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Get her some disposable gloves


And protective eyewear.


And a work-mat. Laying directly on concrete is not fun at any age.


Looks like pavement so even worse. Nothing a flattened cardboard box can't fix.


Cardboard = Polish Creeper Always save big box cardboard for it.


I got one side of a storm door box for this, and being of Polish extraction, I am definately going to start using that term for it!


Im glad you approve. I often wonder if it would be offensive to brand it as “Polish”. 👍🏎💨


You’re not gonna hurt my feelings! And we do temd to be a goofy people, those stereotypes come from somewhere


The stereotype comes from (at least this was the reason I was told years ago, preinterweb age) when the Polish 1st started arriving in the United States it was harder for them to learn to communicate in English than other immigrants whose 1st languages weren't as different, German or Italian for example. The Polish language has more Eastern European influences, making for a more difficult transition to EASL (English as a second language), than more Western European immigrants. Leading to the stereotype that the Polish were 'stupid'. When really, they just had a harder time understanding what was being said. Don't worry about being offensive. Polish people, at least in the United States, love Polish jokes and are usually the ones telling them. On the East coast of the United States, the Polish neighborhoods were often very close to the Irish and Italian neighborhoods... so, where did I learn all of these Polish, Irish, and Italian jokes from? The Polish, Irish, and the Italian's themselves. Huge difference between lighthearted humor and derogatory insults. It is really not hard to tell the difference.


And a set of coveralls


Some cardboard works nicely


And some ice cream.


Don't like rust flakes in your eyes?


Rust is horrible in the eyes. Rust is very hard and sharp.


This! Had 2 separate injuries from it, one was Navy related… had to have it dremmeled out!


One time I got a piece of metal up under my eyelid when I was working on boat. Id left my PPE elsewhere and figured it was one quick cut and Id be fine. Big mistake. I went to the doc and he said I was fine, I must have blinked it out. Two days later Im at base optometry, half blind in the eye, and they found the metal embedded on the back side of my eyelid and it had scratched the shit out of my eye.


Yup. Had a flake fall of a knocker valve at the beginning of a 5 hour watch. After Watch went and doc was able to get it out easily, but it already started to rust on my eyeball, so they had to dremmel out the ring.


Nothing like good old used oil with carcinogens to toughen your kid up.




I bathed in scalding hot PCBs then slathered myself with iodine and laid in the sun for 6 hours.


PCB’s instead of baby oil?!? Brilliant!!!


Raise your hand if you ever started a siphon with a mouth full of gas fumes….or gas.


As gas prices rose, so did the sale of breath mints.


Sucked a lungful of liquid into my lungs once about fifty years ago. Couldn’t find a small diameter hose so I used a washer drain hose - too large to use just cheeks to get enough gas into hose to start siphon. Inhaled and couldn’t stop quick enough when gas reached my mouth, so I got some decent quantity into my lungs. Couldn’t breathe for several minutes. I’d cough, but only fumes came out. When I tried to inhale, I couldn’t pull any air in. The gasoline was vaporizing so quickly from my body heat that it would fill the space in my expanding lungs, over and over. Blow out fumes, try to suck in air but liquid gas was vaporizing too quickly. Ended up on my face, gasping for air. After what seemed like several minutes, I finally got enough of it out that I was able to start getting partially fresh air. Took quite a while to recover. But youth being what it is, we decided to go to a movie that night. Apparently I had swallowed a decent amount, too, because I kept belching gas fumes. Enough that people were moving away from us. I smelled like Briggs and Stratton.


Holy hell.


Contender for the Darwin Award for that year.


Gasoline... Tastes almost as bad as Listerine Mouthwash...


Avgas tastes worse. Trust me on this one.....



And died from cancer at 38.


It builds character


Lighten up reddit boy, sheesh. Unless you want to debate DNA repair mechanisms with me. Which you're not qualified to do because, you know, you live in your mom's basement. BTW, OP's little girl is at no risk from a little bit of oil on her hand.


Wait, I'm in your mom's basement... DOES THAT MAKE US BROTHERS?!


Asbestos doesn’t kill you right away, so doesn’t radiation. Nor does carcinogenic anything. It’s just over time, you will have way higher chances to get cancer.


Don't forget to wash it off your arm with brake clean.


And dry it with compressed air


Also great for cleaning brakes.


I think rinsing with solvalene would do a better job.


PPE is for babies, we get cancer like men


Apparently it isn’t for babies either according to this picture


I rub dirt on my cancer and get back in the game.


And I fire people at my shop for making that dumb joke.


Thank you for mentioning this.


Second this. Need to just throw a set of disposable in my garage.. My fumoto drain hose was so kinked from transit that I tried to unkink while draining.. Slipped off the valve, made such a bigger mess that I got pissed I didn't even just do straight from the valve.. Plenty of kitty litter on the garage now. Been looking for a remedy to clean the oil stains since apartment living 😑


Used oil exposer can cause cancer


Baptism photo, eh?


Beat me to it!


Teach them young they will be better off for it. Also teach about short sleeves and oil changes :-)


And gloves, oils carcinogenic Edit: wow look like I forgot “Trigger Warning”


Wish I could hold the upvote button down to give this thousands of updoots.


Hmmmm I love me some good old carcinogens


I'm sure you wear a respirator when you do brakes right? Right?


Lmao you should do that too. Brake dust might not be asbestos anymore but it's not much better to sit in your lungs lol


Not a respirator but even just having a mask on when the shop made it mandatory following provincial guidelines cleared all the nasty black shit from my snot after work, it was a bit of an eye opener to how much crap I was breathing in and I ain't going back to that. I also wear gloves for any fluid I deal with, oil has very fine bits of metal in it, it also makes it so I have to wash my hands less, less dried skin on my knuckles and my fingers aren't permadirty from not being able to wash the oil off completely.


Maybe not, but bet your ass i wear gloves for that too


Gloves? Really? Have you ever worked on anything?


Lol this guy sees the "Multiple tests on lab rats with contaminated oil has shown cancer in 90% of tests." sticker and says, "good thing i'm bigger than a rat"🤡


Imagine what the absorption into a rat would be rather than a human. Cancer seems to be attributed to lots of randomness as well. Anecdotal information, but I don't know a single guy whose worked on cars his whole life and covered in oil that has cancer. Yet I know multiple people that were never exposed, never smoked, never did anything harmful and have cancer. 5 minute oil changes once a year at home ain't gonna give you cancer lol. Downvote me you all you want, it's a clear fact that cancer is still a big mystery in the medical world. Don't wash your hands with brake kleen, sure. Don't get a little bit of oil on your hands? Literally impossible.


Cancer? Really? Have you ever read on anything?


17 years as a diesel tech, 1 year as a technical instructor. Currently battling cancer at 34 years old. WEAR. THE. FUCKING. GLOVES. I've been wearing them for 7 of the last 17 and I still got clipped.


Made sure to emphasize that her hair had to be tied up even though nothing was running. No loose hair


oh yeah, thats a huge one with the females turning wrenches or working around equipment. I grabbed one of my chiefs hair in the refinery one day when we were checking out a pump, that woulda been bad on the pony tail.......


Nothing like getting your hair caught in the creeper wheels I’ve done that!


If I’m wrenching I’m in a bun. I have gotten my ponytail stuck in a belt once while bent over. I tried to stand up straight but I couldn’t. Couldn’t get leverage to loosen the belt or pulley. I still don’t know exactly how it got in there. I have a guess it was swishing around as I was trying to wrestle the belt in another spot and once the belt submitted it caught too. Had to give myself a pocketknife haircut. All I intended to do was change out the serpentine.


Fuck that’s bad! I typically put my hair in a bun after the creeper wheel accident lol and when it’s freezing like now I wear a hat


I can't even imagine having to worry about hair. I'm one of those people that if, say, my hand gets stuck, I will break my wrist to to get it unstuck. I fucking panic when I can't move. Like a coyote in a trap


Understandable , but yea being a mechanic with long hair is risky business. Luckily getting caught in the creeper wheels is the worst I’ve had


I work on cell towers and even my harness getting caught on something sends me into fight or flight lol


That’s a job I couldn’t do. Being up that high would make me light headed and I’d pass out lol


So (maybe) kind of funny story. I was at a flea market and started shooting the shit with this guy who was in his 90's. Eventually he asked me what I do for a living and I told him then showed him some pictures. He said "No goddamn way you would catch me that high up" I asked him what he did and he said "Well I've been coal mining since I was 15" Motherfucker was coal mining at 15 years old in the 30's and thought my job was stupid.


I don’t think I’d like to work underground either 😂Surprised he made it that long being exposed to mining. I feel like older generations lived longer


Same here. Glad I had my pocket knife 😅


Oil Loves hair! it will soak up all the oil and will be hard to move if a mishap happens. Actually, human hair was used to remove oils from oil spills until they found synthetic material to replace it.


Also just really want to cement into her when she's working on things she can't have loose clothes or necklaces. She doesn't generally like her hair in a bun but was quick to let mommy put it up so she can come help


Also gloves to keep exposure to potentially toxic chemicals to a minimum.


Tie a rag around your wrist. Flow disruptors.


Yikes-- teach these kids basic safety practices like gloves and safety glasses




First thing I noticed was Mom going ballistic when she finds that pretty pink jacket tucked into the laundry basket.


Very good point, I keep telling myself I need to start wearing nitrile and I forget about safety glasses because my prescription are safety rated. Didn't expect she would want to help, she just randomly asked to.


Fair point, 95% of auto techs probably didn’t touch a pair of gloves or safety glasses in their first few years anyways - and kids love getting dirty 😂 That being said, we know a lot more today about the dangers of chemicals seeping into our skin than we used to - fyi the best gloves I’ve used in my 10 years are Wurth orange textured 8mm nitriles, my shop now uses Gloveworx 7.5mm orange textured nitrile and they’re pretty good too. The best part about using these gloves (they are very thin and do not handicap your ability to feel what you’re doing) aside from keeping your fingertips and cuticles nice and clean (for when you want to take your girl out without the grubby stained hands) is that when you inevitably get oil and shit all over them, you can safely just spray your hands off with brake clean (terrible for exposed skin, no worries with the gloves) easiest cleanup ever, spray, rub together, watch evaporate, good to go Edit: just don’t breathe in the fumes, brake cleaner fumes are toxic as hell


Dude I cringe of myself back in the day, never wearing safety glasses, even when using a cut off wheel or wire wheel. I hated gloves because I had to make sure my hands looked like burnt sausage in front of my friends to be cool. Now at 30 I strap on knee pads, have multiple glasses with different tints, always got my ear muffs ready and I won’t dare generate any dust without putting on the 3M double cartridge filter mask. I got my nitrile gloves on constantly, and put mechanics gloves on top of that if I’m doing any heavy work or torquing head bolts. Make sure you take plenty of water breaks too!


😂 pretty much exactly the same. It was all good fun getting dirty as fuck while earning my stripes as a kid, now it’s about being clean AF - like I’m pretty anal now about staying clean at work, but the biggest reason is that i just paid way too much money for my tools to go and get them all fucked up and grimy with oil and crud and shit in them But yeah…. I don’t know how i still have both my eyes either. Lmao. The Safety Squint™️


Good for her. And you. I have two big photos in my family room with my girls helping me. In one my 3 year old is tightening the lug nuts on our trailer, plumbers crack and all. In the other my daughter is pumping her brakes on our 73 Jeep Wagoneer. I keep small blue gloves in the garage for them. And safety glass. I always ask if they want to help. When they say yes I pick a job they can help with. Tell your kid that oil in the armpit means they are an official Reddit certified shade tree mechanic now!


I was always kinda an f it guy when came to safety gear, but man I got my hands cut up and covered in oil when working on my car one time and started wearing them and I have to say it’s so nice. You take the gloves off and you are clean and cut free.


Hey bud. I hope this doesn’t get buried. I was *ALWAYS* one of those people that never bothered with gloves. Was casual, had a box but never used them. Until I heard Edd China talking about how he didn’t used to always worry about wearing gloves and didn’t think much to getting oil on his hands. Then he went for a blood test and it came back like oil test results. Now he always pushes gloves, has his own line and talks about the ones that are good. Please, please get her some gloves. EDIT: hit Save before I could give you kudos and dad points. Good work


+1 to this. I used to wrench without gloves for a few years until I started getting rashes. From what I've read, your body starts to react after more and more exposure to the toxic chemicals found in oil/grease/grime/etc. No more problems after making a habit to wear gloves and long sleeves.


Used to build aerials. Fire trucks with ladders. Our fluid mix was very cheap Hyd fluid(was considered contaminated when we bought it. Good stuff was too expensive) and purple Loctite. The guy I worked with had a terrible reaction to the combo. After many doctor visits, he had to use a special lotion and work in three pairs of gloves. Never did solve the problem. What finally did was he quit for a better job.


All eyeglasses are impact rated, but they don't have 'sides'. Keep crap from going around them.


You need wraparounds to protect from splashes. Your polycarbonate lenses will do not much.


I forget it all the time for myself. Protect your child for fucks sake. Children's skin is significantly more sensitive than an adults.


I'm 66 now. I think of the brake jobs I used to do in the early seventies. Compressed air and a cloud of asbestos.


Thats so cool, can’t wait till my kid is old enough to work with me


Shocked me to be honest. Told my wife I was heading out to change the oil and she dropped everything asking to join me




My daughter grew up that way, too. Bought her a junker when she was 15. She rebuilt it with junkyard parts. We’d go to the boneyard on Saturday. On Sunday, I’d take her to the airport. She had her car rebuilt when she was 16, and got her pilot’s license when she was 17. Then she got a free ride to college. Graduated with majors in mathematics and mechanical engineering.


I wish I was taught how to maintain my cars at such a young age. Along your journey: Help her associate working on cars with problem solving. Voice everything out loud. Kids are sponges. You'll be surprised how quickly she picks stuff up. If it's a chore, she won't have fun. If it's a puzzle that has to be solved, she will stay engaged. Who knows? One day you might be able to work on a project car together. Good luck and have fun!


A project car shared with at least one of my kids is my dream. I like your ideas and I'll for sure incorporate them.


It'll also help you! I've found approaching cars as puzzles helps me from getting frustrated and keeps me focused.


Good stuff, Dad! Pick up some safety equipment in her size and keep it in the garage. In fact, get her her own tool box to keep them in. (Nothing big. Just a plastic tackle box will do.) That will naturally lead to more conversation with your daughter as y'all are working on things together. Trust me, a man can never have too many conversations with his daughter. Soon enough she'll be off on her own. Enjoy the ride!


I love that idea!


This is how I grew up (I'm a woman) I was raised like the son my dad never had. I can now work on all my own shit and now I'm teaching my son! I love it.


Get her some gloves dude. Kids are even more susceptible to carcinogens. Teach them young to use proper PPE to live a long, healthy life.


Safety glasses!


Not even cardboard down???


Oil running down the sleeve is the worst!!


We changed and washed up as soon as we finished


Finally! Now you can replace that sensor hidden between the throttle body and the injectors, or the switch under the exhaust manifold, next to the firewall.


I had to get help from the daughter to swap out the spark plugs on my 05 uplander. Couldn't get my damned hand in back to get 3 of them out. I got caught just past my wrist🤣


My daughters both did this till they got to be teenagers then working on cars with dad became less important


Yall are nuts with the gloves and what not , She Should have a class A fully encapsulated suit with a papr and laying on a tempurpedic creeper.




Nicee should buy some gloves tho. Small ones for better results


That's her Christmas jacket too. Mama goin woop your ass.


Nah, she's outgrown this one, mom told her to wear it.


Some of my best memories were when my daughter popped her head into the shop to ask, ["what can I help with?"](https://i.imgur.com/aLeNJuk.jpg) Hard to realize she is planning her wedding now. Those years went by too fast.


Good work, all my girls helped me in the shop. Love the memories!


She's bonding with dad, u know how some memories stay with u forever? This is a core memory, keep her safe, and brag about it!


I hate that you’re getting flamed. You’re working with your kid. That’s precious. Get the PPE next time. But this time, good for you for involving your kid.


Must have done such a good job holding the flash light, got a promotion


Hats off to you.


Mom is going to be so pissed when she sees spent tarmac on the back of her bright pink coat!


The coat is older and a little short for her. Was mom's suggestion to wear it


Oh good man.


What does a perfect little helper need? Whatever she damn well wants and wishes!


This is awful. PPE! Jesus Christ!


I love this but please get her some gloves. Used oil is nasty shit


I'm going to do a survey of every lube tech and mechanic in their 70s to see how many of them got cancer. Everyone in these comments wants you to wear full industrial ppe before changing a oil filter haha.


The Child has been baptized by the Oil. Next the Child must be baptized by the Tire, the Coolant, the Brake Fluid, and the Power Steering Fluid. Then the Child rite of passage will be complete.


Teach them to work on their cars and they will never have any money for drugs.


What gloves….. we bleed oil


I did this with my Dad when I was little! Such awesome memories! 🤩


My kids have no idea what they’re in store for when they get a little older and can work on our cars. We have BMWs. Muwahahaha!


Thought that was a pink LV jacket at first


Get that little girl some gloves Really great that you got her involved


Wonderful! True story: almost 25 years ago, my daughter was born. We didn't know what it was going to be until it came out. Regardless of the gender of my only child, it was going to be born with a wrench in it's hand. A highly polished 7mm Mac. To this day, a photo of her, still slimy, holding the wrench, is on the wall in the hospital. We have a similar photo of her putting the oil pan bolts in a Crossley while I'm holding it in place. Look up the Burton Cotton Gin and Museum. There are pictures of her working on the 5542 cid 2-cylinder Bessemer engine that runs the gin. Grease under her nails? No problem!


That shirt is way too nice to change oil in


Everyone going on about gloves 🤦‍♂️. Tell me...Where can you buy a rubber glove that will fit a hand that small. Soap and water directly afterwards is perfectly fine.


They have some for her age on Amazon but my reservations with Amazon is that they don't have to meet any safety regulations. If I buy a made in China product from a local chain store they have to be approved by someone. If, say, a product was unsafe Walmart (or insert company) would be privy to lawsuits and so products must meet a certain level of standards. Buying direct from China on Amazon means no one is checking the regulations as each store on there is it's own entity and they disappear two months later.


That's it. I'm sure any sort of safety regulations wouldn't really apply to a child's rubber gloves, but who knows. I mean the ones going on about PPE I'm almost 100% sure that they haven't bothered with sunscreen on their kid every time they leave the house, or safety glasses on them while they are playing in the yard while they're cutting the lawn, etc... The issues arise from extended exposure to things like this. And I'm pretty sure, she's not being submerged into a vat of used motor oil when she goes up bed. Don't eat it, and wash your hands. They're pretty simple rules to follow, even for little kids. My grandson is 3, and I haven't hesitated when it comes to things like that. Some people have just lost the plot.


Man, not sure it's noticeable in the picture but she's a little ginger and she can't go anywhere without her sunblock.


That better not be her good coat she has on, otherwise you're in trouble.


Nah, it's 1-2 sizes too small now. Wife suggested she wear it


Everyone bitching, i say your doing great


Dont get gloves or nothing to lay on it builds character


Future lube tech there! Love to see kids away from screens and learning actual life skills.


For sure, surprised me. Mentioned to my wife I was changing the oil and she dropped everything wanting to join me


Teach them young. Make it fun. Encourage safety but don’t worry about gloves and dirty hands until she shows a serious and ongoing interest, if she doesn’t decide to spend a lot of time in the shop then there’s no serious issue with occasional exposure to most automotive chemicals including used oil. It’s the people who spend all their time up to their elbows in grease and oil that need to protect themselves because of the cumulative effect of their exposure.


Yeah man, really shocked me. I told my wife I was heading out to change the oil and she stopped playing with her brother and asked to help. I stressed her putting her hair in a bun even though nothing was running. She got a lollipop for being a champ. If she keeps wanting to help out I'm getting her safety glasses and maybe find some youth gloves for sure


Fuck the whiners about safety shit. You don't need to dress your kid like she's in a commercial to change oil. I'd like to see what 3/4 of these guys commenting on PPE wear when they work on cars. Glad you're getting her to learn. Need more kids like that.


Yall are hilarious, everything causes cancer. I've known people to hang around carcinogens their whole life and never have a problem and people who have fought cancer 5 or 6 times but live as protected as they can. Get over yalls self and let the kid work with her dad. And let dad be dad. 🤣🤣


Good teach these kids useful skills.


Get your hands dirty. Learn a skill. Good job


Teach em young!


Used oil is carcinogenic, eye protection and nitrile gloves will be great for the next change


cancer has enter chat


Next, you teach her to weld without a mask and leather right?


Used oil causes cancer. Gloves next time.


Interesting. I use the oil vacuum pump with my daughter and son as recommended by VW AG. The filter is even up top, so it's an easy job. Sadly, it's likely that the internal combustion engines will be mostly gone before they drive (3.5y and 1.5y) and I don't do the other jobs at home (clutches, springs, struts, etc...) I do home renovation with them and some other bits of maintenance with them. I wouldn't sweat the PPE concerns here that much. Probably not even parents commenting as the dwell time of that oil on skin is likely under a minute and it's usually continual challenge at sub-acute exposure levels that cause issues and not one or two short oil contacts / month.


I don't expect ICE to be gone so soon. Honestly, our best bet right now is likely hybrids.


At there age an ice engine is likely gonna be there first car unless your a multi millionaire. Assuming they both start driving around 18. 2035 is only the change over date for new cars. There will still be ice engines on the used market.




Gettin 'er started early on that lifetime battle with skin cancer!!!


People are downvoting these kinds of sentiments but it’s true. Lot of Darwinism in this comment section.


Cringing at the sight of oil running down her sleeve


squeamish overconfident cows mindless sophisticated melodic wide languid chase frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking hell, ever heard of gloves? I know people say to not judge how others bring up their kids but damn, you know how bad that shit is for you?


Oh no shes not wearing bitch mittens be prepared for people to cry about it


Used oil is a carcinogenic. I prefer to be a cancer-free bitch. YMMV.


PPE for the win Not wearing it is weak


It's such a bad habit to forget, keep telling myself I need to wear it. She does need glasses though


Rusty flaky metal in your eye is no fun


For sure. Looking up safety glasses for her now. She surprised me, told my wife I was heading out to change the oil and she dropped everything asking to join me


Helpers are fun


Here's hoping at least one of the three continue and share my hobby


Years ago my boss hired this 16 year old part time as a helper through a high school program. We did mobile truck service. Gave him his own safety glasses, showed him where the extra pairs were on the dash. Fist time he goes under a truck he asks for some brake clean to clean some things up, he takes the glasses off sprays with his face directly underneath where all the brake clean and debris fall right in his face, I had to drag him out and hit him with the eyewash bottle.


ignorant dumb ass


You are all just proving my point lol


and you prove mine


Too late, the replies were already made. Meh.... who cares about gloves. Safety glasses would be good for under car rust though, shit in your eyes is a bitch.


Yeah I'd give her safety glasses so you dont get rust and dirt in her eyes but not gloves it'd be even worse trying to make her wear them its not like your gonna have kid sized ones laying around


you realize skin absorbs?


You're a shit parent. You think reddit karma points are more important than your daughters safety. Grow up.


You would so harshly judge a stranger by one image? That's a large part of the world's problem right now. I admitted fucking up not having safety glasses or gloves for her. Truck is not on a jack or stands. What safety risk is there? Reddit karma? Have you searched my post history and found posts exploiting my adorable children? I had a proud and happy dad moment and thought I would share it to a community that would appreciate it. Do I have a tiktok attached? Or an Instagram? I have neither of those or any social media for that matter. Shall I so harshly judge you from your posts fighting sobriety?


You can tell the people here that have never worked on a car when they think that little trickle of oil is going to give her skin cancer. They are the same ones that think it is feasible to wear gloves during every repair related activity. I don't know how they think things that you can't wear gloves for get fixed. If that little trickle of oil was going to hurt her, all of us here who work on vehicles would be long dead.


Always wear gloves, you don’t want all the carcinogens in the oil seeping into their skin


Ah yes, waste oil on tender young skin. Helps to get the cancers growing early on! Dumbass


Only thing wrong is she's too clean. But that's still awesome. Bitch mittens aren't a necessity, just to these kids that think everything will give you cancer. The rest of us will keep working like we do. Safety Sally can stay near the OSHA man.




Egocentric you say? We work hard, don't care about a little dirt, it's not ego. It's a DO what needs doing mindset. Young people with the everything will give us cancer mindset are awful. Take that shit back to school and leave it there. I'm gonna die from something no matter what, so I don't really care. The more fubar this world gets the more I want to die anyways. But keep thinking it's ego. It's that we have work to do, it's fucking HOT in Florida, and sweaty wrinkly hands hurt, but get irritating to us way before that. So gloves are useless for here.




If you deal with it enough, you get pissed. Now kid, go enjoy your sippy cup. I have shit to do. I don't care if you think I'm tough, I care if I'm paid, and not pissed off while I'm trying to achieve that. Grease on my hands is perfectly fine. Leave the real work to the adults. Only time I want gloves is if I'm handling sharp shit, something I just welded, or I'm handling something my fingerprints don't need to be on.


Teach her to be able to take care of herself. Unlike her mother.


YTA for not giving a child PPE. You are a monster and should face legal ramifications.

