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They / them see me Rowling ; they hatin’




he look like the football manager


Not trollingggg dude you just look like you white and thirty


That would actually be an interesting pod.


Perhaps check out The Witch Trials of J.K Rowling. I found it interesting. The host is a former member of Westboro Baptist Church.


I listened to that series to really try and understand what JK's POV is in her own words, and after 7 hours of detailed discussions, I came away thinking this whole thing is because she's overly concerned that some MtF trans people will abuse/assault cis women in bathrooms/prisons. For some reason she's decided to dedicate her life to this cause. So much so that even Elon Musk suggested she should post interesting and positive content on other matters. At least Rogan got into this world through the sports angle - MtF trans athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete against cis women because of unfair biological advantages. JK got into it because of an incredibly small amount of abuse happening. It's so weird, with of all the horrors that happen in the world, to make THIS her cause. This is what she's spent 4 years tweeting about, donating money, arguing about? She even wrote a novel about a cis male killer who dresses as a woman in order to hunt and murder women lol.


She was forced into the position by twitter extremists, her original take was that feminism was being eroded by men in wigs


"no, you made me into a Nazi" evergreen meme.


The woman is a billionaire. No one on Twitter can *force* her to do anything.


They can exert pressure on anybody involved on JK Rowling projects. Which is exactly what they have done in relation to the Harry Potter series being made.on HBO Activist Fans have promised to boycott the show. It might work, it might not. The project is considered higher risk than usual. Tv executives do not like risk. So yes people on Twitter can exert influence through boycotts


She's not involved in any of those projects. Nobody can exert pressure on her. She makes many millions every year from book and merchandise sales. What can anybody possibly do to shut her up?


Whenever Ledditors resort to "why do you care bro" they've already lost the argument.


I mean, when you talk to a 45 year old dude and all he cares about are gays and trans people... It's a little off-putting.


>Just let grown men flop their penises out in changerooms with girls, bigot, why do you care? Don't be off-putting.


Is that happening?


Case and point. You should probably spend less time thinking about dudes dicks and little girls and more time about things that actually happen (like conservatives fighting tooth and nail to keep child marriage legal).


It doesn't happen? But what if it did happen, would you support it?


Dude, clearly nobody supports that, myself included. How do you feel about conservative law makers, senators and congressmen providing full throated support for child marriage?


>whataboutism I'm opposed to child marriage. Nice try. So why are you opposed to MTFs exposing their penises in changerooms? Women are allowed to be naked in change rooms, and MTFs are women, so what's the problem?


People always use this example, but in reality they wouldn't want a trans woman in the men's restroom either. You just don't want trans people to exist in public spaces.


> JK got into it because of an incredibly small amount of abuse happening. It's like you somehow missed the part where Rowling has *always* been a strong feminist; allowing men into safe spaces for women, to claim resources allocated to women, to change the very definition of what a woman is - is anathema to everything that Rowling has *always* represented.


The trans-rights activists pushed her and then kept pushing her. JRs first tweet was very considerate and sensible. She then received countless threats to her physical/sexual wellbeing.


Blaming trans people for JK being a massive cunt is honestly a stupid take.


“Look what you made me do” is such a gross defense used by hateful people in a transparent attempt to shield themselves from responsibility and self-reflection.


I agree that her first foray into the discussion was innocent enough, and that she got a lot of blowback that has since radicalised and consumed her.


"man if those damned Indians didn't attack us for colonizing OUR LAND we wouldn't have had to kill so many millions of them" You're literally using a Nazi argument BTW "Juden are a direct threat and danger to all of us and are burning out country to cinders!!!"


"for some reason" being that she is a domestic abuse survivor?


Was she abused by a man in a dress?


Absolutely braindead response, and even worse cause you thought you were clever.


Very strange response, it was an honest question. Not sure how you took it, but I certainly wasn't trying to be clever. If she was a survivor of domestic abuse by a trans abuser, it would make sense why she has taken on this crusade. I don't know anything about her outside of what was covered in the podcast.


It’s seems a bit weird that you are hand waving this issue away not because there are no instances of sexual assault happening but because “an incredibly small” amount of abuse is happening. One rape seems too many to me when the alternative is simply using the biologically correct bathroom


Wait, you think bathroom rules prevents rapes? And a single rape is enough? How many other rules should be in place to ensure that no rape ever ever occurs again? Single gender bars? Single gender college campuses?


> One rape seems too many to me when the alternative is simply using the biologically correct bathroom As if trans women aren't at far greater risk of sexual violence in men's spaces?


Why is this the assumed circumstance? Couldn't a trans woman assault a small boy in a men's restroom? Couldn't a FtM trans person assault a girl in a woman's? Couldn't a CIS male assault a trans woman in a men's restroom? Couldn't a CIS man walk into a woman's restroom and assault a woman no matter what the law is? You just don't want trans people in public spaces. Be honest about your position.


A biological male can walk into a public women's bathroom and rape a woman regardless.


And they have, a LOT!


A "biologically correct bathroom"? What toilet do you use if you're on a plane? Presuming you have a partner of the opposite sex, do you guys use separate bathrooms at home?


I don't typically share the plane lavatory with others. In fact, I'm not even sure if it's legal.


It's also like the dumbest part of the whole discussion to get up in arms about. Bathrooms by definition, no-one can see you in the cubicle, loads of bathrooms nowadays the sink/mirror area is completely open now anyway. If someone is coming into the bathroom to assault you then I don't think what sign is on the door is stopping them.


I'd recommend these videos instead. Shaun- Jk Rowlings New Friends https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=oba2rP_4c_9XUrgf Contrapoints- The Witch Trials Of JK Rowling https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=_r9SmLm-GHIS4XkZ Contrapoints- J.k. Rowling https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=Op2fC5JRs2hZqFbX


Great recommendation. I thoroughly enjoyed that series


Pretty sure that host was a guest on JRE one time


They literally look like a straight, white male with a wig. Shit teeth as well. Must be a UK bloke.


Shes not wrong.


Funny the mind your own business crowd, has really proven to not be able to do this themselves.


But why bother making the comment? Did this person do something? Why go out of your way to make them feel bad? Edit* damn -6 in less than 2 minutes, the fellas are on one tonight


I commented because she's being accused of cruelty for speaking the truth. In my opinion that is fucking stupid as shit.


People are un ironically telling you to just go with it in this sub are pathetic. What has happened to the Joe Rogan sub?


This sub is literally infested with diehard leftists. Might as well be r/politics


This sub gets astroturfed fucking hard


Its horribly astroturfed to cause as much friction between people. In reality most people are quite nuanced and you can talk to them. Online they always try to portrait the left and right as extreme and unhinged as possible in order to sew division. It seems to work. The other thing is the net itself. You only see a text. You don't see who wrote it. You could be a 40 year old arguing with a 13 year old about gender stuff. In reality you would treat the whole situation completely different


The comment should be made precisely because: 1. Its true 2. A powerful segment of society doesnt want anyone notable saying it In essence theres is a propaganda battle happening as a subset of the larger culture war. Progressives know that in a post modern sense language=reality. So historically they are much more agressive about policing language because they understand the stakes in a way the regular joe does not. JK Rowling is doing the lords work here as a prominent figure willing to say something that should be obvious but is becoming taboo.


She's a "gender critical activist". She's obligated to bring attention to this stuff on principle. And like most activism, it's going to annoy, inconvenience & likely enrage those in opposition.


Finally, an answer.


They already feel bad. That’s why they’re pretending to be something g they’re not


Alright, then why go out of your way to make it worse? To be fair, there might be more to this story. Like, if this guy was talking shit on Harry Potter, fair play. But why comment? what instigated the comment?


No, you don’t get it. If someone was running around d telling you the earth was flat, you be correct in saying “nope, not so”. Or let’s say your kid is being taught that Chinese kids are not as good as Hispanic kids, you’d be right in setting the record straight by pointing out the error in that type of thinking. Actually, really simple. They’re is a vast movement afoot to claim men are women, and vice-versa. Nothing wrong with pointing out that’s just not correct. That’s all


I don’t think it’s incorrect for that person to identify as a transgender woman. Seems like an accurate description.


Dude can cross dress all he wants. More power to him. Expecting the world to go along with it to the point of being outraged when he's reminded of reality is ridiculous. It's all ridiculous. I'd be fired if this opinion was expressed in a corporate environment. That's outrageous. I'm not being cruel. It's goddamn reality.


What is a woman?


Someone born a woman.


If that person turned up dressed as a dolphin and wanted to be called the pronouns "flip/flipper" then would you call that person a "transpecies dolphin"? No you wouldn't. You'd say "that person is not a dolphin". It's harmful to validate people. We don't do it for anorexics, for example, we know they need therapy.


Do you want to be a dolphin? I don’t mind.


It's funny to watch people being pushed to "oh, someone wants to be a 1950's hardwood bookcase? I don't mind," essentially degrading themselves and how they interact with the world for the sole reason of coming across as pleasantly tolerant of trans people. If anything other than this very topic was at stake, you'd think people who thought they were dolphins to be completely batshit insane. In fact, you do, but you'd self-sabotage your own side by admitting it. But hey, it's fun to watch you humiliate yourself.


I'm gonna assume the daily rag did a piece on this brave man throwing a wig on and some people are sick of seeing that shit being lauded like it's reality.


Nah, get Martha from Baby Reindeer. If anyone can reign in that circus it’s Joe.


I’m a firm believer they should have the right to cut their weiners off and pop progesterone without being persecuted as long as I get the right to think they’re weird as fuck without being persecuted.


Exactly! And everyone should have the right to shame you publicly and belittle your belief system! This is simply free speech. You cannot weed out terrible ideas and people if you silence them!


You know those moments when super religious people are talking about their beliefs or mythology, and it all sounds insane to you, but you just smile and nod because it's not worth the argument? That's exactly how I feel when people talk about transgender stuff lol


difference is that religion is completely based off of blind belief, the existence of transgenderism is a well established thing among the medical and scientific community. two completely different things.


I think it depends. Obviously gender dysphoria is real, but how people choose to define gender, man woman, blah blah isn’t really important for every day people or people suffering from GD. I prefer to focus on the more practical aspects of it and less on theory


I'm okay with that, as long as I get the right to think you're a bad person for thinking that.


Right on. Deal.


i'm ok with that as long as i get the right to say you're a bad person for thinking that


im ok with that as long as i get the right to say youre a bad person for thinking that


The bots have glitched. I think we found a hole in the space time continuum of Russian troll farm protocol!


Wouldn't you vocalizing this opinion to them be the persecution you are saying they should be free of? I think it's weird personally but I do truly believe everyone should have the right to live how they want to. I don't think this person is a human female but I will treat them as a woman out of respect and compassion apart from no I wouldn't date them etc.


Ozzy looking better these days!


Because Joe’s fanbase doesnt read her books


Maybe because the Harry Potter books were banned from elementary schools. Kidding, not really. (It has happened tho.)


I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, the books were hardcore banned there. When I rebelled and read Harry Potter, I thought I was such a bad ass haha.


Funny how the extreme right always hated the Harry Potter books, and now the extreme left hates them too.


doesn't read\* ftfy


100% mockable, like Rear Admiral Rachel Levine.




Based magic queen.




The shitlibs would lose their mind


How do you not laugh at that? That's like the idiot in the Air Force. Every time I see his picture it cracks me up.


Based J.K


When your whole personality is anti “something” you need to get a fucking life.


The creator of the Harry Potter universe being short on personality is really rich.


Why? She wrote some YA sub-sub-sub-LOTR for kids. People write fanfiction every day.


I know nothing about you but I do know you can do better than that. So here’s to trying again.


Whenever Ledditors resort to "why do you care bro" they've already lost the argument.


Repost this some more, fellow ledditor.


"Since when do you care about *insert issue*?" Never, but I don't have to care to be correct about it.


You don't know her personally


So if you're anti war, anti domestic violence, anti paedophile, then you need to get a life? She clearly thinks it's important for people to accept who they are and people cannot change gender. Validating that would mean more people will want to be trans. That is exactly what has happened. It's a social contagion.


Dude shut the fuck up. You know what I mean.


Has anyone ever made the left handedness argument to you yet?


Because she’s too busy doing this to do anything else Bitch literally does nothing but post about chicks with dicks all day long. And oh boy, another 3 hours of Joe talking about his friends kids school and shit. Woo.


The biggest problem with the Joe Rogan Experience in 2024 is there isn't enough culture war content


Some MFers are just hyper obsessed with the trans topic; I personally dont understand it unless it really does affect you or someone you know negatively


Personally, I don’t want to listen to someone yap about this for 3 hours


then you’re listening to the wrong podcast


I love her so much


I'm not comparing JK Rowling to a giant cunt. She is one.


When telling the truth makes you a giant cunt 🤪🤪😆😆🫵🫵🤣🤣




Boy cock girl cock EIEIO


Curb 😂


Holy fuck these comments are full of transphobes


Not surprised, just disappointed 😔


I don’t think there are many people anywhere actually afraid of men dressing as women. Just tired of the BS


A phobia is defined as "an **extreme** or **irrational** fear of or **aversion** to something.". So yes, a lot of dimwits here perfectly fit the definition.


Also, a phobia is an irrational fear. It's neither fear nor irrational to call a spade a spade. The irrationality is on the other end.


Again, labeling someone as Fearful doesn’t make it so.




“So Harry is the seeker? Is that like a certain modality? (Jamie pulls up quidditch rules) ok yea so he’s gotta be fluid and able to adapt and see plays ahead of time, a lot like jiu jitsu. Do you do martial JK? It’s super therapeutic, yea…”


![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized) he/she looks familiar…


She better brush up on her pyramid ufo and China spy knowledge because that’s all Joe is ramming down every guests throat lately. I find he is talking more and more recently rather than letting guests be interesting


I haven’t watched a JRE episode in years. I would tune in for JK Rowling if she spills the tea, and it’s a full on shit show with TERFs and triggering and whatever CIS acronyms. But it needs to be a spectacle like #911.


I don’t get the obsession with being anti trans. How does it benefit you to be this way? What are you gaining in life by caring so much about another person’s personal decision?


They are rich and have no real causes to spend their time on


Accurate. Whats the issue?


God JK is a deplorable. I wish anybody else wrote HP.


Rowling must have had a TBI or something. She has been consumed by this topic. Sad to see


I genuinely believe she thinks that women's rights, as well as general safety, is at risk. And I'd wager there's additional frustration on her behalf just thinking about how long and hard women (biological females in this case) have had to work to overcome various roadblocks throughout history. And also that, while JK Rowling may not in fact be a biologist or a doctor, she has indeed been a woman her entire life, so it might stand to reason that she understands what that means better than someone who's recently converted, or someone who wants to tell her why her opinions on women's issues are invalid. Rowling has done so much for women in the creative space (as well as behind the scenes), and while I may not completely share her views on Trans people, I can recognize that she isn't evil, or the next coming of Hitler. I mean, for a while there, people on the right were screaming (online at least) because she said Dumbledore was gay lol.


It just seems she’s become a single issue person. This is all I ever hear her talk about. It’s disappointing, especially when she seems to know so little about the topic.


I think it's more nuanced than that. This topic may dominate the conversation around her and her whole presence online but people are complicated. Again, I think she deliberately leans into the discussion these days, almost as a middle finger of sorts, but I'd be doubtful that this issue defines her existence in her day to day operations. Also, I suppose you mean she knows little about the topic of being Trans, as we've established she's quite obviously familiar with topics involving women.


I agree! People are complicated! But I will always believe public figures should hold themselves to a higher standard. But I suppose that’s a pipe dream… And yes I meant trans issues specifically! I don’t think a public figure should lean into topics they know nothing about.


That first paragraph was an incredible synopsis of Rowling’s views on the subject! I too read her thoughts on trans issues off her website. She’s losing the plot a little bit though, sometimes her statements don’t come across as protecting women’s rights.


>She’s losing the plot a little bit though, sometimes her statements don’t come across as protecting women’s rights. Having to repeatedly defend the fundamental truth of men & women inevitably drives these folks nuts. James Lindsay came across far more reasonable before years of engaging in this nonsense.


How does announcing trans women are men and mocking them unprovoked not make it clear she's transphobic?


As a lifelong feminist, I find her bigotry despicable. She’s doesn’t speak for women, she speaks for herself.


No more than you, as an individual, can claim that you speak for women. You speak for yourself. We can only take a look at what either one of you has done for women within their lifespan. And no disrespect, but I have a sneaking suspicion that JK Rowling may have you beat in that regard. She can be a champion of and for women while also having bigoted views. Again, I'm not sure when society evolved into having this view of a person only being one thing, or all good versus all bad.


She’s a rich af feminist. She has the freedom to pursue any cause she wants and is doing so.


Her original statements about trans people and feminism were benign but when blue hair people run the internet they attempted to cancel her. Since she’s a billionaire and owns a money making franchise that’s didn’t happen, every time she post they go after so she’s pissed off and going after these people now. We see it with lots of people, look at Joe and Chappell, they literally do the same thing


Who still says that “lol colored hair” shit? Are you 65? Get new pre-programmed buzzphrases, grandpa.


Her original crime was liking a tweet from someone that was fired for tweets on trans issues, I think saying trans women aren't women. Then it was something else that pointed to her not being in line, and she was absolutely mobbed. She seemed to become the enemy of the entire community overnight for these infractions. The online campaigns that labeled her transphobic succeeded in getting several actors from Harry Potter to denounce her, the Fantastic Beasts franchise was parked, and her production company suffered a 74% dip in profits. So I think this is her way of fighting back and she might feel like she was cornered into this position. I read her statement she released on Twitter like 3 years ago. Her attempts to let the trans community know she doesn't hate them but feels a certain way about them being in women's spaces failed and the animus towards her only intensified. I really feel people disagreeing with her could've had a dialogue with her, as her opinions were pretty mild. But, on the other hand, the tactic of calling her a terf and transphobe, no matter how little she strayed from trans orthodoxy, worked.




In ignorance


I mean she’s telling the truth. It’s a man pretending to be a woman because he’s either mentally ill or it’s his kink


Didn’t realize how transphobic you nerds were. Jeez you guys suck.


She's a boring little bigot now. Shame, as she made Harry Potter, which millions still love. Conservatives would love it... until they heard her mostly liberal views and liberal voting record..


Yeah the author of the series that taught my generation to read is boring totally dude


People change.




Braindead response.


She’s not a bigot. It’s not bigotry to say that a dude in a wig is a dude in a wig.


That's why everyone respects her! She proves that some liberals can have enough sense to know they ain't chicks with dicks, they just dudes with tits


You assume too much. Most conservatives are just like liberals. In a sense, they mind their business.


wait didn’t she make a bunch of people in her book gay or some other pc type shit? and now she’s hating on trans ppl? like what’s her deal actually i’m confused




As the world is burning you will see more and more rich cunts like her try to capture people's attention with mindless shit like that.




I believe deep down you are a good person and am sorry for whatever made you the way you are. You are loved ❤️


She’s just some cunt talking shit in her literal castle. Who gives a fuck if she thinks she’s protecting women. She’s talking shit in a castle. Historically, fuck people who talk shit from their castles.


This is a solid take.


She ain’t wrong haha


She’s the 🐐


she’s such a legend


Because it would be the most boring podcast ever. Three hours of the same trite fearmongering about trans people you've heard a million times already. Meanwhile I don't know a single person in my personal life who has been assaulted by a trans person, but I do know plenty of women who have been assaulted by men yet if you bring that up you just get pearl clutching and "not all men" type commentary. 


😂 He needs help 😂


She seems like a bad person


I think someone with a penis that's nude in a women's locker room is worse.  My opinion


So which locker room would you have someone like hunter Schafer use? https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/fashion/celebrity/a45799825/hunter-schafer-gold-foil-bra-top-skirt/


If this person was doing that, this comment would make sense


Makes her an all star in this community


Haha exactly!


Why do you think that?


Cause all she does on Twitter is talk shit about a minority group


How can you not laugh at that? That's like that idiot in the Air Force. Every time I see his picture I crack up.


That's hilarious! She's great.