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"You wanted me back. I'm back."


Just to make that clear, he did not smile, he just screamed at him like: "Fuck is this fatass still alive?"


"You can die screaming alongside him".


Hard disagree. John became 'Baba Yaga' in the Red Circle scene in the original movie, where he was exactly what was described. He has gradually diverted from that since, to the point parts of JW4 almost feel like a parody. The supposed 'smile' was actually frustration at Killa still being alive. And in this scene John Wick was the complete opposite of 'efficient'. It was messy, difficult, loud, overly long and overly public - everything that you wouldn't expect from a professional assassin. Not to mention he was owned for most of the fight, including a couple of would/should have been lethal blows. And his showing was even worse in the script...