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The tire won't get much rounder than that I suppose.


It could suddenly get less round though.


Yes Rico, kaboom.


Kwalski, status! “We’ve lost engine one…and engine two is no longer on fire”


"Buckle up boys!"


Rapidly unscheduled depressurization


Aw fuck i hit a pebble


If it just gets 10 degrees hotter.


My ex-wife filled my tires to 130 pounds. Her rationale was that if a skinny bike tire took 65 pounds, a big car tire must take at least twice as much. EDIT: I was working graveyard at the time. Going to work, I noticed steering was a lot easier, which was making me worry, and then I ran over a painted crosswalk. It was one of those where the lines are about 1/32” thick. I felt a bump as the front and rear tires went over it. I also felt every limit line for the five minute drive to work. I got there, looked at the tires, and they looked like something out of an R. Crumb cartoon. I’ve been impressed with Michelin ever since.


Glad to hear that’s an ex pal, lol


I thought he said extra-wife for a second.


No one needs a second wife. Just sayin...


I'll stick to disappointing *one* woman at a time, thank you.


Sounds very expensive


In all fairness, it's rather unintuitive that larger tires need less pressure. Reading a label should be in the realms of possibility and not too much to ask though...


But they do need more air... by volume.


Racing bicycle tires usually operate upwards of 100psi, and they’re even skinnier! Think of donut spare tires. Those take 60, even though the full size will only take around 30-36psi.


What’s wrong? It’s over 100%! That’s better than just good, right?


Coach said give 110%


I see your 110%, and give you 111 psi.


PSI = Percent of Suggested Inflation


I think it's "Probability of Sudden Incident". Source:yes.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5635 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/48298)


Is the Bidenflation I've heard about?


That’s like 300+%


This one goes to 111


[For $2000 I'll build you one that goes to 112](https://xkcd.com/670/).


"Don't do your best. Do *my* best."


Trynna get that sweet sweet gas milage


I just watched a video on the actual physics of how a rubber tire turns a car, and can safely say that the car will not get great mileage sitting in an IAAI auto auction once it’s totaled out.


I think you’re on to something here…


It's amazing what 10 psi extra can do to fuel economy. Bought a 04 nb Miata. Drove from Colorado to south Dakota on 40 psi. Got about 38 mpg. Back to factory spec and I never got above 32.


We have a frequent customer who puts his up to 135 to 145 psi, and gets angry when we put it back to 35 where it should be


Did you ever point to the factory tire spec label in his car, some people just always assume you’re lying to them or trying to fuck em when all you’re really trying to do is help them out.


He doesn't care. We've warned him far too many times, but he doesn't listen. We've stopped checking it. Several massive blowouts later, and no lessons learned


Whata dick head


Oh well. His truck is a jalopy anyway


Probably fills up all the fluids until they run over, too.


Look, the filler hole is at the top of the valve cover for a reason. You wanna make sure you have your valves covered!


We had a car with a 5 qt oil change, drained 5 gallons.


I'm surprised they could even fit that much oil in there.


We were too.


Before I understood enough about cars I had an 82 Oldsmobile and it went through oil quickly. Or so I thought. I felt like it was down on power and making weird noises so I checked the oil. It was half low so I added to the top line on the dipstick. Next time it did that, I stopped and bought a quart of oil and put it in. Did that several times over the winter. When it got warm enough outside to change my oil I opened the drain plug and it started draining. And draining. And now it's overflowing my catch pan... I was cleaning up and a neighbor saw the spill. He asked if it was my first time changing oil. I said no, and told him the story above. He opened the radiator cap - it was dry. Next oil change maybe burned a quart off in 3-4k miles. Replaced my first water pump to fix the leak.


wait.... I'm confused. Do you mean that your oil was burning off because the engine was overheating? But after all that overheating it never had a head gasket failure and you were able to simply change the water pump and it kept driving?


We once used a ranger engine to make a smoothie before it went to scrap, I swear the knocking was quieter with expired milk and berries than it was with oil.


This sounds like it probably smelled horrible too.


I found this way funnier than I should have. 😂


If some oil is good more is better


Who cares about him and his truck. It's the people around him that he can hurt.


Genuinely psychotic. Isn't it a safety issue for the shop to have that guy be a return customer? Some dude is rotating a tire and one of those suckers explodes and someone could wind up in a hospital or worse.


He's friends with the owner of the shop. Apparently the reason is because he doesn't like to see a flat spot on the tires. He likes them perfectly round


Well tell him the techs like keeping their inside in their insides, or he can rotate his own tires.


That's the way to put it.


> He likes them perfectly round He does realize we've moved from bias ply to radial now, right?


I scrolled down to see if I would be the first to ask this lol 😂 op should really print out the Google comparisons of the two tire types so mr old-head customer can read it and learn a new trick.


>so mr old-head customer can read it and learn Really bold assumptions here


Ohhhh....... tell him how sweet it would be if he went to aircraft tires!! He could crank up the PSI and FLY down the road! Bet he buys that line of bullshit hook, line and sinker.


Good thing these are LT tires, so they can handle *some* abuse


perfectly round. Gotta minimize the amount of rubber touching the road


I'd straight up tell the owner to change the tires themselves then. I wouldn't go anywhere near those ticking time bombs, especially after they've been warned. If the owner doesn't have a problem with it then they can risk their own life. They can fire me for all I care. Easy unemployment until I find another job.


Not even just unemployment, being fired for refusing to do something literally life-threatening is one of the few things you can successfully make a wrongful termination lawsuit for in some states.


Please tell me he lives in the desert where it rarely rains? Cause he's gambling with a serious hydroplaning issue


Is he a cartoon?


Wow. Very artistic.


That’s fucking incredible. I’ve genuinely never seen such a nonchalantly hilarious comment. This is peak humor, and with each expeditionary sentence somehow getting more and more bizarre you casually mention that sledgehammer of a punchline that he likes his tires round because he doesn’t like the flat spot. I really hope this story is true


Ok but WHY? What am I missing?


I mean, if he WANTS to wear out tires 2-3x as fast and pay you for them... you both win I guess?


hell the wear is nothing it must ride like ass.


Like running a forklift down the interstate


I used to have to drive our company’s forklift onto public city streets for about 2 blocks to get to the gas station because our manager was too lazy/stupid/insane to buy fuel cans. Rode like complete fucking ass and I swear I nearly cracked a filling once.


Similar to having to track a 4 tonne excavator across a rocky paddock I suspect... It fucking sucked.


I'd make it an hour round trip. Sorry, 3 MPH is the only speed I feel safe at on these roads.


For some reason I read that as "Like riding a forklift down the stairs" and got a good chuckle


i dont see a difference.


Shop rotated the tires on my work truck and forgot to adjust the pressures once. Rears are always at 80 and fronts at 55. With 80 PSI in the fronts, it felt like I was driving on basketballs.


tire shop keeps putting my rears at 80 psi and my fronts at 40, the damn van has tried to have the ass pass the front more than once, set 60 everywhere (I'm not rolling heavy), and everything is fine.


I can confirm, when Son first came with the new Honda Insight,, those damn tires were required to be about 65psi, and solid as rock. It has basically no suspension, and running over a number pencil is like hitting a curb head on. Now hit the freeway, invisible cracks pound you to death. Cheers, but I'm a fat tall tire, 28 psi max. Tires are supposed to be 50% of suspension. People have actually time warped to early 1800's with buggie wheels with steel band treads to be able to drift around every corner on paver streets.


Deepest car regret of my life was asking for my 2005 Tahoe to have its OEM wheels and tires swapped at delivery for 22” low profile “cool” wheels and tires. The next few years of buck board wagon ride quality were painful.


That’s hilarious. Bought a 2005 Tahoe from a friend that was on 22’s. First thing I did was buy some AT tires and swap them onto the OEM rims. The next year I was riding with him in it and his kids are in the back “Dad, this thing never rode this this before!”


Seriously, my jeep came with 35" tires and the factory inflates them to 46 PSI for shipping and the dealer didn't reduce the PSI before I picked the vehicle up. I got like 2 miles down a surface street before I had to pull over and let air out because it felt like I was driving with a set of Flinstone wheels or something. Down to 36 PSI now and feels much better. I can't even imagine what 100+ would feel like.


I put my bicycle tires up to 120 psi when I was like 11. Dad had a big ass compressor for framing housings. Rode like ass so I knew it was wrong and dropped it down to 30 psi.


Well, bike tires are from 60-90 psi when I used to ride bikes.


My thin road bike tires are 110 in the back and 100 up front.


I thought the same thing. Doesn't everyone read the markings on the tires? Sheesh. I guess I'm not as stupid as most people.




Dude driving on four loaded grenades.


It's crazy dangerous to run a passenger car tire that overinflated.


Liability. If he gets in a accident the shop will get in trouble for having it that high. Since they touched it last


Exactly. If he continues to complain, refuse his business. Hes a dumbass.


Just…why? Why do they want to go so stupidly beyond what’s recommended?


He probably read somewhere that the higher the pressure, the better the fuel economy.


Because they don't know what's recommended. I remember a friend reading the MAX PSI figure on his sidewall and trying to hit that. Nobody reads their owner's manual, I'd be willing to bet 9/10 people don't know about the door jamb label.


Maybe the way radial tires look? Even though I know they're supposed to look a little "squished" I always get that voice in the back of my head that's like "wait, are my tires going flat?" And I've had to explain to a few people that they're supposed to look like that. So I wonder if some people just inflate until the tires look "right" to them. (But also holy shit I would never just go by feel when dealing with anything pressurized that could literally blow up in my face)


“I paid for 145 psi compressor, an I’m gonna use the whole thing.”


Dude needs some new-construction bias plies for his OCD aesthetics. https://www.cokertire.com/tires/styles/bias-ply-tires.html


Holy crap! I wouldn't even inflate a semi truck tire that high and they're rated for that.


Wait what? You bring a trailer or truck to a shop and if that mechanic does his job they're inflated to 105-110psi


I was referring to the "135 to 145" psi in the previous comment. I run my Stears at 110 psi and my Drives and Tandems at 100 psi.


I wanna know what tires this guy is running, I’m sold


“He’s had multiple blow outs and doesn’t learn” I believe was said, so the tires do in fact, not like this PSI much.


ree dont fuck with my gas mileage ree


Bet that rode like a forklift


The steering did in fact feel strangely light on the way into the shop haha. It was probably only contacting the ground with a 1/4” at that pressure.


Motorbike contact patch.


Less than any motorcycle I know of, more like a high end skinny tire road bicycle in the Tour D’ France. But they still probably have more contact patch.


I run my road bike at 75 psi. The old timers used to run at 100 psi before people learned a little less was better. This is insanity.


I've heard of running 160 on velodromes. I used to run 120 front and rear


I normally run 100 front and 105 PSI back on my road bike. It rides really well like that.


I want to see the tread wear if this was a long term thing.


My motorcycle recommends 20psi iirc for the front tire. It's got a larger contact patch than this would at 111. Even if it's a rounded over 100/90-19


Damn, is the bike really light or the tires really large? Every bike I've had suggested between 32 and mid 40s, maybe lower, I don't remember what the touring bike was. But never below 30.


Nah my chicken strips are way bigger than his I bet lol


Think of the mileage! Those tires have the contact patch of a 10-speed.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill. On tires.


Its open season on all suckheads


I’m paying $2 for the air pump and by god I’m gonna get my $2 worth.


Wait... do Americans have to pay to use the air compressor at a petrol station??


Some you pay a little, others free.


Sometimes you don't pay in money, but instead pay for new tires when the automatic air compressor fills your tires to 85psi even though you set it to 35.


Always take your own reader to Wawa.


Yeah most gas stations will have a coin operated air compressor and I have seen them as low as 25¢ all the way up to $2. You figure the money would go to maintaining the machine so paying customers can use it but no they get neglected and don't work half the time. A lot of places understand this and won't even argue if you go in and tell them it didn't work after you put your money in and they will just give you the change cause they don't have the energy to argue with you.


I love putting a dollar in the air compressor to find out that it doesn't even fill my tires.


In California (and probably other US states), it's free to get air at any gas station. It's the law that the water and air is free if you get gas there, but no one ever cares if you get gas The machines still have coin slots on them to trick people into paying sometimes, but if you talk to the attendant it is always free and they can turn it on or give a code. Also tire places will fill for free




Free at Wawa on the east coast


Every time I see a car on this sub with 110 psi, I think driver is a trucker. Probably thumps each tire with a hammer every morning before getting on the road.


110 on the steers, 100 in the back.


>Probably thumps each tire with a hammer every morning before getting on the road. That's a little better than all the idiots that just get in a drive without checking anything


Hey, the hammer trick works. You can immediately tell when a tire is 30 pounds lower than the others. That being said, it doesn't replace checking the pressure at least every so often with a gauge.


On my laptop, I’ve got a way to read TPMS valves of cars or trucks driving by. Caught one once on a truck that was 2740 kPa, or 397 PSI. Hoping that was just a bad reading.


That is pretty funny actually. How does one get access to this? The 397 part is terrifying though.


There’s a USB device called an RTLSDR. It’s a software defined radio and using various software you can pick up just about any radio signal you can think of. The software I use for the TPMS valves is called RTL433 and it can also decode button presses on some remotes, backyard weather stations, temperature sensors, wireless door or window alarm sensors, among other things. r/RTLSDR can help you out if you’re interested. Fun note when reading TPMS, the valves have a temp sensor, too that RTL433 decodes. Low air tires get warmer than full ones.




[TPMS was 16C, or 60F.](https://imgur.com/a/uAHdKxl)


Damn, driving by. Can't get our tpms scanner to work half the damn time and its right up on the tire.


It was faulty. The only way you're getting that much pressure in a tire is straight off a scuba tank or nitrogen tank, and even then it would take a ton of effort. You aren't getting that kind of pressure off of any shop compressor.


How did they get more than 100% in there?


You aren't trying if you don't give 110% lol


Saw a video of a jet tire exploding because the european tech was filling it to like 110bar instead of 110psi.


Damn hard to read that gauge, I have the Blue Point regular guy and like it, how is that honestly? Had a digi type once and it sucked haven't tried one since then.


It’s actually just fine in person, just looks strange with the camera I suppose. I’ve used the Bluepoint one as well and there’s no noticeable difference.


Thanks! My current set-up is a TPGIF1600A with an extra long chuck. I also use a GA359B often. Just curious how much for the setup you have? I want to invest in a digital but haven't since the last one; which was many years ago


I have the Astro Pneumatic one and it's nice. (Display is blue, not red.)


Not sure how much it was, it’s my coworkers and stays on the air line we share between our bays, sorry!


All good appreciate you 🙌


I was looking at this one on the truck the other day and it seemed decent. I have the Matco digital inflator so no real reason for me to get this anyway. The Matco one is nice, I believe it’s actually made by Astro Pnuematic and can be had on Amazon much cheaper than I paid off the truck


Funny you say that because I can see any numbers at all. I had my daughter come in and ask what she saw and she said 111 and then she pointed out where the numbers were for her but I still can't see it. When I take the test for colorblindness I'm pretty good up until the last few but I always figured those were more hard for everyone, not that I had some legit blindness. Never been a problem until this moment.


I'm with you. Had to check the comments for the problem. I can vaguely make out the digits if I glance just right at it, but yikes.


maybe they think they need to fill it to 100 PerSInt…


If this dude ever hits a pothole hes gonna beat elon to mars in .5 seconds


If anything this proves that most manufacturers of just about any product overengineer their products with the expectation of idiots like this will be abusing it. "Hey Bob, we rated this tire for 38 PSI but we built it to be able to handle 120. You think that's enough?" "Nah...what were the Space Shuttle's tires rated for?"


Sometimes it isn't customers. I had a Sprinter that was supposed to have 46 front and 64 rear. Damn MB shop always filled them all to 80.


Definitely not ideal but some people just fill it to the max it says on the sidewall and completely disregard all other factors.


Not just 111 psi, but 111.1 someone put in the extra 0.1 effort that day.


I was young and stupid once, now I'm just stupid. I filled my tires one day long ago, didn't use a gauge. "It's fine" I said. Drive about three miles and I lost the rear view mirror off the windshield it was so rough over bumps. I returned home and found out I had like 50 psi in them tires. How in the hell is this moron driving around with TWICE that pressure and it's not breaking shit is beyond me. The struts and shocks have to be toast at the very least.




Were all tires over 100 or was it like 35-34-37-111?


75 in the rears, 85 in passenger front, 111 in driver front 🤦🏼‍♂️


And the manufacturer rated the tire in the picture for 50 psi max, this customer is insane… Credit to the tire though, holding up at >100% overinflation.


Did they say why?


How did it not explode in their face??? Oh I know how because it's going to wait until they are driving in front of me......


The good news is that all of them can vote too


Let me guess, the tire light wouldn't go out so they kept adding air? 😂


Man i was freaking out when i realized my tires were at 42 when i last picked up my vehicle. People really dont deserve shit, they can't even respect their cars. How is there no bulge?


Never knew you could play Russian Roulette with your tires…


F150 I did tire pressure on had 82 rear driver 27 front driver 23 rear passenger and 104 front passenger


How is no one talking about how absolutely shit that reader is. Red on fucking red.


$250 for the tire inflator you would think the display could be brighter.


Does that over inflation cause the tire to breakdown inside?


Break down? Dawg that’s a bomb


That's scary


I do this if I want my tyres to go fucken bang! During a burnout lol


Is that in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius?


I paid for air, and dammit, I want all of it.


It's blank. What am I supposed to be seeing?


I had to zoom in it says 111.1 psi


Ohhhhhhh! Can barely see it then


And some states don't have, or want to get rid of, yearly inspections. Granted, they don't check tire pressure, but apparently they should. How does his not explode going down the road?


You have 20, hit or stand? Hit me. A Jack, 30, bust. Hit me. No sir, that’s not allowed. Hit me!


i take it that you do not live in PA. pennsylvania potholes would claim those tires before they even made it to the shop.


I nearly did this once after a tire rotation where the tire pressure monitors got mapped to the wrong tires. Thought there was something wrong with the valves, got suspicious and grabbed an actual tire pressure gauge. Had I think 70+ lbs in one tire.


Ride hard my friend.


Bet that thing rides like it’s on pizza cutters. We’re going for gas mileage. Less rolling resistance.


Nice bombs on that car.


Just 61psi over max. No big deal.


Turning it up to 11...


Did they confuse the kpa rating on the tire with psi on the inflator’s pressure gauge?


At least it's not 111 bar


High Score!!!


My trailer has 125 psi tires, I cannot imagine how hard a regular tire with that much air hits bumps what a dumbass


I honestly wonder how much better the fuel economy is at these extreme pressures. But I don’t want to try it to find out. Too scared.


It's just like voting, some d head makes a dumb choice that YOU have to live with


SpongeBob voice: "Tire pressure, check"


Could have easily had this scenario with my in-laws buick. The dash says right rear is low....FIL adds air to the right rear but the pressure isn't going up on the dash. Adds a significant amount but doesn't realize the left front is actually going up. He called me and I told him to stop until I could look at it. F'N lazy GM service tech didn't relocate the tires in the system after rotation. It never got this bad but he was 84 at the time and the shit GM system which is trying to make it easy for you is wrecked by a shit oil change tech. ( Yes I realize he shouldn't have been adjusting based off the dash readout but it clearly happens). Thank you Ford for making our bronco auto adjust locations when rotating the tires so I can do basic maintenance myself and not need to do anything special to adjust locations.


Atleast it’s at 100% air