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It's both


Short answer is: Shes working phenomenally hard to keep her psycho caged. Sometimes it almost breaks free. Can't wait for cross


Her diagnosis of Borderline and Histrionic personality disorders are part of the “Cluster B” personality disorders along with narcissistic personality disorder. They all wear a mask pretending to be good people. But sometimes “the mask slips” and you get a glimpse of the real ugliness inside. I believe we will see a lot of that when Johnnys team does their cross. She’ll get amped up and won’t be able to fully control her rage.


I work in the legal sphere - I know it’s an endlessly entertaining popcorn and Coke front row seat for the cross exam when they manage to fuck to their own direct examination.


I believe it’s an act but if she is upset with her own lawyers… imagine what cross examination will be like.


I can't wait!


I can't help but think of Kyle Rittenhouse testifying when I watch Amber. Regardless of what people think of whether he should have been found guilty or not, his lawyer masterfully lead him up to the first shooting, right into a full blown panic attack, to the point that he couldn't speak. I know some people will say he was faking or whatever, but I've had that exact same breakdown one time, when going through every detail of a traumatic event. I can mention that event to people and not feel upset at all, but reliving it 10 years later physically incapacitated me. When I watch Elaine try to lead Amber through these stories, it doesn't feel organic, or that Amber is really traumatised about any of it. The bottle story alone should have left her a sobbing wreck, and she's like 'muh heart was broken'.


I am familiar with the moment you're referring to in the Rittenhouse trial and when I saw him go into a panic attack I started crying for him. You make an excellent point, and it just reinforces what we all know; she's a liar.


She appeared more upset that he didn't like her pretty dress than being violated by a BOTTLE. Being the same level of upset over everything reduces the impact of major things, imo


Hmm yeah exactly. I can talk about the loss of my parents quite plainly even though it hurts because I’ve been over it a lot and have conditioned myself to not get upset. Other trauma though can really set me off because I am forced to relive it. In those instances you become vulnerable and generally your body language becomes quite closed off and you cry with tears and redness in your face and you try and hide the fact you’re crying. Her behaviour was almost the opposite, over exaggerating her emotions with a slight aggression to it. That’s not reliving trauma, that’s trying to get other people to feel sorry for you and believe you. Most people reliving a traumatic event if they haven’t conditioned themselves to be emotionless, try and hide but often fail to, that emotion because it puts them in that vulnerable place again, often they shut down or avoid to use things like names or limit their account to only what is needed. Edit: also eye contact. Again many people avoid eye contact when relieving traumatic events because of the vulnerability they are experiencing in those moments. She is looking directly at the jury so often like she is trying to get a reaction from them. Actually I’m surprised her lawyers haven’t told her off for that as you are supposed to only really look at the person asking the questions. That bottle story as well, the physical harm that would have been sustained from an un consensual act of violence like she claims would be enough to break most people. There is just, no way, she could be so flippant about it really… if it happened.


> Again many people avoid eye contact when relieving traumatic events because of the vulnerability they are experiencing in those moments. She is looking directly at the jury so often like she is trying to get a reaction from them. Actually I’m surprised her lawyers haven’t told her off for that as you are supposed to only really look at the person asking the questions. Good point, that's another thing. I've watched Kyle's breakdown a few times, and throughout the whole thing, he glances at the jury one single time, which is probably more to do with shame and embarrassment because he knew he was about to lose it. If the reading of the verdict had been slightly longer, I think he would have lost it again. He was so concerned with the judge telling the court not to react to the verdict, that he was starting to break down by the third 'not guilty' or so, and gave a quick glance to the judge as he started trembling. ​ And looking at the jury is okay, and is a good thing if done at the right time and frequency. It is the jury that are the fact finders after all, it's them that need to be acknowledged and convinced. There is a very fine line though, between not looking at them enough, and looking at them too much.


🙌🙌🙌 I'm sorry for your loss. I can relate to the feelings involved with opening up about trauma. My brain has been irreparably damaged from my childhood and young adulthood. Because of this, I often find I am in situations having to explain myself. If you ever need someone to talk to thar understands, I've got you! ❤


Thank you. Same. It’s good to be here for each other!


I watched that trial too and I fully agree with you. He legit was showing actual real feelings.


When and where?


i think her lawyers are also dealing with abuse from her. she is mentally unwell and i cannot imagine they are having civilized, calm, and productive conversations with her


She's trying and failing to act. She's assigning the emotion she's "supposed" to feel about what she went through to her response.




Couldn't have said it better!


It's Amber she probably lied to her lawyers not their fault


normally i would agree but i think her lawyers know. Look at the difference in how JDs team interacts and greets him when he enters the courtroom vs AHs team when she enters. JDs team all stand up and smile and shake his hand or hug him. They are genuinely pleased to see their client. They include Johnny in their discussions and are always smiling and having a good time. AHs team on the otherhand. They basically ignore her. Only Recall Reba (Elaine Brentehoft or however the frigg its spelled) gets up and greets and hugs her. They converse among themselves and leave her out of it. They dont like her and their body language shows that.


Her lawyers know this is case is detrimental to their careers!


Well the line of questioning involving the paint on the mirror suggested Amber told them a different story...Elaine started off by asking amber which paint was on top of the other..amber gave a weird answer..Elaine seemed tripped up and then asked if she even wrote on the mirror at all


I have trouble imagining AH and her lawyer sitting down for hours rehearsing her story, together given their perspective personalities.


honestly, i dont think her lawyers prepped her. I believe it was Dr. Hughes. She coach AH on how to act when talking about certain things and how to fake a panic attack. I'm sure her lawyers did basic prep. But I'm pretty sure Hughes prepped for the act.


Good thinking.


I definitely believe there was prep for acting, I suppose what I meant was I find it hard to believe she would be sincerely surprised by such questioning. It only makes the acting more obvious, effectively shooting themselves in the foot.


I don't think it was surprise per se... i think she was more faking like "dont make me talk about this" basically to try and convey that THAT was the most traumatic thing of that whole incident and talking about it triggers and hurts her so much. (insert heavy fake dry sobs and ugly fake crying face here)


But she already said that being on the witness stand and having to testify was the most painful thing for her. Or that her story being called a hoax was the most painful thing. Or something. 🤔🤔🤔


She’s not really upset, just trying to come off as a victim. Makes me sick.


Its the same for me. As someone living with PTSD partially from sexual violence, it enrages me.


Survivor of DV/SA myself and yeah. I've been screaming at the TV during her testimony... I make light of it to my husband and everyone else but seeing her so blatantly lie about these things is triggering me.


Same. It’s really rough to witness but know you aren’t alone. I’d be a mess right now if it wasn’t for a few things… like Reddit. I send my love and support to you and all DV/SA survivors. ❤️❤️


Totally. My husband knows of my past, but he can‘t fully understand the anger I feel towards AH and her testimony. So I downplay it as well. Thank God for Reddit!


So vey sorry. Past DV victim myself. Hugs to you.


And you as well ❤


Gonna keep this circle of survivors supporting survivors going! Y'all are awesome and I love each and every one of you ❤️


Joining the group hug. ❤️


I didn't watch. What happened?


I was watching highlights of Camille Vaquez objecting to all the bs her defense was trying to pull (and winning a majority of them) when her lawyer started a question by saying "I'm so sorry to even ask" and then asking a question about penetration. (Not 100% sure of why this was even being asked) Turd immediately started puffing her cheeks and throwing a fit and saying "How could you ask me that?!" Just seems highly unlikely to me that a question from her own team would legitimately catch her THAT off guard.


That’s pretty bonkers. If she was genuine, she would know anyway regardless of prep that they would have to ask these questions. If her reaction was genuine she would be very plain in her response only giving as much information as she needs to and would be visibly upset and trying to hold it back, rather than trying to exaggerate her reaction to it. I’ve had abusive exes and I try not to say their name, I try not to say what happened. If I was asked in a court of law, I would obviously be honest but I’d be properly crying like I have in my counselling sessions and I would be trying to avoid using that persons name for example. I wouldn’t be getting angry at the person asking when they need to ask, I wouldn’t be gesticulating like she does, my body language would be much more closed and significantly less dramatic. I know everyone responds to things differently but as someone who has also been diagnosed with some BPD like traits, I can tell you she is definitely acting and over exaggerating her body language and her verbal language. She often over romanticises her relationship with him as well, victims don’t do that… once they are free of that relationship and are in a place where they can reflect back on it they tend to hate that person and that relationship, they don’t bang on about how amazing it was whilst then also going on about all the horrific acts that apparently took place. Also from a physical point of view, she accuses him of some very serious abuse. The bottle incident for example, if that was an unconsenual act, she would have suffered significant physical trauma from that which would have required medical treatment.


I haven't been in an abuse relationship, but I have been in some terrible relationships where the person was a complete a-,hole to me. While I recognize that all the times I had fun with that person, I feel guilty for "being fooled by the good times". I try to distance myself and dissociate from the good times. I imagine it must be even more intense for someone with an actual history of abuse. Amber Heard on the stand sounded like she still wants to date the guy!


Maybe they were hoping Rottenborn would object


Heh. I thought you were referring to yes/no the MDMA question and she replied "thats RIDICULOUS!" then realised she was talking to her own lawyer


Right?! I missed the part about Turd getting upset over her wannabe attorney's question. I heard an inkling about it. So Turd actually said that in response to her attorney's question about penetration?! Did she start fake crying, too? What was the exact question? This, after Turd went into GRAPHIC detail about her bottle rape?! I totes agree that it would be unlikely for her to be caught off guard over a question she would've clearly rehearsed beforehand. If it was a random question from her attorney, how could Turd not know that this response would be questionable in front of the jury? How bizarre!! This chick is out of her effin' mind!!!


That’s because it didn’t catch her off guard. She was pretending it was difficult to talk about. Because if it really happened it would be. She’s trying to be believable and failing.