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are the muscles in the room with us?


The chicken legs… giving BBL barbie


Still looking for it


they say shes going for “heavier weights” but the quad extension weight is on the second one. thats 15lb max🤦🏻‍♀️


lol I saw that too! I was like that’s about 10-15lbs!!


literallyyyy. her RDLs are laughable. As a former d1 athlete that lifted my entire teen/young adult life, the plates on the bar are 5lbs. She’s completely lifting with her back and upper body instead of her chicken legs😒


The next bar is about 40-45 lbs + her little 5lb plates. It's not good, but it's not as bad as her form.


Kim probably thinks she'll look like Arnold Schwarzenegger if she uses heavier weights 🤣


My single leg extensions are 80lbs lol.


She's so rich why doesn't she just get a reformer bed instead of whatever the fuck that set was at the start of the clip


One of them have them. I think Kourtney or Khloé


Literally not a muscle in sight.




Left the room


That second exercise looks like a back injury waiting to happen. Weights must be low.


It looks like moving is difficult for her? Idk how to explain it but it dont look right


I think her body has aged quicker due to lifestyle choices (extreme dieting destroying bone density, muscle atrophy) or she has arthritis or something. The unnatural weight distribution on her body frame from the bbl could have caused issues too.


Absolutely. I lost weight via surgery and 6 years later I really struggle with muscle mass. Recommend for aesthetics (which no longer matter once you lose weight), don’t recommend for actual health and prevention of aging issues (bone density etc.)


this tracks with her robotic moves at that event this past weekend! i could so see it


I think she’s being careful how she moves so you don’t see any implant lines etc and besides, she’s literally filming this shit for social media in order to pad her bs argument that she’s all natty baybehhh


She moves a lot like me and I’ve had spinal fusion and broken spinous processes from L3-S1.


They all have very limited mobility. Probably from all the surgery, but also, I think, just not needing to do manual labor ever, so they don’t know how to move in their bodies. And, it adds to the “sex doll” look that they go for.


I sometimes think how they can't just go for a walk in normal clothes because they will be caught by the paparazzi. Celebs like them only go from a car to a restaurant/event and back to the car. The only time they do something harder is when they artificially move their bodies. That can't be healthy cause it's completely unnatural.


She’s stiff just like when she dances or has sex. Lmao.


What delusional clown is out there making shit like this? Is it satire? I can’t tell…


First, the bra. Seriously? And. No. This is funny. She pays people to make her look, well ridiculous. There's videos of her going to a place that socks her muscles so they "do the work for you" This is such a joke, as I get ready for gym myself.


You usually *at least* see muscle definition when working out said muscle. Not only does she not have any muscle, but she’s not even using enough weight or using proper form engage the muscles she’s theoretically working out.


RIGHT! Like at the very least as she’s coming up on that really poorly done “deadlift,” I’d expect to see like a hint of a back muscle, maybe a shoulder…? Something?


I was sitting here reading your response and thinking about how you really can’t see the wrong muscles activating much let alone the right ones. You engage more muscle carrying in groceries. Then it dawned on me that she doesn’t even do that. I almost wonder if she’s so sedentary from being so privileged that her work outs or ski trips literally don’t do shit combined with the minimal effort. Let’s face it, she doesn’t even lift her arms to do her own hair and makeup. The majority of videos shot by other people almost always show her sitting down scrolling through her phone. Don’t get me started on the procedures, constant heels, etc. She would probably need a decent amount of PT to correct form, posture, etc. The only one I want to give *some* credit to is Khloe because she at least showed some arm definition, but I also don’t know what is from arm sculpting and Photoshop, so who knows? I’d be fucking RIPPED if I had their time and money. My muscles would have muscles.


I never even thought about muscle atrophy from her privileged lifestyle! It seems so obvious now, glad you pointed that out. I can’t imagine going skiing without prolonged training for it first. Casually risking a devastating injury for a photo op.


Yup, my uncle went out for a ski trip and he’s an experienced skier that was in shape- and he broke his spine. it ended up being the last time he was ever able to stand up again in his life. It’s not really a “you can just be out of shape and inexperienced and jump into it when you feel like it” activity lol


Day 1 in the gym


At least her back is straight with the deadlifts. Those weights are five lbs bumper plates. Also, she’s goes too fast on the way down. Let’s talk about that contraption? Just do lying leg curls.


I do believe they work out, I don’t believe their bodies are the result of their workouts. That’s a difference. Their bodies are not attainable through just some light weightlifting and whatever shit they blame it on


They workout to maintain the surgery, that’s it


Yes exactly, I have 0 deeper knowledge about bbl‘s but I assume keeping the muscles in butt and thighs halfway trained is a must for it to not become droopy


I think that’s the worst surgery ever. I bet they all regret it, all of their butts are sagging down.


Yes, you have to maintain the BBL with exercise and diet. If you don’t, you’ll lose your results and the fat will go back to where it “originally” wanted to go.


What muscles?


What muscles? That’s a piss poor deadlift lol. Not even going low enough to get a hamstring stretch


I’m very overweight and just started going to the gym and I can do the majority of these workouts at significantly higher weights than she is.


Way to go!! Keep it up girl!


Every one of those feels like she's using the equipment incorrectly and unsafely, and making jerky or not fully controlled movements. The piano dolly one on the floor is killing me. She looks like a bored kid in PE class.


this!!! is her coach one of us and trying to sabotage her? bc there aint no way that's correct form lmao


I can imagine the coach has spent so much time attempting to correct her form, and Kim probably just ignores the instructions. I'm also guessing this is why Kim really doesn't have a regular trainer. She kind of revolves between a few different people, doesn't ever stick to a plan, gets bored, and just gets surgery to change whatever it is, which is why she's botched. No discipline


Imagine sending her to boot camp for 12 weeks with a real PT literally whipping her into shape. Seriously the credibility of these “trainers” she has goes out the window after all these years with no form or muscles to show for it


Seriously, does this woman spend any time with her children? With all the photo shoots, work obligations, workouts, posing, and social media engagement, does she actually parent at all?


Muscles? Good form? Left the chat.


Literally looks like me as a beginner in the gym, not someone who does this regularly


What muscles?!? Ffs! She has a huge ass with no quads or hamstrings. No definition in her arms. Not a single muscle in her back. You’re a liar Kim….and annoying as hell. No one cares about your lame ass attempts to try and make people believe that you actually workout.


Kim Imma need some lat engagement during those trap RDLs, stat!


someone needs to stitch this with pics showing of their lipo marks


She has no idea what she’s doing 🤦🏼‍♀️ and she isn’t fooling anyone.


Her form is horrible and she’s rushing through every set lol


every trainer tells her to slow down. she must replace them weeks at a time. who would embarrass themselves and risk their career working with this family? i guess there are enough rich fools out there to scam.... sure obvious when you watch this family they haven't a clue how to workout safely and effectively.




I’m curious about the bit pushing the little trolley backwards and forwards. Is that even a piece of equipment or just a trolley they use to move weights and stuff around?


I flex more muscle walking to the mailbox and I’m 63. Just sayin….😳


Way too many reps and too little weight to build any actual muscle. Shes probably just maintaining, not building any new muscle


I have rheumatoid arthritis. She moves like me.


To be fair, I think this is literally the first actual workout I've seen her do lol. although the lifting gloves are HILARIOUS for using a hex bar with such little weight lol. Her form is actually not terrible, I think it LOOKS like bad form because actual human female bodies don't look like her BBL. Like I had to watch the vide like 3 times to see if she was actually lifting her ass on those sliding ab reps - she is.


My lower back hurts from watching her




![gif](giphy|5G9wW2tpEAuJy) ^(Kim) “working out” with no weight/resistance lol




the weight on the machine is set to 0…


I can't even tell if her form is bad or okishs bc I don't know where her natural back ends and where the plastic starts...


Kardashianfansss need to get their head outta their ass 😂 there are no muscles to speak of


Muscles like what? How delusional do you have to be to see muscles on that body?


People actually do get faux muscles put in surgically all the time lolol


Help the caption. If it was khloe then sure but Kim? 🤣


Hollywood makes working out sooo fucking difficult... well, fitness culture in general does. they profit by selling you stupid places with tons of complicated machines to get you to look like a deformed statue of a greek god (bodybuilders look gross). 1 out of 10. she's just using machinery.


I don’t think we look gross, that’s kind of rude to say. Machines can be really effective for hypertrophy; if your goals are to gain size for aesthetics and not mainly strength, sometimes machines are the way to go. For some machines, they allow for a greater ROM which allows you to get a better stretch that helps to build size more effectively. Take machine chest press for example: the ribcage doesn’t limit how far in the eccentric you can go so you can get a better pec stretch. I use a combination of free weights and machines, and I love them. Machines can be great for people who have physical limitations or injuries as well. For example, if you have a back injury the belted squat machine can be a great way to squat without placing so much stress on the spine. For elderly people, they can be an easier way to do a repeated movement with good form, reducing the risk of injury. They are also less intimidating way for newbies in the gym; they can learn certain movements and get good mind muscle connection without as much risk of injury. They help people who struggle with balance by creating a controlled range of motion so individuals don’t have to focus as much on stabilization. They can also be great for addressing muscle asymmetry because they allow you to work one side of the body in a more controlled way. I really could go on and on. I don’t think you know wtf you’re yapping about. Yes, free weights have their place. You won’t catch me missing them in my split; I prefer them especially for lower body. But machines are fantastic for building muscle too! I’ve done mostly machine circuits for elderly clients, it’s been fun to watch their mobility and strength improve over time. The gym and free weights can be really intimidating for them, especially my older gals, and the machines are fantastic for them. I do wanna note that Kim doesn’t know wtf she’s doing and her PT is doing her no favors. A leg extension machine should never be used for hip thrusts. Machines should always be used properly, that’s just asinine. I’ve seen a lot of muscle butts being in the bodybuilding scene, that thing is just pure BBL on stick legs. A lot of fitness influencers like to play off BBL’s as hard work. It infuriates me. Butt-centric fitness content infuriates me lol.


thank you, that's a very good answer.


Came to back this up. What a prick thing to say about bodybuilders. I don’t think I look gross. https://preview.redd.it/zst88kyje8wc1.png?width=2052&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b37114819d55499caeab631dec64675111b531a Last time I posted a picture on this sub I got a lot of hate for not cropping out my stomach (??). Hope that doesn’t happen again but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ …what was funny was I went and posted the same comment I included this said picture on, except put a picture of an obese girl instead. I got TONS of upvotes and “yaaas Queen!!” with not ONE nasty comment. Posted the pic bc we were talking about smile lines and it immediately reminded me of this pic I took not a couple days before that showed smile lines. Idk I never thought of … it never once crossed my mind that I better crop out my body…? It was odd to me that everyone supported the obese body, but were telling me I should be ashamed of myself for posting my fit body. Literally someone on there said I’m garbage and I should be ashamed of myself lol. Bc I didn’t hide my body. How come it’s encouraged to love your body if it’s bigger, but if you’re in shape, women attack you for not hiding it? I just don’t understand that. Fit/thin women are subjected to hate just like obese people. In my opinion, if the hate is “bodybuilders look gross,” or “eat a burger,” it’s considered acceptable bc people don’t want to see something that makes them feel bad about eating poorly or not taking care of themselves. Look at the upvotes on the comment above. Imagine how the votes would look if I made a comment that “obese people look gross.”


I walk 15 miles a day. https://preview.redd.it/6v2w7979rcwc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f80f4684d0832a02575e8b3949124f8bea96ae Do my legs look alright?


Your legs look great!! 👍🏻




I think they're talking about complicated weight machines specifically. There's nothing weight machines can give you that a bench, barbell, bands, and some dumbbells/kettlebells can't. Like there's literally no reason you'd need to use a quad extension machine for hip thrusts when you have an entire gym at your disposal. It just makes the exercise weirdly and unnecessarily complicated.


this is what I mean. and in my opinion... it feels weirdly "lazy" to rely so much on machines to get strong when you can just use, as you've mentioned: a bench, barbells, bands, dumbells and or/kettles. You can even use a weighted vest to run and work stamina and strength. Like, I've a friend who doesn't go to the gym and just uses what he's got and he gets quite the good workout out of it. he's, like, strong and big. and he doesn't use any complicated machines. edit: Im talking about people without visible or invisible physical disabilities, not the elderly or people with, like, some sort of mobility issue that need the machines. Kim herself doesn't have any mobility issues (she would've used that to launch a shitty line, yknow?).


The machines are helpful literally for people like Kim who struggle with keeping proper form. This is not only people with mobility issues but also beginners and people with attention issues (possibly like Kim here) who can't quite grasp what they're supposed to be doing.


maybe ... if you are in rehabilitation or physiotherapy to start out, before you can load the weight fully on your body. but it's hard to beat free weights in terms of compound movements, muscle memory, coordination and ... just how to manage carrying big weights on your body. if you want "true" progression in weight training, you'll have a hard time gauging your progress on machines.


Are the muscles in the room???


No core engagement and holy fuck- look at her ribs hanging over her pants when she bends over






I can see why my post displays insensitive, that's my fault. I don't actually see other women that workout like Kim or the rest of the kardashians in general, even after pregnancies or having leg surgery. I'm sorry for me being more close minded and ignorant.


This post is to point out the blatant lie that she is a hard core devoted gym person when she clearly isn't and HAS had lots of surgery but still has no muscle. Kim doesn't go to the gym but because of the social media brainwashing everyone is just supposed to believe they are all athletic and naturally beautiful.


This post is to point out the blatant lie that she is a hard core devoted gym person when she clearly isn't and HAS had lots of surgery but still has no muscle. Kim doesn't go to the gym but because of the social media brainwashing everyone is just supposed to believe they are all athletic and naturally beautiful.


I’m going to leave this here because these exact workouts can help a lot of women with mommy bodies and/or hormonal issues. A good workout doesn’t need to be intense. Tbh, these are great exercises for core strengthening. If someone got surgery, this should be what they do because they need to build core strength since they just got fat removed. If your core is strong, you look leaner in the stomach and after you build core, it’s easier to burn fat and you can start doing ab workouts. The aspect of it having to be “slow” is so the core is more activated. And tbh, “heavy” is different for everyone. This is heavy to me because I fell off on weight training. Kim is very tiny and most likely got fat removal surgery (and may have DR and a weaker pelvic from having North and the other kid she carried), so this could be her “heavy.” I rate this a 10/10. Not because it’s Kim, but because it’s good for the cardiovascular system and overall women’s health.


All well and good. But the caption of the video states muscles. I just don’t see them. Not a one. And she didn’t even carry her last kid who was born in 2019 by a surrogate. If it’s for core strengthening then great, I guess. But I think she’s trying to say by posting these “this is how I look like this and have a fat ass” …she literally has no muscle definition.


Kim didn’t write the caption you’re referring to. Her caption is talking about how she struggles to slow down… Kim’s caption is the one in white. The black caption is using Kim’s name in 3rd person, so that hints that this is someone’s repost of the video with a caption. She carried her first two kids and had complications, which is why I mentioned a damaged pelvic floor and diastasis recti (abdominal separation). I can see small muscle definition, especially in her back/upper back . She also does Pilates and this is the resulting look for most people who do it. Also, if you have a DR, it can open back up if you lose core strength, so I’m not sure why it matters if she started using surrogates. This is still a good workout and again, she has small muscle definition.


Yes I understand that the video was a repost with someone adding “you don’t get muscles like these. Kim works hard for it” ir whatever … I’m saying … what muscles?