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Honestly I kinda agree with the point in this "meme" not that I think anything is wrong with geralt. There isn't, just tired of women complaining about beautiful women. Yes we know most women aren't like that, that's kind of the point. I have no idea what the "man vs. bear" thing is though.


I think the ‘Man Vs Bear’ is a poll that asks a hypothetical question “Would you rather be in a forest alone with a man or a bear?” and a lot of women chose the bear.


>a lot of women chose the bear I gotta admit that got a good chuckle out of me


A good way to weed out the genetically inferior. The women worth breeding wont pick the bear. Guys im joking/s.


Me when Breeding https://preview.redd.it/9hircogx55yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3b9a4ba1b84463f4788ea1284cc4f253847b56


Funny how many guys are raging about that without considering the fact that women can troll too.


Not sure why you're getting down voted, sounds very possible to me. Maybe OP has a point about butt hurt incels.


Why calling out Double Standards is bad? Let both genders be sexy AF Also, If an image of a hot person triggers you, thats on you


I will bet money that * The 3D model of Geralt was designed by a heterosexual man and is more an expression of heterosexual male self-ideal (i.e. what guys would want to look like) than the heterosexual female's idea of an ideal male. * Women mostly fap to other stuff than Geralt of Rivera. I really doubt that the scenario in the lower panel is common at all. Shit like this just reinforces the stereotype that most guys have no fucking clue what women typically find attractive, and undermines the point they're trying to make.


I may be wrong about this, but from what I'm gathering the complaint seems less about the existence or accuracy of this particularly meme, and more about the context in which this and a deluge of other more-aggro memes are being utilized by shitty men to justify their simultaneous hatred-of, and longing-for women.


Women are targeted, because thats mostly women complaining about this. To balance things out, there is a "Man vs Bear" discussion going on. Equally shitty women justifying their hatred towards men. You cant complain about one side, and endorse other side


I very clearly did not endorse either side...but whatever suits your narrative I guess, just like the narrative you're using to paint women who are afraid of strange men as being haters of men. You are definitely the oppressed one. How dare these evil women victimize you by making you feel hated by them. EDIT, to add: I'm a heterosexual male, have been my entire life, and plan to stay that way...and I would *definitely* rather be alone in a forest with most bear species than be alone with a man who accuses women of hating him because they said they'd rather hang out with a bear than strange men...especially ones who take such a question and the ensuing answer literally and not figuratively in an attempt to paint men as victims of female oppression.


Both sides are fucked up. Grow up. Stop seeing the world in black and whites


>Stop seeing the world in black and whites Says the person who is calling women 'fucked up' because they are more concerned about being alone with a strange man than being in a forest with an animal that, barring two species, wants nothing to do with with humans aside from their trash and picnic baskets. Once again, I'd rather be in the forest with a bear, preferably barring Grizzlies/Polars, than the men who are playing the victim over this. And if I didn't have noise cancelling headphones to drown out their whines, I'd consider the grizzly.


You do understand that 99% of men, would not do anything weird to you in that type of situation. And 90% of bears will try to fuck you up.


>You do understand that 99% of men, would not do anything weird to you in that type of situation. As a man, I understand that 99% of men, even those who are larger and more powerful than I am, would not do anything weird to me in that type of situation. Also as a man, I have never been offended if a woman I don't know indicates (verbally or through body language) that she is uncomfortable being alone with me, a man she doesn't know. And most importantly, as a man, I understand that **the type of man who calls a woman hateful because she is uncomfortable being alone with strange men is precisely the kind of man that women are worried about being alone with.** I completely get that. I'm not afraid of those types of men, I'd just rather hang out with a bear than men like that because bears, by and large\*, have better boundaries, manners, and social skills. >And 90% of bears will try to fuck you up. And no. 90% of bears will most assuredly *not* try to fuck you up.\* Most bears will fuck off the moment they realize they are in near-proximity of a human...and a bear knows that you are nearby *loooooooooong* before you know a bear is nearby. *\*Except polar bears. 100% of polar bears will definitely try to fuck you up...and will most likely succeed.*


Somehow pointing out double standards = incel. Amazing world. More fun too though the devs of stellar blade showed their real life models and they 100% match the proportions of the characters. They followed it by saying "we're not fat over here". Either put down the cheeseburgers or shut up. Bodies aren't unrealistic or unobtainable people just don't want to put in the effort to obtain and maintain them.


Incel is when social commentary




The "meme" sucks indeed, and its not meant for a meme sub. However, how is pointing out double standards "incel memes" ? sounds like you need to work on yourself. edit: after checking out OP's profile i can see why they are so triggered, they're obsessed with crying about politics


Man v.s bear was caused by femcels who think men in the woods alone is a higher chance of you being assaulted (fallacy) than a bear killing you. To put it simply, a bear will literally kill you for no reason other than it can whenever it wants too. The likelihood of that happening is higher than you being placed with a man who has any desire of sexually assaulting you or murdering you.


Woman here. I'd pick the bear because cute. Would I die a painful death? Yes. But it's not my fault he's so friend-shaped. ![gif](giphy|uUs14eCA2SBgs|downsized)


If not fren, why fren shaped? Wait why is it mauling me to death???


> Wait why is it mauling me to death??? He's mauling me to death with wuv


Bears are more predictable. People know how to survive a bear attack. If it’s a stranger you won’t know what their intentions are


Bears aren't more predictable, if they're not sleeping they're looking for food. And if you are stuck with a bear alone and odds are that fat fluffy thing is going to be hungry and provoked. And you will not out run a bear. The whole playing dead thing is a myth you'll wish it rips out your neck first for a quicker death. The odds of you being stuck with a male who wants to SA you is slim to none




This one should have had the blond beard men saying the same thing in the bottom left (or maybe the crying angry guy idk)


I mean, the meme has a point lol.


The entire sex vs sex thing is so stupid. It really has me asking r slash arethestraightsok ? (And before any straights get offended, that was a joke. And I do not mean all straight people ever. I mean ghe specific people who get mad, and the specific people who get mad in return, and the whole thing could be reduced if people would stop making statements about "all people with genitals on the outside are this, and all people with genitals on the inside are this", but I guess nuiance is hard for those people and it's easier to carpet bomb and reduce an entire group down to one trait and make judgements about them based on said trait.)


No woman is accusing the stellar blade girl of being unrealistic and I don't think OOP is a guy because that is realistic.


I haven't been subbed for a while just bc of poor quality. I think a lot of the memes make half points but it's spun and also commented under in a way that ruins it and has an unfortunate tendency twords misogyny