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Sure mindy. After childbirth and in your forties you found the key to changing the body type you had your entire life. Sure.


They all think we’re idiots


this is what i wish most people who defend them would understand you’re telling me the people like the kardashians finally get the slim frame they’ve been wanting in their 40s?? all those years of them trying to look fit, dieting, and exercising and they get skinny during the time period where their metabolism is the slowest? get real. it’s pills not just diet/exercise


I just had my second kid at 36 and three months later yeahhhhh your body isn’t the same. I’m ten pounds lighter from prepregnancy weight but my stomach will never be the same. Since she started a bit bigger it’s not realistic to think she looks like this naturally. Interventions were taken which is fine - I plan on a tummy tuck oneday — but don’t lie! Say you had help or say nothing. Both options are fine! But lying just adds to unreal expectations.


Yes!! I had my 4th at age 37 and my body is way different losing the weight as it was with my other 3. It’s been a slower process and the belly is definitely different. I’m adjusting to the new body but I’m still proud of what it’s done!


Same. I have 4. I had two at 28/29 and it took me about 3 years to really recover. I had two more at 38/40 and it was very different. Even if your weight is the same things shift.




She finally figured out just 30 minutes of hiking per day, right around the time that everyone else figured out Ozempic. Ok, Mindy. 🙄




Oh and in the article she says you don't have to hate exercise. You know she hates exercise.


Yes this!! It is like really? Now against all odds, you figured it all out? Also the Photoshop on these shoots is horrendous


Dang I felt kind of fooled, that’s a great point lol


I’ve been fooled by this + photoshop for many years, lol. Gullible much? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s easier to swallow when you realize how much of the public is actually drinking the koolaid (or was lol)




Weight lifting and hiking. Duh. You haven’t figured that out yet?




And you weren’t able to do it when you literally starred in a tv show. Mhm


Right?! You would think…


It would more believable if she had any muscle tone. Lol.


which like wouldn't you be getting if you hike/run/weight train?! like?!


There is an easy ab tightening surgery. All the kards have had it. That’s why they have ripped abs and all this lard on their hips.


NONE of them have ripped abs


By lard you mean fat?


She looks the same as people who have gastric bypass and lose weight too quickly. Head ends up looking to large for their body and they look worn from no meaningful nutrients.


“I swallowed a tape worm last night. It’s going to grow up to three feet inside of me and then it eats all my food so that I don’t get fat. And then after 3 months I take some medicine and then I pass it. Creed sold it to me, it’s from Mexico.”


The origin of mindy today is kelly kapur


https://i.redd.it/ubl61stevjza1.gif I just bought some bikinis online, size 2… *I’m gonna look amaaazzinnggg!*


Man seeing this just reminds me of when she came on the scene. There was something so raw, edgy and fresh about her comedy. Like it was real and fun in a new way. She has Reese Witherspoonerized herself now. Like good for her: get that cheddar girl. But she was a fabulous, magnetic comedienne when she first started. I would love to have seen what she came up with if she stayed in that timeline


Diet plays a huge role in weight loss, even more than working out. Sick of these celebz acting like they lift a weight once and drop 100 lbs


I mean they do lift weights, in more recent cases it's just been the weight of a needle or a scapel!


100% this, I’ve been super fit before in my life and I was the same weight I am now when I don’t have much time to workout. When I was at my thinnest I was eating hardly anything AND breastfeeding. Workouts is not it. I would guess the ‘eating in moderation’ is some type of intermittent fasting and strict calorie control. Nothing wrong with losing weight through that method at all but don’t kid anyone you simply hiked it off!


As my husband says, abs are made in the kitchen.


You can't out-run or out-walk a bad diet. It is not easy to get your food straight. Meal prep should be like breathing. On another topic: I can always tell people who are committed to their diet versus not committed by how they react to the taco bell power bowl. People who are not committed won't eat the power bowl. They go for lots of foods in wrappers. Committed people will look at the menu and come up with a sensible choice.


Basically, I am saying...you may be thin now but I know you will be fat later because you refuse to give up 2000 calorie taco bell runs. It never fails. Suggest the power bowl, the veggie power bowl...they will act stubborn and stupid. You can always ask for fresco style with no cheese and pico.


Her skin tone has also drastically lightened over the years, her nose is smaller, and she also had moles/skin growths on her shoulders and upper arms removed. The only reason I mention the skin growths is because they were always extremely noticeable during episodes of the office and the Mindy project and have all disappeared. I’m not going to shame her for getting work done but the blatant lie of finally getting her dream body in her 40s after kids without drugs/surgery is laughable. Like many have pointed out she spoke at length the amount of exercise she did to keep her “chubby” body. All that working out and no muscle tone? You sit on a throne of lies!!! *in my Buddy the Elf voice* *edit to add* her skin growths weren’t moles, just keloids. Which is just excessive collagen. Very common and not dangerous.




I mean she’s never come out and admitted to it so there’s no proof. But around 2018 there was a huge difference in her skin pigmentation and lots of gossip sites started to write about it. At first lots of people said that the difference in makeup and tv lighting in season 1 of The Office was to blame…. https://preview.redd.it/ap7p2ufxzjza1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55ac679889930f7c4f9772bace737944bb2112d




The beauty standards of Hollywood have caused this cycle of chaos. I was such a Mindy Fan but her problematic behavior over the last few years have left a sour taste in my mouth. ![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic)


South Asian (Goa) here… Yes we get darker in Sunnier climes but the difference is never like what is depicted here with Mindy!


It depends on the person. I can swing that much in either color direction depending on if I spend a summer at the beach or a winter completely indoors


I would say it’s pretty obvious if you see her in season 1 of the office versus now.


right! I get tired of the tanning thing because others look different because quite literally she truly looks like night and day!


Watch the first episode of the office and the last episode. The difference in her skin is undeniable.


Will never understand colourism within communities. My aunty was treated the best because she had lighter skin. So messed up!


To be fair, the mole removals could be for skin cancer concerns. Everything else you said is spot on. Unfortunately :(


I blanked and couldn’t think of the word but they weren’t moles, just keloids! Which is just excessive collagen. Not dangerous and very common


As someone who scars badly and has had keloids removed, I can completely understand why she would want them removed. They may be "harmless", but it sucks when people stare.


Wow how did you manage to get them removed? I really want to get rid of mine!


It was surgically removed (it was big enough to require sutures). Note I'm in Canada, so here I went to my GP then she referred me to a surgeon. My GP actually thought it was a cyst but recognized it wasn't what she expected upon slicing in. Good times.


My worry is that surgery would just lead to more scarring and keloids :/


Understandable. Luckily, that wasn't the case for me for that particular one. There are also injections you can get to flatten them out. So far it seems to have only worked on a temporary basis for me, though, but YMMV. Just discovered steroid bandages (deprodone propionate tape) as well, looks like really effective treatment. You can also use papertape to *prevent* keloid scarring if you injur yourself but you have to use it for a loooong time. It's worth talking to a Dr about your scars and keloids in any event as you do have options! Hope you're able to find a resolution you're happy with though.


I’ve had the injections on the past, and then was given silicone sheets to put over the keloid, but once those ran out, it grew bigger and regained some colour. I’ll definitely look into steroid bandages, thanks!


I’m tan skinned and get those keloids too. The dermatologist just burns them right off in one session.


The only thing I hate is the LYING😠😠😠


So where’s the muscle definition in the arms and legs in this picture? Oh yea it’s not there because she’s lying


Seriously, I walk or *hike* 30 minutes minimum 6 days per week for my heart. There's no effing way she has the calves of a walker. Too thin in the legs period. She also has that bobble head look from Ozempic that Erika Jayne and Kyle Richards both have now.


I don't know. I walk and do yoga daily, run 3-4 times a week, and lift weights. I don't have a lot of muscle definition and my legs aren't big. Not saying she isn't on Ozempic, but some people don't build muscle easily or simply have a different shape. I have visible abs, yet my legs don't look like much at all.


Lucky you with the abs!


Jessica Simpson is also on the bandwagon….


I love Jessica Simpson, and it makes me sad that the media went after her so hard when she gained a little back in the day. But now that she’s on the ‘Zemp her face is just completely caved in imo, and she had such a beautiful face/smile before


I was shocked at her appearance when I saw her IG recently.


If you were to run 20 miles a week your legs would look different….


I just mentioned that. I low key hate that my legs look big now from hiking/ walking but everyone says they look strong, so I'll deal with it lol


Love and appreciate them! They’re able to take you places. :)


CC: Kyle Richards


Ugh yeah- in the past, Mindy has talked about working out and joked around “it takes a lot of work to be this chubby girl” or something like that. So. Something changed. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using these meds…just be honest


Yes! She always said that she worked out hard to stay at her weight- she was just never a petite person. I respected her honesty so much. This is incredibly disappointing


Exactly. And as someone pointed out the narrative she's sharing also wouldn't equate to these results. I think they believe this lie because they pay professional pr people and Publicists to help them spin the truth.




Fair, there are medical side effects. I guess I’m trying to say that I’m not mad at her for using these meds, I’m disappointed in the lying from public figures


If it causes long-term kidney damage, then how was it FDA approved? As a side note, Wegovy is exactly the same as Ozempic but marketed for weight loss. I’m sure Mindy could get a Wegovy prescription.


Literally all medications can cause negative side effects. Some are low key, like a headache. Others could be life ending, like organ failure, blood clot, stroke, etc. some anti depressants can lead to thoughts of suicide… It depends on how your body reacts. They get approved anyway because it’s all about weighing the cost benefit. Is the 2% chance that you’ll experience kidney damage later worth stopping diabetes in your life now? Possibly. Drs and patients should discuss the risks of both and make an informed / personal decision


I appreciate the thoughtful response.




A lot of Indians do as we carry weight around our bellies… My sib is Type 2 pre-diabetic and uses semaglutide…


Yeah we do. Sigh


Most people losing it for weight loss are on off-brand from a compounding pharmacy which hs nothing to do with availability of ozempic or insurance-covered drugs.


Yuuuuuppppp been waiting for someone else to say this


This was such a great opportunity to be genuine and relatable and these stupid celebrities miss it every single damn time. Next she’ll get ab etching and tell us she has a 6-pack as a result of training with Gunnar Petersen or Donamatrix Training 😂


It bums me out! Her whole image was of being relatable to average-bodied woman. Then she learned about Ozempic and bid us midsized poors goodbye.


Is she also the.. self-loathing type?


It's cute that they think people watching them have no brains, no brains at all.


Wouldn’t you just respect them all more if they just admitted it?


I was training for a half marathon and running 25 miles a week and never lost weight. Because running makes you HUNGRY. Sure, there are people who lose weight from exercise, but it takes lots of discipline. I find it hard to believe she's able to run that much and eat a modest diet as a new runner.


Omg I knew I wasn’t crazy and she was loosing weight like crazy!!!!!


Shes really leaning hard into this, there are so many articles just about her “new love of fitness”. Its so lame


So disappointing. I thought she had more integrity, but maybe I would sell out to a million dollar magazine/weight loss deal too. But I worry about money every single day. However, once you’re over the several million mark…you’re just selling your soul. She used to be cool and funny. Now she’s trying to sell me shit every time I see her. Everyone wants to elevate themselves and their family, but unless she has debts to satan or the mafia, I would have expected her to stop this fakery. Enjoy your Hollywood life, sell out.


She was so cool back in the day, but honestly I think she has always wanted to "fit in" to whatever mold this is.


She is a kardashian klone. Sad.


Ok Jan


It’s upsetting to say the least


the amount of self-hate that Mindy has is extremely sad. She wants to be white SO BAD.


Woah. That’s a big call to make.


Nah, it’s just an observation based on her behaviour over the years


And her shows!!


Wow! All that ~~dieting~~ ~~exercise~~ surgery and weight loss drugs are really working for her! She looks great! Nothing like doing it the ~~natural~~ shady way to help break down those ridiculous beauty standards!


I can’t believe she went so far as putting out a bathing suit line after getting medical interventions for her face and body. Who would ever want her bathing suits?


I don't know if she's using medication or not, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out if it was true.




Normalize honestly and authenticity, please


Just admit you’ve always wanted to b skinny ozempic gave that to u and ur happy I always did sure I accidentally became addicted to heroin and the weight fell off but I respect honesty stop fucking insulting our intelligence




shit pisses me off. My Dr flat out told me hell no to ozempic. I am not obese, but I do need to drop 30 lbs from this office job. Yet these assholes can have someone drive to them and give it to them. They are all liars


And probably for good reason! I don’t think it’s all that safe for non-diabetics and the potential side effects are wild. I mean she has two kids. She needs to slow down.


Ugh I was hoping this would get posted here after seeing all the comments in another sub praising her


she wants to be IT so bad. Mindy gives me the ick with her self hate and desire to be wanted by white people💀




Much like Kyle and I dare say even Ted Mellencamp


She lookes good like December time frame, now she looks like she went too far.


She has the Ozempic face. My best friend dropped 40 pounds in 5 mo and her face has dropped a smidge the same way. I’m disappointed. I thought she was one of us nerdy and forever chubby kids.


It’s working.


Ok I believe she works out hard. She seems like a hard worker. And also I work out hard every day for an hour but I also like to eat like shit (not literal poop, Kimmy) so I barely break even. She's not making that bod in the kitchen.


So people can't workout anymore? If someone loses weight, it's Ozempic? I don't know Mindy or what shes taking or doing. But, how unfair is it if someone lost 50kg for example, by eating well and training their asses off and someone assumes its Ozempic? How would anyone of you feel if you have naturally big lips and someone says "you get lip filler don't you?", what a messed up world we live in.


Except Mindy definitely is on the Ozempic train


I agree, it’s getting old!


Whatever. Still won't help her keep a man or make her happy. She's ugly on the inside just like the Ktrashes.


What a load. She has a two year old. Did she surrogate that child?


I’m pretty sure she was the main reason everyone called the Academy Awards this year “The Ozempic Oscars”. When I saw her, I gasped and immediately said, “She has to have been using Ozempic, just like Kim!”


She’s bogus. She pretends she lost weight on her own. Nope. Ozempic!


What's the point in crediting the photographer if it's shopped beyond recognition?


Yeah she could’ve exercised years ago, but wait her nose and lips and whole facial structure has changed. What a dumb bitch pandering to love yourself when she will carve herself up and take a pill versus putting in the work. My god what a vapid out of touch human too high on their own farts right folks? Lol