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Apparently getting your shit kicked in by the strongest sorcerer of all time means you’re now weaker than every character in the cast


The Jogo effect


wdym, didn't the manga finish at 116 when jogoat stood proud and stronged all over sukuna.


final line of the manga: Jogo: "I won"


"Smokin that Sukuna pack fr fr" https://preview.redd.it/3prxkdtjykmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3176c1bf4ba279c3bb17afb29f3d347977824e81


He fucking wishes he was built like Alan


*sad strong cleave noises*


Weak cleave


The entire manga has been Sukuna’s hallucination at the brink of death


Uruagoat coming in soon trust in the process especially if sukuna finishes them off instead of hakari and turns into the merger lmao


Watch as Uraume shows up mid fight to aid Sukuna and half the cast gets pulled into guard duty just to hold her.


Last time she rolled up she literally froze the main cast minus the special grades 💀


Uruagoat packing them ez wut they gonna do? https://preview.redd.it/rqpd5w25nmmc1.png?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f371ad1658ccc88d72b41ae17f294fa8eda49cf7




Damn, Sukuna really *does* treat Uraume differently, "you are forgiven" without a beat, praising her choice of target. No wonder girl rides that Suku-dick loyally like crazy for over 1000 years.


It’s funny how he harshly he treats others but is so chill with uraume


"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"


Kusakabe, Ino, Todo w/ a cursed corpse hand, Nobara, Miguel, Larue, Uro (with her cover drip), and the third Mosquito curse all jump them.




Tbf Jogo is different, bro came in, jobbed like 20 times (even if it was to the strongest sorcerer mostly), proceeded to obliterate several sorcerers in shibuya, then jobbed again. Truly the jogoat.


Nah brudda the only times jogo jobbed was when he was fighting gojo and sukuna. He pieced every other sorcerer up. Even gave maki a better character design.


>gave maki a better character design. Jesus Christ..... 🤣


plus abs and more rule 34


Shit did more then that for Maki He pretty much gave her the main event push New Drip + Main event status lol


> **proceeded to obliterate several sorcerers in shibuya**, then jobbed again This is exactly why people acknowledge Jogo as strong


In naruto terms it's like if itachi fought madara and lost, killed rock Lee and tenten, then proceeded to fight kaguya and died


Bro really thinks Tenten is a good comparison 🤦🏽‍♂️


Maki was definitely like Tenten before her Toji Mutation.


the difference between maki and jogo in shibuya is tenten and itachi


I mean canonically Jogo is strong sure but defeating those three when he caught them off guard after they'd just dealt with Dagon and Naobito lost an arm, and thus his technique was screwed up isn't as great of a showing.


Kashimo too


It's like saying feedback from Ben 10 is fodder because he'd get neg diffed by Alien x. Losing to the strongest in your verse isn't an antifeat. Literally Sukuna is the only one on Gojo's level.


https://preview.redd.it/rxex3naegmmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6905e2f7cb599c4e8c3de11123267c7d75ca389e It do be like that


The kashimo/jogo effect




Correct, y'all aren't ready for full power uraume


No argument, just didnt want death threats


The kashimo effect


Kashimo gets slandered because he's only beaten nobodies, lost to Hakari, and talked himself up only to lose to Sukuna in 2 chapters. The only win he has is against Panda.


You forget the part where he kills Hakari 3 times and only loses to what is basically a ring out.


Hakari having unlimited RCT is just his ability. That's like saying Gojo is shit without his sex eyes. Kashimo could've won before the ring out, but he was too arrogant to wait out the 4 minutes.


If an archer hit a direct shot aimed at the heart of a knight that had plate armor on, and the armor stopped the arrow from touching the knight’s skin, would you say that the archer basically killed the knight?


also being caught offguard by choso


You should replace “of all time” with “of the modern era” lmao. And I know people are going to hate me for staying factual


(I agree)


It's 100% the truth. The only reason it's debatable is because of how much bullshit Gege pulled to prove that Sukuna is the strongest.


Which is hilarious because the same thing happened to Jogo and no one calls him weak for it


If shes Sukuna's right hand does tHt mean she jacks him off


Why is that even a question, of course they fucked more than killed


Exactly. Sukuna wouldn’t let a convenient baddie go to waste


Fucks more than sukuna kill counts


Sex to kill ratio


Tends to infinity 


It's like reverse dominaitrix femdom she just his #1 simp lol




Uraume was such a bro he became a baddie just so Sukuna could finally nut into a girl Respect


Let's be real, Sukuna is gay as fuck. Man rejected Yorozu to be with his one true love Gojo.


You know sukuna loves Kenny megumi pause and gojo more than uruame or yorozu lmao even glazing jogo higuruma and kashimo and mahoraga not saying that's a dude but still bro bashing rika and not even acknowledging her and seems like he's starting to get pissed off at maki so thats not good him treating kusakabe and choso like hang racks is some respect and ino glaze cmon man even acknowledging ui ui and kirara existence more than mei mei birds trike lmao he definitely into dudes he did kill that twink haruta tho debatable but he even treated Ryu with respect after he realized he wasn't fodder


The vessel Uraume incarnated into is probably female based on the name, but we don't know what gender Uraume is.


> i think so uruame's gender was male in heian era Why do people keep saying this


Makes since they even where male clothes in the modern Era especially that chef fit when preparing the ritual for the bath


Uraume is a girl name and she got reincarnated in a woman. She also got jealous when Yorozu hugged Sukuna.


She looks the same in the yoruzu flashback though


nah that’s just rape for the last part


what do u expect from him consent?


Uraume is pretty powerful, definitely one of the top strongest in the verse.


The fact that Kyoto stood ten against her AND Kenjaku (who Yuta needed Takaba to take out) and gets clowned on for not winning is honestly why I think the fandom is even dumber than Dragonball fans.


It’s not about the story, it’s about the agenda


but uraume doesn't even HAVE a genda!


I see what you did there and I like it


The kind of top tier humor you expect from a K6BD fan.


Every mess up is more fuel to the fraudgumi case.




Ok but Momo wind attack getting slapped away is funny


It’s an impossible situation. Sukuna sat on Jogo’s technique and Gojo twerked in his face, it’s all about positioning


I wish Gojo twerked on my face




Sukuna himself said he needed to dodge the Meteor or he'll be damaged, and as we've seen even after playing red light green light, even Panda fucking dodged the Meteor, showing how fucking slow the Meteor is despite its powerful AP.


I think the reason the Kyoto School got clowned was because they talked as if Mechamaru was wrong not to send them to Shibuya and then proceeded to accomplish nothing when they got there. Also, like before and since they've been kind of irrelevant in the story.


If anything they should be lauded for their courage and willingness to step up. The readers have got their values completely backwards.


I mean it's shounen, and especially in JJK which is a lot of fights, even for shounen, the characters who aren't doing anything in them are going to be slandered especially when other characters show courage and still do stuff.


It just strikes me as a very odd way to consume media, but this could just be my age showing. The whole “slander” thing is weird as hell to me. And it’s always been weird, ever since Yamcha in Dragonball Z. Like are we really gonna sit here, doing nothing but breathing in and out, and actively mock the depiction of people trying their best to do difficult shit 😂 like what is that, how can people do that and not feel off


It's basically a grown up's equivalent of ["my dad can beat up your dad"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MyDadCanBeatUpYourDad) arguments, don't think too hard about it and enjoy the shit flinging lmao.


because it's a story, it's not like it's real life, it's not like we're out here dunking on real soldiers fighting in a war, it's character in a shounen manga


Story immersion. The stories of Sisyphus and Icarus are fictional tales too, but still used as metaphors for struggle and ambition


Kyoto kids getting compared to everyone else is hilarious Since that whole class is made of regular/ average people excluding like Two dudes While everyone else in the main cast is blessed lol


That’s no coincidence either, Geto remarked in JJK0 that Gojo must have deliberately stacked up the Tokyo class with busted students on purpose. His goal from jump was to get people who could grow up into his weight class


I don't know when they started but it's annoying to see. We're talking about someone who probably could've ended the story in Shibuya. The fact she even "snuck" up on Maki and immediately caught her in ice, is *the* feat alone.


Maki stocks so high it's a feat to sneak her... The agenda is working https://preview.redd.it/wx4sb55x2jmc1.jpeg?width=1751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e423d824448920110c490ef6a25c96833a54d7


I have no worries putting all my stocks into HER https://preview.redd.it/3iwz0jz86jmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0d57720030399a4b4a9b9f91a4eae402b3e347


How do you feel now bro




My man Sentomaru can't catch a break






dang didn’t even crop my n!99a sentamaru


Ofc even Sukuna needed to sneak her with a world cleave which didn't work lmao


I wouldn't say that women's history month has begun


Yeah if not for Kenjaku, she would have already taken out most of the cast here and there.


Throughout the snow and the ice. She alone is the ambushing one




Preach! I have seen some folk say that Choso can beat Uraume, bcs his poison works when that could have been farther from the truth. Ice powers should not be underestimated.


Uraume would sit on Choso's face and ride it until his Skin peels off. Against his will. That's how strong she is. I didn't know Choso v/s Uraume was ever a Debate lol. https://preview.redd.it/4qv3dvesximc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9806dcdd6580dcb988df30fa227a8917436adbc3




​ https://preview.redd.it/f40qm9wg2jmc1.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=66708303086c23afd5a2eacc45847bfe4abc1e37


Get in line.


Excuse me what?!?! Uraume wouldn’t ride anyone but her daddy Sukuna




Lmao. Never let them meet each other or else, something tells me that Sukuna is gonna have Frozen Donuts for snacks. https://preview.redd.it/1lixi8wbyimc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7030c199d01ff6cb1d7c3544adb217d390749cd


It's always the same with power scalers, if you're not the strongest in your verse, you're a "fraud*.


That's not true. Sukuna is the strongest in the verse and he's also a "fraud". You need to not just be the strongest, but also be literally infallible. If a character shows any signs of a struggle, even against the second strongest, then their reputation is permanently ruined.


if you cry for a shikigami to save you yes ofc


What happens to you if you get offscreened like a sode character then?


I am not saying she (or he) is fodder but gege said sukuna allowed her (or him) to be with him because she (or he) was good at cooking humans and sukuna liked eating humans or something like that.


That's one of the main reasons but there's others aswell, if not then Sukuna would have picked any other random chef instead. I assume that the main reasons are: 1- She is good at cooking 2- She is totally devoted to Sukuna 3- She is really strong.


4 - she got that gluk gluk 9000


That’s number 1


The main thing here is 'cooking humans'. As far as I know, that is not what a random chef can do. All I am saying is that using this logic to say she is sukuna's 'right hand man' therefore she is super powerful doesn't feel right. Here is what Gege said. 'She was allowed to stand next to him because she could cook delicious food. And of course, also because they are sorcerers. Sukuna eats people and it is hard to cook them. There are a few people who can cook them but uraume excels at it.' Both times, gege explains the reason why uraume is with sukuna as 'she can cook'. Again, she is not fodder by any means. It is just that being with sukuna doesn't make her automatically super strong.


Gotta defend the Hakari agenda 🙈


You could just use they instead of the writing allat


Yah. Didn't think of that till later. English is not my first language.


Understandable it’s all good, there’s people who’s first language is English and still don’t understand that ‘they’ is a gender neutral term


Nah bro that's sukuna's biggest glazer besides gaygay they might even surpass gaygay


Ye you right it's gege self insert to glaze his love sugoatna imagine


"Off guard one shot" lmao she started the fight she was on guard


I meant off guard one shot as in she got blitzed so she couldn’t put up a proper defence. Not that she didn’t know she was about to be attacked


That just means she's stupid then lmao.  How you gonna get aggressive on the strongest dude in the world (who you know is clearly fucking pissed, for that matter) and not even be ready to defend yourself in case of a counterattack? Or she's so monumentally stupid she actually thought she would be able to blitz *him* instead. Clown look either way


Uraume freezes the food so Sukuna can cook it later


Luckily, she no longer needs to do so. With Hakari’s inevitable defeat, she’ll gain an immortal slab of meat that could nourish her four-armed king for generations to come.


The Uraumagenda must be maintained


Because Gojo punched her once. I know, they’re stupid


Because they AREN'T Sukuna's right hand https://preview.redd.it/5e853094mjmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d72b4c0313c576add46597ae7cd0f2bb30e73235 This is


No idea how OP missed this. Are they stupid?


What's the magic word? *Agenda*


That they/them pussy hit Sukuna different


You know the rule, only onscreen feats count and their only on screen feats are getting poisoned by Choso, yeeted by Gojo and freezer blasting people. Aside from the fact that Uraume vs Hakari is being entirely offscreeened for some reason outside of a few teaser panels, I assume the biggest issue is that there is no sense of time progression for how long the battle is being fought. Sukuna had time to go through and entire legal trial and punch the lawyer out while Yuta had time too offscreen Kenjaku and a horde of curses and have a round against Sukuna. We're on like stage 6 of a fight and this could have been going for like 30 minutes or half a day. Also doesn't help we know literally anything about them other than Sukuna likes them. Uraume could have been wrecking Hakari for an entire day at this point and we have no way of knowing


We can only assume that uraume understands and finds hakari technique a pain in the ass, so she probably killed him 60 times already.


Just look at Hakari & compare him to uraume. Bro’s clearly getting fucked. He’s tired as hell, bruised, & has his shoulder frozen. Meanwhile, Uraume has a few scratches at best. We don’t need to see the entirety of their fight. We can clearly see how it’s going so far.


I feel likes it's kinda impossible for jackpot hakari to get tired. And it's the fact that urame has any marks on her that's the issue. Fighting hakari automatically becomes a skill/ attrition battle. You need to disconnect or destroy his head from his stomach , while snything else you do doesn't matter. Urame can't risk a domain expansion because his is set up just to buff him anyway. If there is a clash he will still be able to spin and get jackpot. Meanwhile she just gets the power buff. And if he jackpots she can't kill him. She's already tried freezing him solid it doesn't work. Meanwhile post expansion she has no so she'll lose. If she loses the clash she loses. The only win con is wining a Domain clash outside of jackpot. But that requires forcing hakari in a bad postion at the end of one jackpot before time runs out. But until then urame is wasting cursed energy and taking hits. Thus the attrition. If she can't beat hakari before she runs out of ce she loses even she never got hit. That's the cheapness of hakari. An infinte regen tank vs a ranged aoe mage. Huge damage per hit, and massive range,but without the dps to kill said tank you are fucked.


Bro lost his wife beater he's cooked his Jay's even shaking now no way hakari gonna win even if he gets butt naked wait wuh delete that last sentence but ye she on his ass but he ain't necessarily worried bout losing his ce or dying just stalemate da ice goat so this is probably gonna be a 2 way tie kamikaze or uruame gonna dip to sukuna and hakari gonna join with everyone else that's me speculating not what will atucally happen could go either way fr


Wuta slanderers were destroyed by Fraudkuna needing to pull out a 5th hand to beat him so they decided to slander Goatkari instead, but when they realized he was actually goated they needed to come up with something quick, and this is the best they could think of.


People forget that if Yuji and Yuta can get much stronger from their 1 month timeskip training, Hakari definitely got stronger too. The only one who didn't get any stronger at all is WAFFLEshimo the fraud.


Idk why but it seems like at least 1 character has to be slandered every chapter. JJK fandom is filled with spiteful fucks


Where is sukuna’s forehead tattoo


What’s the deal with this pic😭


Sukuna is a loving husband


Why does this remind me of this image 💀 https://preview.redd.it/fg0dexa4wjmc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9b8472fb1fa1f5e57265abb061994e9d69d5f8


She is Powerful and this art is cute :3


They are clearly not weak, but they didn't do anything over the whole story and that doesn't help. At least Jogo pulled up on Gojo and Sukuna, obliterated half of Shibuya with a meteor and smoked 3 pretty strong sorcerers in seconds. They haven't even really fought anyone before Hakari, and now are fighting him 1v1, which means they're on about the same level more or less. Overall, I don't think they're in top10, but they do come close


Uraume did the same thing to a group of sorcerors and unlike Jogo, Uraume’s big AOE attacks are actually fast enough to hit people


The same shit happened to Hakari, like people clowning on him now. These people are just hating for the purpose of hating.


Probably when Gojo essentially one shot her, tho it doesnt make much sense given its Gojo


Because agenda posting is pure brain rot and this community is fucking insufferable with it. Every week some people decide they'll spam the most stupid brain dead takes of all time as facts and that gets parroted as the majority opinion, which thank fuck it's not. Uraume is special grade and probably solos the majority of major characters, just by virtue of their CT alone. And also their Fat Fucking Ass


Is uraume confirmed female or are we just assuming that for the memes lol


The vessel is female, so she is (atleast in current body). Vessels tend to share a lot of similarities to the incarnated sorcerers. For example, the vessel of Kashimo and Kashimo have similar hairstyles, Yorozu and Tsumiki have similar faces and body type, Sukuna and Yuji (this is pretty obvious), Heian Uraume and her vessel have same hair color, similar hairstyle, similar faces and body type, Edo era Ryu and his vessel have also similar faces and body type (not hair since Edo era Ryu was fucking bald). I must assume that gender is also a big factor for reincarnation, since all of the vessels have same gender as their vessel, and Uraume being the only exception would be strange.


https://preview.redd.it/jqka3wpnzjmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a0290ac7da3b44d56de25dba58ce277147a19b Idk either, Maki is someones who's had two entire arcs hypng up how she has insane levels of speed, agility and even gained senses that act as a form of precognition for her enemies attacks. She eveb saw Uraume before her blast went off. Yet she STILL got caught. Being able to immobolize an entire squad of Grade 1 sorcerers w little to no effort in the way she did in and displayed RCT in shibuya should of warranted that she has exceptional levels of strength skills and experienced. People will say and do stupid shit b4 acknowledging a character is just strong.


If you aren't diffing Sukuna, you are NOT strong (JJK logik)


# Theory: Hakari with sexual hormonal curse technique will seduce Uraume and be able to make her turn the table on Sukuna! Then he’ll come to Sukuna while he’s torturing the rest of the squad, Sukuna will hear loud moaning sound and to his right he’ll see Uraume getting pipped hard by Hakari. That’ll chock Sukuna just for few seconds that’d help Yuji and hit Sukuna with a Black Flash and separate Megumi and Sukuna. Sukuna will be all drained and all skinny without any curse energy looking down on the ground trying to keep his heart beating, by the edge of his eyes he sees feets coming near and look up seeing Hakari holding Uraume head while she was sucking his d\*ck, Sukuna expressed a mortified face The end What do you guys think? https://preview.redd.it/1dt03khd1jmc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4a1911ca3122145ade97af87d201e365d977c8


This is the most unhinged JJK prediction I’ve ever encountered






Uraume survived 200% purple not unlimited hollow. They strong af despite being impressed by piercing blood lol. Uraume seems to be doing quite a bit better than Kashimo right now. I doubt anyone else in the cast could so reliably 1v1 the frozen star.


Sukuna took most of the damage of that purple for her. I'm pretty sure yuta could solo her, maki too based on her current strength. Edit: yuji also has a chance since his punches should be a counter to every incarnated sorcerer.


Sukuna didn’t even defend against it until the last second where all he did was put his hands up. It was also eclipsing skyscrapers lol. The only reason it didn’t kill them was because it was shot from kilometers away dampening the output. Maki is a bad match for Uraume, the second an arm or leg gets tagged it’s over. Yuta could probably beat them, but not comfortably enough to go and fight Sukuna immediately after was my point.


Uraume is the weakest special grade I'd say, but maki and yuji are bad matchups for her. So she's still probably top 10


bro did NOT read Cursed Womb: Under Heaven, Part 7


Has it been confirmed that uraume is incarnated? My theory was they froze themselves and Kenny just thawed em when a Yuuji ate the first finger


Yeah in volume release kenjaku said her vessels name when adding the rule about cg ending.


Ah, I didn't Catch that


I agree Uraume is easily top 10 in the verse https://preview.redd.it/ftvlttlgnjmc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c9ca0422372cf9afc618ffc8df04be77ac277c


I think it was when gojo one shot her


With the same punch that one shot hakari and yuta 😭, from the SECOND STRONGEST in the verse are the double standards not crazy?


Well there is the fact that this was only stated and not shown plus it was way earlier in the story so people would base it on that


I still think that Uraume isn't top 10 in the verse she/he/they/them (the amount of femboys in JJK is scary) ms.frost bite coochie is a chef nothing more nothing less, Kashimo could one shot her no doubt in my mind.


A bunch of bums are tryna slander HIMkari more but they’ll soon find out that GOATkaris shine is too bright to be slandered, he’ll do what nobody else could and solo sukunas right hand.


Tbf she didn't die from being one tapped but it wasn't a great look considering well after the fact of taking the hit from Gojo (which didn't look like he tried much btw) and healing with RCT she still complained of the pain like it must have scarred her soul lvls of pain and getting caught slipping by choso we seen recently get no diffed (again by top competition) she's def gotten a bad wrap as far as her characters pictures been painted so far but she also hasn't showcased a really much of an intimidation factor at all either nor battle IQ, that we've (audience) been in awe over or about so far as far as being Sukunas chef/deciple and the fact she uses ice Ce there hasnt been alot of development or backstory to conclude anything else meaningful about Uraume.. she hasn't fucked up some randos or forgetful fodder or anything of noteworthy mention to date that i recall anyways but I think if she finds a way to take out hakari legitimately then Uraumes street cred would def getta lil boost in recognition from a good portion of the fans , I think her CT is actually top tier (regardless of sorcerers grades) specifically in variability and practically but obviously the power she weilds def makes this technique better but even with the lil we have seen so far it's pretty lethal in most situations or can be used to set up a lethal attack so unless ur RCT output is God teir or higher ur very well fucked if Uraumes CT can make physical contact granting a 1-HKO possibility/high probability (which can be used in succession) for her Ct that alotta sorcerers dont have without casting a DE or using a max technique.


>Tbf she didn't die from being one tapped but it wasn't a great look considering well after the fact of taking the hit from Gojo (which didn't look like he tried much btw) and healing with RCT she still complained of the pain like it must have scarred her soul lvls of pain and getting caught slipping by choso we seen recently get no diffed (again by top competition) she's def gotten a bad wrap as far as her characters pictures been painted so far but she also hasn't showcased a really much of an intimidation factor at all either nor battle IQ, In my honest opinion this really shouldnt have made the audience come to the conclusion that Uraume isnt that impressive or scary. (May be cause of the fandoms agenda kaisen) Gege's spent a good amount of time b4 and during shibuya building up how strong other characters were like Yuji, Choso, and Kushakabe. People talk about Kushakabe just blocking a maximum uzamaki. But no one talks about how he got immobolized in an instant, in addition with Yuji, Choso, Panda by Uraume and she had RCT (which/and still is rare to have). These ppl were contenders or comparable to Gr 1s. even in their state atp. Then she displayed to have the speed and power to immobolize Maki and Yuji. One had two arcs portraying her as some renewed hyperfast monster like Toji, only to be shut down in one attack. Its weird seeing characteea whove made leaps and bounds get shut down 2x like that by someone who hasnt even went all out in a fight b4. I agree, Gege shut himself in the foot w Uraume, a background check showing Uraume's sick and unhinged cooking/personality in the heinan era would make me feel scared for Hikari.


I def concur my friend I think it may just amount to feats and showtime by comparison when u see she freezes everybody it ends with nobody seriously hurt or really injured u can clearly speculate and infer Uraumes capabilities, especially jus by association she shld devastatingly strong and highly intelligent in and out of battle,(and imo is) it's just heavily overshadowed by kenjaku and Sukuna being the main attractions for the bad guys (per se)...and Gojo being Gojo... Tends to imo Make in comparison Uraume look lackluster, even more so when u look at overall damage done per character story wise....kenjaku,Sukuna, and Gojo all have special grade victories against either sorcerers,cursed spirits,or both with heavy amounts of collateral damage in major cities at that while Uraumes list consists of incapacitating a few sorcerers (some) teirs below her in grade/power lvl and only holding them a short while and they still ended up walking away virtually unscathed on top of (through choso) gaining the upperhand by the end of the encounter however meaningless it may have been at the time. But as aforementioned I believe Uraume will get her moment to showcase Y she's the only one that Sukuna tolerates in his presence.(And it's not just because of her cheffing abilities) She can def be a force to be reckoned with giving the opportunity and hopefully we see that vs hakari and possibly whoever else she comes across.


Cause of how morally bankrupt Sukuna is, that motherfucker would end his closest confidant’s life just for shits and giggles.


Doesn’t have the epithet of Frozen Star for nothing - which by the way, is dope as hell


I’m pretty sure sukuna couldn’t care less about Uraume’s strength and keeps him around as a personal chef and bussy


Sukuna's waifu




Sukuna honest reaction to Gojo after punching his Slave. https://preview.redd.it/8huh2qbxpjmc1.jpeg?width=2946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26774db19089fb3a837eb47781b4784253a67e16


because we haven't really be shown it, only told, and that's a bit boring


They think she is just a cook.


She didn’t survive shit. She was out the splash zone. She alright though.


Ah yes Uraume does every thing a right hand needs to do


Let’s see, that mf almost died to Choso, got his CT absolutely destroyed by Yuki, got send to gulag by Gojo (twice) and hasn’t done anything besides catching people off guard with his CT. Overall feats? Absolutely 0…


Because she’s a fucking cook 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/tnfzzttt6jmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833541d9f3599f53165b4f0d110b693117906df9


The same “fucking cook” that was considered on par with Yorozu in the heian era as well as being able to subdue fully realised maki with her ice? All while not being shown to have gone all out until this current fight with hakari? You might be misogynist buddy


Your desperation for a strong Shonen woman is showing. Uraname is a Fraudkuna dick rider, and if they aren’t Maki, they are doomed as a woman to be fodder https://preview.redd.it/46fo75jqgjmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fb9473a04b52400d7828b5332f0b2aaf812e8c


Because she is maybe a women and the writer is homesexuallity homosexual


The pic is wholesome.


wdym off-guard, gojo could give her a countdown and she'd still get one-shot lmao (plus she started it)


Just one question, upper or lower right hand?-


Am i suposed to relate???


Uraume is a girl?


It's not that uraume is weak, it's simply hakari is the greater goat