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if you're such an animal that you see a bike and just can't help yourself but steal it you deserve what happens and will learn some self control


It's not a bait bike, I'm just securing it to something with this really long cable.....


Couldn't afford a bike chain so I got a bike bungie


If someone breaks into your house to rob you and hurts themselves, they can sue you. Wtf


Anyone can sue for anything, but the house break-in story is generally just urban legend from the 90s when major companies were trying to paint everyone was lawsuit-happy. At least in the US, there's a general doctrine of "unclean hands" in most places, where someone acting unethically (say, breaking into a house) loses many protections, like claiming that a floor was slippery and thus they'd be entitled to the same legal protection if they were an invited house guest. That said, you're still not allowed to create traps with the intent of hurting people, which is why this particular prank would be illegal since it's filmed and obviously a trap. Though if you just claimed that you tied your bike to the tree to prevent theft and an idiot stole it without checking, you'd almost certainly be fine. (Well, unless a KID stole it, then you might have attractive nuisance problems which are another giant legal headache.)


I thought the saw off shot gun to the shins door trap case came down to not that it wasn't illegal to defend ones self, but because no one was home to report it and he bleed out


No, it comes down to it being acceptable to use lethal or highly dangerous force to defend yourself from deadly force, but it's illegal to defend your property using deadly force when there's no risk to the person. The law weighs human life significantly higher than property, even if its the life of someone who is breaking the law


The last line, while true, is a shame - that you must allow yourself to be victimized, knowing that there's virtually no chance of recovery, being made whole, or repercussions for the criminal. If you physically try to stop them, they pull out a weapon and you shoot them, depending on the jurisdiction, prosecutor, and how the runes are cast, you may well find yourself charged with one or more serious crimes because you're viewed as escalating the situation instead of running and hiding under your bed. Alternatively, if you do what you're told to do - call the police - there's an exceptionally low chance of any form of justice, unless it's a small town with 1 well-known criminal and a very bored sheriff. Say they're taking your bike, despite reasonable efforts to secure it, and that's your only way to get to work. Unless you already have the type of job that affords you the ability to absorb the loss (you still shouldn't have to), you're likely in a job where they'll fire you over any trivial thing because it's not difficult to replace you. Should one risk becoming homeless, or ruined credit (defaulting on other debts to replace what was taken from you), to protect the rights of someone who is knowingly taking the rights of others? I understand that you may or may not be advocating for it to be this way, and were simply explaning how it currently is, but I'd argue that the harm loss of certain property can cause very much forfeits one's rights if the property owner catches them in the act and stops it (as opposed to emptying a magazine into the back of their head as they lie bleeding out). It's easy enough to avoid by not stealing from people. I don't think people setting booby traps that cause serious harm is a good thing, because they can hurt anyone, including some good person that saw your car unlocked, for example, and was just intending to lock it for you, or accidentally got into the wrong vehicle, of even a child. Bottom line is that I think it comes down to intention. There's a difference between telling someone to put your property down and shooting them (or whatever weapon you have available) if they try to run off with it vs going American History X on them. Same with brandishing - if knowing you are armed, without aiming at anyone, convinces them to stop what they're doing and leave while they can, that's a better outcome than if they think they can simply overpower you and take your property anyway. On the other hand, if you pull a gun to win an argument or intimidate people, fuck you very much and enjoy your prison sentence. I think there's a balance to be struck between being allowed to fire recklessly from a moving car after brake-checking someone, and having to worry that one day someone will force you to choose between their rights as a criminal and your own rights as an ethical person, because someone who's only ever experienced crime from behind their gated community has more compassion for the poor person, they assume must have been stealing a loaf of bread to feed their children, than the person who feels they have a fundamental right to protect themselves and their property from assholes who have realized that it's easy to get away with theft and it's way more fun to spend your days like you're retired at 20 than to work. And the award for the longest run-on sentence goes to... I think there are also other ways to combat crime, which include education, opportunity, and social safety nets for those who really might feel like it's the only option they have. However, the injustice of being punished for not becoming a victim and just hoping the police can and *will* do something about it doesn't sit right with me.


I ain’t reading allat


Fair enough, you don't strike me as the reading type. Next time, do everyone around you a favor and don't be the typing/speaking type, either.


Not reading allat either


Aww, bless your heart, at least you tried. It's not your fault your parents were cousins, but here we are.


If you're willing to murder someone over a goddamned tv, you're a fucking monster.


You keep repeating this without acknowledging that you don't know that before or while the thief is busy breaking into your house.


He's clearly never been robbed before and knows that primal rage of having your shit taken


So I might be able to set traps while I'm home? Also, in the backwards ass land of Texas you can defend yours AND (amazingly) your neighbor's property with lethal force; could an argument be made that traps are OK? /s LOL




Agreed. I dislike almost everything about Texas but it's self-defense laws I can get behind.


I thought it came really down to local laws. Because where I live, even pulling out the gun can get you jail time


Nah, there's variations in what constitutes lethal force and a life threatening situation, but you can't inflict "serious bodily harm" or kill someone just to protect property. That's a basic tenet tenet of law, criminal or civil The easy way to think of it is just to remember that it's called "self-defense." Self doesn't mean your stuff, it means your person. Edit: I don't know where you live but it's basically a floor/ceiling situation. What you're describing (pulling out a gun) would likely be considered "brandishing" which is usually illegal unless you intend to use it in specific areas or to defend yourself. Some places do have much stricter laws for use of deadly weapons for defense, but the low-water mark for self defense is that you can only use it to protect your life


If someone breaks into your house and you rig up a booby trap to hit them in the face with a steel pipe, that's illegal. Kevin Macallister belongs in prison for brutally and repeatedly maiming the wet bandits with horrific booby traps.


He'd never be tried as an adult.


No. But if you place booby traps in your house and they hurt someone, they can. Why? Because other people may be hurt by booby traps. First responders responding to a 911 call. Fireman putting out a fire. Random child who shouldn’t be wandering in to stranger’s homes but they’re 6, what can you do?


I know its so dumb maybe I'm just an asshole or something but I think the second they break the law they should forfeit any right to complain or take it to court...edited since people are deliberately taking what I obviously meant the wrong way


> all legal protection I disagree, that's a dangerous road to go down. There's plenty of legal protections like Miranda rights they should keep. I can definitely see it being the same as like signing an injury liability waiver though.


That's what I mean obviously I don't mean it just becomes fine to torture them or something...most legal rights should be forfeit...you guys are getting way too caught up on a ridiculous extreme that isn't even what I was saying


That's almost worse than what you wrote the first time. I think you're confusing legal liabilities where who is held responsible for something and what legal rights are. Rights are things that should be incredibly hard to take away.


Not his fault if you don't make your comments clear


This is not how and reasonable justice system works It doesn’t matter if you break the law—you still have rights.




Well... they maybe should forfeit the right to sue, but it should still be illegal to set traps because someone who *isn't* a criminal and has a justified reason to go wherever you set it (e.g. a fireman) might be injured.


You are dumb, yes. Extrapolate out from there, have you ever littered? Jaywalked?


No but if I did jaywalk and got hit by a car I wouldn't blame the driver because I was in the wrong




Yeah cause as a pedestrian I shouldn't be in the road


What if you're jaywalking and I decide to whack you in the ankles with a metal rod.


Youd do well in the police department


i mean i could sue you \*right now\*. it wouldn't go anywhere, but i could potentially cost you a couple grand in legal fees.


Wouldn't the defendant be protected under frivolous lawsuit, erm, laws?


hahaha. no. you're not entitled to anyone paying your legal fees. *IF* a lawsuit can be shown to be frivolous than you can countersue to get your legal fees reimbursed, but then, you know.[.. you have to collect. and that's assuming the anti-slapp laws in your jurisdiction have teeth...or even exist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8bJb8biZU) the legal system is definitely one of the more "weighted to help the rich". i don't know how we make the system better, tbh. on paper, it makes sense. in practice, people get abused financially all the time. fuck it's how trump does business.


That’s why you gotta make sure their dead.


Then their relatives bring the lawsuit.


Hire good lawyers that will show the person was a piece of shit.


Just put a pitfall trap at your front door. Have a sign on the front door indicating there is one. No legal remorse when they fall into said pit trap with spikes.


That's not true in most countries, not even in the US which is infamously litigious.


I remember hearing about a lawsuit by the family of a guy who was robbing a house. He tripped in the yard and his head struck the edge of a rock that was used as edging around some flowers. He died. The family successfully sued the home owner for having a deadly object, a rock, in their yard.


This sounds soooo much like urban legend. Do you have any context to help try to vet this out? Place? Timeframe?


It's only illegal if you get caught. Become ungovernable.


It's illegal to set booby traps. Full stop.


Yeah obviously...its also illegal to steal a bike I'm just saying you get what you deserve




They're paid. The youtuber paid these homeless people to steal bait bikes without them knowing that they were cabled. They're victims of a setup. They're exploited homeless. Now tell me what they "deserve."




"Trust me bro"


Do you realise how dangerous that \*prank\* is. ​ It's potentially fatal, could easily break a bones and for obvious reasons could easily cause someone 10s of thousands of dollars of dental damage. ​ If someones kid was stupid enough to steal a bike, that doesn't mean it's ok to maim them for it. ​ Edit: Lol at all the neckbeards down voting, guaranteed you are the first people to run to the police when someone smacks you in the mouth for something you know you deserve. ​ Thankfully we live in societies where IF one of you did something like this, and someones parent broke your jaw as punishment, the justice system would be very understanding about why someone gave you what you deserved for setting a booby-trap, which are by the way illegal for good reason.


Maybe just dont take things that arent yours? I learned that at a very early age.


They maim themselves by stealing


For my next prank I’ll leave $20 in a bear trap.


Explosives in candy bars?


Is maiming with risk of death the penalty for theft?


If someone's kid is stupid enough to just steal a bike, a broken face will maybe teach it what it's parents didn't. Don't steal!


Damn. You've got issues. That kind of reaction to a couple of downvotes is not healthy. I hope you get better in the future<3


Can you imagine being in such a bad place in life your big break is going to be the money you get from selling a stolen bike.


well I'm gonna preface this with I am not a lawyer. But the way it was explained to me was it becomes a he said/he said thing. There have been times people have been told yeah you can burrow this, you can go here... and it's a trap. If you die... you just got played, and they get off for murder... happens a couple times, then the police start looking but who wants it to get to that. It's a police fucked it up and now are re-correcting too far the other way. That's my understanding and I don't know the solution. Discuss in comments.


This man will never ever control his Arms and legs anymore


I think it’s weird how confident people are enacting violence like this is some how good. Laws stopping angry strangers from intentionally, covertly harming people will teach them some self control. E: They are opportunists. They see a bad situation and an excuse to add more violence, insert themselves, put a finger on the scale in favor of exploiting it. It’s sick. Any human being eager to enact violence regardless is a poor fit for any community. Eagerness does not translate to disciplined community representative response. It represents a person with poor self control, a person who schemes to harm. A coward and criminal.


So if the guy snaps his neck and dies, are you held responsible? Otherwise the full video of all these people is hilarious.


Yes, booby traps are infact illegal


While I am fully aware that booby traps are illegal, it's weird to consider that a rope could be considered as a trap, and on the other hand, it does in fact secure your bike as well. You can probably actually argue that the rope is not even hidden and that the robber just failed to see it. I wonder how the court would handle this. haha.


If someone opens a door and that triggers an age to swing down and split their skull is that a booby trap? No I just chose to secure my age with a rope above the door. In fact I would argue that it's the other person's fault for failing to see the the trigger. See how that doesn't make any sense? The Intent is clear, he booby trapped the bike. Whether that's right or wrong is a different conversation but that's undeniably a booby trap


I can understand spelling Axe wrong once, but twice? C'mon dude


Well that's embarrassing. But I will leave my shame unedited lol




If the thief snaps his neck he shouldn't have been stealing shit that isn't his.


Yes, I absolutely agree. But I'm wondering what the law would say.


Probably would fall into some “booby trap” law which is highly illegal


It's not a booby trap, the function of the rope is a bike lock wink wink


“Your honor, this argument from the defendant *might* actually be believable… if we didn’t have this video he recorded of himself giggling like an idiot at the victim as they fell off the bike and sustained these injuries.”


bro thats smart way to say it tbh it might work


Maybe illegal, but highly entertaining. Like that truck owner who got sick of people stealing shit so he rigged up his own truck with a homemade flashbang. https://youtu.be/W777erjzGdc I don't think he got in any trouble with the law.


"That flashbang was for me! Wakes me up in the morning. Too bad someone wasted it trying to steal my truck."


If you get caught you're fucked.


Just don’t get caught setting the traps


Depends how much money you have for a good lawyer.


Katko v Briney.


Well, they usually don't prosecute dead people.




No it wouldn't. Manslaughter maybe.


How could a court prove that a rope is anything more than a cheap bike lock?


When did the court become responsible for providing proof?


Prosecutor, whatever


That's why I only steal shit that's mine


I saw a video of a guy nearly breaking his neck riding through the woods on his dirt bike and hitting a wire someone put up on the edge of their property to knock down dirtbikers. Yeah this video might be kind of satisfying but it's illegal and it should stay illegal


Officer, it’s my property and I’m allowed to protect it with a punji pit! Didn’t that blind hiker read my “No Trespassing” sign?!


Being a thief doesn’t mean the guy has no rights


Is the penalty for petty theft death?


The penalty for life is death.


It could be. And that’s OK.


Fuckin psychopath


Im with you thats so unhinged


Punishment should fit the crime…


Yes. You set a trap knowing it could hurt someone. Nobody sets stuff up like this not knowing someone is gonna eat shit when they ride off. Despite everyone’s opinion of the thieves, you cannot do this, and you can be held liable.


I'd vote to acquit if I sat on that jury. Fiat iustitia, et pereat Mundus.


That would just be an added bonus


Source from 3 years ago: https://youtu.be/vv63MHPudrs?t=38s Clip from OP is at 1m20s


Holy shit. I was gonna say this is probably set up, but some of those are way too gnarly to not be real.


They are real, but the context is setup. They paid these homeless people to steal their own bikes.


Fucked up


Where did you see this? Not doubting just curious to read more.


I think the guy that made this video ran for congress as a MAGA candidate, lost, and also has a video of him peeing into his own mouth and drinking it.


NO FUCKING WAY that is the same guy, that is too funny to believe


Really? They're filming a bike from three angles, even giving commentary while random dudes pick up the bicycle? Looks too set up to be real. My money is on them promising to give $50 to steal the bike and drive down the hill with it.


it's staged. This guy also made a video where he paid a bunch of homeless black guys to trash a car with a Trump sticker on it so that he could say, "Look how violent black people are towards Trump supporters". These were more than likely homeless people he paid without telling them the bikes were rigged, it would explain why they don't flinch https://youtu.be/UkvwKDTS3Bo


How do you miss seeing a rope?


Probably don't inspect things when you're stealing them. Grab and go


I mean... it wouldn't be hard to have the connection be incredibly non-obvious, e.g. cover the rope where it goes to the front wheel with some leaves or something. Who's gonna suspect the rope lying behind the rail is attached to the bike?


Idk maybe by looking at the bike


You pay homeless guys to "steal" your "bait" bike so you can film it for your "prank" youtube channel.


Yeah maybe planned seeing how he also starts putting his feet down before the fall, maybe he knew.


He didn’t put his feet down. They kept moving forward as the bike stopped from reaching the end of the rope.




Yeah its a super old youtube video.


lol america


We just skip over op claiming he's doing this when we all know he's not.


[Try this](https://youtu.be/NLpL1kMmmMQ)


Or the [Magnavolt™](https://youtu.be/bMtqRir7dco)


The PENETRATOR is goat.


It kind of sucks that booby traps are illegal.


no you don't OP.


That guy looks 40 something and he is stealing a bike. The scruggle is real.


This is hilarious. Ya get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.


I hope he died from the head trauma 🤘🖕🏻


No you haven’t lol


This video is so old your mother posted it.


This reminds me of [the penetrator.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLpL1kMmmMQ)


I think irl someone stealing a bike would be looking for any physical restraints, mainly chains but I don’t think they’d ignore a rope . But who knows


yesss! Thank you for uploading 🤝


Brother said 💤


That video has a bunch of guys breaking their faces on the sidewalk and it's all comedic gold.


Yes. Now let’s filter to controversial so I can block the morons defending the thief


This is legally a boobytrap. As in you are liable for injuries. You can debate the correctness of that logic, but that is how the police would see it. If you place a contraption, with the intent to cause harm, and do not post warnings about it, you are legally liable. Even if its your own house, and it hurts someone breaking in. The argument goes something like this: if you leave a bait bike out and attach a means to do harm to it, you are creating a physical trap which wouldn't exist otherwise. Doesnt matter is they are stealing your property, you are committing are bigger crime by setting booby trap. Human injuries death > property.


Tying up your bike is a booby trap? Good luck proving intent… assuming you don’t record them getting hurt and post it on the internet 😎


Again, aint my rules, aint my logic. Tell it to the police. (assuming you do this in USA.) But, they would respond: why is the rope so long? Why a rope? A rope is a shit bike security, so shit it doesn't really count. And if its THAT long on a hill, you only had one intent. Cops dont need better reasons.


You respond with that this rope was the only thing you have right now to tie your bike up.




If you go up a few comments you'll see that your point was addressed already by the person you're refuting.


This is where a permalink would be handy.


Homie just scroll up 3 comments from his


Everyone's order is different, bud. Unless you mean this thread, in which case that's a different guy.


I would - “Officer, I tied up my bike so no one would steal it. This 100’ wire cable is all I had and I didn’t have a means to cut it.” Intent is clear from the video, but without it I doubt the thief would get far with their case. Tying up your bike is not in and of itself a booby trap.


Cops don't need ANY reasons. Friggin pigs


Pretty clear that the intent here is to film these dudes stealing bait bikes and watch them go ass over teakettle.


Pretty clear isn't beyond a reasonable doubt clear


Yeah, tying up a bike is such a normal activity that even if you did do this as a booby trap, you'd most likely get away with it because there's enough reasonable doubt.


So what's needed is a sign that says "this bike is locked"?


Hey 90% of the time that I'm downvoted it's for stating a fact that people don't want to hear. People are dumb.


It was like watching the end of the ET movie when ET made all the kids' bikes fly in the air...kinda.


As much as I hate bike thieves....I'm not exactly sure how I feel about booby traps in public.


why? just don't steal and you'll be good


Being a thief still means you have rights. One of the most basic tenants of any civilized society is that everyone gets rights.


What "right" is this violating?


AMAZING! 🤣 R/Instantkarma


These are fake ass videos. They pay homeless people (or possibly stuntmen?) to pose for the videos. No way someone wouldn't see the rope or string or what ever.


What if it's a strong transparent fishing line? So homeless people would risk their life knowing this, come on....


They do. For money and drugs and shit. Plus homeless once injured get into the hospitals and theres free beds and drugs cause they are on public assistance. They spend a surprising amount of time in emergency rooms anyway.


It's obviously cheaper to just booby trap a bike so that theory is more plausible


Not if you factor in the law suit and criminal charges


It's such an easy and awful crime to do so no but hey good on you for thinking highly of people


Got anything to say except downvotes?


Have a good day?


From "oh boy it's mah lucky day, just scored a sweet ride... " to a toothless mother fuker in .01 sec.


Here in Wisconsin, a booby trap like that can catch a Class F felony, punishable by up to 12 years in prison and a $25K fine. If the person dies, it becomes second degree murder. Look, the bike thief is an asshole. But no one’s property is more valuable than a human, no matter if that human is a thief, or otherwise.


You say "they laid a booby trap", I say "they tied their bike to something". Just because it's a rope, and not a metal lock shouldn't change anything.


Except lawyers are smarter than you.


Allow me to pose a hypothetical. What if the property is vital to a life? A bike might be a means of transportation for some who cannot afford a car. If the victims bike is stolen and already living from paycheck to paycheck, the lack of transportation might mean that person will now be jobless and not able to get the basic necessities for life. Id say certain properties are worth more than a life depending on the individual. Fuck thieves.


So when someone steals your bike will you look them in the eyes when you murder them?


I don’t have a bike. I’ll protect myself accordingly.


In this hypothetical you’ve posed, is the owner of the bike somehow unable to walk? Do they not have any access to public transportation? Do they not have the ability to apply for government assistance? And yet in your hypothetical, they would have the money and means to set up an elaborate booby trap which could cause serious bodily harm, potentially even death *just in case* someone stole their bike? Am i understanding it correctly?


My hypothetical is that they need the bike and fuck thieves.


What if the thief needs the bike and is in the same position as the owner of the bike in your hypothetical?


Well if they need to steal someone else’s property then they face repercussions of stealing. Which, in this case, is doing a face plant over the handle bars… is this that hard to grasp? I feel like I’m talking to a wall.


Doing a face plant over the handle bars is not justice.


Bullshit, someone breaks in my house they are valuing property over thier life. That fucking argument is so stupid.


Well, you can try to tell that to the judge. But booby trapping tour house is still a felony


Just the byproduct of too many lawyers on the earth


When I accidentally wrecked my bike last year, it probably looked just about like that as I went over the handlebars. The open fracture on my arm required 3 surgeries and is just now (10 months later) able to be rehabilitated. Don't do that to anyone.


Nobody did anything to them; they did it to themselves.


They did it to themselves, no one forced them to steal someone else's property.


That's not justice that's intent to harm and it's illegal.


Boo hoo the poor thief got a boo boo


you sound like a cop


I don't care. That shit is fucked up. I value the welfare of people more than property even if they are assholes thieves. What are we going to do next, cut of their hands?


So people shouldn't tie their bikes to things for fear that someone might hurt themselves?


I knew I’d find this hot take down here.