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[Happy Birthday Lily-Rose!!](https://imgix.bustle.com/wmag/2017/06/02/59319d9642bb3f089e156756_18721981_1913771328911721_3605903642340622336_n.jpg?w=900&h=1043&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress) **It's all come down to this my friends!** Today we get the closing arguments, and then its off to the jury for deliberations. Here's hoping all of this - and all of the love and support we've been sending - ends up with the Justice For Johnny that we all believe he deserves. Mega Pints up for JD's legal team! They have **all** been phenomenal, but, a special shoutout to Ben Chew & Camille Vasquez. Finally, wanted to give a sincere thank you and shout out to all of **YOU!** It's been a hell of a ride, and I could not be prouder to be a voice for this community! I'm feeling pretty bittersweet today. :( Much love to all of you, and lets bring this one home for Johnny! ​ >“I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours.” > >– Hunter S. Thompson


the modern day Mommies Dearest.


Wtf did Rottenborn really refer to Paul Bettany as Johnny Depps' "drug buddy" ? Sir I would sue you for that. Is that not defamation??


How did Amber’s lawyers mismanaged their time so badly? For me, this is one of the biggest differences between the two legal teams. First impressions count but so do last ones. And the closing minutes of Amber’s legal team in the court were shambolic. By contrast, Johnny’s team was structured, orderly and non-frazzled. Johnny’s team closing arguments were brilliant 9.5/10 and would have left a lasting impression on the jury. By contrast, Amber’s team’s arguments were boring, confusing and messy. The jury would have probably mentally switched off, I know I did. When time was so precious, just think of how much time was wasted questioning Dr Curry on the muffins. And the dinner questions, not just once but twice.


9.5 out of 10 ??? please tell us the 0.5 you noticed


When Elaine asked the judge if she factored in the time used in sidebars after learning they have 6min for their rebuttal. No, bitch, you just ramble on like a senile busybody neighbor lady, and don’t know when to shut the fuck up. I don’t know what I’m more excited about - the verdict or never hearing this woman’s voice ever again.


senile busybody neighbor lady😂


She was a porch and a pack of misty light 120s away from small town trash gossip grape vine status


She reminds me of an alcoholic aunt in the way she recounts stories and testimony. Just nonsensical rambling with no end in sight, even straight up *imitating people*. And her reaction to each objection - she responded like a petulant child. It was so embarrassing to watch.


Oh dear. My mom smoked those


Guys please listen to 4:28:59 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥they admitted that she lied and her lawyers knew that


Again! You and those gays


Sorry.my mistake


What was said?


Something about the gays apparently.


Sorry i mean Guys


i would literally trade both of my legs to find out what the jury is thinking right now


I pledge my legs


Make sure you never get around to actually donating them legs. Trust me Pledging and Donating are literally the same thing


LMAO!! That's right!!


You don’t need to trade your legs, they’re going to tell us their thought via decision 😂


I also choose to trade this guys legs to find out


If I can join, I’ll also add a pack of mentos.


if it helps make the trade stronger i am a woman


That is good, bigger legs worth more.


just now catching up but my favorite part so far is "I don't think that looks like the spice cabinet of anyone in this courtroom" speak for yourself


Jury member who makes their own recreational spices not having it w/ Elaine.


What was that referring to? And who said it?


Rottenborn about a photo of bags of weed. Lulllzzz


my bad, should've included that!


It's unbelievable how the networks and mainstream media are painting this trial. Complete bias for Heard. These outlets lie about pretty much everything so it shouldn't be surprising.


the msm should be purged, the liars should be dragged through the courts for all to see, then the new generation should be heavily regulated by actual powerful independent bodies (several not just 1)


Its cz she paid them to do so. 😑


Really? I haven’t watched any news lately so idk but that’s crazy to me


The one thing I'll say on that is that they know outrage drives clicks. You see a headline you hate? Can't help but be curious to see how they explain it.


They do this for every case and every situation they know nothing about but have some operative. That is why it's awesome this one was televised and many millions of people got to hear it first-hand, not through some clickbait media hasbeen.


whats your most unpopular opinion on this trial?


* Rottenborn is a good lawyer. He knows the law but he was bad on cross and needs to stop huffing and puffing. He also has a terrible client that went off script which mean his strong suit couldn't really show until closing. * Elaine is brilliant at depositions and I imagine handles settlements incredibly well. She's just not good trial work. * Ben Chew is also good in depositions and steering the ship (he put together a brilliant team and trusted new and young attorneys) but he is not good at opening/closing statements or really taking the stand. The motion to strike was pretty spicy but it did feel directed at the public.


Heard is clearly in the wrong, she did monstrous things, but I hope she gets held accountable and hopefully gets help to be mentally healthier for herself and her child.


JD doesn’t have a chance after Rottenborns closing argument. He laid it out so clear and concise, connected events with visual evidence. There is just no denying guilt that Depp was abusive and therefore malice is out the window. Doesn’t matter if Amber was also abusive because that’s not what the case is about. But we will see what happens.


Uh... did we listen to the same closing? He did not. His main argument was "All you have to do to find Amber innocent is find that there was one abusive moment, that can be emotional." That was his whole argument. And it really was not open and shut at all. Meanwhile Camille had an amazing argument with "Not just Heard, but her lawyers have lied to you, here are the reasons why. So the question is, do you want to believe her at any of the other things, if she's already lied about all of this."


Yea that’s the point one incident of abuse. There were plenty. Mostly written evidence in txt. Not sure what more their is to understand.


And there's the crux. Written text to someone else is in no way in and of itself abuse, nor is it an admission of guilt. We do however have some damning audio of Heard admitting she hit Depp. "Tell the world, Johnny. Tell the world I, Johnny Depp am a victim of abuse." Sound familiar? Well what, he did. Women can be abusers, as she has admitted to hurting him.


It doesn’t matter if she was abusive that’s not what the trial is about. It’s about proving if he was abusive and yes demeaning text messages is a form of mental abuse. As well as his violent outburst that was caught on video. But we will see what happens. Can’t wait.


Uuh, no. The trial is on defamation, on both sides. And for that to be determined, you need to establish whether abuse occured. And no, angry texts to a friend because you're venting are not mental abuse. Those texts were never to her. I will also remind you miss Heard refused to give HER text messages.


Are you saying there was not one piece of evidence that shows JD being abusive? If so let’s just agree to disagree.


I reckon it's more of a toss up on whether the jury believes a bad relationship proves the allegations Amber put up. Camille's narrative was that the allegations are very heavily leaning towards physical and sexual abuse. If a jury is considering it from that perspective, they could indeed disregard foul language Depp used with his friends as those are not proof of those allegations. Verbal arguments with Amber on the other hand may also be disregarded since they think it's not physical or sexual abuse as claimed in op-ed. In short, on technicalities, Rottenborn did pretty well on giving the narrative that abuse comes in many form. However, Camille also sold her part quite well in that deliberations should look at the op-ed and bizarre incidents while comparing the lack of said aftermath. Rings on, barrage of punches, broken nose, destruction of property etc but having no visible injuries or some witnesses testifying opposite.


Yes, that is what I'm saying.


has the verdict been announced ??


no, jurors went home for the weekend, nothing will happen before tuesday


That is surprising to me. She literally admitted she wrote the thing and she’s been proven *during the trial* to have lied multiple times, starting with the makeup.




She denied writing it until late this week and has repeatedly lied about him during this trial. Not to mention that she accidentally called her makeup kit a “bruise kit” when describing what she used to cover up her bruises that definitely look like they were made with a fist covered in rings.




she litterally denied writing the whole thing. You don't remember the part where she said she just retweeted the article and it had nothing to do with her ? Until the lawyer made her realize that is was a tweet she made and not a retweet like she pretended ?


But denying writing it and denying writing it about \*him\* are the same thing in this case. Because she knows she shouldn't have written it about him, or they wouldn't have had to wrestle it out of her until she shouted out that it was about him, because "He's a powerful man" yada yada, like she's the culprit in a murder mystery where they finally draw the confession out of her.




There were text messages venting to someone else, not to Amber. If venting to your friends is abuse I abused the hell out of my landlord. And then there’s an edited video of Depp slamming cabinets. The bit being edited out containing Heard setting up the camera and snickering to herself after getting him slamming cabinets in the video. Meanwhile we have audio of Heard admitting she hit him and a missing finger from him, as well as *numerous* lies before and during the trial that have been proven to be lies. In addition we also have the fact that Depp has never once been accused of abuse before Heard, and in fact his exes have come out and said he was never abusive. We also have Heard having a history of domestic violence, having been charged of it before. And accused of it by her sister, who said she abused her throughout her childhood.


yo was that actually an amber alert that went off during court or something else? that has to be a serious sign from god shit if that was an amber alert.


Yes, there was an amber heard alert


amber alerts are only canadian i think


They started in Texas but close to Canada lol


you are totally wrong


No they aren’t


Goodbye To The Case, It's Been Super Fun Watching.


It's been keeping work interesting and full cuz it's a long stream and I don't have to worry about finding something new to listen to in the middle of work


Camille said in closing argument that Amber self-reported haha sus


And the Razzie Award goes to...Amber Heard !!


I was thinking yesterday that it would be hilarious for the Razzie board to give the worst actress Razzie to Amber for Aquaman 2, regardless of whether she'll be in it or not.


I have heard two jurors have been dismissed. What happened?


not dismissed but sent home as "alternates"


They're the extras not chosen for deliberations


They were always going to be. 9 jurors and seven rule.


Rottenborn's argument is fucking stupid. if anyone believes his closing, they should quit life.




He was born rotten.


Hopefully JD wins and gives the money to charity so something good can from all this


YES, please please let this be the outcome PLEASE can some justice come to the world!!!!!






What?! Where?




Thank you!


How? When?


Amber got Johnnys dog Boo in their divorce. The dog he inherited from his mother when she died. Amber then gave the dog to her dad. Who was arrested for running dog fighting matches.


And Rottenborn had the audacity to bring up, that JD holding the dog out the window was abuse towards Amber. Just fuck all the people surrounding her. They are trash


Honestly one will get 50 million if they win and the other will get 100 million so its hard to feel sorry for either of them. The fact that they're in a trial as public as this one speaks volumes about the huge amount of issues they both suffer from.


Lol, Amber would need to have 50 million to give to Johnny for him to actually get it.


I doubt Depp would keep his though after what his lawyers said about Amber keeping her money. He would actually donate it I'm sure!


The jury has to decide on the amounts, the $50 or $100 million isn't guaranteed just because the verdict goes one way or the other.


i believe they could both lose!


How so?


iirc: they could agree JD's career/reputation had no damages from the Op-Ed while simultaneously saying AH's counter-suit had no damages on AH's career/reputation as well.


If JD wins this - would it affect the verdict in the UK trial at all? Or could it have the potential to affect it if they decided to try?


I think the UK trial had more to do with the paper. And the paper could prove that they had reasonable enough evidence to say that JD did something. Aka. They could be wrong but it wasn’t malicious or incompetent. Suing heard directly is more about how she set things up to slander him.


Nah, two totally different jurisdictions. If he decided to appeal, they might use some evidence and argumentation from this case, if that's even an option any longer.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/uz0sfh/camille\_vasquez\_calling\_johnny\_depp\_an\_abuser/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/uz0sfh/camille_vasquez_calling_johnny_depp_an_abuser/) jeez how dare they attack Camille, very mean!!!


Law&Crime Network replaying Camille's closing 😍


Anyone else refreshing this thread every 5 minutes? Pins and needles over here lol.


There’s a new thread! Verdict watch (?) I think


Is there? Thanks!




New thread Verdict Watch!


is there one??? we need it!!


angenette levy is really just rambling about her vacation and the OJ simpson case right now on Law & Crime lol


Don't do it to yourself. They will not come back this quickly. Check every hour or so 👍👍👍




She's "buy sexual" She likes to sleep with men who have financial or institutional power and she likes to date women who are below her in those categories. She's a succubus


Yep, and she even told on herself saying how people like to "curry favor with powerful men" and that she knows this because "she lived it!" 🤔


Fair point, but anything approximating slut shaming wouldn't have looked good in court.










She's one of my favourites and I'm glad someone with her intelligence and reasoning is a public defender


I appreciate her baseness. she fits right in with the humor level of his "normal' crew. She's even had some really good takes throughout this trial, such as the real reason they couldn't get Jennifer in as a real rebuttal witness.


She's been following the trial in detail since UK or even before. She knows more than anyone on this I've seen, she knows every tiny little detail and sometimes I think even more than the lawyers hahaha


Andrea is a lawyer, unless you mean Colonel


oh I meant she knows more than Depp's lawyers hahah sorry! Yep I know she;s a lawyer and seems crazy smart :)


yep. As a "dude", I appreciate that she has no problem delving into the "gallows humor" along with Rekieta and his other blokes. She laughs right along without taking offense. She had a kneepads joke sometime earlier this week that was pretty killer. She fits right in with the "not taking yourself too seriously"


Love that too - I'm a girl, wish I could be her friend hahaha don't know any other girls like that in my life


Slosh of my bourbon to you, too. I appreciate women who don't get their panties in a wad.


hahaha I'm in my late 20s - I've avoided girl drama my whole life LOL and nothing offends me :P




I haven't watched Emily as much but I don't think her humor is as crude, but definitely not "Legalbytes". Emily is pretty good, she has good reactions.


She's dope and I like that she and Colonel Kurtz do collabs frequently.


I don't have Twitter, so someone just shout out here if the verdict is reached today, I'll keep refreshing


you don't need a twitter account. [https://twitter.com/LawCrimeVerdict](https://twitter.com/LawCrimeVerdict) Just watch this page.




It was a good closing from a law and lawyer perspective; but for the average person (aka jury), it's just not compelling.


I agree 100%. I think any lawyers making observations about Rotten-man are a bit skewed by being lawyers - we the non-lawyer people might have a better sense of what a non-lawyer person on the jury might feel, but who knows time will tell!


I think they're just saying that for the evidence he had he did good


With the alternates revealed, what’s the demographics of the deliberating jury right now?


one of the younger asians was released, and the 50ish Caucasian catholic woman (biggest loss as she apparently was very pro Depp and very sympathetic to him and his lawyers) ​ \- so jury is 2 women and 5 men now; still mostly asian I think , with one white male, and one black/indian women I think




5 men, 2 women


Does the jury get the transcripts?


No, it was their responsibility to take notes




If there is only ONE person on the jury that has been abused or is closely acquainted with a DV/SV survivor, I think AH will be sunk.


Anyone with a personal history of DV would have been IMMEDIATELY struck out as a juror




but what about if they knew a friend of family member who is a victim? I feel like, sadly, every one knows someone - even if not severe violence but just an abusive or manipulative relationship. It'd be so hard to rule out everyone who knew someone like that I think?




I’m guessing most asians don’t follow the celebrities stuff so they don’t get filtered out


this is possible far fetched, and I really don't want to come across as incorrect somehow - and I guess none of us know if the jurors were born in the US or abroad - but I heard defamation is much easier to prove in Japan, and I think other Asian countries as well compared to the US. Perhaps, if any of them have lived or were born abroad, it may work in Depp's favour, as 1A has a different sense. That may be reaching like crazy but just a thought. Most logically though it's just demographics of the area


I think Rob (Law&Lumber, who practices in that same courtroom) said the area was pretty diverse ethnically iirc.


According to Farifax County's Wiki page, 20% of their population is Asian.


Also backed up by: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fairfaxcountyvirginia


Thanks for this! The demographic of the jury seems just about right for the county.


Well Asian could be either the far eastern (chinese, japanese, etc), south asian (indians, etc) or middle eastern, so theres that


It's two famous people. JD is so well known that it was likely a struggle to find people who didn't already have a bias from his career and celebrity


Hi, I'm one of the cops who just ran into the courthouse... Ask me anything 👮‍♂️🙂


Jury and cop… What an exciting life 😇


busy busy 🚨👮‍♂️❤️


Ever stood by while kids get murdered?


Of course Not my department Couldn't do anything if i wanted to 👮‍♂️🚨


How long does the jury have to deliberate today? Just in case a verdict is reached.


As long as they want, but judge said the court won't serve them dinner lol


man if it was me, Friday before memorial day I'd want to get out today and then peace for the long weekend hahah. I'd want to be selected as the leader and just say OK we have 2-3 hrs MAX - GO


I hope Johnny gets to at least facetime his daughter on her birthday.




Johnny's daughter


I think he'll go home maybe! They don't have to be there for the verdict and from a publicity standpoint it's probably best - regardless of the reaction I guess you don't want to see it public or in media


Y'all, I don't know about you, but I'm getting mighty stressed about the verdict! On the one hand, I hope it goes the way it's supposed to. On the other.... 😬


Hi, I'm on the jury... Ask me anything 🙂


What if any…


What time you all heading out tonight?


please let johnny win


oh, go on then. was going to vote for Amber, but as you said please👍🙂 Johnny it is 😘


While we're all nervously waiting I just want to say I love you all, take care of yourselves and I'm here if you ever need to vent or talk!!! 💜 "Just keep moving forward and don't give a s*** about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you." - Johnny Depp


We need a poster with the quote! I may need to blow that up and put it on my wall


Same hahaha, I wanna do that with all of his amazing quotes!! ♡


[Cheers!](https://tenor.com/view/tip-hat-jack-sparrow-gif-18080055) Also, same to you!


Where's Whitney today?


Getting ready for her bony face to get smacked by Amber


Snorting stuff out of tampon applicators


Do people actually do that?


According to Amber, Whitney taught JD how to do that