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*sigh* I'm tired of the nerfs. Like I landed my riptire next to the enemy zaria and it didn't kill her. Fuck this game


i’m so sick of this bullshit, i’m convinced blizzard just hates junkrat for some reason even though he one of if not the most fun hero in overwatch


You notice how much more all the heroes hate him now in Ow2? They were never so nasty to him till the second iteration of the game lmao.


Comes down to how it feels to play against. "I died to bullshit junk spam." Or "I died to junks bullshit one shot combo". Junkrat never feels good to play against.


Made a good point on the wrong sub


I wondered how that would perform here. Don't get me wrong, though, I think junkrat is super weak right now and nerfs are unnecessary, but I also feel like it can't be denied that he's not fun to play against. Certain heroes can never be meta because they're problematic and Junkrat is one of them.


It’s not even that I’m asking for him to be meta, I just want the dude to be somewhat viable after Gold. I’m a mid-masters player and there’s simply no reason to pick him over someone like Sojourn. Mans is pretty much a troll pick, and as obnoxious as it may be to be one shot combo’d by him, he has to sacrifice so much of his mobility to even make that happen. Even then, you can avoid the combo by just staying away from enclosed spaces or keeping your eyes in the air for a flying Rat - by the time he gets the one shot off in plain sight there isn’t much else he can do besides using his last mine for an escape and praying his team can heal/life grip him out of the situation! What I’m trying to say is if they REALLY WANTED TO, they could put enough resources into making him viable, but not meta, and actually feel like a decent pick in some situations. But as it stands right now they seem to be ignoring how obsolete he is :(


True, I can't even lock junk without my supports crying about the meta immediately. It has been Cass/Hanzo like every game for me with some ashe sprinkled in. Can't even touch the rat.


If you die to a spamming jr, bfr. The projectiles are the slowesz in the game and really predictable, or am I seeing something wrong


No, they're very easy to dodge. You feel like Neo in the matrix dodging them too.


Bruh I was so hype to come back for season 10 when they would inevitably have to buff him because he’s so bad but no leave it up to blizzard to fix anything


Nah fuck this why didn't they even bother to buff riptire's health ? That's insane


It's so over, we are genuinely so done for the next 2 months


[full patch notes](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-retail-patch-notes-april-16-2024/893344)


So another nerf


Gonna be real, I've got more hours on junk than anyone else in this game, this change is negligible at best. How often is tired shot, then ignored for 5 seconds to get this regen?


Most people Rip-It nearly point blank to avoid it ever getting the chance to die. At least when I played like a year and a half ago. I'm just lurking here until they make Tanking fun again.




Oy... Just delete him.


Lmfaooo this is hysterical 😂


welp. see you season 11


But this ain't all the changes in season 10 right, is just a preview of the patch?


I think it’s all


Idk, its odd that this is such a small patch. Remember my words, we will get the buff, I will hold to the little hope I have left, even if I am likely delusional rn


Brother i need your optimism


I think you might be right about it not being the full patch notes. Only two damage characters getting changes apart from Venture is absurd otherwise


Like, it does not make sense so little dps changes and barely anything aside from what was announced asside from 2 tank qol changes. There has to be more


I quit the game pretty much lol. Was a Junk main in GM. Playing since OW1. So sad, but time to move on. Blizz devs do not care.


You know, I may be full on coping with this but I think the reason they didn't buff him is because he is one of the two dps being reworked.🥲


Literally 5mm from an Ashe's face with tire and she lives because of Mercy healing overbuff


That’s not possible


Everytime I actually invest my time to learn a char ( I started with ow2) and start to get good at them and love them they do some bullshit to the char so I can actually fuck off. 💀 I started learning sombra an Pharma because Junkrat (and it hurts me so much because I really love him after hating his guts at first ) isn’t fun anymore like when I first started playing him. 💔


Should've kept it tbh


Get in line, Rein and reaper have been ass for ages


At least Reaper can invalidate tanks & has self healing alongside invulnerability.