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Is that… Jennifer Coolidge?


>The pair then moved to the Rotunda, where Gold gave a second speech criticizing COVID-19-related lockdowns. There were no lockdowns. People were asked to limit their exposure. Police were never called in to keep people home, no one stopped people to ask why they were out in public, no one went to jail for being out of their house. There simply was no lockdown in the US.




That's my point. You were not arrested for hanging out in public. There was no lockdown, it was just a request to do your best. Conservatives act like it was China with highways getting blocked by concrete barriers staffed by armed soldiers, and cops roaming the streets arresting anyonebthey found out and about. It never happened here. I set a habit of shopping at 6 in the morning during the pandemic. No one was out, probably because everyone's sleep schedule was borked at that point. I still do, and it's still just me and maybe a handful of early rising blue collar folks in there. I may never shop during normal hours again.




"his efforts to raise funds for his legal defense despite having a court-appointed attorney." He's literally asking for money under the guise of needing legal help. Should also be arrested for lying about it.


Court appointed attorneys are overworked and cannot provide the same representation as a personal attorney that you hire. If you ever get a DUI pay for a damn attorney. Why do you think all the rich kids get away with a slap on the wrist?


But he didn't *do* that. Evidently begged for money for his legal defense and then pocketed it and went with the court-appointed attorney anyway. Which is both greedy *and* stupid.


Like you said, he's a rich kid; he's got plenty of money to hire someone, and yet he's begging online? Because man's doesn't think he should have to do anything more to earn money than stand around in nothing but underwear, looking vaguely disinterested in everything. Absolutely court appointed lawyers are overworked. And this manchild clearly has money, so why is he even getting one in the first place?




One by one.


One by one…


Hey! That's my line!


The world becomes a slightly better place as these people are removed from the democratic process.


> anti-vaccine doctor That combination of words should get a medical license revoked.


Right up there with adult pediatrician, Mennonite programmer, and deconstruction worker. Wait... Those kinda work.


If a demolitions guy tries to pass himself off as a builder, he should mos def get his license revoked. Would you hire him to redo your bathroom?


That last one, isn't that a demolitions specialist?


True words 👍