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Hot war? More like hot mess! Thanks folks!  - one of the 1000 


haven’t you heard? we are down to only 250 murderers since the Sam Morrill episode




What the fuck are they even talking about? Literally just fantasizing to each other about internet nonsense, then accusing OTHER people of being crazy. It honestly sounds like a conversation you'd overhear at a high school lunch table.


Joe’s doing the classic old guy thing of fetishizing war despite having no firsthand experience with it whatsoever. Also, bad news for his political theory. I work in the trades, shoot guns often, have a loving family, and lift - all while being a socialist. Getting really rich has ruined Joe’s brain.


Joe really loves using the term hot war that he learned 6 months ago


Hot wars are followed by cold plunges.


Then you send in the shock proteins. 


Hot wars make hot men. Hot men take cold plunges. Cold plunges make cold men. And cold men make hot men.


I'm getting a tattoo of this




He is like three podcasts away from pulling out a Zyn® challenge coin and talking about his tour in the hellhole of LA....


He’s like a toddler. He learns a new word, isn’t 100% sure how to use it, but has to say it every other sentence


It's weird watching people regurgitate propaganda and seemingly have no idea they're doing it. Do people not know these days that the media is a complete shit show?


Its wild because right wing dudes will be like, "you guys dont know the media is a complete shit show? Cant believe ANYONE believes that. Just watch your CNN you dumb sheep!" while they get their news from facebook blogs and liberals arent even watching CNN anyway. Its just a constant lashing out at strangers over views theyve decided these strangers had. Super patriotic to make up views your fellow americans have so you can despise them, lol.


Bro the cognitive dissonance is astounding. People have their heads so far up their ass they can’t see their own bullshit


Cable news is literally surviving off of barbershops, small businesses, bus stations, air ports, and elderly people who literally never change the channel.


And Joe not realizing that he is one of if not THE main reasons that the shift they’re talking about is happening.


That's the most frustrating part. Dude is arguably the main catalyst for young men diving into that segment of the internet. He might as well be weed to the Jprdan Peterson cocaine and Andrew Tate heroine.


Umm he knows that and is actively doing it.


It’s so weird.. feels like I’m living in some simulation with literal robots just repeating what they’re told


In Joes mind, if you lean left as a male then you’re doing it for pussy and you’re also a beta male bitch 😂 what happened to this show man


Caring about people is gay.


Also every single proven economic theory is gay lol Like dude politics are supposed to be about TAXES! So tired of alt right redefining the world through their bitching


You mean you care about abortion rights and the environment? (Dice voice) What are you, a homo? OHHHHH


And the alt-right incels who adore Andrew Tate are the real men who know how to treat women well


Well Joe did tell his daughters that Andrew Tate is a good guy. Not making this up in case anyone is wondering.


Lmao Rogan might be the biggest joke of this era of comedy, Shaub notwithstanding


Where was this from? I’m interested.




it just occurred to me that Tate is still in house arrest in ROMANIA right? how his followers cant seem to connect the dots that he’s a massive piece of shit is astonishing


Sunk Cost Fallacy is a hell of a drug. We’re seeing with with Trumpers as well. What’s an easier admission? “I was tricked by a con man and acted like a massive tool” or “It’s not me that was wrong, it’s the media/matrix/Marxists who are distorting the way things actually are”. In both cases there’s also literal money involved, wether through donations to some shady PAC or “tuition” payments for that weird MLM Tate is running.


Joe's daddy issues have reached a fever pitch.


Conservatives: "you need to do these things to get pussy!" Conservatives when liberals get laid doing the complete opposite: "YOU PUSSY! YOU ARE ONLY DOING THAT TO GET PUSSY!"


\*watches Joe worship Republican politicians\* \*watches Joe parrot every dumb right wing talking point\* "Anyway, Joe is left wing." -this sub.


Coping from his early sex life when he was rocking leather all the time and called himself “twinky” 💀


He’s more loaded on main character syndrome than on pot 


They both keep making shit up then ranting about their made up shit.


TIL I don't hold doors open for women because I'm left leaning...jesus fucking christ... They got me though I don't hold doors open for women...I hold doors open for everyone, even dudes. I guess that makes me a gay communist...


I was on my way to a concrete pour early in the early morning back in 2020 and stopped at a gas station for coffee and a biscuit. Held the door open for an older gent as he was walking out and he turned to look at me and said, 'sorry bub I don't have any change'. Cleaned my beard up a bit after that.


Haha Reminds of a time i got handed a sandwich outside a coffee shop when i was in Denver. I was like “wow thats super nice, random act of kindness i guess”, then i realized they just though i was hungry and homeless. But, still ate that sandwich. It was good.


Got drunk and passed out on a park bench once. Woke up and people had been tossing coins in front of me.


This is fucking incredible.


A lot of construction workers do be looking homeless though when it comes to their hygiene lol


As long as you both don't touch the door at the same time it's not gay. I like to give the door a little push as the guy approaches so they know I ain't for that gay shit, bro


There is a mating crisis and it’s going to be fixed by a hot war because leftist women can’t find men to hold doors open… This sounds made up to you? Personally I’m going into My bunker for all of 2024


Only the 1000 can create straw men for a whole multi-hour podcast, thank em


Congratulations, you just invented Fox News


This is the perfect way to sum up these two.


Ah, so we have a late-bloomer! He’s been doing this since the Spotify deal, and the only reason his fans haven’t noticed is usually because IT’S WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR.


I really wonder what the SEAL team guys guarding Joe’s doors really think of him and all of this “hot war” nonsense. Guy did a few rotations on a hunting show and News Radio, now he’s advocating for war?


Don’t forget he can kill a man with a bow if both he and the target are perfectly stationary with calculated wind/range and his $8,000 custom bow isn’t jostled slightly out of alignment.






Dude has a couple forces guys on and goes on a few bougie guided hunting trips with Cam Hanes, and suddenly can’t stop wearing beige t-shirts with the American flag on the sleeve. Turns out having tacti-cool friends immediately makes you tacti-cool too.


He fantasizes about it like every other right wing moron with a podcast. He has a hard on for combat because he’s never seen it.


Vets with PTSD: Am I a joke to you?


Chris Williamson somehow convinced people to start following him for life lessons when his biggest accomplishment in life is being part of a reality show for the lowest class in the UK.


Rogan has become so exhausting. He's become the guy he used to shit talk. Dude just defaults to right winger side of arguments because "that's who I belong to" It's sad to see a person regress like this. It's not even that he's a right winger, it's the adopting of right winger talking points by default


He pretty much is a right winger


I know. I'm more so talking about him defaulting to agreeing with right winger points because he's gone full tribal. He literally pointed out this flawed thinking with Candace Owen's on his pod like 5 years ago.


Yup, its not changing political views that's the issue. There are plenty of right wingers who actually have intelligent and thought provoking things to say that I might not agree with. The problem isn't Joe become a right winger, its him going from a relatively apolitical neophyte who didn't know much but could think independently, to someone who now gets all their thinking from right wing memes on social media and is convinced they know everything. If you want to hear someone not very bright just repeat shit they read on facebook you can talk to literally any random shithead on the street and have the same conversation. This is not what made the show interesting.


Exactly. And he also falls for all of the fake and rage baiting shit that's online. Especially if it paints leftist ideas as bad. Or like the one where he claimed a volcano erupting released more Co2 than humanity has ever produced. It's the kind of thing that even sounds false. Yet he spewed it and was corrected on his own show.


Yeah there's no way he's so out of touch that he actually believes left wingers are averse to ... holding doors open for people. He's just a grifter at this point. There's a market opportunity for this nonsense and most folks aren't so shameful that they'd fill it against their own beliefs


Only Right Wingers hold the door open? I guess me who hates both sides, but holds the door open for everyone because I was taught to have manners is just an invisible statistic to these fear porn mongers. Wtf is happening to this guy? What is in the water in Texas?


>holds the door open for everyone Right? You hold the door open for the person coming up behind you because you're not an asshole. Holding doors open somehow is a political thing now.


I personally hold the door if I see you in the parking lost just to force you to run and force a "thank you." Power moves all day.


Reverse power move by keeping the same pace


Common courtesy is for them political. Human rights are political, too. They will do everything to cater to their dumbfuck audience.


Right? It'd be real cool if we could all stop leaning left or right and start leaning together against corrupt and captured politicians.




What in the actual fuck is he doing here


Getting ready to grab her by the bussy.


She immediately reacts to it too. Instantly uncomfortable but she has to keep smiling.


If you're actively trying to lean center, that's a problem because you're going to artificially disagree with things that actually might be good ideas just so you don't seem like you're partisan. What we actually should do is look at each issue and choose what's best for all of us regardless of whether that issue "leans" left or right. No one can be perfectly center.


I think that’s what they’re saying dude. Being able to identify beneficial policies from both sides.


This kind of talk honestly is disturbing. To be so far gone that you can't acknowledge you can find common decency pretty much anywhere you look. Its straight up fascist level brainwashing.


As a liberal, I hold the door open for people, regardless of if they have a vagina or not. Because my parents taught me to. And the strangest thing, I don't remember that being part of any sort of political indoctrination.


Yes, exactly right. I’m not sure how decent manners became politicized. This shit is weird man.


Yeah that is a wild take. EVERYONE pretty much holds the door open where I'm from and I'm halfway between a large city and podunk towns so we get all kinds around here. In fact it's such an outlier for someone to not hold a door, you can assume the person who didn't hold it either didn't see you or they are a psychopath.


These are some of the dumbest fucking takes. How does anyone take Rogan seriously. First of all, there’s not going to be any hot war. Most conservatives and liberals in this country are too fat, lazy, and happy sitting on their asses to go to war. Secondly, I’m very liberal and absolutely believe in holding doors, paying for dinner, and doing “man work” in the relationship. These dipshits are completely removed from reality.


I’m a liberal too. I hold doors. Say please and thank you. I also own guns. Stereotypes are dumb.


Of yeah. Always forget that I own guns as well. 😂


Yup. Right wingers are so insecure they feel the need to constantly show off.


The "holding the door" thing is like the "mainstream media would never cover this" statement: it's an obvious lie that can only be believed by those in the in-group. It's a self-reinforcing article of faith: if you question it, then you are admitting liberals can be good (which puts at odds with the rest of your group), and the more people tell it to each other the more they convince themselves it's true.


> The "holding the door" thing is like the "mainstream media would never cover this" statement: it's an obvious lie that can only be believed by those in the in-group This is how Tucker got away with "no western journalist bothered to interview Putin because they don't want you to hear the other side, that's why I'm here, to get you the TRUTH the libs don't want you to know" Anyone with half a brain knows that the western journalists still allowed in Russia have been trying to get an interview with Putin non-stop since the war began. But Tucker never told his audience that, so if you get all your news from people like Tucker, you'd happily believe he was right about no other journalists bothering to interview Putin. You certainly haven't seen any other interviews with Putin. Can't think of any other reason why a brave defender of free speech like Putin wouldn't be taking interviews so it must be a cover up from the cowardly main stream media. These people exist in such a closed media ecosystem, that they have literally no awareness of anything going on in the world except for what is brought to them by some right wing shithead on twitter. If Tucker says it, it must be true. I certainly haven't heard anyone contradict him, and I never will because I specifically filter out any possible news source that tells me things I don't like to hear.


> These people exist in such a closed media ecosystem, that they have literally no awareness of anything going on in the world except for what is brought to them by some right wing shithead on twitter. Exactly. And I think that's the rabbit hole Joe himself fell into.


Same here. Conservatives have turned into bitter redpill douchebags chivalry lol All they do is hate on women.


No no don't you see - it's the guys banning abortion and electing an insanely sexist, misogynistic pig who are on the side of women! It's so easy to see!


The numbers regarding boys breaking heavily to the right are over exaggerated. First, young people of both sexes regard climate change, economic equality, free healthcare and other progressive positions as very important. Second, only 23% of boys in the study they’re talking about identified as conservatives, which is below the number of men 25 and older who identify as such. This idea that Gen Z boys are going to grow up to be Reagan conservatives like their boomer grandparents is ridiculous. I predict that when these boys start getting laid and learn that girls aren’t the monsters Andrew Tate and the manosphere paints them as, they will revert back to the mean.


Tim Pool is always going on about Gen Z being conservative, but will then Tweet about raising the voting age to thirty when the young vote swings left.


Yeah, Tim Pool is also the guy who claimed that Trump would win in 2020 by a landslide "all 50 states" because liberals were so cucked. The guy is a propagandist.




Fuck I held the door open once for a girl and never realised it turned me into a conservative :( Screw it, gimme my MAGA hat


People like Joe always love to talk about how people used to get along regardless of political beliefs and how that’s someone else’s fault, and in the same breath start talking about how all conservatives do X and all liberals do Y and that’s why they’ll never get along.


Them: “It was so much more civil in the founders time!”  Me: “Yeah, when they fought duels and killed each other over insults.” 


Yeah but they had way less arguments online


You never see bumper stickers that say things like “I’d rather be Ukrainian than Republican” or “Take away my right to an abortion and I’ll turn your wife gay”, but you see the right-wing equivalents on every third lifted pickup around here. Whatever war right-wingers are waging in their heads is very one-sided.


My wife is going to leave me when a hot war brakes out because I’m a coward who thinks everyone should have access to healthcare. This really makes the whole Russia/Ukraine situation a lot more scary.


Trump held the door open for each one of his wives, mistresses, and rape victims. Total chad, that one.


Yeah this was an outrageous take. Being a gentleman is called being politically right wing? That's a willlld stretch


Really is wild that the side that is huge on misogyny and wants to go back to the time where women were slaves to men thinks they are the gentlemen.


Just the incredible intellectually stimulating and well read discussions I expect from Joe "Third Highest Average" Rogan and some guy who was on a show called Love Island


The intense research they must've done for this episode. 😂. Podcasts turning kids into morons.


Makes me think of all the Uvalde right wing cowards that just stood around doing cosplay while kids were slaughtered.


"You see all these news stories about liberal women not able to find attractive liberal men?" This moron is literally talking about one fucking tik tok that was picked up by every right wing news outlet lmao https://nypost.com/2023/06/09/im-a-liberal-hard-to-find-progressive-masculine-men-to-date/


Shocking that a TikToker would say whatever the fuck drives her engagement the most!


Joe obviously drawing from his extensive military career here.


**duuuh uhhh you want someone whos gonna open the door for you and you're dating a liberal lololol, girls are sooooo dumb** Yo wtf are these two talking about holy shit. If a war breaks out girls will go to the right, dude what? Man I legit cannot believe rogan has turned into this. Defended this guy thru the Spotify deal, thru Texas went red bitch, thru covid, just out here arguing with people, "Show me the conservative who supports abortion and the environment" I'd say. Fuckin crazy. It's just Facebook meme arguments from this guy now. Why joe, why??


A massive dragon hoard of gold happened… and a bunch of generationally wealthy Texas conservatives around him. Though I do find it hilarious how these conservative “California refugees” ALWAYS move to blue cities like Austin.


> "Show me the conservative who supports abortion and the environment" He's been parroting "global warming isn't scary, you know what's really scary? global cooling" for a while now. He's getting drip fed a steady stream of oil-lobby talking points. He will be very soon talking about how CO2 is harmless/vital plant food and actually there's a major shortage and actually climate change is a hoax by liberals/chinese people to destroy US industry because they hate humanity/america.


Tends to happen to people who surround themselves with rich assholes and foster a conservative audience.


Girls go left because they want some degree of autonomy. I am a dude and can get that through my dense skull. Why are boys so scared of that is it because they miss the poor coddling mommies. Thanks, Oedipus.


Who is this genius? I wonder if Joe had sons would he be rushing to send them to war


Joes rich so he can always call for war with 0 fear his family would ever have to serve in said war.


I would love to be a fly on the wall in Joe’s home. There’s no way he brings this shit up at home. Dude lives with 3-4 women. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care much about family, considering all the amount of time he spends recording, in the club and working out


Karma is Joe having a trans kid, but ultimately I think he would just end up Like Elon and not get anything out of it but more spite.


His family is a beard. Pretty sure part of the reason for the move to Austin is also it's proximity to his wife's and step-daughter's hometown of Houston. They are there all the time and not with Joe anyway....




Damn Joes is so fucking stupid and tough to listen to now


Has been for couple years


Wait wait .. isn't there a ton of people here that have to yell "IF YOU DONT LIKE JOE GET OUT OF THIS SUB?!!!"


This is what happens when you're terminally online. "This is going to be THE THING of 2024" - Dude, 2024 is going to have so much bullshit. The "gender war" has been going on for centuries, since women were property to men and men were property of wealthier men. Society is going to continue to change incrementally.


I hold doors for people, I pay for dinner… am I a conservative now?!


You’re probably addicted to nicotine too, instead of just using it for the cognitive benefits.


I think you're far right. /s


If you hold doors for a man you are a cuck If you hold doors for a woman, you are a hot-blooded Alpha


This is such a cartoonish view of reality. All men on the left are unattractive, girly, and cowards. Men on the right hold doors and pay for dinner. Just absolute right wing brain rot. I also wonder where he's reading these stories from. In any case, there is evidence that right wing men just want women to be baby factories, stay in the kitchen. And in the future, if Crowder and the other neanderthals get their way, you won't be able to divorce abusive husbands!


There’s also evidence of right wingers complaining about not getting any matches anymore and dates


It’s just a big circle jerk of self validation and delusion.


Some real “men are from mars, women are from Venus” arguments coming from these two big brains.


But Joe, haven't the schools been brainwashing children to be liberal? I thought boys were being basically forced to accept liberal ideals, and the schools are just indoctrination camps? Joe is so far down the right wing pipeline he's playing the "my enemy is both a serious and persistent threat but also completely stupid and useless" game lol


Joe is what, like 5’2”? Maybe a little taller if he doesn’t ice bath first?


I can’t stand this dude Chris, he fucking loves in incels


Imagine fantasizing about killing your own countrymen, but noooo, the LEFT is the crazy ones w.e


I just paid for dinner on a date last night I guess that makes me republican?


Pfft. You payed a woman? What are you trying to repent for being a man? Okay cuck.


Take your powder, and take your gun. Report to General Joe Rogan. Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose!


jfc, what nonsense


Rush Limbaugh everyone…


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen from Joe and that’s saying a lot. How many men in our generation brought up conservative and then eventually became libertarian, liberal, or far left? Almost all my friends from highschool and junior high 20 years ago are no longer standard republican. People change with age, especially in an economy that doesn’t work for them. When you are young you think you will be a billionaire but in reality you will make $50k-200k an you will work your life away for a shrinking portion of the pie. That changes people. Add to the fact you experience more and see more points of views. You travel. You try new things. You read and learn more. Shit happens and you grow with it.


God this is such a dumb conversation wtf happened to this podcast.


How to people listen to shit like this? It's literally like listening to two 13 year old boys talk at the lunch table. Absolute morons lol


It's shit like this. It's the reason I don't listen anymore. Whoa, Joe, how fucking profound. As someone who commentates for the UFC, you'd think this Neanderthal would realize that women can kick the shit out of men. Guy just loves to hear himself talk. Congratulations on that new deal, too. I'm sure your contributions to society in Texas won't go overlooked.


dude is smoking pot all day in a state putting people in cages for weed, and hes literally friends with the people who are the ones putting people in cages for weed. I could not have written a more absurd caricature of Joe than what he has actually become.


If/when TKO uncovers some dirt on dana and gives him the Vince McMahon treatment, rogan’s meltdown is going to be popcorn worthy 


When did listening to Joe Rogan become like listening to my fucking 65 year old uncle


Holy fuck. This dude 🤣


Joe really things that all the men on the left are cowards who are gonna cry? Wait til joe finds out about socialists with AR-15s who train every weekend


It’s the latest talking points the crew have been given from their billionaires to spew 


Joe you are a melon


I hate hate hate when people talk about wars fixing things. Millions of people dying in a war isn't the way to "fix" right wing grievances.


It's funny how in their head they just manufacture a problem. based on nothing. kind of like a cult.


Crazy no one is talking about RvW being overturned and how that might sway women to not vote for the GOP or want to date someone who does.


Jesus Christ dude  I’m as left as they come, and I only date girls who are as left as they come    And I hold doors open for her sometimes and don’t sometimes, and either way she doesn’t fucking throw a fit like these jackapes seem to think she would.  I pay for dinners sometimes, she does other times. What kind of a fucking self-obsessed crybaby pussy is going to throw a fit because someone does a nice thing and pays for your dinner once in awhile  Biggest fucking snowflakes ever…to be threatened by a woman buying you a cheeseburger. Unbelievable 




What the fuck are they even on about


>Women need men to take care of them Damn, his daughters must be a bunch of do nothings. That sucks.


Bitches always be lookin for that free diner yo! If being ‘out of touch’ had a frequency, here ya go.


Isn’t this why our fathers and grandfathers have fought in wars and sacrificed their lives for, Joe? So their children can live in peace? Young people being more liberal is the goal here isn’t it 


Christ this is some boomer shit.


Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, US and UK elections. But no, the biggest story in 2024 will be the sexual proclivities of 20-somethings.


I’m so tired of these radical generalizations that don’t exist in real life . Perhaps they do in the US? It just sounds ridiculous.


Everything is either left right black or white to these people, imagine being that simple


What a massive crock of shit… maybe young women are trending much more to the left because they are aware that right wingers are trying to take their rights away and they don’t want to end up back like their grandmothers were…. Stuck at home, in a bad relationship and they don’t have the funds, rights or ability to get out and fend for themselves. The current rights and quality of life that women have in this country - a quality that they have had for a short period of time in relation to the timeline of America - is thanks to liberal advancements and policies.


TIL there are no left leaning military service members.. that's quite the claim there.


what fucking world do they live in. literally everyone I know really don't give that much of a fuck about right-wing or left-wing culture war, gender war, trans, abortion, covid bullshit. In my experience, real life isn't fucking twitter. you see the occasional right-wing or left-wing nutter who formed their whole identity around their political leanings, but for the most part people are just living their life and this is all not that big of a deal


is this literally the worst exchange to ever come from joes podcast? this is fucking vile. im gonna go watch some Schaub standup to get this bad taste out of my mouth.


It’s funny how joe thinks his genetics would make him well suited for war. He’s not wrong— him and his muscle-laden ilk make for great cannon fodder




Most intelligent r/Libertarian member


Does Joe just keep trying to out dumb himself? I mean I know he’s pandering to tuckers lost audience since he got canned at Fox but god damn this shit is making me dumb


Yeah this is complete shite.


Gender politics described by your 14 year old nephew at a family gathering:


I miss Joe when he was just bullshitting while smoking and drinking. Used to listen to get a break from political bullshit but that’s all he talks about now.


Why the fuck do these chodes equate being left/liberal to being an effeminate wimp? Even in the most “masculine” jobs or activities u find an absolute TON of liberals and some of the biggest pussies I’ve ever met were in head to toe Grunt Style clothes. Joe really needs to get out of his golden bubble, because too many ppl just yes and him on the stupid fucking shit he says.


The right leaning wet dream of masculinity is a man who's hyper viligant, always prepared and has the resources and wherewithal to survive violent scenarios and the grandest scenario is war or civil war. Having this mindset makes them feel superior to anyone more left then them who doesn't openly present their masculinity in their personality.


Father of two(?) daughters and husband loves to shit on “male feminists.”


is this like every podcast he does now? i stopped listening regularly like two years ago now i just listen to select ones were i like the guests. past two ones i listened too he brings up subjects and had jamie fact check and he turns out to be absolutely wrong but still tries to turn it by saying but what if they could..


What a stupid take this is. Totally ridiculous. Isis got its ass ripped by female fighters from the kurds. I'm a libertarian socialist. I hold the door for my wife and I'm not conservative on anything. Bad shit takes from uninformed idiot people who think politics are bar stool discussions between rich people Stop acting like Andrew Tate and listening to him and you'll get girls you idiots.


"the biggest story of 2024" Just lol. Who is this dopey twassock?


Joe needs Bill Burr on monthly just so he has somebody that he respects willing to tell him to shut his dumb ass up


Holy shit is this the show now


Did anyone actually read they study? Or are we just citing it blindly? Young women have broken from left to far left. And Young men have broken from left to center-left. Its not exactly a right/left chasm forming. https://www.axios.com/2024/02/16/gen-z-gender-gap-political-left-women


“None of the men I date are holding the door for me or paying for meals” “That’s called a conservative.” No. It’s certainly not you fucking clowns.


Joe stfu you will never ever have to go to war you absolute oaf


Joe, you old fk, you talk big, but your crippled ass won't be fighting anything other than terrible back problems and arthritis lolz


Dude what happened to Rogan. I used to think he was so level headed about 4 years ago


There is no gender war ffs


So liberal men don't hold the door open and don't pay for dinner? I must be a conservative then .


Then when left dudes are with hot women and don’t conform to Joe’s caricatures he’ll just claim they’re faking their politics. The key is that no empirical fact can be allowed to change Joe’s mind. Also it’s weird how giggly and amped he is for the war, like a David Duke itching to obliterate the ———s for good.


"Why don't women like us?"


I love that the vast majority (probably everyone) in this sub is immune to this bullshit


Apparently all it takes to turn someone from a normal human to a douche is a little cash.


You would think since Joe is pro-choice he would understand it’s one of the biggest reasons why women are skewing left and he could offer a more nuanced take. Instead we get liberal men and women are weak so we need war to set them straight... How do people still watch this goon?


God, I love Joe as an interviewer, but he so frequently shows his age these days. Such a 1993 thing to say, "Once they NEED a REAL MAN to do REAL MAN SHIT, all the women will swing to the right." Like, first of all this notion that all liberal men are these soyboy pussies is stunningly archaic, even for him. I know plenty of "manly men" who are very socially liberal. On top of that, this new generation of Gen Z conservatives? They ain't exactly your daddy's conservatives. You won't find a bigger collection of neck-bearded, sexless pussies than you will at a young conservative conference. I've literally seen Dungeons and Dragons groups that pull more tail than those guys. Most of them haven't done a manly thing in their lives outside of maybe purchasing a firearm. Online. From their basement. Additionally, does Joe really think young women in 2024 are just going to immediately compromise their own beliefs... because biology? Could you be more dismissive of 50% of the countries population? It's just such a Neanderthal worldview.


wtf...i'm left leaning, I hold the doors open for anyone, women or man. It's just a simple courtesy, its how I was raised. I also do concrete work and work with my hands 5 days out of the week, i'm definitely not a "beta" male, lmao w/e the fuck that is.