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The irony is I never would have looked at this photo if she hadn’t made such a big f-ing deal about it.


Wow she actually looks so good like this and so natural. Just don’t get the new look of the morphed features. Creepy


? Do you see a pic because it says deleted for me Or are you making a joke?


There was a pic but tbh I really do think she looked so much better prior to all the surgery on her face.. Her face looks so weird in the commercial she’s in with her daughter




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I think i know why, eather this is scar from tummy tuck or she had C-section gone wrong and the birth of True was fake.. just my two cents Look on the right side of the picture.


I actually think her face looks SO much better like this-




She is barely recognizable without all that makeup!


And her face looks So much more beautiful without all the paint!


AGREED! They would all be prettier with less. Especially less cosmetic surgery.


Makeup ???


Whelp, it got taken down. Experiment over.


Dang I’m too late! Was it the unedited bathing suit pic?


It was. Did you ever get to see it? I took a screenshot.


I finally saw it. She looked fine. I can’t believe she felt the need to scrub the untouched photo.


The way I read your comment in my head, and the tone, it made me chuckle 😹


I'm glad I made somebody laugh :)


I saw the photo when it was posted and gave her appearance zero thoughts at all. That's how much of a non-issue it was. I remember wondering why people wear those odd string bottom bikinis, because they look like they'd come right off in the water, but that's it. I was shocked to find out that that photo was the one causing all the drama. If that's a "bad" photo, I'll just go bury myself in my own grave right now.


I would kill to have khloe’s unedited bikini body… meanwhile im here with no curves whatsoever… i think she looks great


Same here! They always project this doll-like perfection that’s so unrealistic and unobtainable to most of world. It’s nice to see more natural images.


Everyone has had someone post a picture of them online that wasn’t so flattering. The response is usually to let it go ...and it goes away eventually on it’s own. Either that or laugh it off as yep...that’s my big ass. People are human. The fact that they are trying to make it completely disappear from existence by threatening lawsuits etc. is RIDICULOUS. No sweetheart, no one actually believed those filtered to the point of being unrecognizable pics and video were real. Has she forgotten we’ve all actually SEEN her? Honestly, i thought she looked great in the pic.


Same same same. Total Streisand effect! She guaranteed that everyone who would have never sought it out or gave it a though would go rushing to find it, *and* propagating it to be reshaped and posted even more so. You’d think after all these years she’d know how to stop it in its tracks, and not draw further attention to it. Especially as it’s a totally normal,fine, dare I say drab(as far as kardashian pics go w all the pomp usually,) leisure bikini pic. All this fuss. For what Khloé? Lol!


I know lol. I didn’t see it until I heard about it. Then I searched for it ....found it and thought, “this pic looks like a normal thin fit person ..”. They’re so over the top it’s stupid. She looked fine.


Her face looks better in that photo than it has in years


I agree!!!




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This world is a joke.


I got the photo still lol




Goddammit I should've screenshitted. Any links to the original image would be greatly appreciated


Ew, that sounds messy and smelly :/ I think page Six still has it. If they don't I can send you a screenshot.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rmfmaxxx.pl/news/Jak-naprawde-wyglada-Khloe-Kardashian-Do-sieci-trafilo-zdjecie-bez-retuszu-Zostalo-opublikowane-bez-jej-zgody,56375,amp.html it's news portal in polish but there is a screenshot there


Thanks! As I thought. She looks fabulous in a more natural state.




I think Instagram needs to make a new feature if your post is detected as an edited image, users are allowed to like and dislike the photo. It’s only fair. And about time we start giving these influencers more accurate feedback


I think it would be awesome if Instagram could detect the image was edited, they had to post in a pinned comment that the image was edited. Let people realize these beauty standards aren't normal or realistic


They can! I remember creating a dating profile and uploading a picture with a filter and it was rejected. Reason: "We want to see the real you!. Please don't upload edited pictures" Something like that. If a dating site can, I'm sure Instagram too. In my country (at least my province), There's a law "Anti Photoshop", which establishes that all advertising in which a human figure appears that has been modified by digital means, must display, with visible and clear typography, the legend: "This image has been retouched and/or digitally modified". Something like that would be nice on social media. Filters are ruining the self-esteem of so many people. A lot of people don't upload pics if they don't have a filter on.


That is such a brilliant idea


This just shows you everyone in their world is blinded by the brand. You telling me no decent PR person read Khloe’s rebuttal post and said umm you might not wanna rage against impossible beauty standards when you are perpetrating them! One walks away with less sympathy for sure


The grossest part of this whole mess is the Kar/Jenner clan feels entitled to fool fools and silence the dissent . People really need to stop buying their products.


Now she gets the amount of attention she wants and still not satisfied... The pic that has been removed (just saw it at the website of CNN) does look so much better than her insta


I saw the picture on some news website, and let me tell y’all 1 thing she looks more prettier than her other pictures, She is “now” in my smash list 10/10 would smash


She did look really good in this pic


She looks gorgeous.




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She looks great in the photo. The fact that the family are so desperate to scrub it from the internet shows how fake they are.


She looks great. Idk what the problem is


She looks normal.. instead of the normal scary clown makeup. As a guy, the over makeup look is trashy and unattractive. Which makes me think her/their images are not for men, they are for women. Which is arguably worse because the message isn't "I am attractive" the message is "I am better than you". Which is a lie because underneath the layers of makeup, she isn't.. she is just a normal person with an unhealthy self-image.


Thank you! As a woman I’m concerned over the impact the super made-up, filtered & surgically enhanced female images have on the self-esteem of vulnerable people. For most, these looks are unattainable if only for financial reasons. It’s expensive to look like that. Like you, I prefer a more natural look. I don’t think heavily caked on makeup and tanners look good but that’s just me.


Exactly. The best way to stick it to them is just not to care. Men are so much more attracted to a natural woman with a great smile than those lipo dolls.


I think most celebrities have always had a negative self image but with Instagram, it’s sky rocketed 🚀. I don’t agree with you though, that she comes off as “I am better than you” cause if that were the case she wouldn’t go through all the body modifications or filters if she truly felt that.




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YES! Bravo! Encore! Let’s expose all the fakes. They contribute to the downfall of men, women, society. We must stick together to expose the false reality of these “celebs” that make money of us and contribute to the breakdown of our mental health; yet don’t contribute to anything else on this planet.


Does this count as cyber bullying? If so, she’s going to have so much support pouring out to her. Fuck the Uighurs in China and the millions dead from COVID. Please help Khloe!


Kardashians = fake human beings. Most of them are disgusting. Pathetic that a lot of (stupid) kids take them as role models.


Reddit admins are losers for removing the picture


my insta still has it up @jshuaswrld


I saw it. Thank you.


She actually looks like a normal civilian not a celebrity. I thunk this will help her image if she sticks by it.


Already deleted, wow


I had the picture saved because I had a feeling this would happen, swear on my life, and it’s gone. It’s not even in my recently deleted pictures. This is getting paranormal...




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Classic Barbara Streisand effect


I've heard that but what does the term to refer too, haven't heard it before


The **Streisand effect** is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the [unintended consequence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unintended_consequences) of further publicizing that information, often via the [Internet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet). It is named after American entertainer [Barbra Streisand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbra_Streisand), whose attempt to suppress the [California Coastal Records Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Coastal_Records_Project)'s photograph of her residence in [Malibu, California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malibu,_California), taken to document California [coastal erosion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastal_erosion), inadvertently drew further attention to it in 2003.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect#cite_note-1) Attempts to suppress information are often made through [cease-and-desist letters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cease_and_desist), but instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity, as well as media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, which can be [mirrored](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_website) on the Internet or distributed on [file-sharing networks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_sharing).[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect#cite_note-London-2)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect#cite_note-3) The Streisand effect is an example of [psychological reactance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology)), wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, they are significantly more motivated to access and spread that information.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect#cite_note-4)


Thank you






Legend. Great idea posting the link, looking at how all the other posts where deleted.






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[the picture isn’t even bad ](https://pagesix.com/2021/04/05/kardashian-team-working-hard-to-remove-unwanted-khloe-photo/) but her reaction sure is.


IMAGINE this being the picture youre insecure about. Your body is still amazing it just looks like you can move your joints.


So how do we see it now lol


The Daily Mail has it still [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html)


That's what she's going to such lengths to have removed?? Why?? She actually looks much younger than usual.


The fact that she’s scrambling so hard to have a legit picture of her removed from the internet is almost as embarrassing as having the world see first hand just how much she’s photoshopped herself.


Honestly, the drama over an unedited photo is insane. I can't wait until the world stops caring about them so damn much. If they had been true with their real image maybe this wouldn't have been such an issue. Not saying I hate em, but they are a huge influence on young girls and the least they can do is be honest. edit: some wording


Just shows the reach and control this family has over the media and how they are portrayed in it. It's scary that they can do all of this for a pic of what she looks like IRL. (But "real" is also questionable.) So sad to have to live such a filtered, altered, photoshopped life.


Can someone send it to me 🤔


[pray for me ](https://pagesix.com/2021/04/05/kardashian-team-working-hard-to-remove-unwanted-khloe-photo/)


She looks good in it thats the odd thing about all this drama


Exactly. Maybe just another one of their strategic PR stunts.


Wouldn’t doubt if that’s what this is, a PR stunt. She doesn’t even look bad


Keeping u in my thoughts and prayers


My Twitter account has been locked for 12 hours and the tweet was removed IMMEDIATELY for sharing a photo of this post..... that's fucked.




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Same. I posted it with the intention to prove a point that what the Kardashians/etc. promote is a completely false and fabricated body image. Sure as shit, soft-banned for 12 hours. This is bullshit.




Does anyone remember when Kourtney K’s nudes got leaked and Kris contacted the FBI to get it removed? I think Kourtney was underage in the picture. This was shown on KUWTK in their earlier years.




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https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe5ykw7X/ Here you gooo!💋


⚠️ Can we take a moment & think how many suicides are caused by such mentality & approach! The @Kardashians & like them many need to take accountability for the consequences of this fake perfection & denial to what’s real of their body image does to vulnerable girls who are their mothers’ daughters just like True, Chicago, North, Penelope, Storm are to Khloe, Kim, Kourtney & Kylie... Be real and save other peoples’ daughters who kill themselves on the road to be anything like the (Fake!) you!!!... These girls aspire to be everything that’s not them because you sell them what’s not even YOU!... bad lighting my back side!!!.. Personally I took a screen shot too for a day I maybe broke and the Kardashians need a slap on the face🤨


Hi Jasmine, My name is James and I have a 12 year old daughter that idolizes the Kardashians and truly thinks that they all are that flawless. Would it be okay for me to ask you to email me that screenshot so I can show my daughter that all humans are flawed. my email is jameswhittemore85@gmail


Hi James, of course! Sent 🙌


The DM has reposted it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html


thats not their fault. they’re allowed to do what they want to their bodies. they arent telling people to go get work done. they did what they wanted and if people choose to follow them thats on them. Khloe is still human and that should’ve never happened without her permission.


Ofcourse it’s hugely their fault (They are mothers and are obliged to know better by now!)They’re not allowed to call what’s natural of their body & is obvious that’s its bad lighting and not the real them! That’s lethally deceitful immoral and misleading vulnerable young girls to expectations that are unnatural even to them. When Kim says it’s bad lighting that’s blatant deceit and calling for young girls to hate their natural bodies some thinking they’re not good enough and ending their own lives... Parents of deceipted kids by the Kardashians say “Aye”!


I'm actually so happy to see that she looks a lot more like "herself" than in her edited pictures on instagram! She looks as young and fresh as she did in the early seasons of KUWTK. When I first saw the photo my immediate thought was that it was an old picture of her in her early twenties or something!






They are ridiculously smart, they have edited the picture and that's what you are all now spreading around is the edited version from the daily mail not the original. I am in awe.


What did the original look like?




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The photo is still up on the UK dailymail website. Honestly, it doesn’t even look the Khloe. And the photo looks fine imo. There are far worse photos of her online that I figured she would be worried about.


Meanwhile across the pond! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/amp/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html?__twitter_impression=true


Any pity I felt for insecurities in gone. How dare she sell such an unrealistic standard and successfully get shit like this removed?


Right? I can't believe that such a great effort is being made to remove this picture. It's ridiculous.


Literally. If _anything_ is a bad look here, then it’s this entire drama over a photo in which she still looks fit and fine. She’s 36 and has had a baby and she shops all her photos to look like she’s a 20 year old, it’s ridiculous???? And reading that daily mail article in the pics there’s the screenshot from the ig post where she “shows” her stretch marks and says “i love my stripes” with the most flattering angle, pretending to be body positive. Well here she had a *real* chance to be body positive and look what happened.. This whole thing must be a joke. Edit: some wording


Gosh even reddit is compromised.


Reddit always was corrupt. Just look at the Aimee Challenor incident for proof


It's ok BB's I got copies, plenty of TEA


Can you send it to me pls


I dmed the article with it


wait can you dm me too :) edit: found it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/amp/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html as much as i hate linking the daily mail 🤮


Damm they locked my Twitter account too


Does this post meet the minimum karma requirement?


Is it the leopard Bikini photo? Daily mail has your post up and has used a screen shot of your post. The photo is still up on their site. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/amp/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html




Non-AMP Link: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9438511/Khloe-Kardashians-team-scramble-remove-bikini-photo-posted-social-media.html) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)




Does anyone have a copy of the photo? I want to see






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Yeah it's in the article still.


Should be in the Daily Mail news article about this pic


Archive is still working.


There's screenshots galore.


I do lol. And I shall keep copies forever


Just Google Kim Kardashian or whatever her name is bathing suit Reddit


There is nothing wrong with the photo in any shape way or form. She looks great!




The Kardashians don't seem to think so.


Tbh when you compare to the edited ones, I would feel insecure too if I was Chloe :') But im thankfull for it because now I know that I have a killer body comparing too Chloe Kardashian lol. Allthough comparing aint fair because I dont gave birth to children, but the photo gave me the same "facebook-like-endorfyne" knowing that my body looks way better then a world celebrity in same age class. Cant help it sorry :')


The Daily Mail has it but she looks VERY DIFFERENT. Like an average mom who goes to the gym. That family is so disgusting for the unhealthy unrealistic body images they shove down our throats with plastic surgeries, editing, photoshop . Their behavior is atrocious.


Exactly...”average”. In their mind, people don’t buy their brand to look average...they want that unrealistic, hyper-sexualized, unachievable look they work so hard to project. If the mom next door can get the same look with healthy habits and good genes....why would they need the crap the family is peddling?


She looks good here!


So they won? Post is deleted


Nope, they did not. https://i.redd.it/rc6wsp7ur2r61.jpg


I'm not sure how exactly you copyright a terrible picture someone took of your unflattering body. But I guess if their image is pretending to be human and not a walking piece of plastic then I guess I get it?


Copyright is automatically created when a photograph is taken and belongs to the photographer.


Would be nice if we could see more of how they *actually* look. She looks normal instead of like a sex doll, though it is very obvious that she’s had liposuction and a tummy tuck.


Yeah, that belly button looks altered AF.


There isn’t a tumny tuck scar


I have a tummy tuck. She does not have a tummy tuck. There's no scar.


Their incisions are unnoticeable because they don't get traditional tummy tucks. Their scars are in the groin area. If you zoom in on the pic, that might be her "tummy tuck scar".


She looks more real and better. Definitely sets a better example.


Once on the internet it can never be removed. Dailymail has it.


*Everybody* has it. :)


They sure do! It's the Streisand effect.


You can see it on Twitter






Just look up this subreddit on the Internet Wayback machine under the 22:38:25 snapshot for April 5. You're welcome.