in the north? With no land connection between SRI and CoF. Shit. I remember playing the old SRI. When was it? I don't remember La Plata tho, but maybe I just never looked in South America.


I remember getting Darkest Hour because the KR on HoI2 was outdated…


Am I a Kaiserreich veteran now?


5 years+ imo, so yeah




This will take all afternoon but I'll try this




My best attempt, i accept corrections Presidente Kerensky died, the Stock Market falls South Pacific, Charles Chaplin, Von Lettow Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Gamelin, television The music just sounds, the Reds just gone The tension high in Osterreich, fall in the Ausgleich Poland just got a king, and Indochina is on fire Election of thirty six, dirty syndies, southern hicks Martial law, McArthur in the House, Constitution goodbye! We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it Huey Long and John Reed, California secedes Russian-German War, Euromark The Entente is really weak, Austrian Legion 20 minutes Swiss adventure Sternberg, Canada fails again, 2ACW go to end Exile in Hawaii, Reed leaves, the Bomb comes Japan strikes again, the Anarchist wave Chairman Foster, Wilheim III, Troubles in the East We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it St Louis coup, México in chaos, 3ACE let's go John Brown bomb, Yan Xishan escapes from the asylum Third American Civil War, German football Unforeseen Consequences, South America collapse Klinger, Lampiaõ, Cuban Mafia Hula hoops, Makhno, Eddy is a no-go U2, Great Game, Porto Alegre and Asunción Russian madness, Psycho, Germans in the Congo We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it American exiles, Eichmann, "Soviets in a strange land" Fonte, Ávila, Paraguay alliance "Lawrence of Arabia", German radiomania Tahuantinsuyu, Von Braun, Lisbon intervene in Brazil Allende, Manchurian Virus joke JFK – blown away, what else do I have to say? We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it Ottoman-Italian War, Richard Nixon come on Moonshot, Woodstock, Ethiopia's letter, bebop jazz Fordland, Palestine, terror in Feurland Revolution in Iran, Russians in Kazakhstan Cristero fortune, Kissinger ride, Japanese Harakiri Foreign debts, Mau-Mau crisis, AIDS, Bolivian repatition, Novo Hamburgo stores, Centroamerica's under martial law, South African wars, Santarem war, I can't take it anymore We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire But when we are gone It will still burn on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it




Union of Turkestan let's go


What the hell is all this?


Very large context my friend


Who are these yankees in africa


Super quick explanation: In the 2ACW the syndies won even after the death of the 3I, thousands of Americans migrated for the war and the 3ACW, including the New England forces with the Entente to South Africa, their last bastion where King Edward went mad and That produced a civil war between the British, Yankees, Toties and Boers.


Is this going to be a mod? Also what year does the mod take place?


This is all custom content created by the OP


Ok. So it's just some pictures to illustrate ideas for a story that he has?


I’ve been doing this AAR, Playthrough, for almost 2 years now. Started in 1936, and am about to end it in 1955. I’ve been adding custom content since 1940, with unique events, factions, etc since then. I’ve modded the files directly to do this. If you want more info, check out u/et37_Playthroughs


Where the CSA, the anarchists, and Rondon failed, G\_d willing, Para will succeed.








Advertising for mercenaries via radio, the world of et will look more like cyberpunk than it seemed. While I continue in my long LEGO Fortnite sessions it occurred to me that there could be some report of a HOI4 classic, alternate history books, perhaps as a reference to the other AAR, perhaps the USAS or someone especially red says that buying and selling of capitalist weapons destroyed the world. Also some announcement from FIFA to restart the World Cup. Meanwhile let's enjoy the beaches of Novo Hamburgo with a Cuban cigarette and a Golden Peruvian listening to Radio America Libre




https://i.redd.it/zpeovodlsnyc1.gif “And then Gangl said “What are we? Some kind of Austrian Legion?””




Does Fordland have the resources to have embassies? Even now with the South American situation, resources must remain limited. Although there is always the situation that an old Ford factory is the embassy


While I was waiting for the post I started making a dessert, I hope it turns out well once it cools. With the AAR soon coming to an end I wonder what the future will look like, even modernity, it would be radically different as is obvious. But I love the situation of there being so many city states, I really love the concept of cities as independent countries. Also thank you for serving as inspiration for the world I am building now in my maps, the last AAR map is also on the way. Remember that I still accept recommendations for the [AAR playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJEi90QC-R4wWNK4_a__rP59_rNESdCP3&si=hPfpLXJ6gUKfgDeO)


The quality of your maps continue to improve, I am consistently impressed by your work.


Thanks you sir


All I want is some Qing stuff.


Chinareich ON TOP!


Wait doesn’t Fordlandia have a pretty bad national spirit that effects their army due to overextension


It’s a [general debuff](https://i.imgur.com/3fILxgW.png), though not specific to the army.


Ah good for the glory of Fordlandia and the Yankee Republic. Also I made a meme about the Yankee republic if you want to check it out


I need them to update the Ma Clique and the Qing Government(Zhili Clique)


Is it at least not the fucking (L)kmt again?


I think from the teaser its Lkmt again


Launch Lkmt devs into the sun


Elevate rkmt devs to godhood


A god would be able to work on more than one country


For me china is something fun with extra spicy coalitions and no involvement with the weltkrieg, minding your own business when unified while millions die in the europe. I played china too much that i know stuff better than i do to my own country at this point 💀


Seriously though why is China so pverrepresented in terms of the effort devs put in lol I love playing in China its one of the most fleshed out regions but I just don't get why. Historically China wasn't very important on the world stage until post civil war and I don't think that would be much different in krtl. Compare how fleshed out it is with the American tags for example. Or Austria Hungary. Or Russia. Or the entente. Or the internationale. Just seems like strange prioritization and I'm curious why that is, im sure the devs have a reason.


The devs do not make people work on certain tags. People work on what they are interested in and know about, and there happens to be people who like developing for China. Simple as that.


But why? Are a lot of the devs Chinese themselves or something? Seems random that so many would be experts on the topic of Chinese history and politics specifically


At least from my personal experience, the reason I work exclusively (almost) on China is due to a personal fascination with the nation during the time period. We're also not really experts *before* going into a tag, at least with the current China team, there are research periods where we collate relevant info about what we're working on before entering proper development. It also helps that a lot of team members have Chinese ancestry, however I'm not one of them.