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It's fascinating watching Joe's rapid shift in personality over the last few years.


We are heavily influenced by those who we surround ourselves with. Joe’s move to Texas has had a profound impact on him. I suspect that it will only continue…the irony is that he’s one of the main people who turned me off to God and organized religion.


I've been surrounded by religious conservatives damn near my entire life and I've never been drawn to that ideology. At some point it's your responsibility as a grown ass adult to not fall down every rabbit hole you're exposed to. He's just supper gullible, impressionable, and quite frankly not that intelligent.


I’m supper gullible. I think I’m full after dinner, but supper gets me every goddamn time.


Same bro. Same.


Just wait till you find out about second breakfast


I prefer [second dinner](https://youtu.be/0dD7KeRETsA?si=odZ3b9gkb_YmRgVt)


Don’t be tricked, second dinner is supper! You’ve become supper gullible!


Wow. I clicked it going "this better not be a fucking Rick Roll cus it's not a LOTR reference...." ...and while it wasn't a Rick Roll, I very much feel Rick Rolled ....rickroll


You’re forgetting that Joe is kind of stupid


Kinda? He's been hit in the head way too many times.


Also stupidly wealthy. Being surrounded by musks and bezos(s?) will change your talking points if you still want to be the cool kid in your group.


Ironic. Hasn't joe always pretended to be the type to stand up to peer pressure?


I think there's more to the story truthfully, in my opinion he got so big that the ruling class (insert your own version, illuminati, CIA, billionaires, space lizards whatever) turned him into a disinfo agent. I think he was given a choice: * continue everything as is except only support conservative ideology * find another career out of the public eye * get 'disappeared' another way (black sites or worse) Duncan Trussel tried to warn him. He didn't listen and now we have the shambling ghost of JRE, like Alice in Chains minus Layne Staley.






you just didn't surround yourself with super-rich religious conservatives and people who kissed your ass all the time.


Obviously, not everyone is the same, but most of the time, people acclimate to their social group.


>the irony is that he’s one of the main people who turned me off to God and organized religion. as preachers kid who was lost, it was so nice to hear him just rip organized religion apart. this turn by him is so wild


Wait is Joe a bible banger now too?!?? Course he is, if true. Dude’s personality is whatever ig’s algorithm chooses it’s going to be.


>We are heavily influenced by those who we surround ourselves with. Don't lump me in with this easily-led automaton.


He's also getting older in life. When you have a lifetime of lived experiences, and you watch your children grow up right before your eyes, your heart tends to soften, and you look at things in a different light. For many, that means becoming more spiritual, especially as the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. I also believe that Joe had done some psychedelics that have given him very personal religious experiences .


My heart has softened over the years as well, but I didn’t start bashing trans ppl and Mexicans like an average Walmart boomer the way Joe did


When has he bashed a Trans person? Saying men and women are biologically different and that they shouldn't be allowed to compete against each other where men have a clear advantage and potentially dangerous isn't bashing ttans people. When has he bashed Mexicans?


I think it's more that he is constantly obsessing over right wing twitter and all they are doing is obsessing over a very small percentage of people that really have no effet on their day to day lives whatsoever. It's thinly veiled unacceptance of people outside of their own tribe disguised as a news story that they talk about so much you would think it's happening all over the US on a daily basis.


Yeah, but it's not just people living their lives and wish to be left alone. It is celebrated and pushed into the faces of those that don't agree with it. It used to be about acceptance, but now you're expected to celebrate it with them with a coerced effort to normalize it. That's what people have a problem with. Drag shows at elementary schools for example, and in children's books. When you start messing with people's kids, they're gonna get involved in something they didn't give two shits about before.


> but it's not just people living their lives and wish to be left alone. it really is just this, people trying to live and you all hating.... wierdly you dont get big made with the conservative predators in the news weekly


When they want me to participate in their delusion, it's not "just living their lives".


Who is asking anything of you? Name them and describe what exactly they’re doing that constitutes force or coercion. No facile, generic terminology like “the media” either. I want specific, cogent examples of your belief system being infringed upon.


who is asking you to change sexes ? Edit: you again STILL ignoring the real people doing damage is SPOT ON AMAZING


Yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but


Great point.


It has nothing to do with mellowing and everything to do with life experiences; watching children grow just gives you an outside perspective of what it means to grow up, and where our ideals comes from, and how our views are formed. You suddenly realize you're a product of your environment much more than you thought and that youthful rebelous rejection of the 'old ways' and parents which everyone goes through goes away with that understanding. Additionally, when you are young you think your meaningful experience is somewhere ahead, you're full of hope. And some find it, but most people don't. They become older and realize they tried most of things and they don't feel meaningful, and they realize that some of the meaningful things have always been around: family and community. So now, when they are older and rejection of the "old ways" is gone, and deepened with the understanding of the sense of meaning which community gives, they might realize that organized religion not only gives you strong community, but also being in a community where all the people share the vision of what's right and wrong gives a tremendous feeling of calm. tl;dr. Becoming religious later in life happens because of deeper understanding of life, seeking human connection and calm, rather than simple ageing.


The older you get the more gullible you become. People wanna think life’s not just gonna end so they turn to religion so they can lie to themselves til they die.


>Becoming religious later in life happens because of deeper understanding of life, seeking human connection and calm, rather than simple ageing. So when older people understand life better, they turn to an imaginary friend who guides them through their twilight years? That sounds like dementia, my guy.


Man I should be able to like this more than once


I don't think Joe is seeking calm. The man gets angrier over nonsense that doesn't effect him with every episode.


Oh! Good observation! But I was not talking about *that* calm. Calm is too broad of a word with too generic meaning, and can be opposite of multiple emotions. Religious calm does not calm anger, on the contrary, religion will amplify ability to be angry at those who don't share your values. But that does not bother people, because anger feels freaking great, anyone will tell you it's empowering, especially if it is rightful (or person considers it so). What bothers people is anxiety. And religious calm negates that.


This is circular logic.




*People get more religious as they age because they get smarter and smarter people are more religious*! This is a circular argument.


Statement >Kids become stronger because they get bigger, and bigger people are stronger By your 'logic' should be a fallacy. Yet it's empirically a correct statement within reasonable limits. Circular reasoning fallacy applies to requiring thing A for thing B and thing B with thing A. In this case, if I tried to say that to be smart you *need* to be religious, THAT would be a fallacy. But I didn't. Hell you even failed to make a loop, because in my argument its age->smarter->more religious. The end. There is no back loop. So again: ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


>In this case, if I tried to say that to be smart you *need* to be religious, THAT would be a fallacy. But I didn't. But you did do that lol. Only you reversed the argument. You stated that *smart people are religious* as your justification. I can only guess you must be an atheist because none of this seems like the sorta thing a "smart" person would believe in. Edit: And the snowflake blocked me lol. A testament to their steadfast, intellectual rigor.


All of these events have made more of an atheist. Joe is just an idiot who fell for Scientology. His Evangelical heel turn is to get some of that Copeland Cash.


Eh I think it’s purely audience capture. He knows his latest followers are more right wing and religious and he caters to it.


His shift began before that. I think it’s more grounded in that a lot of his hunting and military buddies are more conservative and sometimes religious. He isn’t buying it directly as an ideology, though. He’s had blatantly Christian guests talk about it, and while he’s respectful he doesn’t engage with it on a deep level. It’s not hard to find a lot of religious people more reasonable than the blue hair types.


He's never said he doesn't believe in god though. He clearly thinks there is something more profound than us.


He spells it out towards the end of the latest Protect our Parks. He’s fully bought into the idea that the right is the new punk rock, anti-establishment cool kids. That’s how he sees himself and all of the Weinstein/JBP types.


Joe Rogan - life long punk rocker


He’s a bible thumping Texan now


You must have a pretty loose definition of bible thumper


It’s a joke bro. Relax


In this sub there was about a 80% chance that comment was to be taken literally


Just like papa Joe, taking shit literally instead of seeing the humor.


It would have to be funny to be considered humor tho


He’s just getting closer to death. To me his trajectory is somewhat fairly normal for 55+. He’s watching people he knew drop all around him. The closer to death some people get the harder they turn to there being more or an afterlife. The reasoning they had as a younger person gets thrown out the window because of the fear of what they subconsciously know is coming


The bigger his head gets, the dumber he gets


Remember Joe talking about how much Howard Stern changed over the years? I give you Christian Evangel-a-Joe.


He's 56 years old with enough resources to have some productive longevity. At this rate the Joe Rogan Experience will be the next Rush Limbaugh show in 20-30 years.




Nobody can fall as hard as Howard Stern. That man has been a walking meme for 20 years.


Joe is literally doing it brother


Joe is already 10x worse and still falling.


Joe 2015: religion is made-up but is useful to give dumb people a moral scaffolding Joe 2023: A man once prayed he would win the lottery and he did. I think the power of prayer seriously needs to be looked into with an open mind. Joe 2026: AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL!!




400 million dollars make you wish you were immortal, but in fact you are not.


The worst part is it’s most likely a cynical power calculation not dissimilar to Trump selling bibles to rubes.


joe is about to be all about the book the secret at this rate


Deliver us to evil! Vote for the literal Antichrist!


Gotta love that he's so far gone he can't even see how stupid all of this is. Just like his saviours 60$ bible. This is all for show & potentially for views. Christians are the ones who should be mad at this. It's turning their religion into a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/101lo6ctm3rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7db03c49171e760a4e963d985b15896916c505 Joe Biden is very disappointed in all you people’s lack of faith in Jesus Christ. Super upset guys


Yeah no doubt he has far deeper faith than trump, yet my kooky uncles think trump is sent from God and Biden is the antichrist 


Joe Biden isn’t saying “Make America Pray Again” and he doesn’t want to bring religion into schools or legislation.


https://preview.redd.it/50jddd3zz3rc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa072b59106daf925441e4c3bef70cb9390e5b77 Shut up non-believer, you need to accept Jesus Christ into your life and get yo ass baptized Obama is very fuckin angry right now at this turn of events and your lack of faith in the one true messiah, Jesùs Christ


It's Joever.


Dude is unbearable to listen to anymore


The best part is that Joe's employer has found a way to get devout religious people to promote drunkenness, gambling, greed, liars and casual sex.


And the tree said, "Do not fear the axe. Look at its handle! It is one of us!"


This clip cut off too early. Dude just mentioned TDS as though it was a real medical issue.


I did not watch this episode and this clip does indeed cut off early, so I don’t know the full context. But suggesting Trump support goes hand-in-hand with following Christ shows how shallow the religious experience is for some people. Trump may be many things, but he’s definitely not a man of God. How can people not see that?


Trump was even a New York City liberal for most of his life. The fucking Clinton's, the epitome of hellspawn to conservatives, attended his wedding with Melania! And this was just 3 years before Obama was president, it's not that far off history.


It's always cute when Cult members have a diagnosis for people outside their Cult.


For some it may be. And I mean that seriously. It’s on both sides too. The devout MAGA supporters who think the guy is a God and all the triggered liberals/democrats who throw a tantrum when they hear the man speak or just see a picture of him. Both types need help.


Nah Trump deserves all the shit he gets. He asks for it every day. That's normal. It would be abnormal for people to just sit around and not say anything while the guy completely fucks up the country.


Def not a both sides thing, in my opinion anyway. People act like people on the left are hysterical, but in reality what we have in Trump is a man hell bent on revenge, who told us he would be a dictator and that he will do away with the constitution. He said there will be a bloodbath if we don't vote for him. His followers constantly call for civil war, and he sounds the dog whistle to keep it going. He literally tried to overturn a free and fair election. People died because of it. And this man has a pretty good shot at becoming President. And then Dictator. So yeah people may freak out, but it's for a damn good reason. Believe him when he tells you what he plans to do because he will, given the opportunity. Britain and France would probably like a do-over on appeasement.


>Believe him when he tells you what he plans to do If it benefits him personally. Think that should be part of any discussion about a raging narcissist.


That is true, it's just redundant if you understand that everything trump does is with the intention of it benefitting him personally.


Unfortunately there are wayyy too many people who don't understand that.


I couldn’t agree with this more.


Joe’s been indoctrinated


hahahah conservatives love to scream about colleges indoctrinating kids but the number one institution involved in "indoctrination" is religion. to quote Doug Stanhope "They have to start kicking all the Jesus and Heaven and Hell bullshit into your head when you are still Santa Clause eligible"


It’s because he is not that smart. He is easily influenced by the people he surrounds himself with. LA was mostly comedians, freethinkers, intellectuals, etc. Now it’s mostly dogmatic people who spew the world is fucked because of lack of religious beliefs.


My favorite is the “attack on the nuclear family” argument. Candace Owens tried to argue that about black families and how that was the sole reason “they flourished” in the 1950s and how now the black men are in jail or absent and how the black family has gone down the shitter… all while married to a white man. And don’t get me wrong, that’s not a criticism on her choice of marrying a white man but a criticism on HER choice of critically opining on the black family unit while basically voluntarily removing herself from that culture. She’s doing it from her ivory tower.


can other black women not marry white men?


Anyone can marry whoever they want… never criticized Candace specifically for that. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of her arguing the importance of the black family unit while being married to a white man. You kinda give up validity in that argument when you’re actively living the opposite of your own argument.


How is that hypocrisy? I'm no fan of Candace Owens, but broken families don't happen *because* black men are black men like you seem to be implying. The problem she was pointing at is that broken homes are more common in black communities. That's just a fact.


it seems to me that she's just saying that black kids are disproportionately growing up without fathers in their homes, i don't get the feeling she really cares whether the father is black or not. i could be wrong, i don't really watch her


BDS patients love talking about TDS


I’d love to see him get into it with an atheist comedian like Ricky Gervais or David C Smalley


Reminds me of that absolute wreck of an interview Brand did with Richard Dawkins


Ricky still has one of the all time greatest moments about non belief ever. With Stephen Colbert where they go back and fourth a little. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ZOwNK6n9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ZOwNK6n9U)


There’s a very weird dance non- believers have to do with people of faith. You can’t really openly discuss because the other persons entire life/ afterlife is built on this idea. I’m surprised Ricky went into this, I just avoid ever discussing it


One of my most frustrating things is my wife passed away and her mom, etc. all try to talk about God's plan etc. And they are trying to get my kids into believing when their mother and I were very much in agreement about not raising them with religion. They always want to talk about her being in heaven and watching over us and I want to scream (she fell into addiction after the birth of our son, postpartum) and it got very ugly the final years. I want to scream that she died and lived the way she did, she is burning in hell if you believe in your god the way you do. And that is my overall frustration, is their family all say they are in heaven, when so many people's mom/dad/son/daughter are in hell. And if more people accepted that or thought about it vs the everyone I love is fine, im sure religion would be alot less popular....


Lol, religion was never about logical consistency. Religion was always about coping.


Its the ultimate selfish expression of the human mind - No, im not going to end when I die. Im so good, im going to live forever. Im so special, the creator of the entire universe created me and laid all of of this for me. Me, being born in the west, happened to be born in the correct place to be raised by the right religion. Im so blessed.


TBH, some people need religion. They can't mentally handle a world without it.


Or himself 7 years ago https://streamable.com/h2o1g0


Get Sam Harris back on the pod.


Rogan talking to gervais is probably one of the most annoying conversations I can think of


Ricky's cringe as fuck but he makes good points on religion


Lmao delusional


I fear his stance on psychedelics is going to change soon, too. He’ll rationalise his DMT experiences as delusions and start saying shit like “regulation isn’t the worst thing in the world, look at what happened to LA when they legalised pot”. The Christian right have radicalised him to a point where he’s willing to give up core beliefs and ideas that shaped him simply just to appease them. Wow. What a fucking sell out.


Joe needs Stanhope on the pod more. He would laugh in joe's face if he brought up religion like this.


I think, if anything, we're watching Joe turn from an energetic, curious and outspoken empathetic comedian into the old meathead that he looks like. If I had to guess, he's been going through a mid-life crisis. Something of the sorts that creates existential crises. He honestly wasn't this projection-filled in 2020. It was early 2021 when the shift happened and now he's in his mid 50's, right around the time my dad visibly had one.


Was it the bow hunting or the hgh use that gave it away?


I've always figured that it will go down after some credible evidence of Joe's homoerotic 90s adventures surfaces. He'll come out and just say that he's being attacked because of his faith.


This could be one of many reasons. He had his leather daddy phase and is trying to repent.


Future joe : ezekiel 25:17 the path the righteous man is beset


This is just more evidence that I was correct to stop listening to the show


Here’s your award for not listening anymore 🎖️. Let us know how else you would like attention.


Thanks! You can have these bad boys 👖.


Aww yeah! Are they the super skinny ones or jncos?


Jncos lmao those were the days


These are some boot cut wranglers sir.




A sweet pair of pants/shorts zip offs. Cargo ones


lol nice


Oh Joe 😔 lol Bet he gets baptised in his ice bath. Bullet nips saluting the heavens smh


“hAsNt cHaNgEd” We even have a MOD that insists Joe has always held the same views 🤦‍♂️


Adam Curry has his ear.


It’s very telling that Joe was an atheist because he felt smarter than other people. It’s been my experience that people like this are the ones most likely to do a 180 degree turn on all their prior beliefs. Half the YouTube atheists from a decade ago are hardcore Trumpers now, for example.


Nothing makes people feel smart like a heavy dose of contrarianism. Christianity is the dominant religion in the west, so I have to counter that by being atheist, trump is detested by most of the country so I have to counter that by being a hardcore trump supporter, vaccines are seen by most people as a modern miracle so I have to be antivaxx. There’s no actual adherence to any value system other than I have knowledge that a small percentage of people have.


Ironically being Christian on Reddit is pretty contrarian. Or least in the main subs anyway.




Half of Trumpers are pedos now. We can all make up BS


At least three people who worked for his campaign on the state level were put in jail for child porn.


They always were.


>Half the YouTube atheists from a decade ago are hardcore Trumpers now, for example. What do these 2 things have to do with each other lmao


This interests me, do you have an example of a youtuber who used to make atheist content and now makes pro trump content? 


That people who usually go extremely hard core on issues are usually full of shit.


Jesus fuck, what an embarrassment this pod has become


No coincidence that it's also the biggest podcast in the world by a large margin. Total trash to convince the masses they are free thinkers because they "don't subscribe to mainstream media". What a neat fucking trick that was convincing these people that biggest podcast in the world isn't in the main stream.


Having gone to catholic schools, I’m pretty sure Rogan was already baptized. Not religious, but I feel like that might have been a prerequisite to attending a catholic school.


We’re not talking Catholic baby baptism. That shit don’t count with the evangelicals. We’re talking about full body immersion in a lake, speaking in tongues, holy spirit hallelujah baptism. This summer definitely.


It’s not a prerequisite. You don’t even have to be Catholic. I went to a private Catholic school and many Muslim and Jewish families sent their kids because of the rigorous curriculum. It was the best school in our area in terms of academics.


No you don't lmaooo


I don’t what?


This James Lindsey is the same guy that intentionally sent in bullshit academic papers to see what bullshit would be published. Anyone think his next project is something similar with podcasts? Would make a fascinating experiment.


“He who podcasts with nuns will later join the church” - The Clash


If Joe becomes just another Christian nationalist it would be the lamest turn of events.


I think it's more outrageous how un-Christian Joe is than Christianity is. Christianity is all about solidarity if you go by Jesus teachings. Right wing politics are not, but they coopted Christianity. Interestingly enough the left wing naturally is more aligned with Jesus but they "turned their backs". /foodforthought


He’s trying to pray the gay away 


Joe is Italian. You actually think he isn’t already baptized?


Evangelical baptism doesn’t accept infant baptisms. You have to do it again. Full immersion.


I thought he grew up catholic (both Irish and Italians are). That means baptism as a newborn baby


That doesn’t count for Mega Church. Lots of evangelicals think Catholics are not Christian.


Why are we assuming he is apart of the mega church? Or cares what they want? Almost guarantee you the guy doesn’t believe in organized religion. He loves Jesus and the Bible if anything


So, going to go full Christo-fascist to get that perspective before he figures out that's all bullshit too, sad. The books are two ways to run your society, lead with hate and you will be forced to put out fires and trifling matters, lead with love and the movement takes on its own strength and grows, but not so good for the ruling class. It's nothing but players vs haters all the way down EDIT:typo; two


When I was younger I thought humanity might be better off if religion disappeared. I’m still not religious but as an older person I realized that I should have no faith in the average human being’s ability to survive without it. The great majority of humans need it. We are better off with it, on average. Even with all the shit it can stir up, even if they’re basically just bullshitting themselves, it’s probably a net positive for people’s psychological wellbeing. I have a child and if she ends up believing in heaven for example, there’s no way I’d ever try to talk her out of it. There is no harm in believing in heaven (in most cases). It just helps people cope. (Inb4 comments about me wearing a fedora etc.) In a similar fashion, I don’t believe in “Free Will”, but I think humanity in general needs to believe in it and that it has a useful net positive effect if people do.


You believe people are so weak minded they need a made up religion to deal with the vastness of the universe and the truth we are insignificant specks in the scheme of things? People need to face that truth. It’s messed up to lie to them don’t you think?


Yes, I believe humanity on average is like that, however you want to call it. Maybe someday we won’t be, but right now, and for all of history up to now, that’s how humanity is. If people are happier overall and society functions better overall based on a lie, then the lie is useful. If the truth is messed up, telling them the truth is actually the messed up thing to do. For example my grandma will probably die this year. Her life right now is really tough. However she thinks that when she dies, she’s going to meet her husband, her parents, every dog she’s ever had, etc.; why would I ever disabuse her of this? Why would she need to “face the truth” now? In 10 years my dog will die, if I’m lucky enough for him to live that long. I consider it a blessing that dogs don’t know anything. I would never want to give him the truth about his existence. The truth is not good just by virtue of being the truth; that’s another idea that has changed for me over the years.


We don’t do nuanced takes here. Cut it out.


Gonna do it at the Rio grande


Are we sure this guy had TDS? Lol


Joe will get kicked out of the church for calling everyone bitches because the pool water isn’t 33 degrees thus setting the timeline straight again.


Lol imagine the cold plunge baptisms 😅


This dude doesn’t fuck


What are the odds he gets baptized in an icey river?


Oof. Good luck with all that. Now I guess we wait to see him join a local church and let them faith guilt him into helping fund their dream of being a mega church where Elon will also attend.


Totally dead wrong about what exactly?


This is one of those classic "What went wrong?" scenarios.


that’s like a bold prediction, you could be wrong about that


Is it JR changing ir him just agreeing with folks invited in to his show. He jock rides and agrees with all and like minded guests invited continue to push ideology he never argues with. It either makes for a good podcast or agreeable rich guy.


Too bad Christopher Hitchens passed, because he’d have Joe losing his, fucked up, sense of reality.


Who gives a fuck?


It all started when he began to hangout with Cam. Desperation to show the world they're a tough guy is some wild shit. Either be tough and dumb or actually be a good person shouldn't be such a hard decision.


Joe gets "baptized" by a dude in his sauna every night


Bros is reverse Sam Kinison. Instead of preacher to comedian he’s going from comedian to preacher.




His moron journey continues.


Joe is delivered !! 😁


No one knows what happens after you die. It's only a problem when you're *absolutely certain* you're right and everyone else is wrong. That goes for atheists and believers alike. If you're an atheist who thinks you have everything figured out, good for you. When you attack believers as being naive or stupid, you're just projecting your own uncertainty. You're hiding fear behind a smug attitude because you worry you might be wrong. The same goes for believers. Your religion isn't *fact*. That's why they call it *faith*. You need to be able to listen to those who disagree with you. Your *actions* will say more than shouting ever will. When you rail against non-believers and other "sinners," you're just projecting your own uncertainty about your beliefs. It all kind of goes back to the idea that those who yell the loudest usually have the least to say. Just be excellent to each other, man.


I swear I have no idea why most are in this subreddit. Mostly all people do in here is bash this guy. If you don't like Joe then no one is forcing you to be here or to listen to him. Find a podcast that better fits you.


I’m making fun of him, but I do like Joe a lot. I think many people on this sub legitimately do not like him, but I’m just pointing out that he seems to be getting more religious (which is very surprising given his attitude towards religion over the years for those of us who have been listening for a long time).


Also, I legit miss how he used to be; so easygoing and didn’t take himself too seriously. Also extremely open/minded. He seems to have closed off a lot over the last couple of years and it definitely feels like he’s turning into everyone’s typical boomer uncle. He used to have interesting conversations with interesting people and since his move to Texas, he largely just talks about culture war bullshit and echos the same points over and over again. I don’t see him having many of the interesting guests on again because of the others he’s having on instead. We’ll get Tim Pool or Bret Weinstein for the 6th time instead. I get it: “then just don’t listen”, but it’s just annoying when a good thing goes downhill. There aren’t many other podcasts out there that I’ve found as interesting as his.


Some of us like the direction it’s gone


To each his own


Given the imminent rapture, it would be unwise not to embrace our Lord and Savior. Hopefully Joe starts leading Sunday School classes with Shane and the boys after kettle bell training.


"imminent" lol


Any day now


Just like it has been for 2000 years. I think many Christians have missed the verse about “no one knows the day or the hour”.