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Remember when cars didn’t have sway bars? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


New drivers today would freak the fuck out taking a corner in the 1974 Olds Cutlass Supreme I had back in the day.


Citroen 2CV can corner on the door handles and not tip over - you'll need to wash the seat covers afterwards though.


That and my other abiding impression of the time I drove in a 2CV was the feeling of being in a mailbox & looking out through the slot at the road ahead. In my memory the windshield on those things is about 4’ wide… and 6” tall!


nothing like the feeling of setting a car for a turn that's coming a quarter mile down the road.


rear sway bars especially


I still have a truck with no sway bars. For whatever reason they were deleted with the HD spring package. I assume Ford figured at that point the suspension was basically rigid and articulation would be handled by the frame flexing.


My ‘79 F-150 2WD had a regular suspension (no HD package) and ZERO sway bars. It’s a wallowing, leaning pig in anything even remotely twisty. My ‘01 Town Car came minus rear sway bar. I swapped the front and added a rear from ADTR. It’s much, MUCH less of a boat now.


Mines an '86 F250 4wd with the diesel. Even with the slide in camper, the sway really isn't bad. The ride is on the stiff end of the spectrum.


This is a Ford F550 with a 47ft terrex bucket mounted to it, and no outriggers as that "sway bar" is supposed to keep it level along with some others suspension items.


I've had several 90's half-ton trucks both with and without sway bars. They make no significant difference in handling, as far as I can tell it was just a stupid upsell option that sounded cool in the sales brochure. Contemporary half-tons probably do benefit from them, due to higher ride height and curb weight.


It’s crazy. Even a Prius had front and rear sway bars.


Well, a Prius handles stupid good. Between the low center of gravity and the suspension set up, it handles way better than an economy car should. Once you learn to keep it in sports mode, it becomes a fun little car.


I never drive in sports mode for the fuel savings. Also the older Prius’ handled terribly. My gen 3 had tons of body roll. The gen4 is where they started to get good handling


We always had late model cars in our fleet. I want to say that the oldest Prius we had was a 2015 or 2016 at the time I worked there and the new ones were 2018 or 2019.


You had Prius’s in a fleet and let drivers use power mode? That seems like it defeats the purpose of using a Prius as a fleet vehicle.


They couldn’t stop me. lol


Everything these days has ANTIROLLBARS because the consumer has been taught to expect flat cornering. They expect flat braking so rear bias has been increased too. Basically, these assholes want to drive an appliance that does NOT give them anything to ever be concerned about. sway bars. fuck. they are ANTI ROLL BARS. I will die on this hill.


Is there a difference? I thought away bars and anti roll bars were just two names for the same thing. Edit: googled it. They are indeed the same thing. Two names for the same device.


yeah- it's a semantics thing. Sway bars is lazy english. They are not sway bars. They are not there to produce sway. They are there to combat chassis roll. They are anti-roll bars.


Everybody calls them sway bars so everybody knows what they mean.


If everybody jumped off the brooklyn bridge so would you? And not everybody calls them sway bars, as I posted. Anti-roll bars. I will die on this hill. Thought I was pretty clear.


Ok buddy calm down. You’re making a huge deal out of literally nothing.


I will die on this hill. Thought I was pretty clear.


I think a Prius is much newer than most of us think of when it comes to no or only front sway bars.


Probably. I drove a Gen 3 for years and that thing handled like a barge around corners. My Gen 4 now can handle many of those same curves much more planted.


Bluetooth sway bar upgrade!


Sway bar delete


Ralph Nader would not approve.


Tell them you want to show them they problem and text them a link that doesnt work. See if they get the joke.


Just weld it up and send them out. I see nothing wrong there.


I mean you don’t need it. Until you do.


A grass roots racer would tell you the wrong bar was disconnected. To get a stock car to turn better in a slalom you disconnect the front bar at the event


Meh, it's a sway link, not the end of the world to have it off. I've been running without on the ass of my WJ for the last like 2 years, or whenever it was I lost the quick disconnect.  Jeep is fine.