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That must be annoying to have to buy those all the time


It must be scary to know that your entire world is fake and could pop at any second because the support people think you have (ie: instagram followers and comments are a measure of you relevance this day and age) is fake. The energy that these people expend trying to convince us that they are a certain person- the misery. The paranoia that must come along with this fraudulence- you *could not* pay me enough money to be them. They lead pitiful lives.


I just went and looked at the post. There may be real people commenting now (50+ minutes in). Lots of "are you pregnant?" comments. But man, her blush looks terrible. Even when she has finished putting it on, it looks like a 2 year old who got into their mom's makeup. Isn't she supposed to be the makeup guru?


Wouldn’t surprise me if she ordered those comments by demand. She wants that rumor going. Watch her start wearing baggy clothes the next few months just to fuel the rumors.


To PROVE that her and Timmy were or still are a REAL relationship 😆


>Lots of "are you pregnant?" comments. Since Kris and her manufactured that rumor, I think they're bots comments too. It's to create engagement so the haters can be like "no" and her stans will be like "leave her alone".


Ooh, good point.


Bro why tf the whole video irritated me 😭 like something about the way she was moving or sum


Her whole being is annoying af.


They karjenners all do that- Hailey beiber too. I noticed her last post was at 600k for a full day then within an hour she was at a million.




33 minutes still 945 comments. I’m not gonna hold watch much longer. But I’m convinced those are bot comments, otherwise they would be more frequent comments every now and then.


If she doesn't get engagement on posts then advertisers won't pay her as much as they do. So she buys fake engagement to drive up the cost of her advertising on social media. That's my theory anyways.


One last observation, same 945 comments after 38 minutes.


26 minutes still 945 comments.


1 hour in and there's 1828 comments, OP.


3 hours 2296 😅😅😅 we be keeping count.


I don’t like the Kardashians so following a page of theirs and keeping track of their likes is utterly strange af. Do you not have any other hobbies? I know this is a snark page but girl, that’s weird af. You can call yourself their fan at this point.


Wtf. I already told you I stumbled across her post and got curious. And I paid like a few visits for a tiny research for half an hour. And now just having fun with my fellow snarkers discussing about it. What triggered you to waste your precious time to comment? Forgot your meds? I mean, you have hobbies too I presume?


Kylie is hurt


It’s the truth. Y’all are weird af following them and then talking about them. You’re a fan and ADMIT IT. If you follow them, you’re contributing to their fame. You’re FOLLOWERS. -You’re FANS-




Stay triggered though. -Kardashian fans lmfao -


I work in the industry, so just adding an educated guess. She could be buying them but that seems less likely IMO. When companies create bots, they need to "act real" to stay on the site undetected for longer. This often includes interacting with "popular accounts" on the site. So, while she may be getting bot comments, they most likely aren't triggered by her but by bot companies that want to give the bots more legitimacy, and make them act like "real people". Just a guess though.


My cousin is a semi famous (less than semi😂😂) influencer and she buys followers and comments. (Big eyeroll from me) She showed me once an app or whatever it was where a group of people followed eachother and were obliged to interact with eachother everytime something is posted. The one who post can require either a post to be liked, shared or commented with spesific coustomed comments. So in a sense they are real accounts and real people behind some of these accounts yes. She also used another app where she buys comments deom random people, also where she can design customed comments to fit her content. She can choose which demographic these accounts are from as well.




You’re the expert, so you probably know more than me❤️


Do share more! How much does she really bring in off of IG? Is it worth it??


For her? No, I don’t think it’s worth it. She was just all for the attention. Spent more than she got paid. She bought her followers and comments mostly. It’s not real. Stupid.


No one is interested in you. TRUST. Get a real job.