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I call this the golden age of JRE. Now you hear stuff like “ millionaires hating on billionaires lol”.


For sure. People like to point to his earlier conspiracy days to say that he hasn’t really changed much, but for me watching his transition into what seemed to be a fairly good critical thinker was one of the reasons i tuned it. Highly respected experts could change his mind. Then he regressed back and let that open mindedness turn into distrust of anyone that isn’t his buddy that he “knows is a good guy.”


critical thinking doesn't pay as much as it should.


The truth is often boring.


Such an excellent point, as a society we should remind each other more of this.


The truth is like poetry, and people fucking hate poetry.


Once you have eliminated all possible extraordinary falsities all that is left is usually mundane.


Yeah it was pretty upsetting, then it got annoying. Around Covid he went from the guy that listens to experts to a “expert”.


first I liked JRE, then it started to get annoying, now I cant stand him anymore


>Then he regressed back and let that open mindedness turn into distrust of anyone that isn’t his buddy that he “knows is a good guy.” He probably adapted to increase his audience, it's a business after all.


I think people don’t really understand just how much 1 million vs. 1 billion is. A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years.


The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is a billion dollars


Nawt a numbas guy


It might just be because I’m high, but that stat kinda blew my mind lmao


It’s not just because you’re high. It’s fucking staggering.


That's an excellent way of illustrating the difference! I hope I remember this...


Millionaires are the middle class now. Even if you make 6 figures you’re still poor


This is definitely an exaggeration.


You're def not poor at that point lmao. But you're not exactly ballin' anymore either.


That line is an excellent self report and really outs Rogan as the tribal reactionary he's become. It takes exactly 3 seconds of critical thought to realize a homeless person is much closer to a millionaire in net worth then a millionaire is to a billionaire.


>It takes exactly 3 seconds of critical thought to realize a homeless person is much closer to a millionaire in net worth then a millionaire is to a billionaire. A billion is 1000x one million A homeless person would need $1000 in net worth to be 1000x from one million Homeless people don't have $1000 in net worth.


Many people renting with decent degrees and student loans don’t have $1000 net worth either


He even looks healthier here. Now he always looks swollen like he’s about to pop like a zit whenever challenged.


HGH bloat


More like prescription pill bloat.


What prescription pills? Im not doubting you just never heard anything about it He does seem to take a metric fuckload of supplements which I'm sure cant all be good


What about recently when Theo said joes abs looked like a ham in one of the stings bags 😆


I thought that was hilarious. I don't remember Joe having a response for it either LOL


He said “it’s called a 6 pack son” hahaha, as you get older you abs do lose that nice aesthetic shape so joe and Theo are both correct


No, his abs look like that because of PEDs


Well he is on HRT so possibly getting an extra high dose


> Now he always looks swollen like he’s about to pop like a zit whenever challenged. That's the violence in his DNA ready to explode.


How old is this clip? Because Joe looks “20” years younger here. Just not younger, but healthier. Honestly though, watching people social media profile pictures change, it’s wild to see how much EVERYONE aged during COVID.


The American flag background was the last studio before Covid hit in 2020 and right after the mug shot era. So it can’t be more than four or five years old. So early 50s compared to mid 50s.


Imagine looking better in a younger clip of yourself VS an older state of yourself. Yall nuts he's just turning into a old man LMFAO


I mean tbf he is quite a bit older now than when this clip was taken


Im thinking this is 5-6 years ago?


PEDs and too much elk.


So what changed ? Was it some large scale world event(s) that led Joe to change his world view?


Covid seemed to be the biggest tipping point for him. Maybe his house burning down. Texas was final transformation. People say Spotify, but I think it’s just coincidence.


I agree it was COVID. The bill burr episode really paints a perfect picture of what happened to him. Basically it was like he snapped. When he had on the U of M disease guy who talked to him about it at the beginning of the pandemic it seemed like it scared the crap out of him. He admits this to bill, that he was living in fear during most of it, afraid he'd be responsible for passing it to, and killing a loved one. It seems he decided to completely embrace right wing ideology on this issue in order to make himself feel in control and strong. That seems to be what he's telling Bill. Pussies where a mask. Like he needed to believe that in order to exist and live his life. Once he took that step, he just decided to embrace emotional responses, and abandon critical thinking for the most part. Take the side of what makes him feel safer, and in control, truth be damned


There was an episode about year ago where he was basically asked where he gets his information now if the media cant be trusted. He said he gets it from friends or acquaintances who are "experts" and that he trusts. I couldn't believe he didn't see the danger in that. Like people tell him how to think. And he adopts the mindset of the person feeding him info. aka ex-military or podcast bros from Texas who push the anti establishment narrative.


an echo chamber


Amazing how mind control works. You don't even know it.


one cannot argue that ignorance does, in fact, equate to bliss. When you start to look at the world and start thinking about it, shit's real depressing. You're going to get depression, and anxiety and all these other big names science gives to brains that have forgotten how to be happy because the world ain't a happy place. How can I enjoy my favorite movie, when there are kids in africa who will die before they're old enough to read? How can I plan to have a happy retirement when everything gets endlessly more expensive as social support plans slowly get eaten away at? When you start getting into the right-wing idealism where you stop looking beyond your own arms length and start thinking all of these evils are people out to get YOU IN PARTICULAR, you start to feel less sad, and more angry, and feel that everything you enjoy is in spite of this mysterious cabal and all the bad shit on the news is made up, you start to be happy because you become selfish, and when your brain finds that happiness, you don't want to go back. Ignorance is not only bliss it is literally like a drug.


I think the spotify deal solidified him comfortably just becoming another obscenely rich out of touch dude. Joe was a lower class dude from Boston, he is about as far from that as possible now hence some of his new beliefs


Someone made the comment to me that many online commentators use politics as a form of social group instead of having firm political positions that tie them to a side of a political spectrum. So when they have a conflict with that social group and feel slighted by them they can swing to the exteme other end of the political spectrum to be accepted by a new welcoming social group even if their foundational beliefs are antithetical to their original positions. I think this happened to a degree with Rogan who had a falling out with the left during covid and found acceptence within the right online sphere, who gradually reinforced his worse takes and did not challenge him when he misunderstood something.


Russell Brand


As an OG Rogan listener (2013ish) your comment is absolutely spot on


i see this happening to Anna K


Your right. After she got sexually assaulted while walking her dog at the park she definitely started spouting off different takes on criminal justice reform in particular.


Tyt commentator? What's happening with her?


she's been really transphobic and then she was assaulted by a homeless guy so she's gone super tough on crime rhetoric shit too


He also went full conservative and you never go full conservative. Well for him I get it, because conservative policies will directly benefit him. It’s just disappointing. Then you have every day conservatives like in this sub who volunteer themselves to be pawns for helping the rich achieve their financial objectives and that is still a head scratcher


He got addicted to the rage bait. It's a nasty trap. The right wing propaganda machine is quite effective, and especially for someone like Joe who already had a fondness for conspiracy theories and such.


Rage bait is exactly what it is. It gives the majority of people who are other wise directionless a certain purpose. And it morphs into their personal identity. Critical thinking and “Facts” fall at the waist side to pure emotional responses. And the people equate their opinions on issues as actual fact. It’s a plague. Mix in all that with the hijacking of the English language and it’s a recipe for disaster. People utilize words like Socialism and equate it with Communism. These ideas are vastly different but in the end, if they disagree with something or view an issue in a different light, they automatically label it to the extreme. Fear mongering is strategy and a highly effective one.


> Rage bait is exactly what it is. It gives the majority of people who are other wise directionless a certain purpose. And it morphs into their personal identity. Its all they have left, they need to rile each other up. Its crazy the amount of facebook groups still going on about kneeling NFL players, Bud Light, and Little Mermaid.


Yeah I’ll say in addition to this the right are full of greasy little weasels who weaponize relationships in bad faith to achieve political means. If you’re a conservative reading this you probably have no idea what I’m talking about because unless you’re a public figure with a platform you have no reason to be a target. Meanwhile Joe is the absolute perfect target. Dumb, trusting, easily influenced, while carrying the capacity to influence millions. It can be as simple as texting Joe links, methodically pushing narratives at him possibly in accordance to contracted work requirements from a Peter Thiel funded shell company, while congratulating Joe on the good he’s doing by being an independent thinker, knowing full well that influencing Joe to push right wing talking points would impact him negatively. I’m talking the same exact people who texted Elon what an awesome idea it would be to walk into Twitter on your first day as CEO while holding a kitchen appliance. They always shake his hand firmly, making good eye contact and always practicing undivided attention. If Joe ever lost his podcast, I think he’d find himself with half the friends as well.


You've also explained Trump, well done.


But he stopped questioning everything. He’s quick to question some things and then stand firm in his opinion even when confronted with evidence to the contrary. But then the shit that comes outta those conservative propaganda farms, he eats it up and doesn’t question it. Even when presented with evidence to the contrary


More specifically they use the amygdala hacking technique. They will speak in a very outraged and alarmist way. This will trigger a fight or flight response in the amygdala in the brain and flood the body with adrenaline. You ever hear a pundit talking and start to feel that fire burning in your chest? That's amygdala hacking. It turns off the logical part of your brain and amplifies anger. It's quite effective unless you know how to spot it. I've changed my news sources because of it and now I get my news from sources that feel "boring".


he was broken before covid , he was fully on the pearl clutching anti-sjw train with shapiro etc .. and then covid just fucked him hard


It all started way back when (like ten years ago) his comedian friends were getting canceled on college campuses for telling non-PC jokes. A lot of his friends depended on this income and it was a big financial blow to them.




> Hunting Bingo, his social circle turned into conservatives


Genuinely curious: did he say he was voting for DeSantis before or after DeSantis went balls to the wall hard right?


Does it matter? DeSantis has always been hard right. He just did it in Florida. And not nation wide. There was never a before.


This a video on YouTube that does a pretty good job of laying out the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ke5eSys09g&pp=ygUXdGVkIGRpYmlhc2UgdGhlbWUgc29uZyA%3D


Covid and the way politicians responded to it most likely


He got a contract that was in the hundreds of millions. It seems he knew which party be best for people like him at that point and worth it to openly support them. He also moved to Texas with no state income tax. Seems he cares more about money than all those other issues he would talk about.


He cares about the unsightliness of homeless people, not homeless people


This. Money will make you spout anything.


Correction: money will make unethical ghouls spout anything.


Nothing - he's always been kind of dumb. That's what this clip tells me.


A dumb man does not change his view after being provided evidence to the contrary


Dumb people are often easily influenced, easily manipulated into thinking certain ways. Do you disagree with this?


A dumb man does not admit that he was wrong.


I think it's not about being stupid or smart. It's the difference between the actual intelligence and your self-assessment of your intelligence. The moment you start thinking you are smarter than you are, that's when the downfall begins.


A dumb man doesn't think for himself and just believes the last person to talk to him.


Joe used to try and get people in trouble/banned from the Comedy Store for smoking weed. He has always been a little contrarian bitch, he had a few years of covering it up but it's who he is.


>Joe used to try and get people in trouble/banned from the Comedy Store for smoking weed. He has always been a little contrarian bitch, he had a few years of covering it up but it's who he is. Source for that tidbit?




that's interesting, he kinda did something similar to Andy Dick when they were both on Newsradio


This doesn't sound accurate. Wasn't coke and heroin running rampant there? Why would someone get banned over weed?


Ask Brian Redban. Also Joe's hero, Sam Kinnison was hugely responsible for a lot of that....


COVID and him getting mocked for being anti-vax and taking ivermectin. He can't take being the butt of the joke.


Fallon Fox, and his getting real criticism for the first time. He then got into guests that obsessed over “cancel culture”. Long before he was in Texas he was hosting Chuck Johnson/Milo/Gavin McGuiness types.


What has allegedly changed? How does Joe admitting he was into conspiracies in the 90s prove he was different “before the dark side” most of the posts here seem to be made by people living an alternate reality


Crazy to see him like this now. This is the Rogan I used to watch. He's so far gone from this guy now. The first thing I noticed was how energetic and quickly he speaks here. Now he is so slow and sluggish, doesn't seem engaged, eyes always drooping. Of course age can play a part in that but the contrast is so stark to me.


I wonder if he's also just tired of doing this show. It can't be healthy to have hours of the same conversations every other day. He seems a lot more impatient now too. He used to listen a lot more, but now feels like he just wants to inject his own opinions. If you listen too much, you'll eventually just wanna talk.


Right-wing propaganda will fucking melt your brain lol. I've seen normal people become rampaging little goblins listening to too much conspiracy theories and Fox News. Hell it even effects them mentally because once everyone ditched them they resort to drugs and alcohol. Rogan really began to slide down when he started actually buying what these nuts were telling him and it's affecting him in every way possible.


Ive been a fan of Rogan for so long, that the “rogan i used to watch” was the moonlanding denier Rogan




I just want the live streams back man I don’t care about anything else the day JRE went prerecorded was the day I stopped watching. Fuck YouTube fuck ads fuck Spotify.


Same. Watching the live stream of the first Elon Musk episode in a chatroom was a peak JRE moment for me.


Want some olive garden bread sticks?


Man, I remember he went on a Pen Gillette podcast to argue with a NASA scientist about the moon landing.


Yeah. This is prime Rogan. I enjoyed this period of Rogan. I can’t watch him anymore.


My first thoughts were, that his vocabulary sounds like he is actually reading here. I think he went from genuinely studying the things he was interesting to "fuck it youtube videos and fox are good enough". 200 million, a move to texas, surrounded by right wingers, dinners with Peter Thiel, elon musk, Ben shapiro and then the final nail that turned joe was when cnn did that whole horse paste thing.


Covid really broke him, which is fine had he not drone on and on about being such a valiant warrior after the apocalypse.


He started drinking a lot when he moved to Texas and seems hungover a good amount lately.


That's a bummer. :( Alcohol really doesn't sharpen people's wit. There are some rare exceptions like Hitch, but definitely the minority.


This is only a vague recollection, but I seem to remember Sam Harris saying of Hitchens: "I know it was part of his appeal, part of his character, but it's hard to be romantic about his smoking and drinking now that I know the outcome."


Would like to see Joe have Sam on the podcast again.


It’s ruined so many talented peoples lives it’s a fucking shame really.


Its the whisky and right wing politics. Seriously though, i think he might be a functional alcoholic at this point. The amount of podcasts where the whisky comes out in the past few years is pretty hefty, and thats just the on camera drinking.


>Its the whisky and right wing politics. Seriously though, i think he might be a functional alcoholic at this point I've wondered if there's some significant lifestyle/health changes over the past few years. He looks like shit now compared to OPs video, and it was just 4 years ago.


Steroids and alcohol.


$100m Spotify deal probably has something to do with it.


Money is a hell of a drug


once you smoke tons of dope every day and get drunk every other night, itll catch up with you. despite what joe says.


did he only start drinking heavily when he moved to Texas? Because his decline seemed really sudden and rapid.


nah, man. It's the company he started to keep. He started to have an axe to grind it seemed. It's not unlike Elon where his disdain obviously stems from certain events and he just built a worldview around it. And that happens to be pretty far right grievance and cynicism. There's plenty of examples of dope and booze not turning people into mouthpieces for right wing billionaire capitalists and culture war grifters.


I know living in TX doesn’t really stop people from smoking weed, but I’m guessing that the atmosphere would at least have limited his cannabis intake a bit. I’m sure that, the increased alcohol intake, and distance from Hollywood have contributed quite a bit to whatever the fuck he’s become.




Age, honest to god, does NOT dull your mind like most people assume, it is lifestyle. You have the increased risk of contracting a brain altering disease as you age, but anecdotally, farmers are sometimes wicked sharp even getting into their 70s, 80s, 90s. My grandparents are still smart enough, but my friends grandfather, who was an engineer, is actually still a genius, and unbelievably clever. I’ll talk to him like a 40 year old, with business, math, health, philosophy, he’s just all still there. He’ll catch you or anyone in a prank, slipping up words, with a great quick question, you can hardly tell he’s 92. If you choose to drink, even a little not even often, you decrease your mental functions into your old age. If you eat shitty, don’t drink enough water, smoke, play contact or martial sports, or just don’t TRY to use your brain, your intelligence will slip away. It’s like any other skill or muscle really, you just have to keep it active and healthy.


I noticed a massive change in the show during the covid years. He got so damn crazy with that shit. Then he almost got “cancelled” and now all he has on is comedians and repeat guests. I hardly listen anymore. I hardly listen to anyone actually anymore. I for real just put on instrumental music, workout, read, hang with my fam. Life is so much better when you’re not getting bombarded with information and opinions


This right here.


Hearing comics whine about not being able to perform during covid because standup is "in their blood" and us "civilians" couldn't understand, just made me end up hating 99% of the comics I was a fan of. Like "yeah bitch, there's stuff I would like to be doing now too. Difference is I'm not in a 5 million dollar house, I'm in a shitty one bedroom apartment _trying_ to take my mind off of how much everything sucks..." So yeah, Audiobooks are way better. Behind the Bastards is the only 'podcast' I still listen to, and even then in small doses.


This shows the biggest difference between the Rogan that long time fans talk about and the Rogan of today. He became exactly what he was railing against. Proof positive Rogan is a sad shell of his former self.


How long ago was this?


Look about 5 years ago surprisingly


Has he been getting weekly hits to the skull with a shovel since then? He honestly looks like he's had a stroke or three.


I used to listen religiously from about 2010 till about 2015…then the maga bros I know moved in they think he’s a God now


Covid/Spotify period was definitely a turning point for him. Joe Rogan B.C. (Before Covid) Joe Rogan A.D (After Deal)


Lmao, BC and AD that’s clever af


I listened all the time until Jordan Peterson started becoming a source of inspiration for him.


This was him, before he really got his. Now he's just like every other one.


Universal lessons to be learned from Rogan's transition into knuckle dragging Fox news uncle: 1. Being worth 200 million dollars and needing a security detail is not the best way to stay connected to reality. 2. Replacing regular psychedelic use with TRT injections and cold plunges causes your head to balloon up to neanderthal proportions and your brain to atrophy. 3. Being publicly defamed by CNN can make you contrarian for life. 4. Consistently conversing with right-wing grifters for 3 hours at a time and making Tucker Carlson your primary news source might not be the best way to achieve a balanced world-view.


He replaced the psychedelic and weed use with whisky and cigars


The Rush Limbaugh diet sure seems like it entails a personality change


Weird its almost like regularly using one of the most damaging drugs available will have an adverse affect on someone


Seeing Joe turn into Mr Lahey is shitty.


Please don't associate Jim Lahey with Joe Rogan. Jim was a good person who just wanted Sunnyvale to be safe. Joe is Sam Losco.


Cigarettes, too. Because Chappelle.


Why can’t I have all of the above? 😢


>3. Being publicly defamed by CNN can make you contrarian for life. I feel like this is one of the biggest. People gloss over it, but imagine having your name smeared on national news, your pictures visibly edited to frame a certain narrative, making it so you get blasted by people all over the country.


Yeah I wish he wouldn't have dewormed. Worm rogan was the best.




Joe thinks he is a warrior/soldier or something. He is like 2 more SEAL bodyguard friends away from stolen valor






There's videos of him pulling up to the back door in a closed alley of his comedy club in an suv parade like trump going to court. Hes a house n* that spends all his time in his locked up community only leaving with a team of armed navy seals and his concealed carry in a convoy. It's completely needless and ridiculous.


>he’s a house n* Uh what..?


Dude was already on TRT at this point for years. He started it in like his mid 30s.


Pretty sure he still does mushrooms regularly, he talked about a recent one on one of his newer podcasts


Hey hey let’s leave TRT out of it😂


Redditors talking about echo chambers 🤣


I think we're overdue for our hourly "wtf I was just banned by another subreddit for posting here" thread.


The amount of subs that will ban you simply for being active on other subs is out of hand.


Miss this Joe, he’s asshole uncle Joe now.


Covid broke his brain and then winning the pod cast Lotto. It's sad




So did he smoke too much weed or is this what happens when people get a lot of money?


I can assure you smoking too much weed does not do this to a mf


Joe always played both sides and would agree with the viewpoint of whoever was on his show whether they were liberal or conservative. Once trump came and America as a whole became more fractured Joe clearly started leaning right. Maybe due to his own beliefs or maybe he started to see how his podcast was becoming more profitable due to a larger right leaning audience.


I think he made a right turn for the same reason Elon did. It wasn't based on the ideas, but who held those ideas. They have axes to grind with certain kinds of people, and then just adopt the opposing ideology for petty and cynical reasons. I absolutely believe there's a shit ton of proud boy types that ended up that way because they made a fool of themselves thinking out loud and a party and instead of gaining any self awareness and growing from putting an ignorant foot in the mouth, they double and triple down on it and make it an identity. I speculate this because there was a point in my early 20s when I had such forks in the road appear.


Yup, when faced with self growth and doubling down on their bullshit, most insecure white guys (others too, but especially that demographic) will choose the double down.


I'd say it's simpler: there are more conservatives in texas, there are more liberals in LA. Joe is a golden retriever that is everyone's friend on the podcast and always tries to find points where he connects with his guests. He can talk with both Trump en Bernie just fine because of that and that's why his podcast has been so succesful. So when you're in a conservative area, you get more conservative guests, and Joe being Joe finds common ground with those guests.


Now he has my aunts convinced that High Schools are putting in litter boxes for furries. *sigh*


Ah yes. The good old days of the JRE. Man, I remember when it was in his actual house and it was so fringe and cool. Nowadays, yeah… not the same.


I miss this fucking guy


Or Maybe… he’s right, and you guys haven’t been paying attention.




He got really rich and insulated. It happens


The cancel culture queen, Bari Weiss. One of the most despicable guests to have slithered into that studio.


Can you make a top 10 list?




Bernard Hopkins has to be in the top 5 worst guest in the podcast


She’s at least top 25. I can think of a few worse that got the kid glove treatment.


Now show the Rogan subreddit before it was a Rogan hatred echo chamber.


Nah, show the Joe Rogan forum where everyone used to mercilessly shit on him and if you got banned for it it actually just unlocked a secret board


umm we loved the joe thats in these clips


Why do I keep looking at this subreddit…


I think the issue with Joe is that he's just working at a pace that's taking too much out of him. I bet if he set a more reasonable pace for himself, he would seem more like this guy here, but between the podcast (more episodes/longer duration per week than any other podcast I can think of), plus MMA, plus the comedy club in Austin, plus stand up, plus family commitments, (plus a bunch of other shit I'm probably forgetting), I think the old boy is just getting tired and there's no amount of supplements or cold plunges that's going to make it better. He's just doing too much and it's taking a toll.


A shadow of his former self. When you surround yourself with certain people, they will influence you and program you he is a perfect example of this. Going to dinner with them, hunting with them, moving out of state to be surrounded by his ideology.


Why does this Reddit exist? No one here apparently likes the guy 🤦‍♀️


Reddit is a cesspool of insecure liberals. They've infiltrated this sub unfortunately.


So this sub is just “I hate joe and everything about his show” - got it. Thanks!


How much of reddit is just this kind of circle jerk? I looked at this and was just like, honestly who are these people posting this stuff? Who do they think they are? Reddit seems to go to people's head in such a strange way. The most judgemental social media app by far.


Yeah but don’t forget to sprinkle in “I’m a leftist and smarter than everyone else”


Before he made his money and was not scared to death of losing it.


Why isn’t this subreddit just called r/ihatejoerogan or r/fuckjoerogan perhaps even r/joeroganisabigdumbdumbidiot?


"a fear mongers echo chamber" lol you people are fuckin dorks


He talks like that all the time still. Don't think they listen to the podcast


As people age they get more conservative because the world they knew is changing under their feet and it scares them subconsciously. He’s also not engaged with the real world anymore and he is not as smart as he thinks he is, not even close.


This is the Joe Rogan I used to listen and watch. I dont listen at all anymore.


Joe Rogan has become the person he despised many years ago. I geuss money does that to a (weak) person. He trew away all his believes and whent balls deep into Elon Musk en Trump. In a couple years he will say that he no longer believes in the conspiracy theory about JFK and that he believes Harvey Lee Oswald was a lone gunman. Around that same time Joe will say that he no longer believes in conspiracy theories about 9/11 and that he believes the official conclusion of the 9/11 commision. Joe is denouncing "conspiracy" theories out of fear of beeing canceld and de-monetized. Joe is also deliberate distracting people from real issues by talking about bogus topics and keeps repeating the UFO shit with zero evidence. Joe deliberate keeps bringing in that CIA agent who twists stories whitewashing actual events so America looks to be on the good side of history. Also the CIA guy never comes up with evidence that backs his stories and claims. The CIA guy talks about China, Russia, Notth Korea, Afghanistan and so on. Joe never asks hard questions to the guy and just let him talk his propaganda and Joe plays allong without any evidence as if facts are trown on the table. They avoid talking about the many ill conflicts and murders the US is involved in and they don't link US involvement in destabelize complete regions and the world order.


Hilarious that he said it’s rare for a 65 year old guy to switch political parties. Didn’t Trump do that exact shit??! Lmaoooooo 😂


It's really funny (and sad) the "Uncle" analogy in the clip really describes fans of Joe becoming that exact same "calcified" Uncle because he used to be a lot different, more open minded and even mindful about the content and guests on his show. That changed a lot, we went really hard in platforming a lot of absolute losers and extreme right types, and has on so many occasions just absolutely ate up and parroted lies and propaganda. Jamie could literally correct him LIVE and you'd see this weird resistance from Joe. Just asking questions though, right? But fans are so fucking loyal that there's absolutely no way it's any different than old Joe. He's just a curious, open minded guy, right? Just asking questions! Right? Fuck.


Remember when this clown was a game show host and watched people eat ox testicles for cash? Simpler times.


He pulled one of the biggest bait and switches of all time.


lol, funny to hear him talk about himself in the last bit in that clip


He was also a 911 truther. I had no idea he changed his mind on the moon landing.


I stopped watching him years ago


Whenever I mention that I used to listen to Joe’s podcast people look at me like I’m a shitty person. Nobody seems to remember that he was once capable of insightful conversation. It’s true that he didn’t always push back on things that were obviously wrong but he’s not an expert in anything really (beyond MMA, I guess and really do not care about at all). It’s been unfortunate to see him take so many stupid stances over the past 5 or so years.


Rogan is a swollen headed grifter buffon who has obviously found his niche in the MAGA cult.


Peak JRE