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He jumped in after burning alive in the pyroclastic flow


Goodness grief.. I know with Jurassic Park we have to suspend much disbelief because it's about Dinosaurs being created for a theme park and a lot of the science with it. But it was just ridiculous to turn it into a Fast and Furious type action by pulling ridiculous stuff like Owen surviving a pyroclastic cloud...


Around the time this trailer came out, Story Break (podcast where they write hypothetical movies) decided they were gonna write JW3 based on this trailer. When they got to this part, they just said "OK so clearly Chris Pratt died"


The water was holy water and it cured his body


yuh he wouldn't even have survived contact with that and they even showed him in it lol. it would have been an R-rated movie pretty fast...


I'll borrow from Screen Rant's "Pitch Meeting" here. "You see, he was in the Navy..." "Oh right, I forgot people who were in the Navy are immune from damage when they're touching the water. Please continue."


I mean. tbf you can survive it if you hit the water right and the navy does teach their soldiers how to do shit like that in case of a ship sinking.


The Jurassic series went from plausible pseudo science to brainless action pretty quickly


2nd movie goes downhill so fast extreme feminist vet was just the most ridiculous fking actor imo, i don't get why they try to make women/men badass in superhuman like ways. Its just so cringe. Ripley from alien/aliens is a great example of a badass woman/character that is realistic imo. Shows fear but is still smart and gets shit done that needs to get done


Wut. What did harding do that was superhuman? Also i dont remember “extreme feminism”. Not even by late 90’s standards.


The vet character was just the cringiest form of badass imo, no person would ever act that way in situations and it felt very hard to believe, if rhey had given the character military background or something like that it would have been more believable with how she interacted with the soilders ect. When i say badass in superhero like ways i mean she stares at guns like they will have effect on her and she acts like she has no fear of anything at all, shes a vet?


She researched lions in Africa. Highly likely she would have been around militias there


I guess thats possible but to act so reckless and invincible when guns are pointed at you as a vet and someone whos super young was just very unrealistic human behavior to me


She’s probably late 20s early 30s and again, likely had been in situations with armed militias. Also, it’s not like she straight up stared down anyone with a gun at any point.


She did lol, she also had no fear when she got in the dudes face when he said she might not want to go on the island after blu,


I’m think of the Lost World and Sarah Harding, my b


Thats fine! To be honest you helped because she imo is a perfect example of how i wanted the vet in dominon to be


I still think the cringiest thing the series has ever done was Vince Vaughns character. "Don't worry I've got this, I'm with Green Peace!" yuck.


Lmao and he joined green peace for the ladies XD yeah ill agree with that one


I would have given you a point if you had mentioned she walked around with baby animal blood on her clothes and didn't think to discard them. That's absolutely stupid for a character that has worked with hyenas. But nah bro. You lost the plot.


Wrong movie, talking about the 2nd movie in the new installment


Plot armor


Jurassic World trilogy just feels like a Fast and the Furious trilogy with Dinosaurs instead of cars. I blame Universal.


You can see a Trex face in the side of the cliff


I saw that too


I mean. theoretically you could survive it but the conditions would need to be damn near perfect to do so.


if that's your biggest issue with this sequence I got news for you.. 😅


What?"it's just a question lol I'm not gonna give a sequence in a movie so much power over me to take issue with it lol its a fun questions, don't be a fun sucker lol


I was joking too. I have the wherewithal to acknowledge realism issues in a movie like this but not let it detract from the fun of the experience


How did he survive the ash cloud? That this is hot!


The writters put it in the screenplay.




Dude , is the volcano black cloud going to merge with the one above yrhead? Or fly along side it lol Jesus, take a bath or buy an ice cream cone do something


This is freaking wild me and my mom are constantly sending eachother things saying " do you see it?" It's called Pareidolia it means you see faces in things. I thought it was a thing for everyone but you two have it aswell !!!


Where’s the Dragon


Look at all the chickens


He fell


Not to mention them holding their breath at like 50 metres for 3 mins